EnviroGRIDS – FP7 European project – D7.12 Building Capacity for a Black Sea Catchment Observation and Assessment System supporting Sustainable Development Policy and decision makers’ involvement Title Policy and decision makers’ involvement Creator ICPDR, BSC, UNIGE Creation date 10/3/2012 Date of last revision 31/3/2012 Subject Dissemination: Policy and decision makers involvement Status Finalized Type Word document Description Describes the activities of enviroGRIDS to reach policy and decision makers through the activities of BSC and ICPDR. Contributor(s) Dan Teodor (ICPDR), Alex Hobart (ICPDR), Volodymyr Myroshnychenko (BSC), Nicolas Ray (UNIGE), Anthony Lehmann (UNIGE); Rights Public Identifier EnviroGRIDS_D7.12 Language English Relation EnviroGRIDS_D2.6_Report on Gap Analysis Citation Teodor D, Hobart A, Myroshnychenko V, Ray N and Lehmann A (2012). Policy and decision makers’ involvement. EnviroGRIDS deliverable D7.12, p.51. - 1 - EnviroGRIDS – FP7 European project – D7.12 Building Capacity for a Black Sea Catchment Observation and Assessment System supporting Sustainable Development Contents POLICY AND DECISION MAKERS’ INVOLVEMENT 1 ABSTRACT 4 1 INTRODUCTION 5 1.1 WP7 OBJECTIVES ON DISSEMINATION AND TRAINING: 5 1.2 D ESCRIPTION OF 7.5 TASK ON D ECISION AND POLICY MAKERS INVOLVEMENT 5 1.3 D OCUMENT S TRUCTURE 6 1.4 O BJECTIVES 6 2 ICPDR AND BSC AS AN INTERFACE TO POLICY AND DECISION MAKERS 7 2.1 T HE I NTERNATIONAL COMMISSION FOR THE PROTECTION OF THE DANUBE RIVER (ICPDR) 7 2.2 T HE C OMMISSION ON THE PROTECTION OF THE BLACK S EA AGAINST P OLLUTION (BSC) 11 3 PAST ACTIVITIES 17 3.1 F ACTSHEETS TRANSLATED IN SEVERAL LANGUAGES 17 3.2 D ATA GAP ANALYSIS 17 3.3 P OLICY BRIEFS 19 3.4 W ORKSHOPS ON BRINGING GEOSS INTO PRACTICE 19 3.5 P UBLICATIONS IN D ANUBE WATCH, INTERNATIONAL INNOVATIONS AND “SAVING THE BLACK S EA” N EWSLETTER 20 3.6 P RESENTING THE PROJECT AT THE EVENTS B ORGANIZED BY THE LACK S EA C OMMISSION 21 3.7 P ARTICIPATION IN BLACK S EA C OMMISSION CONFERENCES 23 3.8 V IDEO ON THE STORY ON D ATA FOR E NVIRONMENT 23 4 ONGOING ACTIVITIES 25 4.1 I MPROVEMENT IN ICPDR AND BSC SPATIAL D ATA I NFRASTRUCTURES (SDI) 25 4.2 C REATION OF DATA AND METADATA WEB SERVICES 28 4.3 C OMPARISON BETWEEN MONERIS AND SWAT MODELLING APPROACH 30 4.4 C REATION OF SOCIO-­‐ECONOMIC SCENARIOS FOR THE BLACK S EA CATCHMENT 34 4.5 P REPARATION OF GENERAL A SSEMBLY IN SOFIA WITH ICPDR 37 4.6 P REPARATION OF FINAL CONFERENCE IN BATUMI WITH BSC 37 5 FUTURE ACTIVITIES 40 5.1 IT SUPPORT FOR ICPDR AND BSC SDI 40 5.2 S TATE OF GEO MEMBERSHIPS IN BLACK S EA COUNTRIES ( MORE DETAILS IN DELIVERABLE D.6.8) 43 5.3 E XTEND ICPDR KNOW-­‐HOW IN THE BSC CATCHMENT 45 5.4 S TARTS ASSESSING POLLUTION LOADS IN B THE LACK S EA AS IN B THE ALTIC S EA 45 5.5 P REPARE AN AFTER-­‐LIFE PLAN FOR ENVIROGRIDS 46 6 CONCLUSIONS 46 6.1 I NTERNATIONAL COMMISSION FOR THE PROTECTION OF THE DANUBE RIVER 46 6.2 C OMMISSION ON THE PROTECTION OF THE BLACK S EA AGAINST P OLLUTION 47 REFERENCES 49 ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS 51 - 2 - EnviroGRIDS – FP7 European project – D7.12 Building Capacity for a Black Sea Catchment Observation and Assessment System supporting Sustainable Development Figures list Figure 1 Work packages and tasks structure of the enviroGRIDS project. Lower right: task on Decision makers .......... 5 Figure 2 Contributions of enviroGRIDS to the chain of information for Integrated Water Resource Management .......... 6 Figure 3 Contributions of enviroGRIDS to the creation of geo web services to feed the BSC and ICPDR web portal for public and decision makers’ communication. ..................................................................................................... 7 Figure 4 enviroGRIDS factsheet translated in 15 languages, here in Georgian. .............................................................. 17 Figure 5 enviroGRIDS policy briefs on: 1) GEOSS, 2) IWRM, 3) Global change scenarios, 4) GEO Societal Benefit Areas ..................................................................................................................................................................... 19 Figure 6 enviroGRIDS workshops on Bringing GEOSS into practice ............................................................................. 20 Figure 7 enviroGRIDS publication in International Innovation ....................................................................................... 21 Figure 8 enviroGRIDS Story of Data on the Environment ............................................................................................... 24 Figure 9 MONINFO Geoportal based on GeoServer ........................................................................................................ 