>>>>>>o<<<<<< ALPENA DATES OF EVENTS. 18,62---lgo2. 25 CENTS. >>>>>>o<<< ARGUS, ALPENA, MICH. ALPENA DATE,SOF EARLY EVENTS On the follo*'ing pages are showD 'he dates of t'he principal hap,pen- rngs and events in the history of Aipen,a city, .A.lpena county, and some important da,tesin the history qf adjacent counties. The list has been co.mpiled with the greatesl nossible ac.curacyand is hrought up to January 1, 1I 1'5. As the years oass this little tboo'kw,ill become all the mcre valuable,. Preserve it for reference. It will make interesting reading and will settle many a dis- DUte. I a;39-ta4 0- First survey ,by the Unite(! ,States of lancls in Alpena eo'unty. The first sarvmill in Alpen,a coun- ty was erected at the mouth ol Devil River in 1844, by Jonathan Burteh and Ans.on Eldred. Darid D. Oliver built and opened a store on Thunder Bay Isiand, in 1845. ! at6- Simeon M. H,olden erected a frame bttiltling on Thunder Bay Island. I S,56- Nov. 26.-I)aniel ,Carter. $ife and daught.er, c,ame t0 Alpena, the {irst settlers. € { _.<--.-"€r' ra57_ Feb. T._AIpena county organize.d. Whac is now the city of rvas _\lpena then oalled x'remoni, ailii" ljrt election of county oflicers""0 in . November, Daniel ,carier ;;;';.# treasu.rer, rI :9.-?l:'rlsl,ip. the torrr.iri'r, cotnprising the entjre eounty. lf; Carter was atso the fi".t of Fremont. ;;;t;u.;, r850- _ In February, t g,b9, the name ot"' Fremont was changed t" .sr;"rul \ In,t8b8 the first s,c,hoolin Alpena was { held in ,a-rougn ooard eooDer srrop n on l9t t0, block 3, ot tfre-fUis,s vii- tage, oi { t Water street, witn ivrary L'arter as the teacher. \{ \ 'first / _ The: lumbering on Thunder e^V river I in the fall o'f ISSS-.--*^'*"' i 1859- ^* ^ Smith &,Chamberlain built fi.rst tho ' s.team sawmilt el"; r'iver. "r-ilr"oii. rtt60_ __Lockwood & Minor built a mill on Thunder Bay rivsl_1t,J i,ir"ra'lvtii] The po,puiation -- of Alpena-z--d,O'. and*-" i\Ion'tmorency c.ounties wu. r862_ Alout ,, July 1st, 1862, occurred tfie first Alpena nre, starting in- ttrl"i, Iirti:..and on the 4th .pi."d tne,settlement, where partlJ'built it Uu"o-uAtti saw miit i,f f,".i*,j"j as well as i"rti,iil!!: several otlter \-u-_-vx-++-,,- 5 1463- ft+* Thc' first school hous,erbuilt in r"ths coulty wa:j in 1863-.4, on lot 2, block 2'0,,vitlage. J. B. TuLile, teacner. ,April 17.-At night, the saw mill of Cham.berlaln & S,mit,h was burn- ed, with 8,00,,'000 feet of l,umiber own.ed by Miller & !'letcher. May 1.-The firs't number of th,e Pioneer 'Thundera{'lpen,a was iss,ued, then tho Bay M,onitor. 1865- _ Alpena L,oclge,Nro. 1gg, ;X.. & A l{. was organized. Aug. 9.-Steamers Metbor and Pervabic in collision off Thunder B,ay island. Pewarbic sunk and between ?5 and 100 lives were lost. The erection of C,ongregational church c.omqnencedin 1g6b, hnished !n 1868. 1867- The s.hinglemills of rhomas Rob- inson and Hop,p,er & Davis .were burneC. Pottergardware Co. Established te67 Corner Second Avenue J and ,* River Street 'fl 'r .? '":_,r--r--€ u I 864- The Old Union School Building, xhere the Hig,h School now stands' was built in 1868. I a69- tlay 3.-The,planing and grisr mill of D'oane & Bingham Partly Durned. Same miil destroyetl 'by fire Oct. 1, 187 0. t87(}- Thunder Bay ,Chapter R. A. lM. w,as organized. Residence of Fulton Bundy .burn- ed. Popula.tion of Al,pena and Mont- morency counties wag 2,7,56. Llec. 12.-The court h,ouse.and a dwelling adjoinin,g, owned Lby.S. E. t{itcht'ock. rvere destroyed by fire, and nearly a1,1of the county records ,t\ were burnecl. r87l- rFebruarY- Il61adry of Davio Crippen and ,boardin,g'house of Lock- wood & Minor reduced to ashe's. By act of the legislature Al'pena was made a city in 1871, t'be first election being held in Ap'ril, when seth L. ,Carpenter was electe,dmayor Arprit 9.-A conflagration swepl out of existence the entire ,business portion on the north side of the river. The principal building;s burn- ed were the Huron House, Beebe building, dwelling of Moses Bingham, Evergreen Hall, Star Hotel and store t'' building of J. 'C. Bowman, occupied by Butterfield & X'olkerts. The loss at this flre was upwards of $60',,000. May-_1,tr" first. flre coqpany was organized, with A. L. Pow,er as fore- m.an, and the steam fire engine ;Sah- gonahkato purcha.sed. June 26.