--../.1111111111111 41111111111 Special Engineer's Report on Seventh Street 11E1.1, 'these hi t...,.,ii /sic ,itte.1 to Iii isttii.VN 1,111:t ills closed is to make 10th 4LIKI report, with an increase of 39 per pian for the campus include-. 'it tteirtV. 1 .1 elitt.eti Stilt io battle is the bash- Council lllisnilay itirlit iii 'jr',1 t 11111 into a one-way street pair, with cent in traffic volume. eitNied. isser this ( 111 .1 1 ,11111,,I III 1.140/1.4-1' Jest lam 1`.1 parking. This is part of the Traffic volume has been decreased 1.)00 IT Said Ihis plan is Is,,. much, , 10: IC,' I I, PI 0 us, a entli Street. Wiltior Smith traffie plan for the up to 50 per cent at both ends .4 and rained Seventh 0,1/ .1 HAI/ Mulsert Doerr, city 15.111 10 L.000 1'.11111,11,1 this Seventh Street since its closing, the Street lts bargain with the state Its wilds the slims Lcutinger said itioz ssas to re- els or ,, dile CITY MANAGED. report continued. determine a master trzillic plan. ' engineering rtist orientation of local Son .1 arid or college area City Manager A. P. Hamann has Traffic problems could be solved, DOEItIt EXPLAINED the SJS /1101, difliculties trips. During the 'must ,t traffic peak hour of 9:15 pointed out to City Council this would even with a closed Seventh Street, Doerr explained that when the lend. to 5:15 p.m., traffic increased 9.3 not have a good effect on college if the city and state could work out state first asked to close Eighth and t Im% IA, I n the importance per cent. parking, removing up to 160 parking a master traffic plan for the area, San Antonio Streets, it promised to float's e I 1 list Ill'' Jot, net piecemeal, planning PEAK 110I'R TRAFFIC places. according to Doerr. widen San Carlos and San Fernando City want :11(i ru IS. and for this rea- Peak hour traffic is heavier on San Carlos and 10th Streets are Along with parking restrictions on Streets. this larg, .. au rug the ,fir ,1:10' should take 10th Street, according to the report, the main routes under special con- Tenth, the city engineer recommend, Sine the main utility lines were land frai nd helping pa,. times , poi in the develop- with an increase of IR per cent. Lein- sideration to ease traffic oongestion. widening San Carlos Street from under Eighth Street, the state also for put at ’1,,un, 1 1.;,1 le plan. inger, who said this is Isasieally San Fernando, according to Leinin- Seventh to 11th. San Carlos is par- promised San Jose that Al it, moved City /I:2, the I t INCREASE through traific, reconunisnils ternosuil ger's report, decreased 2.5 per cent ticularly important to the city as it the utility lines to Seventh Street, it whole Sissentt . nth - 00 Old 10111 Sheol s are oI iiiirking tat one side of Ole shred in daily traffic volume, and produces will eventually be the main cross would never ask to close Seventh row aftern4i0, . ifs its ,11,rease of four missing Imes. no problems that did not exist before. county arterial, sail! Doerr. Street. the Williut Smith ,lio,..(1 bet Another oo plan its lii Iuls,5 I 11, 1 I ;line Ninth St net is tiniest heavily daily San Carlos is zits,' important to the A closed Seventh Street adds to eerning tle. ,11 11:1 I Hal 0/1 10th SI0,1 11 II by isimpus traffic, according to the college, because the recent siust.ter campus unity and vonsenienee, and problem oo ~MD- oo 00 Today's Weather %Seuther should be hair in the 1, Er, santa Clara %'alley today, with RIDAY. Ztan a predicted high id 62-65. Low pa tonight is a predicted 32-39, nith gentle ninds. SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE Vol. 51 -4554 8. SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1964 No. 73 Ion t9) SJS May Again Be Peace Corps Training Site Engineering Building Dr. Furst Summer 'Boot Camp' Dedication Tomorrow Tentatively Planned 'u III of the ":7 5 million of the General Products Division To Lecture d ',on to the Engineering Build- of IBM. Haanstra is also sched- Negotiations are now 111 pis igress , 'they will ill take place tomorrow at uled to speak at the annual alumni- between the Peace Corps and col- 1, , ('lasso", in American t st dinner. dance Saturday lege officials for a 1964 summer- norld af fair, ..., ,rid Norman Gunderson, dean of night at LOWS Village. At 11:30 ! training progyam at SJS, ;scowl- ctsinniunism, is' and I he Engineei mg Diision will pre- Following de. lieu lion ceremonies, ing to Dr. James VS'. Thornton, l'eace Citrps "rum t ,u ion I. at Ow (cognate,. The dedi- visitors a-ill have an opportunity professor of secorsdary education., According bt Dr. This:111.m, the cation addr.,,, will be delivered to tour the 230,000-square-foot -Every other hospital bed is oc- Although a final decision has not