National Aeronautics and Space Administration Principal Center for Regulatory Risk Analysis and Communication Regulatory Tracking Summary 21 August 2015 This report summarizes regulatory items reviewed by the NASA RRAC PC and includes items with direct applicability to NASA facilities and operations, as well as items of general interest. Notes and comments by the RRAC PC are shown in bold, blue text under “Description.” Related documents and citations, such as “80 FR 51967,” are linked to the appropriate document for quick access. Suggested follow-up actions are noted with significant items; users are advised that other follow-up actions may be appropriate for their program or facility. Members of the NASA stakeholder community who are interested in receiving regulatory updates and alerts by e-mail may self-enroll at https://lists.nasa.gov/mailman/listinfo/rrac. Previous issues of this regulatory summary and other materials are archived on the RRAC PC website at http://www.nasa.gov/offices/rrac/home/. Comments, questions, suggestions, and requests for further information should be directed to the RRAC PC Manager, Sharon Scroggins at 256-544-7932 ([email protected]). PAGE 1 OF 15 NASA RRAC PC REGULATORY TRACKING SUMMARY 21 AUGUST 2015 Contents of This Issue Acronyms and Abbreviations 3 1.0 U.S. Federal Regulatory Review 4 Federal Register Summary 4 Other News and Developments 6 Petroleum Vapor Intrusion Guidance Webinar 6 European Chemicals Agency Updates 7 NASA Regulatory Communication Working Group Updates 7 2.0 State Regulatory Reviews 8 Alabama State Regulatory Review 8 2015 Air and Waste Regulatory Update 8 California State Regulatory Review 8 California Air Districts Regulatory Review 10 Antelope Valley Air Quality Management District 10 Bay Area Air Quality Management District 10 Eastern Kern Air Pollution Control District 10 Mojave Desert Air Quality Management District 10 South Coast Air Quality Management District 11 Ventura County Air Pollution Control District 11 Florida State Regulatory Review 11 Louisiana State Regulatory Review 12 Maryland State Regulatory Review 12 Mississippi State Regulatory Review 12 New Mexico State Regulatory Review 13 Ohio State Regulatory Review 13 Texas State Regulatory Review 14 Utah State Regulatory Review 14 Virginia State Regulatory Review 15 PAGE 2 OF 15 NASA RRAC PC REGULATORY TRACKING SUMMARY 21 AUGUST 2015 Acronyms and Abbreviations ADEM = Alabama Department of Environmental NMAC = New Mexico Administrative Code Management NMFS = National Marine Fisheries Service ADI = Applicability Determination Index NO2 = Nitrogen dioxide AVAQMD = Antelope Valley Air Quality Management District NRC = U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission BMAP = Basin Management Action Plan NSPS = New Source Performance Standards CAA = Clean Air Act NSR = New Source Review Cal/OSHA = California Occupational Safety and Health OAC = Ohio Administrative Code Administration ODS = Ozone depleting substance CBC = California Building Code OEHHA = Office of Environmental Health Hazard CCR = California Code of Regulations Assessment CFR = Code of Federal Regulations OSHSB = Occupation Safety and Health Standards Board CO2 = Carbon dioxide PAL = Plantwide applicability limit CRNR = California Regulatory Notice Register PBS = Plum Brook Station CRT = Cathode ray tube PHG = Public health goal CUP = Consumptive Use Permit PM2.5 = Particulate matter having an aerodynamic equivalent DACT = 2,3-diamino-6-chloro-s-triazine diameter of 2.5 microns or less DAPC = Division of Air Pollution Control PSD = Prevention of Significant Deterioration DEA = Des-ethyl atrazine RAP = Reasonable Assurance Plan DIA = Des-isopropyl atrazine RCRA = Resource Conservation and Recovery Act DIR = Department of Industrial Relations REACH = Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and EA = Environmental Assessment Restriction of Chemicals EPA = U.S. Environmental Protection Agency RIN = Regulatory Identification Number F.A.C. = Florida Administrative Code RRAC PC = Principal Center for Regulatory Risk Analysis FAR = Florida Administrative Register and Communication FCMP = Florida Coastal Management Program SCAQMD = South Coast Air Quality Management District FIP = Federal Implementation Plan SIP = State Implementation Plan FONSI = Finding of No Significant Impact SO2 = Sulfur dioxide FPL = Funded Priority List SSC = Stennis Space Center FR = Federal Register TSCA = Toxic Substances Control Act GHG = Greenhouse gas UDWMRC = Utah Division of Waste Management and GPS = Global Positioning System Radiation Control GRC = Glenn Research Center U.S. = United States GSFC = Goddard Space Flight Center VAC = Virginia Administrative Code HAP = Hazardous air pollutant VA.R. = Virginia Register HGB = Houston-Galveston-Brazoria VDEQ = Virginia Department of Environmental Quality KSC = Kennedy Space Center VOC = Volatile organic compound LaRC = Langley Research Center WFF = Wallops Flight Facility MAB = Mississippi Administrative Bulletin WQCC = Water Quality Control Commission MACT = Maximum Achievable Control Technology WQCT = Water Quality Credit Trading MAF = Michoud Assembly Facility WQS = Water quality standards NAAQS = National Ambient Air Quality Standards NASA = National Aeronautics and Space Administration NDGPS = Nationwide Differential Global Positioning System NESHAP = National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants NM = New Mexico PAGE 3 OF 15 NASA RRAC PC REGULATORY TRACKING SUMMARY 21 AUGUST 2015 1.0 U.S. Federal Regulatory Review Federal Register Summary This summary includes FR items that were reviewed for potential impacts to NASA Centers and related operations. Tracking Date Type Subject Citation Description Number Published Action FED082115-1 Air 08/19/2015 80 FR 50250 Proposed U.S. Environmental Protection Agency HTML | PDF Rule Amendments to Regional Consistency Regulations [40 CFR Part 56] Proposes to revise regulations in response to a recent U.S. District Court decision. Revisions are intended to promote consistent application of judicial decisions related to CAA provisions. Comments due 10/19/2015. [RIN 2060-AS53] FED082115-2 Air 08/19/2015 80 FR 50278 Notice U.S. