00a_cover exp3.qxp 9/26/2005 2:13 PM Page 2 MORMON EXPERIENCE SCHOLARSHIP ISSUES & ART THE APOSTLE’S DAUGHTER, Brown fiction contest winner by Dian Saderup Monson (p.47) How do you read? Jana Riess reflects on her experiences as a bibliophile (p.56) Michael Nielsen shares ways to counter cynicism (p.59) Simon G. Southerton on “Über-apologetics” and the Book of Mormon (p.70) Reviews of DAVID O. MCKAY AND THE RISE OF MODERN MORMONISM and ICED AT THE WARD, BURNED AT THE STAKE (p.65) NEWS Challenges to THE NEW MISSIONARY DISCUSSIONS Mormonism’s status AND THE FUTURE OF CORRELATION as “fastest-growing” By John-Charles Duffy church; Church celebrates President Hinckley at 95; FLDS Church continues to come under fire; and more! (p.74) September 2005—$5.95 00b_inside cover.qxp 9/26/2005 1:51 PM Page 1 A Different Jesus? The Christ of the Latter-day Saints Robert L. Foreword and Afterword by Millet Richard J. Mouw ISBN 0-8028-2876-0 244 pages • paperback $16.00 “This groundbreaking book by a Mormon scholar compares LDS beliefs about Christ with traditional Protestant (and, to a lesser extent, Catholic and Orthodox) views. The book’s honest and searching tone is deepened still further by Richard Mouw’s gracious afterword, in which he respectfully identifies issues where he disagrees with his Mormon friend.” “Through this book Bob Millet has given the Christian world a gift of clarity. He lays out a thoroughly Mormon understanding of Jesus-centered salvation and draws the points of connection to classical Christian teaching. Yet he does not at all hide or diminish the fundamental differences in our understandings. A Different Jesus? is an excellent foundation for growth and understanding and respect.” — David Neff “Here Robert Millet shows through careful comparison and contrast both what is common to LDS and traditional Christian beliefs and what distinguishes them. I highly recommend this book.” — Truman G. Madsen At your bookstore, or call 800-253-7521 5061 Wm.B.Eerdmans Publishing Co. 255 JEFFERSON AVE.S.E. / GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN 49503 www.eerdmans.com 01_toc.qxp 9/26/2005 2:14 PM Page 1 MORMON EXPERIENCE, SCHOLARSHIP, ISSUES, & ART SEPTEMBER 2005 Issue 138 FEATURES 28 John-Charles Duffy . THE NEW MISSIONARY DISCUSSIONS AND THE FUTURE OF CORRELATION 47 Dian Saderup Monson . THE APOSTLE’S DAUGHTER: 2001 Brookie & D. K. Brown Fiction Contest Sunstone Winner POETRY 13 Joanna Gardner. FOR FRANCES, ON BEGINNING CHEMO 55 Gerald R. Wheeler . PIPER’S CALL 61 Lorraine Tolliver . CLEAN CANVAS SUNSTONE (ISSN 0363-1370) is published by The Sunstone COLUMNS Education Foundation, Inc., a non-profit corporation with no official ties to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 11 Frances Lee Menlove . DEVOTIONAL: Walking the Road to Emmaus Articles represent the opinions of the writers only. 14 Holly Welker . TURNING THE TIME OVER TO . : SUNSTONE is indexed in Religion Index One: Periodicals, Why I Go to Sunstone the Index to Book Reviews in Religion, Religion Indexes: RIO/RIT/IBBR 1975–on CD-ROM, and the ATLA Religion Database, published by 16 . OPEN FORUM, OPEN HEARTS: The 2005 the American Theological Library Association, Salt Lake Sunstone Symposium and Workshops 250 S. Wacker Dr., 16th Flr., Chicago, IL 60606 (e-mail: [email protected], WWW: http://atla.com/). 20 Dan Wotherspoon . FROM THE EDITOR: An Eagerness for the Dance Submissions may be on IBM-PC compatible computer discs 23 Hugo Olaiz . MORMON MEDIA IMAGE: (MS Word or WordPerfect format), or by e-mail attachment. Submissions should not exceed 8,000 words and must be If You Could Hie to Cola accompanied by a signed letter giving permission for the CORNUCOPIA manuscript to be filed in the Sunstone Collection at the University of Utah Marriott Library (all literary rights are retained 24 NetMo . CYBERSAINTS: When the “Windows of Heaven” by authors). Manuscripts will not be returned; authors will be Close, the Free Market Is Open All Night notified concerning acceptance within ninety days. SUNSTONE is interested in feature- and column-length articles 25 Ronan James Head . BLOGWATCH: Mormonism’s Open Pulpit: relevant to Mormonism from a variety of perspectives, news Blessing or Curse stories about Mormons and the LDS Church, and short reflections and commentary. Poetry submissions should have one poem per 26 Wilfried Decoo . BLOGWATCH: The Flute page, with the poet’s name and address on each page; a self- 40 Michael Schoenfeld. SUNSTONE GALLERY: Marathon Man addressed, stamped envelope should accompany each submission. Short poems—haiku, limericks, couplets, and one- 56 Jana Riess . ANXIOUSLY ENGAGED: For the Love of Reading liners—are very welcome. Short stories are selected only through the annual Brookie and D. K. Brown Memorial Fiction Contest 59 Michael Nielsen . NONSTANDARD DEVIATIONS: (next submission deadline: 30 June 2006; $5 fee per story). Countering Cynicism Letters for publication should be identified. SUNSTONE does not acknowledge receipt of letters to the editor. Letters addressed 62 D. Jeff Burton. BRAVING THE BORDERLANDS. :News and Mail to specific authors will be forwarded, unopened, to them. 70 Simon G. Southerton . YEA, YEA, NAY, NAY: DNA Über-Apologetics: SUNSTONE will not provide subscriber addresses Overstating Solutions—Understating Damages to mail list solicitors without permission. 