ŞCOALA NAŢIONALĂ DE STUDII POLITICE ŞI ADMINISTRATIVE FOCUS ON COMMUNICATION TEXTS AND EXERCISES FOR ADVANCED STUDENTS Lect. univ. drd. Diana Iulia NASTASIA Cadrul general al cursului Cursul de limba engleză, nivel mediu-avansat, îşi propune să dea studenţilor care urmează cursurile Facultăţii de Comunicare şi Relaţii Publice în sistemul Învăţământ Deschis la Distanţă (IDD) posibilitatea de a învăţa şi exersa situaţii comunicaţionale şi terminologia specifică teoriilor comunicării, de la foarte simplu la complex. Fiecare curs este conceput în patru părţi, de aproximativ aceeaşi mărime şi importanţă în structura generală. Cea dintâi componentă este una comunicaţională, descriind modelele de conversaţie şi scriere corectă şi politicoasă în limba engleză, de la prezentare până la scrisori oficiale sau interviuri pentru obţinerea unui post, de la modalităţi de concepere a unui articol sau interviu pentru un ziar până la organizarea unor conferinţe de presă. A doua structură cuprinde scheme de bază din gramatica limbii engleze, începând cu verbul, cel mai important şi mai dificil subiect de discutat; fiecare problemă este exemplificată cu exerciţii şi traduceri care vor ajuta studenţii să înţeleagă mai bine partea teoretică. Partea a treia conţine texte de comunicare în care apar noţiuni întâlnite în celelalte cursuri ce vor fi studiate în facultate, texte adaptate după autorii clasici în domeniu despre componentele comunicării, propagandă, presă scrisă şi electronică, relaţii publice, creare de imagine, structura organizaţiei, imaginea politică, imaginea comercială; astfel, studenţii vor învăţa cum se exprimă aceste noţiuni în limba engleză, pentru a putea face comparaţia cu termenii româneşti. A patra componentă a cursului cuprinde exerciţii de vocabular uzual la început pentru ca pe parcurs să evolueze către probleme mai nuanţate şi cât mai apropiate de domeniul comunicării sociale şi al relaţiilor publice. Structura cursului Cursul 1: Communication – Past and Future; Presentation; The Indicative Mood Cursul 2: Propaganda and Persuasion; Making Phone Calls; The Indicative Mood – Simple and Continuous Tenses Cursul 3: Masses or Elites?; Writing letters; Passive Voice Cursul 4: The Power of the Press; Official Phone Calls and Letters; Conditional Clauses Cursul 5: The Newspapers and the Magazines; Commercial Correspondence; The Subjunctive Cursul 6: The Radio and the Television; Searching for a Job; Modal Verbs Cursul 7: Revision Cursul 8: What is Public Relations?; Pro and Against Written Discourses; Oral Debates; Infinitive and Gerund Cursul 9: Who Is the Image Builder?; Rules of a Written Article; The Direct and the Indirect Speech Cursul 10: The Organisation; The Interview; Phrasal Verbs Cursul 11: The Image of the Politician; Memos, Reports, Newsreleases; Phrasal Verbs Cursul 12: Marketing; The Press Conference; Phrasal Verbs Cursul 13: The Image of a Product; Negotiations; Phrasal Verbs Cursul 14: Revision 2 Modalitatea de evaluare Condiţia de intrare în examen este rezolvarea prealabilă în scris a exerciţiilor din curs în variantă personală. Examinarea propriu-zisă va consta dintr-un test scris pe durata unei ore şi dintr-o discuţie de cinci minute cu profesorul. În acest fel evaluarea se va face dupa analiza tuturor componentelor care sunt absolut obligatorii pentru acordarea unei note la limba straină: activitate individuală, scriere şi vorbire. Graficul de examinare Examenul fiind de an, materia de semestrul întâi şi cea de semestrul al doilea se vor da împreună. Studenţii vor fi examinaţi în fiecare vineri de la orele 16.00 la orele 20.00, de la 1 februarie 2001 la 31 iunie 2001. Prima oră va fi testul scris, iar următoarele trei ore vor fi rezervate probei orale. Participarea la examinare se va face pe bază de programare prealabilă. 3 COMMUNICATION – PAST AND FUTURE A. Presentation People are generally aware that success in one’s life and career depends to a great extent on one’s ability to communicate effectively. Because the first impression one makes is very important, each person has to know certain rules of greeting, of presenting oneself and of having a brief opening conversation. A1. Exchanging words with a new acquaintance. Read the following dialogue and try to write down a similar one taking place between your family and the family of a friend of yours. John Smith : Mr. Brown, you know my wife, Mary, don’t you? Michael Brown : No, I don’t think we have met. I didn’t have the pleasure. Mary Smith : How do you do. It’s an honour for me to meet you, Mr. Brown. Michael Brown : How do you do. The honour is on my side. Now allow me to introduce you to my