PAGE EIGHTEEN TUESDAY. DECEMBEB 80. IMW r lEttBiiing IfpraUi A w n se DiuDr Net Pn m Run -A------ Vw n » Weak M B i The Weather. M, 1M» Travelers wamlnga In effect. Snow mbced with sleet this af­ ternoon, acctimulations to three 15,880 inches. High, mid to upper aos. Menehettef'-^A City of Village Charm Snow tapertng off by cventaig. VOL. LXXXIX, NO. 77 (SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER SI, 19«9 (CVasaffled Adrertlaiug o n Page 14) PRICE TEN CXNTS %W i M f y i l w l s 1969 Prices Took Hartford Going INC. To the Dogs? Mitchell Faces Charges HARTFORD, Ckam. (AP) 4.7 Per Leap — Oonaeeffeut officiils ai« detennlnad that the slate WASHDIQTON (AP) — Ctov- clip,” said Nathaniel Ooldfln- “win lead tise oounbry in ta- emment statistics show whole­ ger, chief economist for the 18.4 cStties for dogs. sale prices climbed 4.7 per cent million member AFL-CIO. in u se for the s te q ) ^ rise In 80 That, o t lasMrt, M the But Secretary of Labor t^dnian of Louis Oolat, aa- MAYTAG years, adding iikhw fuel to the Geoige P. Shultx, in a separate In My Lai ‘Massacre’ siatant State oanlae cotdrol argument over whether Presi­ interview, maid White Houae p<d- A PRICE TAG dent Nixon’s policies can alow officer, whose dapsitmeut ictea of federal budget cuts, promulgated a new ■vpatMt. Inflation. high interest and tight money FT. HOOD. Tex. (AP) — 8. GAS DRYER ad Hot of vegulaHons to r Sgt. David Mitchell'# command­ You’Ll LIKE "It all adds up to the probabil­ are beginning to work. "Infla­ pounds, kennda, pet tbopo tion isn’t continuing unabated," ing officer Issued orden today ity that the cost of living is and grooming sstahMshnieata to court-martial the sergeant on on Ihe now goiiig to continue rialiig at a fast Shults said. Tueeday. And Nixon, In signing the tax chargee of aseault wWh Intent to reform bill Tuesday, Indicated The regulaUons untS now commit murder during the al-* even tougher federal budget re­ had aald only that pomda )eged My Lai masoacre tai Vlet- MAGIC CHEE strictions to offset tax losses. had to be "aidlable,’’ "oom- laun last March, 1968. *Tt win make our fight fortaUe” Slat "eanMary." The charges contend that Sgt. Interest Up against the rising cost o t living Now, they’H require — Mitchell fired arifie at a group GAS RANGE more difficult,’’ Nixon said of among other emanlUee — at of Vietnamese cfvUiaiu. the esUmated |2.S IdlUon a year least "80 oandlepower" of The order followed wide­ OnFHA.VA government revenue toss from light "for at least sight spread Inveettgations, including the new tax law. hours a day,” and c"at laaot a lengthy secret seaston by offi­ cers In a room deep In the Pen­ With one month’s figtues to . a baihinr tub, a groom-' Will it rain? Will it snow? Is it ing table, hot and cold run­ tagon. Home Loans go, the Labor Department’s Mitchell In a news cenferenoe too hot to spend an hour hangino Consumer Price Index measur­ ning water, a drier, eUpperm, WASHmOTON (AP) — Iffud- oomba, brudiea and aiieara.’’ this month said that he saw no up heavy loads of wet clothes? ing typical American living massacre at My Lai. mum interest rates allowed on costs Is up 5.S per ceid for 1988, Why worry about the weather at government-insured FHA and The sergeant's Immediate su- n steepest rise since the S.8 per pertor. U. William L. CaUay all? The climate is always perfect VA home loans wlU )>e boosted cent for all of 1881, a year In for the second time within a Jr., had been charged with pre­ MAKE inside a Maytag Gas Dryer. Wash which Korean War wage-price meditated murder. year to a record 8H per cent as Gunboats any day you please, as often as controls were imposed. Another The decision to court-martial of next Monday. rise in living costs in December you like. A Maytag Gas Dryer MHchell was made by MaJ. Secretary of Housing George equal to the 11-month average Spotted Near Gen. John K. Boles Jr., com­ gives fast, efficient service and Romney said Tuesday he was so far in 1868 would push the mander of the 1st Armored Dvi- saves time for more pleasant reluctantly approving the in­ rise in living costs to the tdghest skm statlnned here. crease from the current 7H per since 1847’s 8.1 per cent after things. Under Army procedure, the cent maximum which has been Wtx'ld War n wage-price con­ Israeli Port dlvialanal commander la the In effect <mly since last Jan. 24. trols were lifted. HAIFA, Israel (AP) — Two of person required to deckle The announcement was bad "At this point, we have the be­ whether to pursue the charges, WORLD