80 Marion D. Hanks. AN OLIVE LEAF: “This Exchange of Love” Send all correspondence and manuscripts to: SUNSTONE BOOK REVIEWS 343 N. Third West Salt Lake City, UT 84103-1215 65 Gary James Bergera. A BOOK OF REVELATIONS: David O. McKay and (801) 355-5926 the Rise of Modern Mormonism by Gregory A. Prince fax: (801) 355-4043 email: [email protected] and Wm. Robert Wright website: www.sunstoneonline.com 68 Stephen Carter. NIPPLES: EXPLORING MORMONISM’S United States subscriptions to SUNSTONE are $36 for 6 issues, $65 for 12 issues, and $90 for 18 issues. International “NEGATIVE SPACE”: Iced at the Ward, Burned at the subscriptions are $48 for 6 issues; $89 for 12 issues; $126 for 18 Stake and Other Poems by Paul Swenson issues. All payments must be in U.S. funds drawn on a U.S. bank. All international subscriptions will be sent via surface mail. Bona fide student and missionary subscriptions are $10 less than UPDATE the above rates. A $10 service charge will be deducted from 74 . New findings challenge Mormonism’s status as refund amount on cancelations. “fastest growing” religion; President Hinckley is celebrated at 95; LDS youth rank first in religiosity Printed by study; FLDS Church continues to draw fire on many fronts; The Napoleon Dynamite phenomenon Copyright © 2005, The Sunstone Education Foundation. All rights reserved. continues to grow as cultural force; More! Printed in the United States of America. Cover Image by csaimages.com 02-10_letters.qxp 9/26/2005 1:38 PM Page 2 SUNSTONE YEA, YEA NAY, NAY two hours of instruction, but at a cost: par- Founded in 1974 NOMINAL CONVERSION SCOTT KENNEY 1974–1978 ents must endure three hours of instruction ALLEN D. ROBERTS 1978–1980 HROUGH THE YEARS, I HAVE on a day cherished in many ways as a day off. PEGGY FLETCHER 1978–1986 DANIEL H. RECTOR 1986–1991 T enjoyed D. Michael Quinn’s thoughtful, Financial assistance in a church that requires LINDA JEAN STEPHENSON 1991–1992 ELBERT EUGENE PECK 1986–2001 deeply felt, and wonderfully researched in- they first give up 10 percent of their own, of- Editor spections of life. And so the first article I read ten meager, finances? Add the likelihood that DAN WOTHERSPOON UNSTONE Publisher in the May 2005 S was his, “To these converts are the only Mormons in their WILLIAM STANFORD Whom Shall We Go? Historical Patterns of extended families and, if African American, Associate Editor CAROL B. QUIST Restoration Believers with Serious Doubts.” I face attending a white church (check out the Managing Editor was not disappointed in what he had to say, general authorities, audience, and choir at ALLEN HILL but I worry that his approach is so sweeping general conference). Psychology, not philoso- Section Editors PHYLLIS BAKER, fiction contest and inclusive that it would lead readers to as- phy, will hold better answers to why most SCOT DENHALTER, Cybersaints ALAN AND VICKIE EASTMAN, Righteous Dominion sume that most of those considered “less ac- members leave the church. HUGO OLAIZ, News/Update tive” Church members or outright deserters In short, church membership requires ef- DIXIE PARTRIDGE, poetry BOYD PETERSEN, Mormonism and politics reached that point through incidents so deeply fort considerably beyond many people’s past MARY ELLEN ROBERTSON, women’s studies MICHAEL SCHOENFELD, Sunstone Gallery scaring as to mutilate their belief system. experience with non-church-going or other- DARRON SMITH, The Long-Promised Day? The article’s subtitle suggests that disen- church-going, and they lack the endurance ALISON TAKENAKA, Margin Notes BRAD AND CHERIE WOODWORTH, book reviews gaged members carefully studied their beliefs or foresight needed to offer a sacrifice today Editorial Assistants JOHN-CHARLES DUFFY and concluded they could no longer accept for future promises. Life is tough enough. It’s ERIC JONES, HUGO OLAIZ perceived injustices or inconsistencies and easier to stay in bed, have a leisurely break- Intern CHELSEA BUSH then fled for their eternal lives. I would have fast, take in a ballgame, or shop. Why can’t a Recording/Digitizing Engineers BRIAN MULVEY, MATT WRIGHT no problems with the article if that approach good Christian socialize in the corner tavern Contributing Columnists were limited to a certain set of Restoration or over a mid-morning cup of coffee? It all MICHAEL AUSTIN, D. JEFF BURTON MICHAEL NIELSEN, JANA RIESS believers. But while Quinn correctly notes sounded fine once. They don’t ponder ques- Photographer and Recording Engineer that persons in the Church’s “lost members tions raised by the Abraham story, and they STEVE MAYFIELD file” should be somehow noted in any statis- don’t understand Job except to know that he Cartoonists JEANETTE ATWOOD, MACADE tical analysis, he incorrectly assumes that was patient and that it’s certainly better to Much-Appreciated Volunteers “these people apparently do not want to be praise God than curse him.
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