GC38-1008-9 File No. S370-40 OS/VS Message Library: VS2 Systems System Codes Tenth Edition (December 1984) This is a major revision of, and obsoletes, GC38-1008-8. See the Summary of Amendments following the Contents for a summary of the changes made to this manual. Technical changes or additions to the text are indicated by a vertical line to the left of the change. This edition applies to MVS/System Product Version 1 through release 3.4 and to all subsequent releases until otherwise indicated in new editions or Technical Newsletters. Changes are made periodically to the information herein; before using this publication in connection with the operation of IBM systems, consult the IBM System/370 and 4300 Processors Bibliography, GC20-0001, for the editions that are applicable and current. References in this publication to IBM products, programs, or services do not imply that IBM intends to make these available in all countries in which IBM operates. Any reference to an IBM program product in this publication is not intended to state or imply that only IBM's program product may be used. Any functionally equivalent program may be used instead. Publications are not stocked at the address given below. Requests for IBM publications should be made to your IBM representative or to the IBM branch office serving your locality. A form for readers' comments is provided at the back of this publication. If the form has been removed, comments may be addressed to IBM Corporation, Information Development, Department D58, Building 920-2, PO Box 390, Poughkeepsie, New York 12602. IBM may use or distribute whatever information you supply in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation to you. © Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1982, 1984 Preface This publication lists and describes: determination tables are at the back of the publication. You should perform the actions for • The completion codes issued by the MVS/370 the items listed in the code description before operating system when it uses an ABEND asking your IBM branch office for programming or macro instruction to terminate abnormally a hardware support. task or address space. The sections on system completion codes and wait • The wait state codes placed in the program state codes begin with information useful to those status word (PSW) when the system begins a receiving these codes. Remember to read these wait state. introductions. • Causes of uncoded wait states. The appendix lists the modules that detect and issue system completion codes and wait state codes. • The wait state codes placed in the last four bytes of the PSW when the stand-alone dump program (SADMP) enters a wait state. Who Should Use this Publication • Causes of loops. This publication is needed by operators, system programmers, and applications programmers. The descriptions suggest responses by the operator and, where appropriate, by the programmer. Many Associated Publications descriptions state that an error record is written to the SYS1.LOGREC data set. This error record is Many system completion and wait state codes refer described in OS/VS2 MVS System Programming to messages. See MVS/370 Message Library: Library: SYS1.LOGREC Error Recording, System Messages, Volume 1, GC28-1374, and GC28-0677, and in OS/VS2 System Programming Volume 2, GC28-1375. These volumes give the Library: Debugging Handbook, Volume 1, message text and explanation for many system GC28-1047. messages and list the publications containing all other system messages. The description of most codes ends with a problem determination paragraph, which lists suggested Publications cited in this book or containing actions as items in tables; the problem procedures or concepts mentioned include: Order Number Title GA22-7000 IBM System/370 Principles of Operation GA24-3343 IBM 3203/3211 Printer and 3811 Control Unit Component Descriptions LC28-1371 JES3 System Programming Library: User Modifications and Macros GC26-3792 OS/VS2 System Generation Reference SH35-0060 Print Services Facility Messages SC33-0143 IBM Graphics Access Method/System Product: Messages and Codes GC27-6995 VTAM Macro Language Reference GC28-0674 OS/VS2 MVS System Programming Library: Service Aids Preface iii GC28-1029 OS/VS2 MVS System Programming Library: Initialization and Tuning Guide GC28-0683 OS/VS2 MVS Supervisor Services and Macro Instructions SY28-1133 OS/VS2 System Programming Library: MVS Diagnostic Techniques GC28-1031 Operators Library: OS/VS2 MVS System Commands GC28-1046 OS/VS2 System Programming Library: Supervisor SC30-3152 ACF/TCAM Version 2 Support for IBM Subsystems SH2O-9028 IMS/VS V1 Operators Reference SY26-3823 OS/VS2 Input/ Output Supervisor Logic LYB8-1051 OS/VS2 Data Areas (JES2) LYB8-1055 OS/VS2 Data Areas (JES3) iv OS/VS Message Library: VS2 System Codes Contents System Completion Codes SCC-1 Completion Code Format SCC-1 Abnormal Termination of