NOTES Unless otherwise indicated, the following reference conventions have been employed: • References to individual churchwardens' accounts and corporation accounts are to compilation date. Thus 'CWA Woodbury, 1546', refers to the account compiled by the Woodbury wardens in 1546, and 'CWA Woodbury, 1548-9', refers to the accounts compiled by them in 1548 and 1549. • References to Ancient Cornish Drama and Beunans Meriasek are to line numbers. • References to LP are to document numbers. • Other references are to pagination or foliation. Introduction 1. For the quotation (from R. Morison, An Invective against the Great and Detestable Vice of Treason, 1539), see Elton 1972, p.204. For accounts of the changing religious policies of successive regimes, see (for example) Dickens 1989; Haigh 1993. 2. For the former view, see especially DuffY 1992; Haigh 1993; Scarisbrick 1984. For the latter view, see especially Dickens 1989. 3. References to art and architecture are based largely on the present author's personal examination of parish churches throughout England. See also (for example) Anderson 1955; Bond 1908; Bond 1910; Bond and Camm 1909; Caiger-Smith 1963; Cave 1948; Cook 1954; Cox 1915; Cox 1916; Cox and Ford 1943-4; Morris 1989; Nelson 1913. 4. For documentary sources, both unofficial and official, see Bibliography and Abbreviations. For the Acts and Monuments, see also Mozley 1940, especially pp.1l8-203. For wills, Foxe, V, pp.31-2; DuffY 1992, especially pp.504-19; Mayhew 1983, especially pp.38-45; O'Day 1986, pp.155-9; Whiting 1989, pp.5-6; Zell 1977, pp.246-9. For churchwardens' accounts, Cox 1913; Whiting 1989, especially p.5. See also 'Description of Exeter', pp.25-6; Grey Friars Chronicle, pp.54-5. 203 204 Notes 1 ThePapacy 1. Acts and Monuments, II, pp.1037-40; CWA Morebath, 1531; ER XV, fol.61. 2. EHD, p.671; ER XIII, fo1.l45; Foxe, IV, pp.177, 205; STAC 2 34/91. 3. LP, XI, 1246; Dickens 1967, pp.59-61; Dodds and Dodds 1915, I, II; Haigh 1993, p.143; Whiting 1989, p.118. 4. LP, VII, 522, App.26, 29; X, 346; York Records, III, p.170; Elton 1972, pp.28, 120-1,221-30. 5. C 1 973/69-70; LP, IX, 100, 109,510,1059; X, 14; XI, 408; XII (2),571; XIII (l), 275,987,1171; XIV (1), 76, 444; TRP, I, pp.275-6; Elton 1972, pp.131, 151,236-8,258; Finucane 1977, pp.211-12. 6. CWA Ashburton, 1538, 1545; Leland, I, p.216; Duffy 1992, pp.419-20; Finucane 1977, p.211, plate 16; Wall 1905, p.167. 7. Hooker, Commonplace Book, fo1.342; LP, IX, 742; SP 1 106/134; Haigh 1993, p.122; Hutton 1987, p.116; Whiting 1989, p.116. 8. Foxe, V, pp.62-3; Grey Friars Chronicle, pp.37-8; LP, VI, 1077; VII, 754; IX, 51-2, 108,204,497,510;X,94, 164,346, 774;XI,392;XII (2),864, 1212; XIII (1), 107,615, 705,822; (2),887;XIV(2),438-9,454,458-9,App.45; Elton 1972, pp.28, 32, 61, 85-7,108,124-30,137,152-60,278-9. 