'Iuesaay, '1Jecem6er 28, 1993 Section of tlie Salem 9'f!,ws • on rit r' lif n In Brooks Bowman of Salem was on his way to musical stardom By Dale E. Shaffer in sports. At one time he was Every December the club the county tennis champion. would embark on a 5,000 mile W MANY OF YOU OUT Brooks had attended Univer- Hothere can hum the song sity School in Cleveland and U.S. tour. One of the most COLE PORTER "East of the Sun."? . preparatory school in Ashevil- hilarious parts of the show was .A copy of the sheet ~us1c is le, N.C. His family moved to when the boys dressed up as 5 0 I SUNSET BOULEVARD displayed on the Stem way Salem in 1932. He then enrolled chorus girls. BEVERLY HILLS, CALIFORNIA pia~o at the Salem Historical at Stanford University, but very The two songs mentioned Society. The composer of that soon transferred to Princeton. above, along with "Love Will well-known son& was Brooks At Princeton he was a mem- Find A Way", were the first Bowman, a Salem1.te. ber of the Triangle Club, an all- Triangle Show songs to be pub- Mny Twent:r--fourth, It was s.cored m Salem by male actin~ troupe. In his lished· commercially. "East of L__J3 3 7 . 1 hi mand .h is mo.t h er, M ary. She junior year, e gained national the Sun' was later voted played piano with the talent of fame for his two songs "East of America's most popular song a concer t piams· · t . Broo ks' sue- the Sun" and "Love' and a by a nationwide radio poll, sev- cess in the music world was Dime." These numbers were eral weeks in succession. Mr. D\':ight Dee1·e Wiman, sort of ~ n:-onument of h~r written for the Triangle Club's Hal Kemp recorded it in 1934 1~7 Ne5t 48th Street, talent. His ~1rst name was his show titled "Stags at Bay", and on the Brunswick label. Bob Ee1v ·York, l~.Y. mothe~s maiden name. received popular acclaim on Crosby, Chick Bullock and the In his e~r~y ye~rs, Bro?ks stage and radio programs. The Casa Loma Orchestra also played banio m vanous musical club had "Love and a Dime" recorded it. Benny Goodman gi:oups. He was found to have published , and the publisher played it on the radio, and Bob 11:.is is to preser!t to ycu o. very tc.le!l~eC.. diab~tes ~t the age .of 11, ~ut . liked it so well that it presented Eberle sang it with the Jimmy despite this he remamed active Brooks with a $100 bonus. Dorsey band. ; ... cu1:g Tr:cn, Brooks Bot.!r.&.11. He -r~:r·ote tl-.:.e Salemites listening to Kate gree:.t PrincctoE Td.snzle 51:.ow t.:o years Smith's program on the even­ 2~;0 EL6~ r.!.ot o;.~y· his lyTics s but l"!iS ing of April 1, 1935 heard her 7:usic is \;er---;;r i1i-:e:-·e.sting o I kD.c~-.- it sing "Love and a Dime." On 7:"ill be y~·o::.""th :~'Oi..'2:" r:b.ile to listE!".!. to the previous week's program the Triangle Club members b.--:n .. were guests and sang this song. Radio fans like it so well that Eest regc::rds cn:C. lc-.."e Ire!""~ ~c.s 1:.o-~h to they requested Miss Smith to :·.rCl.1 c..nd. Ste--.'°e. sing it the following week. She announced the writer as Brooks Bowman, and then sang the melody. Brooks was very popular among Princeton students. They gave him the title, "Prin­ ceton's Cole Porter." In his senior year he was vice­ president of the Triangle Club, and starred in two of the club's Cole Porter, writer of numerous. hit songs from Broadway musical comedies which were shows and movies, wrote Brooks Bowman this letter of intro­ presented on the stage in large duction to an unidentified man named Dwight Wiman. He eastern cities. On two occasions may have been a New York music publisher. he appeared on Fred Allen's radio program over a national ter, and jolned with Ted Fio the career of this talented com­ network, singing and playing Rio and other well-known poser. On the Saturday evening the songs which brought him musicians in the film capital of Oct. 16, 1937, about nine national recognition. who recognized his great o'clock, Brooks Bowman was F. Scott Fitzgerald, a 1917 talent. killed when the car he was rid­ graduate of Princeton, wrote . He was signed a long-term ing in crashed into a stone wall him a letter congratulating him contract as a composer and lyr­ near Garrison, N.Y. He was on his success. He suggested icist by Selznick International only 24 years old. that Brooks turn "East of the Pictures. His assignment was to Richard R. Pettit, a college · Sun" into a song of devotion to compose the tunes for Carol roommate of Brooks, was driv- , their school. Lombard and Fredric March in ing. He was not injured. Two , After graduating from Prin­ their movie, "Nothing Sacred." passengers, Betty 0. Timmer­ ceton in June of 1936, Brooks Next, he was to work on the man and Edith Brooks, suffered worked for a time in New musical, "Prom Girl." . only minor cuts and bruises. York. In the winter of 1936-37 In the late summer of 1937 he Brooks and Miss Brooks were Brooks Bowman, who had ~ promising career ahead of him as he left Broadway for Holly­ returned east to have several .riding in the back seat when a a songwriter in Hollywood,: was killed five days short of his wood, and began writing songs new songs published. But tire blew out, causing the rear 24th birthday. His song, "East of the Sun" is considered a pop for Warner Brothers Motion something very tragic would standard today and is perft;rmed by many jazz musicians. Picture Corp. He met Cole Por- soon happen to put an end to See Bowman, page 8 ----.~- ~~~~~~~-\ , ~~~~~.~G ~ ~.J;I~ ' >] 6)!j~~~~ ti)!j~'~ ,.~·-- ~::::;:::;;;:;;::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::.,~~- Coming back home: everything has shrunk and is much smaller (Editor's note: We received the R.R. tracks. following letter from a former At that time my parents had Salemite who has fond memo­ not yet anglicized our name. ries of Salem. Perhaps some of My Dad's name Stefan Adami the older Salem residents will and Mom was Susie .. Her remember George Adams.) maiden name was Fleisher. My birth was registered in Colum­ Dear Editor, biana Conty as (get this!) Dear Sir! A strange request -Joseph Adami. It was supposed coming from a 77-year-old ex­ to be George but the midwife Salemite! My wife and I came present at my birth (so they through Salem in 1988 in July say) was still so distraught at on our way up to Detroit for a the loss of her son Joseph that grandson and a granddaugh­ she told the doc my name was ter's wedding. Joe. Dad has changed his name I've been retired from Gener­ to Adams and officially I al Motors Detroit Diesel since became George Martin Adams. 1973 and we decided to go up the East Coast for a different If this isn't too complicated route to the "Far North." for you, I would sure appreci­ We arrived in Salem just in ate a map of our fair city. time for your 182nd Jubilee My Dad and grandfather celebration. We went to the (Mom's side) both worked at Chamber of Commerce for Mullins Mfg. Co. They were !his f:!hoto of the old Daniel Howell f!ise house on Frankli~ Av.e. apparently was taken early information as how to get to both dock workers. I believe in this century. It shows a barn behind the house that historians tell us was used to hide Wilson Street, right off Mullins was across the street runaway slaves. Hise, a noted Salem abolitionist, kept a diary from 1849 to his death in 1878. Newgarden. from the Sachsenheim or Ger­ Known as "Pap's Diary," it serves as the best source of Salem social history of the 19th cen­ man Social Club - whatever tury. The middle peak was added and then removed from the house years later. A secret room I was born there May 2, 1916 street. And I had two uncles in the basement of the left section of the house was rediscovered last year. The house is now and looked at my old home­ (Mom's side) who worked at being restored. stead in complete surprise. De mings. Your fire hydrants were so Park, Fla. ever since. We live in it would be Salem for me." Lows: "Adams, Steve (Susie) wks small? And the hill I used to If I can recall correctly, Mr. a mobile home and love it here. Sincerely, Mullins Co., bds. 26 Wilson St." belly flop on my "Lightning Mullins and my Dad worked But I sure miss Salem a lot. George M. Adams. In 1928 the street address number Glider" sled was so small! It on a piece of statuary that is Heartstrings are still attached. were changed throughout Salem. was huge to me, going down to now atop the county building Lots of people ask, "Going back (Mr. Adams was right. The 1917 The address of 26 Wilson is now the R.R. tracks.
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