FREE-WILL AND TAWAKKAL ACCORDING TO ENTREPRENEURS GRADUATED FROM FACULTY OF USHULUDDIN AND HUMANITIES OF UIN WALISONGO THESIS Submitted To Faculty of Ushuluddin And Humanities In Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements For The Degree of S-1 of Islamic Theology on Tasawuf and Phsycoteraphy Department By: ARINA ROHMAH NIM. 094411038 SPECIAL PROGRAM OF FACULTY OF USHULUDDIN AND HUMANITIES ISLAMIC STATE UNIVERSITY (UIN) WALISONGO SEMARANG 2016 i ii iii iv MOTTO Means: ―But seek, through that which Allah has given you, the home of the Hereafter; and [yet], do not forget your share of the world. And do good as Allah has done good to you. And desire not corruption in the land. Indeed, Allah does not like corrupters.‖ QS. Al-Qasas (28) : 77 v GUIDELINES TRANSLITERATION I. Single Consonant Arabi Roma Arabi Roma Arabi Rom Arabi Rom c n c n c an c an N ن Dh ظ Dz ذ A ا W و …‗ ع R ر B ب H ه Gh غ Z ز T ت …‗ ء F ف S س Ts ث Y ي Q ق Sy ش J ج K ك Sh ص H ح L ل Dl ض Kh خ M م Th ط D د II. Consonant Cluster Consonant cluster caused by syaddah written double. .ditulis rabbanaa ربـنـا :Example Consonant cluster caused by syaddah written copies. .written rabbanaa ربنا :Example III. Ta‟ marbutah at the end of the word 1. When written off being h, except for the Arabic words that have been absorbed into Indonesian, like prayer, charity, and so on. written al-qaari‟ah الـقـارعـة :Example 2. When turned on because it is coupled with another word, it will be written t. written zakat al-maal زكاة الـمـال :Example vi IV. Short Vocal Fathah written a, kasrah written i, and zhammah written u. V. Long Vocal Sound of a will be long vocal written by aa, sound of i written by ii, and sound of u written by uu. VI. Article Alif + Lam 1. If follow by letter of qamariyyah written al- .written al-kaafiruun الـكافـرون :Example 2. If follow by letter syamsiyyah, letter l replace with letter of syamsiyyah concerned. .written ar-rijaal الـرجـال :Example VII. Writing words in the phrase or sentence: In this case there are two kinds of ways: 1. Based on the writing word by word. 2. Based on the sound or pronunciation of each word in the set. written wahuwa khair ar-raaziqiin, or wahuwa وىـو خـيـرالـرازقــني :Example khairur raaziqiin. In this transliteration use the latter. VIII. Double live sound (diphthong) Arab transliterated by combining two letters ―v‖ and ―au‖ as layyinah, lawwamah. For words ending in ta „marbutah and function as nature (modifier) or mudaf ilayh transliterated with ―ah‖, while the other serves as mudaf transliterated with ―at‖. vii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS بســــــــم هللا الرحــــــــــمن الرحــــــــيم Praise is to Allah, Who have guided researcher to finish this paper and give the beautiful life in this world. Peace and salutation may be upon to beloved prophet Muhammad SAW, his inspiring attitude that inspires the researcher strongly and bravely in facing the storm eventually comes closer in the process of work settlement. The researcher gave title on this paper: Free-Will And Tawakkal According To Entrepreneurs Graduated From Faculty of Ushuluddin And Humanities of UIN Walisongo, for submitted to the faculty of Ushuluddin and Humanities in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Islamic Theology in Tasawuf Psikoterapi Department. The researcher would like to extend the deep appreciation to all those who have assisted during researcher graduates studies at UIN Walisongo, Semarang. 1. The Rector of UIN Walisongo, Prof. DR. H. Muhibbin, M.Ag. 2. The Dean of Ushuluddin Faculty UIN Walisongo, DR. Mukhsin Djamil, M.Ag. 3. The Lecturer of Ushuluddin Faculty UIN Walisongo. 4. The Chief of Tasawuf and Phsycoteraphy department, DR. Sulaiman, M. Ag. 5. Special thanks to researcher‘s thesis Advisors are Drs. H. Adnan, M.Ag and Ahmad Afnan Anshori, MA. M. Hum Rights who lead researcher with patient and always give spirit in their busy life. 6. The Staff Administration of Ushuluddin Faculty UIN Walisongo who was always willing to help and serve the corresponding researcher of academic administration purposes. 7. Big thanks for all informant on this research. 8. Researcher‘s Family: Abah Abd. Rohman (Alm.) and Ummi Amaliatul Hamdanah, emak Hj. Aslihah (Alm.), and brothers : M. Irfan Z. viii Firdaus and M. Zamakhsyari F. Aziz, sweet sister, Navila sakina, who always support, love, pray, and hug the researcher to study wherever and whenever, either in campus or outside. 9. The big family of Darul Qur‘an and my friends from FUPK Depag (TP and TH). 10. The big family of Orin Craft 11. All researcher‘s friends and colleagues, who always support the researchers to quickly complete the study. Togetherness who had been awakened into a collective principal so we were always optimistic through life that full of challenges to face globalization. 