9. Acts and Monuments, II, pp.l037-40; CWA Ashburton, 1539; Foxe, V, p.33; Holme, 'Fall of Rebellion', p.129; LP, VI, 1077; VII, 754; XIII (1), 822; (2),1178; Stowe 142, fo1.l4; York Records, IV, pp.68-70; Elton 1972, pp.85-7, 101, 129-30, 278-9; Whiting 1989, pp.114-15. 10. 'Description of Exeter', pp.27, 35, 37; Nichols, 'Answer', fo1.3; Rose­ Troup 1913, pp.80n, 489; Russell 1859, pp.47-56. 11. Copy of a Letter, pp.24-8; CSPV, V, p.346; Godly New Story, pp.24-6; Loades 1970, p.105. 12. Acts and Monuments, II, p.2051; CSPS, XII, p.243; XIII, p.112; CSPV, VI (2), pp.l004, 1018; Foxe, VI, p.573; VII, pp.91, 94; Narratives of the Reformation, pp.209-10; SP 11 2/2; Strype, Memorials, III (2), p.390; York Records, V, pp.112-13; Haigh 1993, pp.222-3; Hutton 1987, p.130; Loades 1970, p.ll0; Loades 1991, pp.113, 267. 13. For example, Rising in the North, p.254. 2 Religious Orders 1. EHD, pp.198, 762-70, 783; Dickens 1989, pp.75-9; Gilyard-Beer 1976, pp.54-7; Knowles 1948-59, III; Morris 1979, pp.220-7; Rowse 1941, pp.162-93. 2. Dickens 1989, pp.40, 74-5; Knowles and Hadcock 1971, especially pp.42-7,494. 3. Acts and Monuments, II, p.1039; C 1 900/34-5; PROB 11 20, fo1.229v; 21, fols.32v, 128, 202v; 22, fols.8, 254v, 302; 23, fo1.71; 24, fols.l0, 19; 25, fols.95v, 28Ov; 26, fo1.76; 28, fo1.l7v; Dickens 1989, p.40; Henderson 1923-4, p.260; Whiting 1989, pp.120-1. Notes 205 4. Bowker 1981, p.177; Knowles and Hadcock 1971; Morris 1979, espe­ cially pp.177-81, 219-27, 237-80; Tanner 1984, pp.222-3; Turnpenney 1992, tables; Whiting 1989, p.277. 5. CWA Ashburton, 1522; CWA Chagford, 1524; CWA Exeter SP, 1523; EHD, p.783. 6. Bodmin Register, pp.298-302; C 1 382/1; 491/24; CCB 854, I, fo1.257; Exeter Records, p.269; STAC 2 18/221; 22/353; 25/60; 29/169; 30/115; Clark 1977, pp.28-9; Dickens 1989, p.78; Haigh 1993, ppA6-8. 7. EHD, p.676; London Wills, pp.56-150; Bowker 1981, p.177; Bruton 1987, tables; Thomson 1965B, pp.178-95; Whiting 1989, p.277. 8. Acts and Monuments, II, p.l039; Foxe, IV, p.584; LP, Xl, 133; Readings in Church History, pp.659-63; STAC 2 29/55; 31/38; Elton 1972, pp.195, 198. 9. Bodmin Register, pp.293-4, 304-5; C 1 686/45; 695/2; 714/39; 719/25; 785/1-5; LP, VIII, 743; IX, 1147; Plymouth Records, p.l08; STAC 218/77; 21/96; 29/11; Rowse 1941, pp.89, 178. 10. 'Examination ofAske', pp.330-48, 550-73; LP, Xl, 1246; Dickens 1967, pp.56-7; Fletcher 1973, pp.21-47. 11. Hooker, Commonplace Book, fo1.343; LP, Xl, 681; SP 1 102/33; Elton 1972, pp.321-2. 12. LP, VI, App.l0; XII (2),864; XIII (1),529,845,904-5,975; XIV (1), 295,839,1094; Elton 1972, pp.44, 71-2, 93-4,137,155-60,329-31. 