r n r f l L J l C d . j i I ON 7%e, Lawrentian B M ii Vol. 88—No. 23 Lawrence College, Appleton, Wisconsin April 24, 1964 T H I S * ^ i^ataiiipnifcia Meenng hoard has chosen B— /C+ as the title of the faculty-student re­ treat to be held at Gardner Dam camp Friday, May I through Sunday. May 3. There will be a meeting for the faculty THE THIKI) phase of the pro­ W hittem ore to Speak for Convo and students attending Encamp­ gram will emphasize the ways in ment at H 45 p.m. Tuesday. April which Lawrence can implement 28 in the Riverview Lounge of the the goals it has. The participants Celebrating Phi Bete Anniversary Union. Students are to bring $2.00 representing adverse opinions and in correct change. biases will interchange ideas and REED WHITTEMORE, witty poet and chairman of the English department of suggestions on the problems Law­ THE ANNUAL encampment is Carleton college, will give an address on “The Limitations of Reason” at next rence college has in reaching its an informal gathering of students, Thursday’s Honors convo, at which the Lawrence chapter of Phi Beta Kappa will goals. celebrate its 50th anniversary. faculty members and administra­ The program drawn up by the THE POET, born in New Hav­ DURING the convo. Lawrence’s tors. Participants will leave cam­ Steering Hoard is based on the en in 1919, received his bache­ chapter of Phi Beta Kappa will pus on Friday to spend two nights petitions submitted by all stu­ lor’s degree from Yale in 1941. announce its spring elections to and two and a half days at a Boy dents who originally applied for Since his discharge from the the society; initiation of new Scout camp discussing Lawrence encampment. service he has published five members will take place at 5 college. p.m. in the Union. Vernon Roelofs, professor of books; in addition, he is editor of The theme of this year’s en­ Phi Beta Kappa memorabilia history, will present the keynote the Carleton Miscellany, a suc­ campment is the philosophy of a will be oil display at the Samuel address for the encampment, cessor to Furioso. a magazine of liberal arts college and its plaee Appleton-Carnegie Library dur­ while President Curtis Tarr, ar­ which he was co-founder but in twentieth century American so­ ing the week of April 27 to May riving Saturday night for the dis­ which closed in 1953. ciety. Discussions will center 2. cussion. will s|H*ak to the encamp­ On Wednesday prior to the around the goals of Lawrence as Dr. Richard Stowe, assistant ers on Sunday morning. convo, Whittemore will present a a liberal arts college. (Questions prolessor of French, is chairman THE ENCAMPERS will have a reading of his poetry at 8 p.m. to be explored are: When* is of the anniversary celebration, chance to bring their own ideas in the Riverview lounge of the Laurence and where is it going? assisted by librarian Hastings. A to an open-end discussion design­ Union, to be followed by a coffee Is there a place for the liberal Brubaker a n d Vice - President ed to clarify topics which have hour. arts college in society? Marshall B. Hulbert. been discussed and to introduce ALL alumni members of the The encampers will also dis­ new ideas. Lawrence chapter, some 550, have cuss specific topics such as: Does The Steering Board asks that Downer To Hold been invited to the occasion. a liberal ails college train occu­ if any member cannot attend the Because of the impending mer­ pational therapists? What effects mooting or the encampment they will the Downer merger have on should call Mary Tharinger, ext. ger between the two institutions, REKD WHITTEMORE. poet and Equality Week the college? 377. faculty and undergraduate mem­ scholar, will address the Honors Milwaukee-Downer college will bers of Phi Beta Kappa at Mil­ Convocation Thursday. April 30 sponsor an Equality Week in Mil­ waukee-Downer collegi* as well on the occasion of the 50th an­ waukee starting Sunday, May 3. as their alumnae in Wisconsin niversary of Phi Beta Kappa at The week is held in cooperation have been invited. Lawrence. All alumni members Former Treasurer Manson.. with the Student Equality fellow­ Hulbert will be toastmaster at of Phi Beta Kappa at Lawrence ship at University of Wisconsin- the spring dinner concluding the have been extended invitations to Explains ’64 Budget Deficit Milwaukee. Its purpose is to pro­ day’s celebration. the event. vide funds for various civil rights THE LAWRENTIAN, in formed of a misinterpre- ALSO taking part in the prep­ organizations. arations are Dean of Women consisting of Mrs. Frank Bessac, tat ion in last week’s report of the SEC budget, con- To begin the