University of Nebraska - Lincoln DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln Faculty Publications from the Harold W. Manter Laboratory of Parasitology Parasitology, Harold W. Manter Laboratory of 2-1996 Burhinotaenia colombiana n. sp. (Cestoda, Cyclophyllidea) from the Double-Striped Stone Curlew Burhinus bistriatus (Aves, Charadriiformes) in Colombia Boyko B. Georgiev Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Éva Murai Hungarian Natural History Museum Robert L. Rausch University of Washington, [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/parasitologyfacpubs Part of the Parasitology Commons Georgiev, Boyko B.; Murai, Éva; and Rausch, Robert L., "Burhinotaenia colombiana n. sp. (Cestoda, Cyclophyllidea) from the Double-Striped Stone Curlew Burhinus bistriatus (Aves, Charadriiformes) in Colombia" (1996). Faculty Publications from the Harold W. Manter Laboratory of Parasitology. 389. https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/parasitologyfacpubs/389 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Parasitology, Harold W. Manter Laboratory of at DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. It has been accepted for inclusion in Faculty Publications from the Harold W. Manter Laboratory of Parasitology by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. J. Parasitol.,82(1), 1996, p. 140-145 ? AmericanSociety of Parasitologists1996 BURHINOTAENIACOLOMBIANA N. SP. (CESTODA, CYCLOPHYLLIDEA)FROM THE DOUBLE-STRIPED STONE CURLEW BURHINUSBISTRIATUS (AVES, CHARADRIIFORMES)IN COLOMBIA Boyko B. Georgiev, Eva Murai*, and Robert L. Rauscht Instituteof Ecology,Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 2 GagarinStreet, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria ABSTRACT: Burhinotaeniacolombiana n. sp. (Dilepididae)is describedfrom the small intestine of the double-stripedstone curlewBurhinus bistriatus (Burhinidae) captured at Carimagua,Colombia. The new speciesis distinguishedfrom the most similar Burhinotaeniadelachauxi (Baer, 1925), a parasiteof the Old World Burhinusspp., by the longercirrus-sac (375-590, avg. 514 Aimvs. 322-393, avg. 354 Mm)and longerrostellar hooks (412-451, avg. 440 ,umvs. 358-367, avg. 364 Am).The validity of the genus BurhinotaeniaSpasskii and Spasskaya,1965 and its genericdiagnosis as proposedby Bona (1994) are confirmed.This is the first recordof a species of Burhinotaeniain the New World. The double-striped stone curlew Burhinus bistriatus (Wagler) DESCRIPTION occurs in Central America and northern South America, from Burhinotaeniacolombiana n. sp. southern Mexico to northern Colombia and northern Brazil (Figs.1-15) (Howard and Moore, 1980). The only record of cestodes from Strobilabandlike, when gravid 66-94 mm (77 ? 9 mm, n = 7) long, this host was reported by Beddard (1913) who described the consistingof 296-356 (314 ? 21, n = 7) proglottides,8-38 (23 + 9, n = = dilepidid tapeworm Eugonodaeum oedicnemi Beddard, 1913 7) of them gravid;maximum width 1,488-2,012 (1,706 ? 180, n Scolex from a bird at the London Zoo. 7) at gravid proglottides,rarely at pregravidproglottides. (Figs. 1, 2) distinct from neck, roundedlaterally, with maximum width 986- B. bistriatus Three cestode species were found as parasites of 1,135 (1,042 ? 56, n = 7) at level of suckers;apical part forms cuplike in Colombia. The present paper describes 1 of them, which was cavity bearing crown of rostellar hooks; walls of cavity protrusible. found to represent a new species of the genus Burhinotaenia Suckersprominent, oval, highly muscularized,with diameter310-390 = near anterior Spasskii and Spasskaya, 1965. The systematic position of the (340 ? 20, n 28). Rostellumheartlike, wider end, grad- ually taperingposteriorly; in posteriordirection reaching end of scolex other 2 is a of another that will be published species subject study and passing slightly into neck; 734-849 (794 ? 43, n = 7) long and separately. 493-505 (502 ? 6, n = 7) wide. Lackingsaclike rostellarsheath, only stronglydeveloped muscular bundles surround rostellum. Rostellar hooks MATERIALAND METHODS 24-28 (26 ? 1, n = 9) in number,directed anteriorly and arrangedin singlecrown; each hook consists of chitinoidpart (with long and slightly The present descriptionis based on 8 entire specimens, 1 separate curvedblade, shorthandle, and bifid guard),and amorphouscase com- scolex, and a few fragmentscollected by R. L. and V. R. Rausch on 6 prisinghandle and guardof chitinoid part(Figs. 3-7), which takesstain; April 1977 from the small intestine of 1 female B. bistriatus(collection hook measurements:general length (a) 412-451 (440 ? 11, n = 20), no. 42,671) capturedat Carimagua,Colombia. They were fixed in hot length of chitinoid part (b) 336-371 (362 ? 