GAME - BIRDS WATER - FOWL OF SOUTH AFRICA E - BIRDS WATER - FOWL SOUTH AFRICA J J' M AJ OR BOYD Q HORSBRUGH ’ ’ M E M B E R O F THE B R ITIS H OR NITH OL OG I STS U NI ON AN D S OUTH AFR IC AN O R NITH O L OG ISTS UN ION ; FE LL OW O F T H E Z OOL OG IC AL S O C IE TY O F L ON D ON W I T H C O L O U R E D PL A TE S B S E R G E AN . V I C G . D A E S Ca e M o un Ri e n y T ( p ted fl me ) , P RE F A C E . IN THIS volume I have endeavoured to give descriptions of the — Game - Birds and Water - Fowl found within South African limits that is to s a so of a ine a n ou the a esi i e o eas y , uth l dr w thr gh Z mb R v r fr m t e to w st . I trust that in all cases the illustrations will be sufficient to enable i en i an a e - i h e a s oo th e sportsman readily to d t fy y G m B rd m y h t . It s be emem e e o e e a i ma e i s o en difl er e mu t r b r d , h w v r , th t m tur b rd ft v ry much from those in adult plumage I regret it w as not possible to e figure th e birds in every stag . i e a to the a i s of an s ecies am ea in e e W th r g rd h b t m y p , I gr tly d bt d ' Da ies a e Mo n e Riflemen ose ex e l en to e . O. S rg G v , C p u t d , wh c l t - e e to e All no e in field w ork h as been of the great st h lp m . t s referr g to Pondoland and Griqualand have b een communicated to me nnin Di e o of the a ar o to r . M n s e a s due D . y th k l J W B Gu g , r ct r Périn ue Di ec o f t ans aa M se m P e o ria and to Mr . o he Tr v l u u , r t , g y , r t r a e own M se m for the oan of an s ins o e wise a mos C p T u u , l m y k th r l t no aina e w ic e e se e ean Da ies to i s a e the u bt bl , h h w r u d by S rg t v llu tr t or w k . Muc h val uable information h as been o btained from the pages of ’ ’ the J ournal o the S outh A riccm rnitholo ists Um on ose ene e i f f O g , wh rg t c H aa ner h as one so c to e h di o Mr . m t e s E t r ( . A K g ) d u h furth r tudy i a o f ornithology in South Afr c . Wi o ei ea assis an e so wi in i en the a o of th ut th r r dy t c , ll gly g v , l b ur in in out is o o a e een mo e an o br g g th w rk w uld h v b r th d ubled . PREFACE . For the facts regardin g general distribution of the birds and the co ou and imensions of eir e s am in mos ases in e e to l r d th gg , I t c d bt d ’ Mr a e s a a e o on the F auna o S outh A rica . W . L . Scl t r v lu bl w rk f f , but a certain amount of inform ation w as als o obtained from Layard and ’ a e s Birds S th A im Sh rp of ou h . To - an m an s are a s o due for no es on Mr . i vie . W R Og l Gr t y th k l t a io i n oo in o e o e of m oo s s e es and for i s s . v r u p c , k dly l k g v r m y pr f ex ess m an s to Mr F . Witherb I s hould also like to pr y th k . H . y s i an ion for hi prac t cal help on m y o ccas s . B . R . H . T C O N EN T S . Kori Bustard (Otis kori) ’ Ludwig s Paauw (Otis ludwigi) Stanley Bus tard or Veldt Paauw (Otis cafm) Blue Knorhaan (Otis coerulescens) ’ Barrow s Knorhaan (Otis barrovii) Vaal Kn orhaan (Otis vigorai) Black -bellied Knorhaan (Otis melanogaster) Red -crested Knorhaan (Otis ruficrista ) Black Knorhaan (Otis afra) White- quill ed Knorhaan (Otis af roides ) Dikkop or Cape Thicknee (Oedicnemus capensis) Water Dikkop (Oedicnemus vermicula tus ) Great Snipe (Gallinago medi a) Ethiopian Snipe (Gallinago nigripennis ) Painted Snipe (Rostratula capensis) Shwimpi or Co qui Francolin (Francolinus coqui) Crested Francolin (F rancolinus sephaena) ’ Kirk s Francolin (F rancolinus kirki) Grey-wing Francolin or Cape Partridge (F rancolinus af ricanus) Cape Red -win ged Francolin (Francolinus levaillanti) Orange River Francolin (F rancolinus gariepens is) ’ Biittik ofer s Francolin (Francolinus jugularis ) ’ Shelley s Francolin (Francolinus shelleyi) Red - billed Francolin (Francolinus adspersus ) Natal Francolin (Francolinus nata lensis) Cape Francolin or Cape Pheasant (Francolinus capensis ) ’ Humboldt s Francolin (Pternistes humboldti) Southern R ed - necked Francolin (Pternis tes nudicollis ) Northern R ed -necked Francolin (Pternistes nudicollis casta neiventer) ’ Swainson s Francolin (Pternistes swainsoni) Harlequin Quail (Coturnix delagorguei) Cape Quail (C oturnix capensis ) CONTENTS . Blue Quail (Excalfactoria adansoni) Kurrichane Button - Q uail (Turnix lepurana ) Natal Button- Quail (Turnix nana) Hottentot Button - Quail ( Turnix hottento tta) Co mmon Guinea- Fo w l (Numida coronata ) East African Guinea -F0 W] (Numida mitrata ) Damaraland Guinea -Fowl (Numida papillosa) Cres ted Guinea-Fow l (Guttera edouardi) Yellow -throated Sandgrouse (Pterocles gutturalis) Spotted Sandgro use (Pterocles variegatus ) Double-banded Sandgrouse (Pterocles bicinctus ) Namaqua Sandgrouse (Pteroclurus namaqua ) Speckled Pigeon (C olumba phaeonota ) Olive-Pigeon (Columba argua trix) ’ Delalande s Green Pigeon ( Vinayo dela la ndii) Spur -w inged Goose (Plectropterus gambensis ) Black Spur-winged Goose (Plectropterus niger) Knob - billed Duck (S arcidiornis melanonota ) Dw arf Goose (Natoms a uritas ) White-faced Tree-Duck (Dendrocygna vidua ta ) Whis tling Tree-Duck (Dendrocygna f ulva ) Egyptian Go ose (Alopochen aegyptiacus ) South African Sheld -Drake (Casarca cana ) Yellow -billed Duck or Geelbec (Anas undulata ) Black Duck (Anas sparsa ) Cape Teal (Nettion capense) Hottentot Teal (Nettion punctatum) Red - billed Pintail or Red - bill (Paecilonetta erythrorhyncha ) European Shoveler (S patula clypea ta ) Cape Shoveler (Spatula capensis ) South African Pochard (Nyroca erythrophtha lma ) White-bac ked Duck (Thalassornis leuconota ) Macco a Duck (Erismatura maccoa) Hadada Ibis (Hagedashia hagedash) Index LIST OF PLATES . Kori Bustard o r Go m Paauw (Otis kori) ’ Ludwig s Bustard (Otis ludwigi) Stanley Bus tard or Veldt Paauw (Otis caf ra ) Blue Kno rhaan (Otis coerules cens ) ’ Barrow s Knorhaan (Otis barrovii) Vaal Kn orhaan (Otis vigorsi) Black-bellied Knorhaan (Otis melanogaster) Red -crested Knorhaan (Otis ruficrista ) Black Knorhaan (Otis af ra ) White-quilled Knorhaan (Otis afraides ) Dikkop (Oedicnemus capensis ) Water Dikkop (Oedicnemus vermiculatus ) Great Snipe (Gallinago media) Ethiopian Snipe ( Gallina go nigripennis ) Painted Snipe (Rostratula capensis ) Co qui Francolin or Shwimpi (Francolinus coqui) Crested Francolin (Francolinus sephaena ) ’ Kirk s Francolin (Francolinus kirki) Grey-wing Francolin (Francolinus af ricanus ) Cape Red -w inged Francolin (Francolinus levaitlanti) Orange River Francolin (Francolinus gariepensis ) ’ Biittik o fer s Francolin (Francolinus jugularis ) ' Shelley s Francolin (Francolinus shelleyi) Red -billed Francolin (Francolinus adspersus ) Natal Francolin (Francolinus natalensis ) Cape Francolin or Cape Pheasant (Francolinus capens is ) ' Humboldt s Francolin (Pternistes humboldti) Southern R ed -necked Francolin (Pternis tes nudicollis ) No rthern R ed -necked Francolin (Pternistes nudicollis ca staneiventer) ' Sw ainson s Francolin (Pternistes swainsoni) Harlequin Quail (Coturnix delagorguci) Cape Quail (Coturnix capensis) LIST OF PLATES Blue Quail (Excalfactoria adansoni) Kurrichane Button - Quail (Turnix lepumna ) Natal Button- Quail (Turnix nana ) Hottentot Button - Quail ( Turnix hottentotta) Common Guinea-Fowl (Numicla coronata ) East African Guinea-Fow l (Numida mitrata) Damaraland Guinea-Fo wl (Numida papillosa) Crested Guinea-Fowl (Guttera edouardi) Yellow -throated Sandgrous e (Pterocles gutturalis ) Spotted Sandgrouse (Pterocles variegatus ) Double-banded Sandgrouse (Pterocles bicinctus ) Namaqua Sandgrouse (Pteroclurus namaqua ) Speckled Pigeon or Bush-Dove (Columba phaeonota ) Olive Pigeon (Columba arguatrix) ’ Delalande s Green Pigeon ( Vinago delalandi i ) Spur -Winged Goose (Plectropte'rus gambensis ) Spur-winged Goose (Plectropterus gambensis ) Spur-winged Goose (Plectropterus gambens is ) Black Spur-winged Goose (Plectropterus niger) Knob -bill ed Duck (S arcidiornis melanonota ) Dw arf Goose (Nettopus auritas ) White-faced Tree - Duck (Dendrocygna vidua ta ) Whistling Tree-Duck (Dendrocygna f ulua) Egyptian Goose (Alopochen aegyptiacus ) South African Sheld -Drake (Casarca cam ) Yellow -billed Duck or Geelbec (Anas undulata ) Black Duck ( Anas sparsa ) Cape Teal (Nettion capens e) Hottentot Teal (Nettion punctatum) Red -bill ed Pintail or R ed - bill (Paecilonetta erg/throrhyncha) European Sho veler (S patula clypeata ) Cape Shoveler (Spatula capensis ) South African Pochard (Nyroca erythrophtha lma ) White - backed Duck ( Thalassornis leuconota ) Maccoa Duck (Erisma tura ma coca) Hadada Ibis (Hagedashia hagedash) T H E GAM E - B I R D S AND W ATE R - F OW L O F S OUTH AF R I CA .
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