New and Sustainable Photovoltaics The EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training 2017 Review 2 The Centre for Doctoral Training New and Sustainable Photovoltaics 3 The EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in New and Sustainable Photovoltaics Contents All future energy forecasters agree on one thing: solar 03 - Director’s Foreword photovoltaics is now at the brink of mass adoption. But questions 04 - Partners remain. Where can the technology go from here? What’s in store 06 - How the Centre operates for the future of solar energy? The principal ambition of the 07 - The Cohort approach EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in New and Sustainable 08 - Research vision and key Photovoltaics, (known as CDT-PV), is to provide the future leaders themes who can answer these questions. Case Studies Led by the Universities of Liverpool and Bath, the Centre comprises seven leading academic institutions, the partners being Cambridge, Loughborough, 10 - SUPERGEN SuperSolar Hub 2[IRUG6KHIÀHOGDQG6RXWKDPSWRQ7KH&HQWUHLVDOVRVXSSRUWHGE\(LJKW Secondments LSA, NSG, Ossila, Oxford PV, M-Solv, Semimetrics and Silicon CPV. 11 - Research Cluster on We are training 60 of the best graduate students to guide PV in industry Perovskites and in universities. Students are registered for PhDs at each of the partner universities. In contrast to many CDTs, the research that will form their PhD 12 - Collaboration with a Large thesis is started at the beginning of the studentship. The principal skills Industrial Partner, NSG developed by our students are established by undertaking these projects. In 13 - Collaboration with a Small addition, each of our students undertakes a formal PV training course during WKHLUÀUVW\HDUYLVLWLQJHDFKRIWKHVHYHQSURJUDPPHQRGHVIRUWZRZHHNV Business, Ossila HDFK,QWKLVZD\WKH\GHYHORSQRWRQO\WKHVSHFLÀFNQRZOHGJHIRU39UHVHDUFK 14 - The CDT Student Community but experience the research environments of some of the UK’s leading 15 - Student Driven Training labs. More importantly, they develop a network of academic and industrial contacts and connections that will serve them throughout their careers. 16 - Project Directory We invite you to read more about the Centre and its activities in the pages that follow. Should you require information, would like to study with us and/ 17 - Training Overview or support our objectives, then we invite you to contact our leadership team. 21 - Highlights August 2017 23 - Publications 24 - How to Apply for a PhD Prof. K. Durose, University of Liverpool Director [email protected] Prof. A. B. Walker, University of Bath Academic Director [email protected] 4 The Centre for Doctoral Training The following summary highlights the main expertise of each academic CDT-PV Partners partner laboratory. For an exhaustive list, including all the project supervisors Academic Partners please see ww.cdt-pv.org/directory/ University of Liverpool University of Bath University of Oxford The Centre for Doctoral Training in New Prof. Alison Walker’s research group Prof. Henry Snaith’s group at the and Sustainable Photovoltaics is led by the located at University of Bath (Department University of Oxford is at the forefront University of Liverpool and has a physical of Physics) is a world leader in the of research on metal halide perovskite base within the Stephenson Institute for modelling of electron transport in hybrid materials for solar and is making a Renewable Energy. Students engaged perovskite and organic PV solar cells. KXJHLQWHUQDWLRQDOLPSDFWLQWKHÀHOG LQUHVHDUFKSURMHFWVKHUHEHQHÀWIURPD With key links to a number of EU funded of novel low cost solar concepts. huge range of expertise delivered by Prof. projects on organic PV and electronics, Their experience of and facilities for Ken Durose and Dr. Jon Major on CdTe WKH&'7EHQHÀWVIURPDFFHVVWRDZLGH device fabrication and optoelectronic based solar cells, novel earth abundant range of potential collaborators through characterisation are world leading and solar absorbers and advanced electrical this partner. Additional contributions from they are making strides in improving the characterisation of semiconductor materials. academic supervisors based in Chemistry stability of perovskite solar cells. The $VLJQLÀFDQWUHVHDUFKRXWORRNRQWUDQVSDUHQW complement computational research group has strong links with the spin-out conductors is also provided by Dr. Tim Veal capabilities by providing expertise on company Oxford PV who are aiming to and very close links and collaborations with advanced spectroscopy (Dr Enrico commercialise the technology that is 16*RQHRIWKHZRUOGOHDGLQJÁRDWJODVV Da Como), electrochemistry (Dr Petra being developed. manufacturers, who are a key Industry &DPHURQ DQGÀOPGHSRVLWLRQWHFKQLTXHV Partner for the CDT. for solar energy (Prof Mike Hill). University of Cambridge