news for prospective home buy­ five gunboats from France were ginnings of the worst of all pos- sighted today 40 mUea west of which In Mitchell's oaae ware GET DEPENDABLE ers who had hoped to see a sta­ stoillties—the danger of reoea- filed several weeks ago. bilising or reduction ot interest slon without any slowdown in this Israeli port. A pair of teraell Jets sootned over them A deckdon on whether to MAYTAG FEATURES rates which have been spiraling I»icea,’’ said Goldfinger in ex­ ODurt-marttal Mitchell had been sinoe early In 19M when the lim­ pressing the labor federation’s and gave two victory rolls. The vessels and the Jet acro- delayed pending further tnvasti- No othw dryer on the market at it was SK per cent for the loans opposition to the Nixon anU-ln- gaUon although he had been backed by the Federal Housing Oation policies. b^ics were seen by Associated any price can offer all these 9 Press photographer Brian CJal- charged some time ago. Just becaufk^ we’re having our “ups and downs”. Administration and Veterans A Ft. Hood spokesman said features. 1. Gentle circle of low Administration. AFLrdO President George vert in a plane over the Medi­ The Magic Chef Quality is WAY UP . and our heat dries even delicate lingerie. Me any has said only federal terranean Sea. that Mttohell will remain free Romney said be had delayed controls on all prices, wages pending hlk trial and that he prices have been marked WAY DOWN. You’ll 2. Pushbutton controls including: as long as possible but he was There was no immediate sign wash 'n wear and air fluff. 3. and other income would halt of the three other gunboats that wUt continue his duUes as a like the new price tag almost as much as you’ll forced to take the action to sharply rising prices. company non-oommlsstoned of­ Cool cabinet. 4. High-speed dry­ "help hold the line against a left Cherbourg on Christmas love the new Magic Chef Gas Range just loaded The Nixon administration has Eve. ficer at this sprawling post tai with features. Come in today . You’ll discover ing. 5. Big-family load capacity. further drying up of mortgage rejected any thought of wage- Central Texaa. funds from regular sources At Haifa, an oil company why more women cook on 6. Efficient lint filter. 7. Zinc- price controls. The general. In a formal coated steel cabinet protects “The danger of recession Is spokesman indicated the mis­ statement, eald no date tor the Magic Chef than on any other against rust. 8. Safety dopr and He noted that market yields growing greater day by day,” sion of the grnboats would be to Territorial Vietnamese soldiers display three Viet Conw captured during a Officer Charged oouit-martlal has been sat. A range. safety restart switch. 9. Quiet on most types of Investments Goldfinger said. ‘‘Industrial pro­ supply and defend an Israeli- small ambush operation in the Hai Lanjr district of Vietnam's northernmost dale, he said, will depend on 1970 have gone .up more than one duction has been sliding down American oil drilling operation Quang Tri Province. (AP Photofax) when the proeecutlon and de­ operation. percentage point in the past now for months, residential con­ off the Israeli coast. With Murder fense lawyem are ready. Look for the Tag . Look for These Features year and that lenders are de­ struction is declining, retail A spokesman for the Netlvel The general's etatement hint­ A GBT OBPENDABLE manding higher and higher dis­ sales have leveled off now tor Nefl Co. said the speedy, 147- DA NANG, Vietnam (Al*) ed that secret military Intorma- • Clock with 1-Hour Timer count points to make FHA-VA A Marine captain with 10 com­ • Oven Window and Light about a year,” he added. foot craft would arrive late In tton may be brought up at the loans. •.Shults acknowledged the de­ the afternoon (10 a.m. BST) and bat medals has been charged oourt-maittal, for he said the • Slant Front Controls , GIs Begin 24-Hour Truce with murdering a North Viet­ Lenders have been charging 7 clining economic Indlcatora, but newsmen could question some,, panel hearing the tssUmony • High Performance Lifetime Cast Iron Burners SEE THE NEWEST GAS APPLIANCES to 8 per cent—or points—to ssdd it was a "moderate” dre^ of the officers and a compai^ namese priauner of War during could ban spectaora when nec- • LIft-Up and Removable Cook Top make loons. Most of this usually SAIGON (AP) — American Insure security of our troops enemy soidters In more than a a combat operation lost Aug.
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