Property of the Watertown Historical Society watertownhistoricalsociety.org Timely Coverage Of News In The Fastest Growing Community In Litchfield County Vol. 46 No, 23 SUBSCRIPTION PRICE '10.00 PER YEAR PRICE 25 CENTS June 4,1981 Pagano, Miss Snow Rank AsWHS's Top Students Leaks Reported In Roof At Heminway The Board of Education is fac- ed with another costly roof repair Christ Church Country project, this time at a school that escaped high and dry from severe leaking problems two Fair Begins 6 Tonight years ago. Richard Huot. school depart- Christ Episcopal Church, The records, handicrafts, baked ment business manager, con- Green, will welcome young and goods, and a full line of refresh- firmed a report given at Monday old funseekers today (Thursday) ments. night's Town Council meeting the when it opens its 20th annual Highlighting Saturday's festiv- Heminway Park School gym- Country Fair at 6 p.m. on the ex- ities is the all-day auction under nasium roof has begun to leak, panse between Woodbury Road the tent--the best thing this side "The slate is just crumbling i, and DeForest Street. of the Buckley mansion. In addi- away," he said, Trouble spots The fair will continue Friday tion to a large selection of house- have been caulked and tem- Thomas Pagano, Amy Snow, night, and run from 10 a.m. to 5 hold goods, the event will include porarily sealed, he added, but the Valedictorian Salutatorian p.m. Saturday. Haviland china, oriental silks, minor repairs "won't hold up," Attractions include the tradi- antique dolls, and sterling silver. He said quotes from roofing Thomas Pagano, valedictorian, track team and a four-year partic- tional midway with rides and Richard 0. Clark Sr. is the firms are being obtained this and Amy Snow, salutatorian, ipant on the club, he was voted games for the youngsters, sales fair's chairman, and Dr. John week, and he estimated costs to have been named as the top two Most Valuable Player last year, of jewelry, clothing, books and Griffith is auction chairman. be "in the vicinity of $10,000." students in the Class of 1981 at and has lettered for the third The flat roof covers the portion Watertown High School, Princi- time, of the school that serves both as a pal William Norwood has ann- Mr. Pagano holds the school gymnasium and auditorium, ounced. records in the 100-metcr dash P.B. Dedication June 13 Mr, Huot said the money will Mr, Pagano is. the son of Mr. (:10.9) and 200-metcr dash (;22. come from the 1981-82 budget, 5). The official dedication of the Guided tours through the mill- and Mrs. Gatin W, Pagano, 23 new Watertown Police Station on Ion dollar facility will be conduct- which goes into effect July 1, The Ledgewood Road, and Miss Snow Along with Miss Snow and French Street will take place Sat- ed for the public from 10 a.m. to 4 Board still must trim $340,000 is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, eight classmates, he was selected urday, June 13. p.m. Refreshments will be served from the $8.8 million education Gardner H. Snow, SO Vail! Road. as a Connecticut State Scholar for at the site. package passed by voters at town The pair will address their academic achievement. Town Manager James Troup meeting May 27. classmates, distinguished guests Miss Snow plans to attend reported ceremonies have been Mr. Troup said other times for The business manager pointed and audience at the Saturday, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y. scheduled for 2 p.m., and about tours will be arranged for those out two boilers at South School June 20 graduation exercises. in the fall to study computer 170 invitations have been sent not being able to attend June 13. need replacing, and was uncer- Mr. Pagano, who last year won science and business in its Col- out. The public Is invited to at- More details on the ceremonies tain earlier this week if the roof the Rensselaer Polytechnic Insti- lege of Arts and Science. tend as well. will be announced next week. problems would alter the plans. tute Medal for excellence in On the senior executive board The board's buildings committee mathematics and science, plans and vice president of the National 9 was slated to meet Tuesday to attend Rensselaer in the fall Honor Society chapter, she has b night, June 2, and major in chemistry. He also been a member of the Student Special Olympics Kids Norman Stephen, the Council's received a citation from the Council the past two jears, as budget head who disclosed the Connecticut Chapter of the Socie- well as the American Field Ser- roof problems Monday, said the ty of Women Engineers for excel- vice (AFS) chapter. Competing Sat At Taft council "was assured" by a lence in the two subjects. Miss Snow co-chaired the Sno- Board subcommittee 1980-81 ex- He has been a four-year mem- Ball