Loughborough University 8QLYHUVLW\RI6KHIÀHOG The participation of Prof. Neil Greenham Groups led by Dr. Jake Bowers and 3URI'DYLG/LG]H\·VJURXSDW6KHIÀHOG and Prof. Judith Driscoll’s research Prof. Mike Walls at Loughborough bring a specialism in enhanced polymer groups at the University of Cambridge University specialise in CdTe device blend materials for organic PV and novel bring a strong outlook on the fabrication fabrication and optimisation, solution solution based processing methods and optoelectronic characterisation of deposited CIGS and CZTS solar cells, for pervoskite solar cells. They provide inorganic semiconductor nanocrystals, and transparent conducting oxides. Their access to advanced characterisation organic polymers and functional oxide teams are engaged in research that is tools for both solar materials. Their materials for PV. The groups also bring highly complementary to that performed strong links to the tech startup Ossila is WKHLUVWURQJOLQNVZLWKÁH[LEOHRUJDQLF39 at the University of Liverpool, and of high value to the CDT. The company VRODUPDQXIDFWXUHU(LJKWZKRFRQWULEXWH they provide key links for the Centre to contribute to student training and to the CDT-PV training programme (see H[SHUWVLQWKLVÀHOGEDVHGDWWKH1DWLRQDO research projects and have a highly SDJH 7KHUHLVDOVRDIRFXVRQQRYHO Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) collaborative relationship with the CDT. strategies in increasing the upper limit of in Colorado, USA. In addition, Dr. Ralph SKRWRYROWDLFFRQYHUVLRQHIÀFLHQFLHV Gottschalg’s research group brings a focus on large scale module monitoring and characterisation. The SuperSolar Hub (see inset) is coordinated by Loughborough University. University of Southampton Dr. Giles Richardson’s group (Mathematics) brings a focus on the advanced mathematical modelling of the electronic transport in solar materials to the CDT. Research projects within this group are contributing to a fundamental understanding of the limitations of solar PV, as well as informing the experimental development of existing and novel PV technologies. This is complemented by Dr. Stuart Boden’s expertise in silicon clean room device processing and Southampton’s suite of high precision nano-fabrication equipment which the CDT has access to in order to provide additional training for its students. New and Sustainable Photovoltaics 5 The SUPERGEN SuperSolar Hub The EPSRC funded SUPERGEN SuperSolar Hub is an inclusive solar community that links research carried out by universities and industry. Led by the Loughborough University’s Centre for Renewable Energy Systems Technology (CREST) the project partners are co-located with CDT-PV. The Hub has over 70 Associate and more than 500 Network members internationally. Key activities of the Hub include: • Maintaining a UK network for PV R&D composed of partners in the relevant University, Industry and Finance sectors. • Training for new University and Industrial PV researchers. 3URYLVLRQRIDQDFFUHGLWHG8.QDWLRQDOFHOOHIÀFLHQF\PHDVXUHPHQWIDFLOLW\ • Organisation of events and conferences of interest to all sectors of the PV community. • Funding for international and industrial research secondments, conference attendance and research projects. • Business and Industry Engagement. The relationship with the SuperSolar Hub means that CDT-PV students have access to an existing research effort of international importance, providing a culture, environment and context focused on all aspects of PV. Research projects SDJH XQGHUWDNHQE\&'739VWXGHQWVDUHOLQNHGWRUHVHDUFKIXQGHGE\WKH+XEDQGFRPSOHPHQWHGE\OLQNHGSURMHFWV from outside the Hub, for example EU projects. CDT-PV students are also eligible for the SuperSolar Hub’s International and Industrial Engagement Fund – an initiative having the aim of growing PV research partnerships between UK and LQWHUQDWLRQDOFROODERUDWRUV7KH&DVH6WXG\RQSDJHJLYHVWZRH[DPSOHVRIKRZWKLVIXQGKDVEHQHÀWHG&'739VWXGHQWV <RXZLOOÀQGIXUWKHULQIRUPDWLRQDERXWWKH+XEWKHZRUNEHLQJFDUULHGRXWDQGWKHSURMHFWSDUWQHUVDWwww.supersolar-hub.org Industry Partners Advisors International Advisory Board: David Mitzi, Duke University Gary Rumbles, NREL Eight19 Ltd NSG Ltd Phil Dale, University of Luxembourg A company focused on the A global leader in innovative high Industrial Advisory Board: commercialisation of unique organic performance glass and glazing solutions, Paul Warren, NSG (Chairman) photovoltaics (OPV) concepts, including next contributing to energy conservation and Including representatives from JHQHUDWLRQÁH[LEOHDQGOLJKWZHLJKWSURGXFWV generation, working safely and ethically. each industrial collaborator Quality and Educational Advisor Adam Mannis, University of Liverpool Silicon CPV Ltd M-Solv Ltd An international company who manufacture A company focused on research, conventional PV
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