PAGE 4 TORRANCE HERALD, Torrance, California THURSDAY, OCTOBER G, 1938 Ann Harding In TORRANCE HIGH Alice Faye Said ORRANCE IHEATRE Shaw Play at LIGHTS ... by Top Song-PIugger ADULTS 25o Phone Torrance 132 CHILDREN 10c Harvey Abramson Irving Berlin was the man who Thurs., Frt, Sat. 3 Big Days October 6, 7, 8 . Biltmore Oct. 10 Boe» Lome Game . .. Last Thurs voted Alloc Faye Hollywood'*, best song-plugger. He should MARGARET Ann Harding as "Candida" day the football season official!} SULLAVAN JAMES STEWART in opened for Torrance high. Thi know whereof he speaks; for that sounds like Important pro three "SHOPWORN ANGEL" poets In the realm of make-b Tartar Bees met the Leuzlngc decades ago the master of Bees In a practice game. Alth( American melody himself was a also JANE WITHERS in lleve. The lovely stage and scree craftsman star will appear In person atth the Torrancc boyi fought hard in that modern ver­ "KEEP SMILING" the visitors showed great power sion of the minnesingers, it v/af Biltmore theatre, Los Angeles, Berlin's early career at the be­ $$$ PLAY FRIDAY $$$ the famed George Bernard Sha and consistently drove through the center of the line. The Lcuz- ginning of the century that start­ Frl. and Sat. Chapter 1 "ZORRO RIDES AGAIN" comedy for two weeks only, bi ginning Monday evening, Oct. 1 ingcr eleven made a score In ed him on the path to writing every quarter, converting his own tunes. Sun., Mon., Tues., October 9, 10, 11 ... "Candida" h.rs remained fo three over 40 years the most success times, for a final tally of 27 It was Irving Berlin who, thru CHARLIE MCCARTHY EDGAR BERGEN 'ul of all of Shaw's comedies, to 0. Torranco's outstanding 20th Century-Fox, has given the At Their Best In s said to have been Shaw's ai players were Hatter, who die film fans a graphic history of "LETTER OF swer to Henrlk Ibsen's "The Do most of the ball carrying, Coasl our turbulent times since he first INTRODUCTION** Souse," written at a time whi ajid Parton, both active offcn- wrote "Alexander's R a gt 1 m e also ERROL FLYNN OLIVIA DeHAVILLAND in dramatic literature was under slve"~playors. Band" for an exhilarated world "FOUR IS A CROWD'* going a rapid change. Miss Hard | Drop In Attendance . , . The fig­ to shout from the housetops appeared as "Candida" ures just came in on the standing nearly thirty years ago. Wednesday Only, October 12 ... London last season with grea of Torrance high with other Berlin "plugged" among 800 iuccess and Bernard Shaw him schools In attendance ratings hits-of his own creation, such j. ANNA MAY WONG in self Is said to have come into th during June. Of the 36 high songs as "Alexander's Ragtime "WHEN WERE YOU BORN?** city to take charge of rehearsals STAR TRIUMVIRATE . Tyrone Power, Alice Paye an schools in the Los Angeles system, Band," "Ragtime Violin," "Inter- Usually noncommittal, Shaw Torrancc ranked ninth, the lowest COMEDY TRIO Above, national Rag," "When the Mid- Don Ameche, who head the superb cast in Irving Berlin reading from top to bottom, Is!"*11,1,,0" Cho° ^,avc£F,°r ALSO said to have been very please musical production, "Alexander's Ragtime Band," will It has ever been. At the same "am'," AA"r with Miss Hardmg's time, Narbonne climbed to sec­ Edgar Bergen, the world's mo Everybody's Doln' It',1' "Eedfred The Great White Trail" interprcta seen at the Plaza theatre In Hawthorne starting Frlda 'Blue Skies," "Marie," "Heat ion of his greatest heroine, an evening. ond place. famed dummy Charlie McCai $200 GIANT KENO ot only did he attend the open Recall Vacation Joys . During thy, and Andrea Leeds who pro e," "Easter Parade," and vide the high comedy in "Lettc Chook to Cheek." BOX OFFICE ng night but several subsequen their lunch .hour many Instruc­ OPENS 5:45 p.m. ____ erformances. tors have been telling of the of Introduction," opening Sunda These are all heard inslnuat- New School K their' reminiscent melodies Paul Cavanagh, popular Broad Home Building fine times they had on their at the Torrance theatre. Bclo Rule Doesn't vacations. s Errol Flynn, who Is starrc nto the stirring story of "Alox- way actor, will appear as th< nder's Ragtime Band," which ~lev. James Mavor Morrcll; Er > Miss Janeves toured England, n "Four's a Crowd" which is o Service Offered Affect TJf.5. the same program. pens Friday at the Plaza thc- est Cossart will enact the com Holland, Italy, Germany, Switzer­ tro In Hawthorne. role of Mr. Burgess, a char An extensive home-building am An order from VI e r 11 n land, Belgium and France. With such stars as Tyrone cter Shaw created for his out Ke'rscy, superintendent of th Miss Locke visited 'New