8, n = 20), length of blade 10% formalin, stored in 70% ethanol, stained in iron acetocarmine, (c) 246-264 (254 + 4, n = 20), lengthof base of chitinoid part(d) 107- dehydrated,cleared in eugenol, and mounted in Canadabalsam. Two 125 (118 ? 5, n = 19), length of hook base (e) 170-208 (193 + 12, n scoleces were mounted in Berlese'sfluid in order to provide detailed = 20); vary in narrowerlimits in 1 scolex, e.g., (a) 439-451, (b) 356- observationsof rostellarhooks. Mature,pregravid, and gravidproglot- 371, (c) 249-259, (d) 114-123, (e) 192-208 (n = 14). Neck 402-585 tides of 1 specimen were sectioned transverselyby hand with a razor (478 ? 70, n = 7) wide in narrowestpart. Segmentation begins at about blade to facilitatestudy of some anatomicaldetails. 1,444-1,772 (1,590 ? 118, n = 7) from posteriormargin of suckers. Metric and meristic characteristicsare given as the range,the mean Proglottides(Figs. 8-11) craspedote,wider than long; matureproglot- + 1 SD in parentheses,and the number of measurementsor counts tides with ratio 1/4.1-1/2.8 (1/3.3 ? 0.4, n = 10);gravid where otherwise length/width taken (n). The dimensions are in micrometersexcept proglottideswith length/widthratio 1/2.7-1/2.2 (1/2.5 ? 0.2, n = 10). stated. Genital pores irregularlyalternating, mainly in short series, e.g.,... 2, Parasite The type specimens were deposited in the U.S. National 1,2,1, 12,, 4, 4, 1, 1, 1, 111 , 2,, 5,1, 1, 10, 2, 1, 1, 1, 3, 1, 5, Collection, Beltsville (USNPC), the ParasitologicalCollection of the 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 4, 4, 3, 1, 3; opened in middle of lateralproglottis margin Departmentof Zoology,Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest on tall, slightlyexpressed genital papilla. Genital atria (Fig. 12) infun- (HNHM), and the collection of the senior author(BBG). dibular,with well expressedcircular musculature of tubularbase; 38- The type specimens of Burhinotaeniadelachauxi (Baer, 1925) from 48 (43 ? 4, n = 10) deep, with diameter of tubularpart 13-20 (16 ? the collection of the Natural History Museum, Geneva, nos. 6/24-25 2, n = 10). Ventral osmoregulatorycanals 23-59 (38 ? 14, n = 10) (2 slides) and a specimen of Burhinotaeniacoronata from Burhinus wide; with transverseanastomosis along posteriormargin of every pro- oedicnemus(Linnaeus), the Great HungarianPlain, from the Parasi- glottis. Dorsal canals7-13 (9 ? 2, n = 10) wide. Genital Bu- osmoregulatory tological Collection of the HungarianNatural History Museum, ducts between osmoregulatorycanals. dapest, no. 10907 (publishedas B. delachauxiby Muraiet al. [1988]), Testes 17-32 (24 ? 3, n = 38, takenfrom 7 strobila)in number;their were used as comparativematerial. numbervaries in narrowerlimits in 1 strobila,e.g., 17-22 (n = 6), 19- 25 (n = 6), 22-25 (n = 6), 22-27 (n = 6), 24-32 (n = 6); major part of testes (Figs. 8, 9) situated in mature proglottidesin 2 groupslaterally to vitellariumand laterallyand posteriorlyto ovary wings;single testes Received 12 September 1994; revised 21 August 1995; accepted 21 occasionallydisposed posteriorlyand dorsallyto vitellarium;testes do August 1995. not extendlaterally beyond longitudinal osmoregulatory canals; vestigial * Departmentof Zoology,Hungarian Natural History Museum, Baross testes might be presentalong posteriormargin of pregravidand gravid utca 13, H-1088 Budapest,Hungary. proglottides.External vas deferens coiled both ventrally and dorsally t Departmentof ComparativeMedicine SB-42, University of Wash- to cirrus-sac,covered with single layer of large, intensely stained cells ington, Seattle, Washington98195. (Fig. 12);its diameter11-28 (18 ? 6, n = 15). Cirrus-sac(Fig. 12) thick- 140 GEORGIEVET AL.-NEW SPECIES OF BURHINOTAENIA141 .,. 3 4 5 6 7 FIGURES1-7. Burhinotaenia colombiana n. sp. 1, 2. Scoleces, scale bar 250 um. 3-7. Rostellar hooks, scale bar = 100 um. 142 THEJOURNAL OF PARASITOLOGY, VOL. 82, NO. 1, FEBRUARY1996 8 9 10 I I FIGURES8-11. Burhinotaenia colombiana n. sp. 8, 9. Mature proglottides. 10. Postmature proglottis. 11. Gravid proglottis. All views dorsal. Scale bar = 250 um. GEORGIEVET AL.-NEW SPECIES OF BURHINOTAENIA143 12 FIGURES12-15. Burhinotaeniacolombiana n. sp. 12. Terminalgenital ducts, dorsal view, scale bar = 100 um. 13. Detail of female genital ducts, ventral view, scale bar 50 = ,m; abbreviations:MG, Mehlis' gland;OV, ovary;SR, seminal receptacle;UT, uterus. 14, 15. Eggs,scale bar = 20 jMm. walled, highly elongate, claviform (with wider aporal end), often sig- + 4, n = 10) long and 12-17 (14 ? 2, n = 10) wide at x base; thoroughly moid; its measurements375-590 54-85 (514 ? 44 x 66 + 7, n = evaginated cirrus occurs rarely, cylindrical, 77-107 (93, n = 3) in narrowerlimits in 1 x = long, 49), vary strobila,e.g., 375-491 54-67 (n with diameter 12-15 (13, n = 3); armamentobserved neither on evag- 6), 456-532 x 63-72 (n = 9), 483-554 x 67-81 (n = 8), 528-590 x inated cirrusnor in ductus cirri.
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