Subtasks SCC-1 Wait State Codes WSC-1 Uncoded Wait States UWS-1 Stand-Alone Dump Wait State Codes SAD-1 Loops LOP-1 Problem Determination PRB-1 TABLE I PRB-1 TABLE II PRB-3 TABLE III PRB-4 Appendix: Code to Module Tables CMT-1 System Completion Code to Module Table CMT-2 Wait State Code to Module Table CMT-7 Contents v vi OS/VS Message Library: VS2 System Codes Contents Directory System Completion (ABEND) Codes ABEND Wait State Codes WT CDS Uncoded Wait States UNCDED Stand-Alone Dump Wait State Codes SADMP Loops LOOPS Problem Determination PROB Appendix: Code to Module Tables CD/MOD Contents Directory V11 viii OS/VS Message Library: VS2 System Codes Summary of Amendments Summary of Amendments • The seven separate sections listed in the for GC38-1008-9 Contents Directory now have separate paging. as updated December 21, 1984 • The text following each system completion code This revision supports MVS/System Product - JES3 and each wait state code is indented to offset Version Release 1.3.4 program number 5740-XYN. the code number and make them easier to find. Changes to the system completion codes issued by • Dictionary-type headings appear at the top of JES3 include: 1FB, 2FB, 3FB, 4FB, 5FB, 6FB, each page in the system completion codes and 722, 7FB, 8FB, 9FB, AFB, BFB, and CFB. wait state codes sections of the manual. The headings indicate which code or codes are This revision also includes the addition of one new documented on the given page. code: DFB. All of these changes have been made to improve the usability of this manual. Most of the changes were made in response to user requests. If you have any comments or suggestions to further improve this Summary of Amendments manual please feel free to use the form for readers for GC38-1008-8 comments provided at the back of the manual. as updated September 14, 1984 The technical changes and additions in this revision are: Summary of Amendments • New system completion codes 024 and 027 to for GC38-1008-7 support the Print Services. Facility (PSF). as updated December 30, 1983 by TNL GN28-0873 • New system completion codes 0A1, 0A2, 0A3, 0A4, 0A5, 147, 149, 14A, 14B and 247 to This TNL contains: support the Graphics Access Method/System Product. • A new system completion code, 02C, issued to support MVS/System Product - JES2 Version 1 • Service updates. Release 3.4 program number 5740-XYS. In addition to the technical information, the • Service updates. following changes have been made to the format of this manual: • This edition is printed in ten-point type, rather than the smaller eight-point type used in previous editions. Summary of Amendments ix x OS/VS Message Library: VS2 System Codes Introduction The OS/VS Message Library is designed so that you can have Basic Books the messages and codes documentation that fits your specific needs. You no longer have to maintain an enormous manual; Each installation will require at least one copy of VS1 System instead, you can tailor message documentation to meet your Messages or VS2 System Messages. You will receive at the particular needs. See Figure 1 for an overview of how to console or in your output listings, some subset of the customize your OS/VS Message Library. messages in these books, no matter which options have been included in your operating system. All programming personnel, If you are a system programmer or installation manager, you especially operations personnel, will require access to these may want to have all the books in the Message Library in a books; although it may not be necessary for consolidated document. applications-oriented personnel to have their own copies. If you are an operator, you may want to include System Each installation must have at least one copy of VS1 System Messages and System Codes in your Operators Library. Codes or VS2 System Codes, which contains the system If you are an assembler language programmer, you may want completion codes and wait state codes. All programming to have System Messages, System Codes, Linkage Editor and personnel, especially operations personnel, will require access Loader Messages, and the message section from the Assembler to one of these books, although applications-oriented Language Programmers Guide in a consolidated document. personnel may not need to have their own copies. If you are a COBOL programmer, you may want VS1 Utilities Messages or VS2 Utilities Messages added to your COBOL Optional Books programmers guide. Routing and Descriptor Codes contains routing and descriptor In any case, you can select the appropriate books to build a codes for all messages that have these codes. Your Message Library to meet your needs. For a list of the books installations system programmer will need this book, especially containing documentation for OS/VS messages and codes, see if your operating systems have multiple console support Figure 2.
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