FELLOWSHIP of MAKERS and RESTORERS of HISTORICAL INSTRUMENTS List of Members As at 12Th April 1981 Abbreviations: F in Left-Hand Margin Denotes Fellow

FELLOWSHIP of MAKERS and RESTORERS of HISTORICAL INSTRUMENTS List of Members As at 12Th April 1981 Abbreviations: F in Left-Hand Margin Denotes Fellow

FELLOWSHIP of MAKERS and RESTORERS of HISTORICAL INSTRUMENTS List of Members as at 12th April 1981 Abbreviations: F in left-hand margin denotes Fellow. After the name: M - maker; R - restorer; C - collector; P - performer; L - lecturer/teacher; W - writer; D - dealer; res - research (not yet W or L) NB: No distinction is made between amateur and professional, nor between the beginner and the highly experienced. This is a list of members and their interests; it is not a trade list nor a professional register. Richard W.Abel, Beatty Run Road, RD no.5, Franklin, PA 16525, USA; tel: (814) 574-4H9 (woodwind; R,C,P). Ian Abernethy, 21 Bridge Street, Kelso, Roxburghshire, Scotland TD5 7HT, UK; tel: 5805 (recorder, P; keybds, M). Bernard Adams, 2025-55 St. SW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T5E 2X5; tel: (405) 242-8946 (string instrs, ww; M,R). Gerald Adams, 252 Queens Road, Norwich, Norfolk, UK (plucked str. instrs, hurdy-g, bar. guitar; M). Robin Adams, 2 Tunbridge Court, Sydenham Hill, London SE26 6RR, UK. Gilliam Alcock - see Terence McGee (dulcmr, banjo, hpschd, M; dulcmr, hpschd, concertina, P). Christopher Allworth, RR5-1110, Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada B5A 4A7 (med. string instrs; M,P). AMLI Central Library for Music & Dance, 26 Bialik Street, POB 4882, Tel-Aviv, Israel; tel: Tel-Aviv 58106 (all instrs). Susan Elizabeth Andersen - see Theo Miller (psalteries, M; recorders, P). Lars H.Andersson, Vaisalavagen 8, 02150 Esbo 15, Finland; tel: 9O-46444O (viol; M,P). Peter B.Armitage, 52 Downs Road, Epsom, Surrey KT18 5JN, UK; tel: Epsom 22560 (violin fam. & other string instrs). Rowan Armour-Brown, Templar Cottage, 79 Bridge End, Warwick CV54 6PD, UK; tel: Warwick 42856 (violin; M,R). Dieter Arzt, Grabenstr. 8, D-7257 Ditzingen-Heimerdingen, West Germany (bagpps, recrdrs, ww; M). Flip Baart, Gremelsbrugge 8, Rimburg, Ubach over Worms, Netherlands; tel: 045-552524 (hpschd, virgnls, clavchd; M,P). Reinhard Bachofen, Auf der Biirglen 54» CH-8627 Griiningen, Switzerland (keybds; R,C). Anthony C.Baines, University of Oxford, Faculty of Music, 52 Holywell, Oxford 0X1 5SL, UK; tel: Oxford 47069 (all instrs; R,C,P,W,L). Rick Baines, 1 Langley Road, Prestwich, Manchester M25 5NF, UK; tel: 061- 775 1546 (ww, bagppes; M,R,P,L). Peter Baldry, 26 Chart Lane, Reigate, Surrey RH2 7DY, UK; tel: Reigate 21955 (lute, cornett; M,P). Daniel H.Bangham, 17 High Green, Gt.Shelford, Cambs. CB2 5EH, UK; tel: I Shelford 5192 (ww; M,R). Robin Barbary, 14 Florence Terrace, Kingston Vale, Robin Hood Gate, Richmond Park, London SW15 5RU, UK (flute, recrdr, ww; M,C). Charles Barker, 41 Highfield Road, March, Cambs., UK (lute; M). John Barnes, 5 East Castle Road, Edinburgh EH10 5AP, Scotland, UK; tel: 051- 229 8018 (hpschd, clavchd, early pfte; M,R,C). Donald L.Barney jr, 1077 Hollywood Dr. #655, Anchorage, Alaska 99501, USA; tel: (907) 274 7770 (string instrs, ww; M,P). Josep Tubau Bartomeus, Numancia 57-1-1, Manresa, Barcelona, Spain; tel: 8745554 (ww, C,P; flute, recrdr, M). Philip Bate, 11 Halton Road, London Nl 2EN, UK; tel:01-226 8259 (all ww and brass; M,R,C,L,W). Cross-references to Museums are omitted this year; they will all be found, listed alphabetically by towns, under General Facilities. nernb. list p.2 Lode Bauwens, Centrum voor Muziekinstrumentenbouw, Dr.van Hooimissenstraat 32, B-2671 Bornem, Belgium. Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Postfach 150, D-8000 Munchen 34, West Germany. Carlo Bergman, Nervanderinkatu 12 B, SF-00100 Helsinki 10, Finland. Ture Bergstr^rn, Smidstrupvej 4, DK-4720 Praest^, Denmark; tel: 05-792505 (ren. ww, regals; M,R,P). Robert Bigio, 50 Sunny Gardens Road, Hendon, London NW4 1RX, UK; tl: 01- 203 1548 (flute, recrdr; M,P). Tony Bingham, 11 Pond Street, London NW5 2PN, UK; tel: 01-794 1596 (all instrs, books; D). R.Blackstone, van Reenenpark 10, 1861 EL Bergen NH, Netherlands (hpschd, clavchd; M,P). Benjamin Bland, 108 St.John's Road, Ipswich, Suffolk IP4 5DG, UK; tel: 715596 (str. instrs; M,R). David Blott, 4 Oxford Grove, Rhyl, Clwyd, North Wales, UK; tel: Rhyl 56654 (hpschd, spinets, clavchd; M,P). Thomas Boehm, 914 N.Bequette, Dodgeville, WI 55555, USA; tel: (608) 955- 5579 (bar.flutes, recrdr; M,P). Lars Bohmaa, Vikingavagen 8, S-15158 Soderfalje, Sweden. Philippe Bolton, Place de la Grande Fontaine, Villes sur Auzon, 84570 Mormoiron, France; tel: (90) 61.86.11 (recrdr; M). Werkgroep Bouwers-Kontakt, Vereniging voor Huismuziek, Catharijnesingel 85, 5511 GP Utrecht, Netherlands; tel: 050-510679. Martin Bowers, 'The Volunteer Arms', 101 Wantz Road, Maldon, Essex, UK; tel: 0621-55576 (plucked str.instrs; M,R). Edmund A.Bowles, 5 Sage Court, White Plains, NY 10605, USA; tel: (914) 946- 5027 (timps, med.instrs, perf.pract., iconogr.; C,P,W). Robert W.Bramley, Cedar Cottage Nursery, Crown Lane, Farnham Royal, Bucks, UK; tel: Farnham Common 5627 (lute, viol, ww; M,R). Ricardo Antonio Brane, San Polo in Chianti, 50020 Firenze, Italy; tel: (055) 855 181 (lute; M). Bernard Brauchli, 82 Oakley Rd, Belmont, MA 02178, USA; tel: (617) 489 5615 (clavchd; P). Joachim Braun, French Hill 509/14, Mevo Ha'Asara 7, Jerusalem, Israel; tel: 02-814195 (bowed instrs, P; hist, of instrs, L,W). John M.Brear, 1 The Greenway, Epsom, Surrey KT18 7HX, UK; tel: Epsom 26547 (ww, med.Latin transl., metallurgy). Geoffrey Bridges, 50 Croham Park Avenue, South Croydon, Surrey CR2 7HL, UK; tel: 01-688 1376 (rebec; M,P). University of British Columbia, Serials Division, Main Library, 2075 West- brook Place, Vancouver, BC, Canada V6T 1W5. Neil W.Brook, 1 Shire Bank Crescent, Fulwood, Preston, Lanes PR2 4QE, UK; tel: 0772-774650 Uute, vihuela, guitr; M,P). Howard M.Brown, Department of Music, University of Chicago, 5845 South Ellis Avenue, Chicago, IL 6O637, USA (all instrs, iconogr; L,W). Lawrence D.Brown, 36O5 Shaw Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45208, USA; tel: (513) 871-6717 (lute, theorbo, chitt, orph, cittn, band, vih; M,P). Steven Brown, 225 Stanford Ave, Schenectady, NY 12304, USA; tel: (518) 370-2164 (str.instrs; R). Russell A.Bruce, 5 Pembroke Avenue, Kenton, Harrow, Middx HA3 8QG, UK; tel: 01-907 9556 (keybd, bowed/plucked str.instrs, some wind; M,P). Neil Buckland, 8 Abbey St, Leura, NSW 2781, Australia; tel: 047-841718 (recrdr; P). Lockwood Memorial Library Annex, State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14214, USA. Brian A.Butler, 40 The Esplanade, Wagga Wagga, NSW 2650, Australia (all instrs, M,R; Australian woods). David John