12. And Last but not least, the researcher would like to thank to special friend in life, MKA who always support to complete the study. Honestly, the researcher recognize that this work is still simple and for the future is still need improvement, therefore the criticism and suggestions from readers are very expecting from the researcher. Hopefully this thesis have benefit to all of us. Amen. Semarang, June 30, 2016. The Researcher, Arina Rohmah ix TABLE OF CONTENT TITLE OF PAGE .................................................................................................... i DECLARATION PAGE......................................................................................... ii ADVISOR APPROVAL PAGE............................................................................ iii LEGALIZATION PAGE....................................................................................... iv MOTTO PAGE...................................................................................................... v GUIDELINES TRANSLITERATION PAGE...................................................... vi ACKNOWLEDGMENTS PAGE........................................................................ viii TABLE OF CONTENT......................................................................................... x ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................ xiv CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION A. Background................................................................................. 1 B. Problem Identification................................................................ 9 C. Research Question..................................................................... 10 D. Aim of Research........................................................................ 10 E. Significance of Research........................................................... 10 F. Prior Research............................................................................ 11 G. Methodology of The Research................................................... 13 H. Writing Systematic..................................................................... 15 CHAPTER II : THE CONCEPT FREE-WILL, TAWAKKAL AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP A. The Concept of Free-Will in Islam 1. The Definition of Free-Will.................................................... 17 2. The Normative Basis of Free-Will.......................................... 20 x 3. Free-Will in Islamic Teology.................................................. 23 a. Qadariyah...........................................................................23 b. Jabbariyah..........................................................................25 c. Asy‘ariyah..................................................................28 d. Ideology Reflection of Qadariyah and Jabbariyah about the obligation to work.......................................................30 B. The Concept of Tawakkal in Islam...............................................33 1. The Definition of Tawakkal................................................... 33 2. The Normative Basis of Tawakkal.......................................... 35 3. Tawakkal by in Seize of Sustenance....................................... 39 C. The Concept of Entrepreneurship in Islam 1. The Definition of Entrepreneurship........................................ 41 2. The Values of Entrepreneurship in Islam............................... 43 3. Prophet Muhammad as an Entrepreneur................................ 46 Chapter III : FREE-WILL AND TAWAKKAL ACCORDING TO ENTREPRENEURS GRADUATED FROM FACULTY OF USHULUDDIN AND HUMANITIES OF UIN WALISONGO A. History of Faculty of Ushuluddin and Humanities of UIN Walisongo.................................................................................. 48 1. Pioneer Period..................................................................... 48 a. Sunan Kalijaga Period............................................. 50 b. IAIN Walisongo Period............................................51 2. UIN Walisongo Period........................................................ 54 xi B. Role of Entrepreneur Graduated from Faculty of Ushuluddin and Humanities of UIN Walisongo................................................. 58 1. The Spread of Graduated from Faculty of Ushuluddin and Humanities of UIN Walisongo ................................... 58 2. The Empowerment of Graduated from Faculty of Ushuluddin and Humanities of UIN Walisongo.................................... 60 3. The Guidance of Entrepreneurs Graduated from Faculty of Ushuluddin and Humanities of UIN Walisongo................ 61 C. Free-Will and Tawakkal According to Entrepreneurs Graduated from Faculty of Ushuluddin
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