family. This is my wife, Angela, and this is my daughter, Jane. Angela Brown : I am delighted to make your acquaintance. Jane Brown : Glad to meet you, madam, sir. Mary Smith : You have such a lovely daughter. Have you already graduated the highschool, Jane? Jane Brown : Yes, I graduated the highschool last year, and now I am a student. Michael Brown : She studies social communication and public relations. Our child has always wanted to do something new and interesting, so this field suits her. John Smith : When we were young, we also dreamt of doing the most fantastic things. We also left our son the freedom of choice and now he studies the art of painting. Angela Brown : This gives me an idea. As Mr. Smith and my husband are colleagues, why don’t we meet some time at our place to find out more about the plans for future of our children? Mary Smith : Thank you for your kind invitation, then we shall pay you a visit soon and we hope you will return the visit to us. A2. Describing a person You are on the beach and you see an empty blanket on which there are a few objects spread around. You look at them and you wonder who is the person that owns these objects. And you are waiting for it to appear… The list of objects is the following: ♦ some chewing-gum ♦ a picture of two old persons ♦ a film ♦ some sun-tan lotion ♦ a comb ♦ a pair of head-phones ♦ a belt bag ♦ a mirror ♦ some car keys ♦ a towel ♦ a camera ♦ a pencil 4 ♦ a book ♦ a letter 5 Now use your imagination: ♦ Is this person a man or a woman? ♦ Where does he/she come from? ♦ How old is he/she? ♦ What is his/her job? ♦ Is he/she married or single? ♦ What is he/she doing at the moment? ♦ What colour are his/her eyes? Try to write a description of this person’s life, as you imagine it. A3. Memories In the following fragment the famous actress Sophia Loren recalls her first meetings with a film director, with the world of movies and, last but not least, with glory. Translate the text, then try to write down several memories about important encounters in your life. They were golden days, the 50s. Vittorio De Sica and Carlo Ponti, my Carlo, were doing a project called The Gold of Naples. De Sica said, “I need a Neapolitan girl”. Carlo told him “I know a girl, she’s called Sofia Scicolone”. I was given the role of the pizzaiola (pizza street vendor). It was 1952. I was 17, and I was completely drunk with happiness. For us Rome was an enchanting place, a city of trams and palaces. I felt like this because I was very young, but there were people 40, 50 years old who felt like me, too, because of what they had gone through during the war. They felt they could afford maybe to start a new life. De Sica was a sensitive man with great instincts and a great sense of humour. We spoke the same language – almost the way as when you’re married a long time and you look at your husband and, with just a glance or a gesture, you know. Then there was Anna Magnani. When De Sica was planning to film Moravia’s new book Two Women, he wanted Magnani to play the mother, and I could play the daughter. When De Sica went to see Magnani, she cocked that hip of hers and said, “No, I can’t play with Sophia. What are we going to do together on the set? We are going to kill each other!” As De Sica was leaving, she cocked that hip again and threw up her chin with that beautifully free-spirited air we all knew so well. “Hah! Why don’t you try to give Sophia the role of the mother?” Well, I did play that role. The mother became younger, and the daughter (played by Eleonora Brown) became a girl of 13. And I never played a role better! A4. Choose one of the following topics and write a dialogue: a. You are strolling downtown. Suddenly you meet an old friend of yours whom you have not seen since you were in elementary school. You are surprised to learn that he has become a millionaire. b. You are walking down the street. Suddenly you see a friend in front of you. You run up to him and say hello, but when he turns around you discover that he is a stranger. c. You are a teacher in the first day of school. Present yourself in front of the class and prompt the conversation with the students. 6 B. The Indicative Mood In the exercises and texts above, while presenting characters and introducing people, we used the tenses of the Indicative Mood. We practised present and past, tenses which we have in the Romanian language, too, but also present perfect, which we cannot find in Romanian. B1. Let’s compare the Romanian axis of tenses (which is only one) with the English axes (two of them) and discuss their different logic.
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