27 Figure 10 Schematic picture of main processes in relation to sources and pathways of nutrient inputs, including retention, into surface waters (MONERIS model). ........................................................................................................... 32 Figure 11 SWAT translates input data (climate, elevation, soil, land cover) into water quality and quantity outputs (here with an example from Lake Balaton catchment in Hungary) .................................................................................. 33 Figure 12 SWAT outputs in the Black Sea catchment ...................................................................................................... 34 Figure 13 Characteristics of the four main scenario families of the IPCC Special Report on Emission Scenarios (Nakićenović et al., 2000) ................................................................................................................................................. 35 Figure 14 enviroGRIDS scenarios – BS HOT, BS COOP, BS ALONE and BS COOL .................................................. 36 Tables list Table 1 Estimates of annual nutrient loads to the Black Sea (tonnes) .............................................................................. 13 Table 2 Type of restrictions, codes, definitions and usages of the dataset ....................................................................... 29 Table 3 Tentative Agenda of the joint event to be organized by enviroGRIDS project and BSC .................................... 38 - 3 - EnviroGRIDS – FP7 European project – D7.12 Building Capacity for a Black Sea Catchment Observation and Assessment System supporting Sustainable Development Abstract The deliverable presents a complete overview of past, on-going and future activities of the enviroGRIDS project and partners in the field of policy makers’ involvement through the interface of the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR) and the Commission on the Protection of the Black Sea against Pollution (Black Sea Commission, BSC). First, a short description of the ICPDR and BSC structure, objectives and expectations from the enviroGRIDS project are explained. Then, past activities are presented through the description of some important outputs of the project: Factsheets in 15 languages Data gap analysis on Earth observation in the Black Sea catchment Policy briefs on GEOSS, Integrated Water Resource management and scenarios of global changes Workshops in several countries on bringing GEOSS into practice Publications in Danube Watch, Saving the Black Sea and International Innovations Contribution in several ICPDR and BSC meetings and conferences Video on the Story of Data on the Environment On-going activities concern: Improvement of the ICPDR and BSC Spatial Data Infrastructures Creation of data and metadata web services MONERIS and SWAT hydrological modelling Creation of global changes scenarios in climate, demography, land use and water resources Preparation of the last general assembly in Sofia and the final conference in Batumi In the last year of the project, enviroGRIDS will strive to finalize the following activities: IT support to the ICPDR and BSC Spatial Data Infrastructures Encourage new GEO national memberships in Bulgaria and Georgia Support know-how of ICPDR in river basin management Assess the pollution loads for the needs of the Black Sea Commission Prepare an After-life plan for the enviroGRIDS project. Finally, both commissions draw a few conclusions on their relationships with the enviroGRIDS projects and related domains of the Earth Observation and Spatial Data Infrastructure. - 4 - EnviroGRIDS – FP7 European project – D7.12 Building Capacity for a Black Sea Catchment Observation and Assessment System supporting Sustainable Development 1 Introduction 1.1 WP7 objectives on dissemination and training: The main objectives of enviroGRIDS (Lehmann et al. 2008) in terms of dissemination and training (Figure 1) can be summarized as follows: To involve decision- and policy makers in the Black Sea Catchment and disseminate project results through the Commissions for the Danube (ICPDR) and Black Sea (BSC) To build capacity of end-users in the Black Sea catchment for the domains of EnviroGRIDS; thereby contributing to the Global Earth Observation System of Systems by means of workshops, conferences and virtual platforms To promote the sustainability of partnerships and enhance local ownership of the data and outcomes. Figure 1 Work packages and tasks structure of the enviroGRIDS project. Lower right: task on Decision makers 1.2 Description of task 7.5 on Decision and policy makers involvement This task is co-ordinating the dissemination of the research results towards decision makers and policy makers. The two Commissions are
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