13. Letters to Cromwel~ pp.246-7; LP, XIII (2),354,381,389. 14. Leland, I, pp.37-8, 132; II, p.58; V, p.l04; Dickens 1989, pp.181-8; Morris 1979, p.234; Whiting 1989, p.122. 15. CWA Morebath, 1537; EHD, pp.785-6; Hooker, Commonplace Book, fo1.345; Letters to Cromwell, pp.211-12; Tavistock Records, pp.I6-19; Tudor Treatises, pp.123-6. 16. Godly New Story, pp.24-6, 60; Nichols, 'Answer', fol.33v; Russell 1859, ppA7-56; Whiting 1989, pp.122-3. 17. APC, V, p.169; SP 11 2/2; Bruton 1987, tables; Haigh 1993, p.226; Loades 1991, pp.300-2; Turnpenney 1992, tables; Whiting 1989, p.277. 3 The Secular Clergy (I) 1. Bowker 1981, ppAO, 125; Haigh 1987, pp.69-71; Haigh 1993, pp.37-8; Moran 1983; Storey 1989. 2. CAB 3552, fol. 134v; ER XIII-XIX; SP 126/17; Bowker 1981, ppAO, 125; Haigh 1987, p.71; Haigh 1993, pp.182, 215-6, 249-50; Hughes 1950-4, III, p.53; Pill 1963. 3. Testamenta Eboracensia, 6, pp.10-11; Bowker 1981, p.177; Bruton 1987, tables; Knowles and Hadcock 1971; Turnpenney 1992, tables; Whiting 1989, p.277. 4. London Wills, pp.56-150; PROB 11 33, fo1.116; 34, fol.86v; Bowker 1981, p.177; Bruton 1987, tables; Turnpenney 1992, tables; Whiting 1989, pp.132,277. 206 Notes 5. Bodmin Register, pp.36-8; C 1 581/88; CCB 854, I, fo1.202; 854A, I, 18 January 1541/2; Foxe, IV, pp.183-205; PROB 11 17, fols.60, 199v; 18, fo1.238v; 20, fo1.229v; 21, fols.19, 202v; 22, fols.84v, 254v, 302; 23, fo1.71v; STAC 2 22/376; 35/74; Clark 1977, p.28; Dickens 1989, p.116; Haigh 1993, pp.45, 47-8, 50, 96; Lander 1987, p.42. 6. C 1 666/8; 900/34-5; CCB 855, fols.304, 331-2; CCB 856, fo1.434v; CWA Crediton, 1565; Elton 1972, pp.329-31; Haigh 1975, pp.57-8; Prince 1701, pp.181-2. 7. TRP, I, pp.224-5, 398; II, p.121; Haigh 1993, p.182; Houlbrooke 1979, pp.273-7; Pill 1968, p.48. 8. C 1 900/34-5; 1011/50-2; 1020/4-9; 1117/16; 1170/43; 1300/41-4; CCB 855, fols.45v, 193v, 238, 375, 376v, 451-2; CCB 855A, fo1.489; CCB 855B, 7 June 1565; CCB 856, fols.449v-53; CWA Credition, 1565-71; CWA Morebath, 1537; Tudor Parish Documents, p.208; Elton 1958, pp.175-220; Henderson 1923-4, p.267. 9. C 1 1011/50-2; CCB 856, fols. 449v-53; LP, XI, 1080; Brigden 1989, pp.52, 201, 203; Russell 1859, pp.53-4. 10. CCB 855, fols.50v-1v, 53; CCB 855A, fo1.422v; CCB 855B, 24July 1566; CWA Crediton. 11. C 1 636/24; 666/8; 721/36; 778/19; 1002/1; 1004/52; 1023/77; 1061/30; 1073/1-2; 1160/5-6; 1170/48; 1193/54-7; 1273/55-6; 1347/16-18; 1366/5-6; 1369/11-20; 1373/14; 1386/35; 1389/68-71; 1424/5; 1466/76-80; 1467/41; C 3 9/41; LP, V, 1217; STAC 2 7/93; 19/341; 21/163; 32/4; STAC 3 3/81; Russell 1859, p.48.
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