Zea­ 'ower, elling campaign was launched Los Alice Faye and Don Amp- of philosophy, and Eugene ere this week by the Safe Way Angeles city school systci land and returned with some he, and with a brilliant cast iarchbanks, the moon-s truck ulldlng Service of Hollywood which includes Torrance, th interesting pictures and accounts >aded by Ethel Merman and wet, will, be played by Clay )avld week abolishing high school di her trip. ack Haiey, Berlin's melodies will lercer, a brilliant newcomer to C. Feltz, manager, said partmental heads caused no flur rfr. Hamilton remained on HAWTHORNE, CALIFORNIA hat the firm will develop the augmented by his two latest he legitimate field, and a dls- ry at Torrancc high. Prlncipa this side of the water this sum­ ompositions, overy by ormer Nestor tract at 213th and Thomas Elson had none "My Walking Telephone 299 "The Friendly Family Theatre" Miss Ann Harding. Wain streets but will be glad to altho h mer and visited Old Mexico. tick" and "Now It Can Be Told," Phyllls Loughton, dynamic rovlde its unique plan of buy- hoped to gain two if the depart Miss Mills and her friend, Miss EARPHONES? . YES! oung directress from Broadway, mental system was continued thi Thomas visited many points of | ng property and building homes year. Friday to Tuesday October 7-11 ho has worked with Norman onformlng to Federal Housing interest on the Atlantic coa 'eachers' Institute 4 3el Geddes productions for thi dmlnlstration regulations any Instead, Torrnnce high will con traveling by automobile. TYRONE POWER, ALICE FAYE and DON AMECHE in st few years, is responsible foi tinue to operate on a functiona Miss Lockyer toured Carlsb s Now in Progress IRVING BERLIN'S ~ ___ e staging of "Candida." basis, Principal Elson said. Th Caverns, Florida, New Orlcai Jolice Radio System curriculum Is based on hralth dc and Washington D. C. The annual Los Angeles city Jnder Study Here elopmcnts, vocational guidance Miss Chase sprnt a month lachcrs' institute program pot Vo Receptions college preparation and basi YellowKtone Park and broug ndcr way this work. The; seri&L "ALEXANDERTRSn Details of a proposed police studies, he pointed out. back many Ideas for her a meetings, demonstrations, lest [onor Teachers adlo system linking Torrancc, classes. ons and Instructive tours will cdondo, Hormosa, Manhattai ontlnuc to Dec. 17. All tcach- First of two receptions for Trees Removed to s must attend at least six of orrance high school faculty nd Gardens departments in ; TIE wo-way communication Enlarge H. S. Field ie sessions to receive three full BAND" system embers was held this afternoon Townsend iys' pay and credits. the Ministerial association at ere given the city council re- All eucalyptus trees about th Club e Woman's clubhouse. The sec- ntly by Walter E. Olson. May- ilgh school campus arc being Painted Desert" William H. Tolson asked Coun- Auto' MiMcum SUrted~ Mickey Mouse Cartoon id will be given by the P.T.A. .opped this week while the Cat Activities onday nigh't at the high school man Tom McGulre to study the Local Boys Win EAST LIVKRMOKE, Me. fU.- alina cherry trees at the west em Mrs. Beth Paige ) Otho FaiTington bus a mi­ Starts Wednesday honor of the new instructors. oposal with Director John Stroh of the main playing field are being the Public Safety department, nis for a museum of antique removed preparatory to an ex Last Thursday evening bein Honors at Fair itomoblli's in the 1901 Duryea, son offered to finance the en- panslon of the boys' playgrounc he regular monthly birthday a S3S * "MY LUCKY STAR" QUELL GRASS FIRES re system on a fixed charge 309 Maxwell and 1910 Flanders. Two grass fires, believed to area. The fence will be removec air, the sons and daughters The Torrance high school Fu- $75 per month per dcpart- extending the field up to the new Virgo were feted. The birthd; ire Farmers have again sho' ve been started by cigarettes ent. "FOUR'S A CROWD" sscd from autos, were extin- ' gymnasium and in the addi- ake, made, baked and dccorat their class as poultrymcn. Aus- tralorps SPECIAL ATTRACTION WED. COME EARLY $$ Ished Saturday at 174th and ional ground two outdoor bas­ >y Mrs. Lulu Kent and he entered by. Leslie Hcd- Oth and Hawthorne. arbonne Faculty ketball courts and other garni daughter, Mrs. Earl Kent, ca rick for the Torrancc chapter in iven Reception paces will be created. led its pink candles in the sug the egg production contest at th NOW PLAYING! gesttvc shape of a big qucstio L. A. County, Fair finished In a "VALLEY OK THE . A large number of parents and BOY ARRESTED lark.
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