Butler, School House, Tivetshall St.Mary, Norwich NR15 2BP, UK; tel: Tivetshall 704 (lute, guitar; M). i memb. list p.5 Serials Department, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90024, USA. Rod Cameron, 57 Gladys Street, San Francisco, CA 94H0, USA; tel: (415) 282 8655 (flutes, recrdr, curtal, bore-measuring device; M). David W.Cantrell, PO Box 715, University, Alab.55486, USA; tel: (205) 548- 5071 (viols, lute, med.fiddles, hpschd; M). Brian Carlick, Barn Cottage, Church Lane, Charlton on Otmoor, Oxford, UK; tel: C. on 0. 495 (wind instrs, gemshn, rcdr, tabor pp, flute; M,R). Donald Casson, 9 Rule St, N.Fremantle, WA 6159, Australia; tel: (09) 555- 5055 (ww, esp. acoustics; R,C,P,L). William Castle, Sunley Hill, Nunnington, York Y06 5XQ, UK; tel: Nunnington 240 (flute, northumbr. bagppe, violin fam; M,P). Simon Chadwick, Meadow End, Meadow Lane, Dudbridge, Stroud, Glos. GL5 5JR, UK; tel: Stroud 6885 (lute; M). David B.Chapman, 55 Jackson Avenue, Ponteland, Newcastle upon Tyne NE20 9UY, UK; tel: Ponteland 24127 (ww, string instrs; M,P). E.W.Chapman, 12 Woodside Road, Beaconsfieli, Bucks HP9 1JW, UK; tel: Beacons- field 6555 (keybds; M,R). Milton Cherin, 12 West 96th St, New York, NY 10025, USA (guitar, lute, mandolin; M,P). Arthur R.Churchill, 10A Park Hill, Carshalton, Surrey SM5 5RU, UK; tel: 01- 647 5865 (lute, fretted str.instrs; M,P). Alan Clark, 71 Canberra Crescent, Blythe Bridge, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffs ST5 7RA, UK; tel: Blythe Br. 6955 (lute,theorb,chit, vih,cittn,orph,band;M). Michael Cole, Corlwyni, Nantmor, Caernafon, Gwynedd LL55 4YL, UK; tel: Beddgelert 551 (lute; M,P). Olive Cole, 41 St.John's Hill Grove, London SW11 2RF, UK; tel: 01-223 4250 (lute, viol; M,P). Peter Collins, The Coach House, Standon, Ware, Herts SG11 1PR, UK; tel: Ware 821109 (keybds; M,R,P). Ramo'n Pinto Comas, Carmen 8, Barcelona 1, Spain; tel: 317-61-56 (violin, • guitar, pfte, str.instrs general; M,R). Jean Claude Compagnon, 10 bis Rue Dobrle, 44100 Nantes, France. John E.Connett, Dene Croft, Westcott Street, Westcott, Dorking, Surrey RH4 5NY, UK; tel: Dorking 5822 (viois; M,P). Timothy Constable, 74 Wickenden Road, Sevenoaks, Kent TN13 3PW, UK; tel: Sevenoaks 461319 (hpschd, clavchd, virg, muslr; M). Graham Cooper, 524 Longleaf Rd, Virginia Beach, VA 25454, USA (lute, keybds;M), Tina Cooper - see Peter Tourin (harps; M,P). Kevin Cordukes, 28 Blackhorse Road, Kingswood, Bristol, Avon BS15 2EF, UK; tel: 0272-670604 (bassoon; M). Patrick H.Corran, National Institute for Biological Standards & Control, Holly Hill, Hampstead, London NW5 6RB, UK; tel: 01-455 2252 x 228. John Cousen, 595 Bradford Road, Fartown, Huddersfield, Yorks HD2 2QY, UK; tel: Huddersfield 27870 (flute, recrdr, curtal, M; viols, P). P.H.Cowdery, 2574 Robin Drive, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L5K 1S9 (flageolets, flutes; R,C). James Cox, 429 Fawcett Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21211, USA (str.instrs, M; electr.tuning syst, acoust. of wood) Charles H.Crabtree, 55 Myrtle Ave, Bingley, W.Yorks BD16 1EW, UK; tel: Bradford 560550 (guitar, lute, psalt, irish harp; M). G.J.Cramer, Beethovenlaan 22, 4904 MH Oosterhout (Nb), Netherlands; tel: 01620-55246 (guitar, fiddle, viol, organ). Margaret Cranmer, 116 Tenison Road, Cambridge CB1 2DW, UK (pfte, ftpiano, C,W; Galpin Soc.

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