week. Joan Baez Mary Morton and her Phi Bete Dan P. Cole. Mrs. Paul W. Gil­ tacted A1 Manson, former treasurer of SEC, for an ex- will perform with the proceeds committee on social occasions. bert and Kenneth Sager. planation of the ‘two mistakes’ from her show probably going to A SECOND mistake leading to Later Thursday evening. P ro leading to the $2000 projected def­ the Congress on Racial Equality an exhausted general fund and fessor Helen C. White of the Uni­ icit. (CORE). the projected deficit was also the versity of Wisconsin, will speak ACCORDING to Manson. there Throughout the week a cam­ SEC result of wrong estimation. NSA on "Humanities in the Present was a provision made in the liM*4 paign at both UW-M and Downer COMMITTEE PETITIONS expenses proved to be $*»00 rather Age” before the society at Col­ budget for a general fund said will take place with buttons and Petitions for Presidents than the estimated $:100. man hall. in last week’s article to be non­ bumper stickers being sold. committee are due to Tony The remaining part of the def­ existent. The budget, as drawn On Saturday. May 9. comedian Valukas at Brokaw by 12 p.m. icit Ls from the Civil Rights wi'ek Monday, May 4. Petitions for up by Manson, called for $20,550 Dick Gregory and the Freedom and the Four Preps concert The out of a possible $20,700 from the singers will entertain. The pro­ Student Faculty committee are $700 loss on the Four Preps was fall enrollment of 118«; students ceeds from this performance will due to Tony Valukas at Bro­ Illinois School not accounted for in the original paying $17.50 apiece. go to the Student Non-Violent Co­ kaw by 12 p.m. Friday, May budget plan. The $400 for the Civ­ ordinating commiteee (SNCC). 15. Gives Reading This lelt $150 for the General il Rights week, approved by SEC If there are any questions or a Petitions for both commit­ fund plus $588 from n surplus in after treasurer Munson left of- The admissions department and desire for more information, write tees may be obtained from 19ttt SEC. Manson also predicted fiee, was passed on his prelim­ perspective student committee to Lee Dodds, Coordinator of either Tony Valukas at Bro­ a sizeable surplus from the in­ inary approval only. There was will sponsor a dramatic reading SFSA. 122 Johnston hall. Milwau- kaw or Marilyn Fox at Orms- dividual committee budgets which no final approval given for Un­ by a group of 20 sophomores, ju­ kee-Downer college, Milwaukee by. is added to the general fund at civil Rights week expenses by niors and seniors from Barring­ II, Wisconsin. the end of the year. Manson ex­ cither the past or present treas­ ton High school, Barrington. 111., plained that the general fund is urer. Monday. April 27. at 8:15 p.m. in not a specific allotment as other Harper hall. Manson said that there is a categories are since it varies with predictable surplus from com­ 1964 Counselors The group's ability to present student dropouts and returns English and American poetry has mittee budgets and therefore a The selection committees for men’s and wom­ from the committee budgets. been highly acclaimed by the projected budget deficit based en’s counseling have chosen 22 women and 33 Chicago Tribune. They have been He admitted that his anticipat­ on the spending of these commit­ men to serve as advisers to the freshman class of considered for television broad­ ed 25 student dropouts proved to tee budgets is inaccurate. He 1964. casting by the NBC and ABC tele­ be 25 less than the actual num- predicts the deficit to Ik* closer Applications for women’s counseling were open vision networks. lx*r. Thus, the 1155 present en­ to $1000 “Considering the loss of to all members of the present sophomore class. Two months’ work has gone in­ rollment, less the special students the Four Preps and tin- addition­ Final selection was made by a committee com­ to the reading to be presented. It who do not pay activity fees, ac­ al cost of Civil Rights Week posed of the dean of women, the head resident of has been given numerous times in counts for an unpredicted loss this deficit is quite reasonable,” Colman, and 11 students. the Chicago area. of $•140 in student fees. observed Manson. A committee composed of the head residents, deans, head counselors, and one counslor from each class selected the men’s counselors. Those chosen were: Women Sharyn Jacob Hugh Nellans Janice Agren Janice Patterson I^arry Newman Joyce E. Anderson Mary Schelhom Chuck Norseng Beatrice Bigony Bob Pepper Margaret Cornelison Men Don Schalk Ann Downing Kenneth D.
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