-German Aid Society was organized, with Chas. Golling as the first president. Society started with about forty members. June 27, 1871, fire spread from the woods near State street and the i old Champbell & Potter dock, dam- i aging the dock, burning the house of 1 Wm. Waltenbury, and damaging the .a ! residence of Jas. A. Case about $300, I The firemen and people fought hard l to save the city from destruction, June 29.-First issue of the Al- pena Weekly Argus. July 1.-A- R. Richardson erect- ing first trrick building in Alpena. ,t for a residence, on State street; Bol- ton & McRae building brick blocK € corner Dock and Fletcher streets; ,d: Barlow mill built and at work; Hen- I ry Beebe building new block on Dock {; street; Samuel Boggs erecting Sher- * man llouse on Second street. t July 26.-Burrell House formal- ly opened. Sept. 1.2.-Brick work on Bolton I5 & McRae block completed; A. W' Comstock €rectinB new residence at fl corner of Second avenue anrl Dun- I E bar street. Fletcher House-completed being erected on Water street, ; July 1872; Cowell & Godfrey build- ing store on Second street. J Sept. l8.-Occurred tlte death of I .qb--*-- -.--.....,-.*. '' G-- 8 Edward Vail ,owner of Vail foundry. Oct. , 3.-First lodge of Odd FeI_ rows organized. _ F iom Aprit 1 to OcL 8, -1871, z\ tnere were 2SB building.s and" per-. manent additions erected in the city_ J. _ - S. Minor sreets new sawmill on lsland in river. ,. Oct. 23.-Bolton & McRae occupy their new brick store. .Nov. 4.-Boiler in Minor Island mill exploded, and ninu -"n-"*1rl more or less injured, two of wtrom. Edward Munroe ano'CLas.;-'F,;";': ier, died the same evening. ^-{ou. 12.-sunday rnorning, the Glo^beHotel, with j. n. eea;li, pro-_ prteror, and the saloon of J. C. Dona-ld, Mc_ _on River street, where stands the Denton ntoct, were tuin_";; ed to the ground. - Telegrairh ' '/ line oompleted to Al_ . pena in November, 1g?1. 2,5..-sawmill ,^Iot: of Cunning_--it nam, Robinson, Haines & C"., Ossineke,burned. 147> ._-March 1.-Bank of Alpena Bank_ lng Co. opened. April l.__Maltz Exehange bank commenced.banking business. J::lY 12.-oceurred the greatest eonflag,ratio4 the fristory" p.ena-Upwards_in oi ajj of $1?5,00b woriir 9t,prop.etrtywas destroyeA,.ana tnree ,Tljll: tllgcks-those rtt*.i., w.*r,I - rn_g-ronavenue, Second and ,"- srreets. Chistrotm and the two blocks b;t,w;;-; '- -...!-4...- u --1 :4i River, Chisholm, First and Thit'rl street all were reduced to ashes, with one exception, the house now owned and occupied by John Beck, at the corner of First and River streets. The buildings on Second anrl River streets, from the Com- stock block to the Cobden hotel were burned, and a residence where now stands the Holmes & Reynolds block, as well as the buildings where now stands the opera house block, The fire practically wiped out the business portion of the city on the south side of tlle river. and financial- ly ruined a good many people. The ' fire was of only two hours dura- tion. T'hree Iives were Iost in the disaster, Mrs. H. G. Westbrook, Geo. B. Westbrook and Geo. Westby. Sept. 4.-The barn of B. X'. Luce f- and residence of H. Hyatt were burn- ed and two cows and a horse cremat- ed. The next morning the shingle mill of Hopper, Davis & Co., at the dam, was destroyed by fire. Sept. 5.-Tug Bennis burned to I the water's edge, while out on the I bay. I Sept. 24.-Propeller Galena, freight and passenger boat between I Alpena and Detroit, went ashore, I during a gale, on North Point, anil I was a total wreck. No lives were I lost. I Office of weather bureau estab- t. Iished in September. ir--l Oet. 1.-Since the great fire of July 12, buildings have been and are I under conjsLruct'ion by Potter I t ::::nL{ -,:i_ .-: , . .- .- *j *_.-tr-- '' 10 Rros., two brick stores; A. L. power & Co., two brick stores; Albert pack brick store; brick store each ol Jason Gillett, Aber Bros., W. Mc- Master, F. S. Goodrich and Bewick. Comstock & Co., brick buiiding for Alpena Banking Co. ,,prevailing Dec. 17.-That dis- ease" seems to be spreading in the city. Small pox. Steamer John Sherman purchased by Lake Shore Navigation Co., to be the next year run between Bay City and Alpena. , Year 1872 ends with hundreds of people in the city and county offict_ with /,'ed smallpox. i Bridge built across river on Sec_ / ond avenue and Dock streets during winter of 1872-3, Established 1872 THE J.L.
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