Renaissance Quarterly Books Received: January–March 2011

Renaissance Quarterly Books Received: January–March 2011

Renaissance Quarterly Books Received: January–March 2011 EDITIONS AND TRANSLATIONS: Alexander, Gavin R. Writing after Sidney: The Literary Response to Sir Philip Sidney 1586– 1640. Paperback edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010. xliv + 380 pp. index. illus. bibl. $55. ISBN: 978–0–19–959112–1. Barbour, Richmond. The Third Voyage Journals: Writing and Performance in the London East India Company, 1607–10. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. 281 pp. index. append. illus. gloss. bibl. $75. ISBN: 978–0–230–61675–2. Buchanan, George. Poetic Paraphrase of The Psalms of David. Ed. Roger P. H. Green. Geneva: Librairie Droz S.A., 2011. 640 pp. index. append. bibl. $115. ISBN: 978–2–600–01445–8. Campbell, Gordon, and Thomas N. Corns, eds. John Milton: Life, Work, and Thought. Paperback edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010. xv + 488 pp. index. illus. map. bibl. $24.95. ISBN: 978–0–19–959103–9. Calderini, Domizio. Commentary on Silius Italicus. Travaux d’Humanisme et Renaissance 477. Ed. Frances Muecke and John Dunston. Geneva: Librairie Droz S.A., 2010. 958 pp. index. tbls. bibl. $150. ISBN: 978–2–600–01434–2 (cl), 978–2–600–01434–2 (pbk). Campanella, Tommaso. Selected Philosophical Poems of Tommaso Campanella: A Bilingual Edition. Ed. Sherry L. Roush. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2011. xi + 248 pp. index. bibl. $45. ISBN: 978–0–226–09205–8. Castner, Catherine J., trans. Biondo Flavio’s Italia Illustrata: Text, Translation, and Commentary. Volume 2: Central and Southern Italy. Binghamton: Global Academic Publishing, 2009. xvi + 488 pp. index. illus. map. bibl. $36. ISBN: 978–1–58684–278–9. Clubb, Louise George. Pollastra and the Origins of Twelfth Night: Parthenio, commedia (1516) with an English Translation. Anglo-Italian Renaissance Studies. Farnham: Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2010. 248 pp. index. illus. bibl. $104.95. ISBN: 978–0–7546–6890–9. Nicolas of Cusa. Les Conjectures / De Coniecturis. Les Classiques de L’Humanisme. Trans. Jean-Michel Counet. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 2011. clvii + 336 pp. index. tbls. gloss. €39. ISBN: 978–2–251–34500–0. d’Abondance, Jean. Le gouvert d’humanité. Presses Universitaires de la Faculté des Lettres de Toulon Babeliana 13. Ed. Xavier Leroux. Paris: Honoré Champion Éditeur, 2011. 292 pp. index. gloss. bibl. €58. ISBN: 978–2–7453–2219–7. de la Cruz, Sor Juana Inés. Poems, Protest, and a Dream. Trans. Margaret Sayers Peden. New York: Penguin Books, 1997. xlix + 254 pp. $16. ISBN: 978–0–14044703–3. della Mirandola, Giovanni Pico. Giovanni Pico Della Mirandola, Apologia: L’autodifesa di Pico di fronte al Tribunale dell’Inquisizione. Fondazione Ezio Franceschini. Ed. Paolo Edoardo Fornaciari. Firenze: Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2010. cv + 470 pp. + 12 b/w pls. index. append. illus. bibl. €75. ISBN: 978–88–8450–383–1. de Montpensier, Mademoiselle. Memoirs. MHR New Translations Volume 1. Ed. William Brooks. Cambridge: Modern Humanities Research Association, 2010. xxxiii + 246 pp. index. tbls. chron. $15.99. ISBN: 978–1–907322–01–3. de Villagrá, Gaspar. Historia de la nueva Mexico. Biblioteca Benjamin Franklin. Ed. Manuel M. Martín Rodríguez. Madrid: Universidad de Alcalá, 2010. 