trances spend hen ween. 60 and 65 Is y Is 1.V I faanstra, president facility which houses the engineer- cupied by one suffering with some ;been made, the program would hours a week in class. ing departments. Students will mental disease," according to Dr. probably involve 100 persons who In the summer of 1962, SJS was explain theory and techniques of Arthur Furst, who will be first would be training to teach Eng- 'a Peace Corps training site for use of experimental equipment and mathematics in Fee Payments speaker in the spring semester lish. science, more than 200 persons who were which they have developed, or in- the Philippines. later sent to Mindanao in the Phil- lecture series. structional equipment. The program has been tenta- ippines. "There is a general feeling and I The dedication of the new build- tively scheduled for June 151 The college was not a training Due Today hope," he has also said, "that bio- ing is one of the Engineering Week through Aug. 10. center last summer because of seaitline for adding classes and activities. chemical abnormality in the brain The trainees will learn one of financial disagreement between the paying registration fees is today. I The three cue& running for en- will account for some of these State Board of Trustees and Peace diseases." After today, all classes will be gineering queen are Sally Prater, Corps officials in Washington. ,gosed, and students who fail to 19, sociology major from Sacra- Dr. Furst 's k.cture, "Biochem- A Peace (-swiss team from Wash- meet t.01.e., 1 p.m. deadline will mento; Judy Markley, sophomore istry of Mental Disease---Fact and Ducats on Sale NO PARKINGThere’s no parking along Ninth Street due to ington. D.C., will be recruiting at installation be charged $5 for late registration. homemaking major from San Car- Fancy" today in Concert Hall will of a storm drain, but there's just enough room for SJS during the week of April 6. Exceptions are those students 21 -year- trace research in progress on the twoway traffic during the evening. City Assistant Traffic Analyst los, and Margaret Kelley, The people who are recruiting at with classes only on Wednesday trail for the search of metabolic For Spartacamp Dick Thome has announced that cars parked in the construction old senior English major from San this time are not necessarily those tone or Thursday night. They may pay reasons for mental disease. near the intersection of San Fernando and Ninth Streets Gabriel. Tickets for the weekend Sparta- who will take part in the pniposed will tees and hand in IBM packets on be towed away. Voting will take place at sales A member of the Western Phar- camp will remain on sale this week summer Philippine progra'- those nights. locations of The Rule, engineering macology Society and the New in front of Spartan Bookstore and Last 'ill the Peace C" is';. ,egis- Feb. 28 will be the last day to 'magazine, in front of the cafeteria, York Academy of Science, Dr. the cafeteria. The $12 price in- tered 695 students durini u one- drop a class. in the lobby of the Engineer- Furst has for three years been a cludes transportation, meals and land week recruitment progrucT. here tilind-Body' Topic of Talk ing Building, starting today member of the executive board of lodging. This was topped only the American Chemical Society. till' Iii 'C p in. tomorrow night in CI1150. Bill Erdman, Spartaeamp. direc- number of student Teem: - Dr. Furst also holds member- Dr. Shaffer, a professor of phil- tor, hzis titled the event "Direc- the University of Califorti. , ,phy it Swarthmore College, ni Cyclists' Woes: French Film Shows ship in Phi Lambda Upsilon tan tions.- The committee intends tu, Pennsylvania, has authored art I honorary scholastic and chemical emphasize the importance of hon- Ill Philosophical Re% tea.. Journ Please Rack It society) and was organizer and est self-evaluation and develi.p Union Positions tsf Philosophy, and Mind wag., Students are reminded to start first president of California Chem- discussion on personal and soci.. tatue Decision 1Two Times Today tines. parking their hioeles only in istry Teachers. He is also a mem- goals. lip The speaker received his 11.A it the bike racks, as the college "Carnival in Flanders," today's ber of four other societies. Erdman, who with the commit- ,r College Union sub- Coucil Today cornett University in 1950 and his pollee have started a drive this Classic Films feature, deals with The lectures, sponsored by the tee has worked on the event since isitions in the College PhD at Princeton Univeisity in neck to confiscate those illegal- the Spanish invasion of Flanders College Lecture Committee.
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