committee, and is on the Approximately 90 youngsters Room. Fred Farrell is in charge. penditures would be kept within ber of the WHS band, was a senior banquet committee. She Is from Watertown and surrounding Spectators are Invited to come the approved budget passed in homeroom representative to the a member of her church choir. communities will take part in the and watch the special citizens April. second annual Jaycees Regional compete for blue ribbons in the sophomore class executive board Miss Snow's sports activities The Board had been criticized and presently is an alternate include four years on the girls* Special Olympics Saturday, June 500-meter dash, 200-meter run, 6, at the Taft School track area. Softball throw, and long jump. for spending unused funds in the homeroom representative to the tennis team,, and being its cap- past over the summer on senior executive board. tain the past two seasons, and The public should park in the Taft Opening ceremonies will begin lot off Guernseytown Road. maintenance items instead of Mr, Pagano has been a mejn- two years each of junior varsity at 10 a.m. Athletes from Thomas- returning monies to the town. betot the National Honor Society and varsity field hockey, She Is ton, Litchfieid, Wolcott, Nauga- The rain date is Sunday, June Voters okayed bonding $575,000 since the spring of his sophomore the girls' sports editor for the tuck. Prospect, Watertown-Oak- 7. Any cancellation will be ann- in April, 1979 as part of a four- year. One of four captains on the yearbook. ville, and a Bristol group home ounced over radio WWCO. Continued on Page 24 will compete in running, jumping and throwing events. The event acts as a preparation Jeff Keen- To Spend AFS for the State Special Olympics, slated for June 14 at Fairfield Summer In South Africa University. Jaycee Andrew Gallagher is Watertown High School junior chairman of the regional.event, Jeff Keers has received a place- and he will be assisted by almost ment to South Afrieia in the 100 volunteers. Including many American Field Service (AFS) from groups such as St. John's summer student exchange pro- Chruch TIC, Watertown Lions gram. Club, Oakville-Watertown Youth The son of Mrs. Elsie Keers Athletic Association (OWYAA), and the late William Keers, Wa- local Boy Scouts, Wolcott Junior tertown, he will leave June 21 for Women, Naugatuek: Rotary Club, Wai vis Bay. and the Oakville-Watertown Fife His host family will be Mr. and and Drum Corps. Mrs. Nicholas Retief and their three children Nicholas, Quintas, Monetary and trophy donations and Victor. Mr. Retief is the busi- also have been made in care of ness manager for SWACS Foods, other groups. Ltd. Entertainment will be provided Mr. Keers will be. attending by singer Debra Spencer, a Jud- Duneside High School during his son School teacher. Photograph- stay. Afrikaan and English are ing the event will be police Bet. A RETIREMENT DINNER honoring Watertown High School the languages spoken. Ronald filanchard. English teacher Rosemary Kane, center, was held Monday at He is looking forward to his trip A banquet has been scheduled Cederwick Inn, with about 75 teachers and staff persons on hand to and hopes to learn Afrikaan, Mrs, for Wednesday, June 10, with honor the 38-year town teacher and former English Department Keers said. He will return to the facilities being donated by Mary head. With her are WHS Principal William Norwood and June U.S. Aug. 26. Jeff Keers Jo Coddington of the Westbury Legge, English teacher, (Moore Photo). Town Times (Watertown, Conn.) June 4,1981 Page 3 Page 2 town Times (Watertowni Conn,) June 4,1981 Guarino, Old Colonial Road; and Property of the Watertown Historical Society CCSCGrads RiehMd W. Gursky Sr,, 120 Will- half in January, 1982. Board Tidies Up School iamson Circle. About 200 persons turned out Eight OakvUie residents were among nearly 2,000 candidates Masters of science degrees Budget Passes Easily to vote, approving the Board of went to Miwy S. Addons, 56 Sllfi Education's 58.8 million spend- Schedule For Late June receiving dsgrtea May 22 At the Townspeople rather willingly The new fiscal year begins in 131st Commencement of Central drives Annette Dcsjardins, 3 Col- watertownhistoricalsociety.orgthe eominuiiity for the first time VUItG VUIC. The Board of Education at its The Board okayed a Policy approved the $14.1 million town meeting last weak approved Connecticut State College, New onial St.; Brian T. Malley. 32 budget for 1981-82 at the annual on July 1, since the town has then by a standing count of 144- Committee recommendation on Westview Drive; and Joanne M, converted to the state's Uniform 54 after a division of the house several single-session days for the administering of medicines.
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