499 pp. bibl. €15. ISBN: 978–84– 8138–882–4. Dolfin, Giorgio. Cronicha dela nobil cità de Venetia et dela sua provintia et destretto: Origini – 1458. Volume 1. Ed. Angela Caracciolo Aricò. Trans. Chiara Frison. Venezia: Centro di Studi Medievali e Rinascimentali “E. A. Cicogna,” 2007. 277 pp. €35. ISBN: 978–88–9654–3009. Góngora y Argote, Luis de. Góngora’s Shorter Poetic Masterpieces in Translation. Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies 357. Ed. Diane Chaffee-Sorace. Tempe: Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2010. xii + 382 pp. index. bibl. $80. ISBN: 978–0–86698– 405–8. Grund, Gary R., trans. Humanist Tragedies. The I Tatti Renaissance Library 45. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2011. xliii + 340 pp. index. bibl. $29.95. ISBN: 978–0–674–05725–8. Hoffmann, Manfred, and James D. Tracy, eds. Collected Works of Erasmus: Volume 78: Controversies. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2011. xxii + 498 pp. index. bibl. $165. ISBN: 978–0–8020–9866–5. Macrin, Jean Salmon. Hymnes (1537). Ed. and trans. Suzanne Guillet-Laburthe. Genève: Librairie Droz S.A., 2010. 1132 pp. index. bibl. $140. ISBN: 978–2–600–01423–6. Miletto, Gianfranco, and Giuseppe Veltri, eds. Judah Moscato Sermons: Edition and Translation Volume One. Studies in Jewish History and Culture 26/1. Leiden: Brill, 2011. xi + 572 pp. index. bibl. $283. ISBN: 978–90–04–17900–4. Molho, Anthony, and Franek Sznura, eds. Brighe, affanni, volgimenti di stato: Le Ricordanze quattrocentesche di Luca di Matteo di Messer Luca dei Firidolfi da Panzano. Memoria Scripturarum 5; Testi in Volgare 2. Florence: SISMEL Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2010. civ + 580 pp. + 6 b/w pls. index. illus. €90. ISBN: 978–88–8450–372–5. Obrecht, Jacob, and Cappella Pratensis. Missa de Sancto Donatiano: Bruges 1487. CD/DVD. Fineline Classical, 2009. €17.95. ISBN: FL72414. Orlando, Ermanno, ed. Strade, traffici, viabilità in area veneta: Viaggio negli statuti comunali. Quaderni del Corpus Statutario delle Venezie 5. Rome: Viella S.r.l., 2010. 186 pp. index. €26. ISBN: 978–88–8334–496–1. Pino, Paolo. Dialogo di pittura / Dialogue sur la peinture, 1548. Textes Littéraires de la Renaissance 4. Trans. Pascale Dubus. Paris: Honoré Champion Éditeur, 2011. 240 pp. index. gloss. bibl. €50. ISBN: 978–2–7453–2113–8. Praetorius, Johannes. Mothering Baby: On Being a Woman in Early Modern Germany: Johannes Praetorius’s Apocalypsis Mysterorum Cybeles. Das ist Eine Schnakische Wochen-Comedie (1662). Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies 371. Ed. and trans. Gerhild Scholz Williams. Tempe: Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2010. ix + 168 pp. illus. bibl. $55. ISBN: 978–0–86698–419–5. Randall, Catharine, ed. Black Robes and Buckskin: A Selection from the Jesuit Relations. New York: Fordham University Press, 2011. ix + 212 pp. + 18 b/w pls. illus. bibl. $35. ISBN: 978–0– 8232–3262–8. Riegl, Aloïs. The Origins of Baroque Art in Rome. Texts and Documents. Ed. and trans. Andrew Hopkins and Arnold Witte. Los Angeles: Getty Research Institute, 2010. x + 280 pp. index. illus. gloss. bibl. $50. ISBN: 978–1–60606–041–4. Roig, Jaume. The Mirror of Jaume Roig: An Edition and an English Translation of MS. Vat. Lat. 4806. Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies 350. Ed. María Celeste Delgado-Librero. Tempe: Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2010. ix + 434 pp. index. bibl. $84. ISBN: 978–0–86698–398–3. Ronsard, Pierre de. The Franciad (1572). AMS Studies in the Renaissance 44. Ed. Phillip John Usher. Brooklyn: AMS Press, Inc., 2010. lxviii + 272 pp. index. illus. bibl. $162.50. ISBN: 978– 0–404–62344–9. Scaliger, Iulius Caesar. Poetics libri septem / Sieben Bücher über die Dichtkunst. Band VI. Ed. Luc Deitz, Immanuel Musäus, and Gregor Vogt-Spira. Stuttgart: Frommann-Holzboog, 2011. 430 pp. index. append. tbls. €296. ISBN: 978–3–7728–2220–9. Seifert, Lewis, and Domna Stanton, eds. and trans. Enchanted Eloquence: Fairy Tales by Seventeenth-Century French Women Writers. The Other Voice in Early Modern Europe: The Toronto Series 9. Toronto: Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies, 2010. xi + 362 pp. index. append. illus. bibl. CAN$32. ISBN: 978–0–7727–2077–1. Shuger, Debora. The Renaissance Bible: Scholarship, Sacrifice, and Subjectivity. Reprint of University of California Press edition. Waco: Baylor University Press, 2011. Reprint. xv + 298 pp. index. append. illus. bibl. $39.95. ISBN: 978–1–6025–8309–2. Sidney, Dorothy Percy. The Correspondence (c. 1626–1659) of Dorothy Percy Sidney, Countess of Leicester. The Early Modern Englishwoman 1500–1750: Contemporary Editions. Ed. Michael G. Brennan, Noel J. Kinnamon, and Margaret Hannay. Farnham: Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2010. xxxii + 228 pp. + 1 color and 8 b/w pls. index. append. illus. tbls. gloss. chron. bibl. $99.95. ISBN: 978–0–7546–5769–9. Stern, David, trans. The Washington Haggadah: A Fifteenth-Century Manuscript from the Library of Congress. Cambridge: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2011. 162 pp. + 76 color pls. illus. bibl. $39.95. ISBN: 978–0–674–05117–1. ter Meer, Tineke L., ed. Opera Omnia: Desiderii Erasmi Roterodami. Apophthegmatvm Libri I– IV. Leiden: Brill, 2010. 400 pp. index. illus. $176. ISBN: 978–9004–18173–1. Turner, Henry S. The English Renaissance Stage: Geometry, Poetics, and the Practical Spatial Arts 1580–1630. Paperback edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010. xv + 326 pp. index. illus. bibl. £27.50. ISBN: 978–0–19–959545–7. Zampeschi, Brunoro. L’innamorato. Il Portico: Biblioteca di Lettere e Arti 155. Eds. Armando Maggi, Chiara Montanari, and Sarah Christopher-Faggioli. Ravenna: Longo Editore, 2010. 254 pp. index. illus. bibl. €25. ISBN: 978–88–8063–666–3. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND REFERENCE: Bradley, Lynne. Adapting King Lear to the Stage. Farnham: Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2010. vi + 274 pp. index. bibl. $99.95. ISBN: 978–1–4094–0597–9. Gschwend, Annemarie Jordan, and Johannes Beltz. Elfenbeine aus Ceylon: Luxusgüter für Katharina von Habsburg (1507–1578). Exh. Cat. Zurich: Museum Rietberg Zurich, 2010. 164 pp. append. illus. map. bibl. €54. ISBN: 978–3–907077–49–8. Paoli, Ugo, ed. I processi informativi per la nomina dei vescovi di Trento nell’Archivio Segreto Vaticano (secoli XVII–XVIII). Annali dell’Istituto storico italo-germanico in Trento Fonti 10. Bologna: Società editrice il Mulino, 2010. 772 pp. index. append. tbls. bibl. €48. ISBN: 978–88– 15–13998–6. Rapelli, Paola. Symbols of Power in Art. A Guide to Imagery. Trans. Jay Hyams. Los Angeles: The J. Paul Getty Museum, 2011. 382 pp. index. append. illus. $24.95. ISBN: 978–1–60606– 066–7. Schoenfeldt, Michael. The Cambridge Introduction to Shakespeare’s Poetry. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2010. vii + 164 pp. index. $65 (cl), $19.99 (pbk). ISBN: 978–0– 521–87941–5 (cl), 978–0–521–70507–3 (pbk).

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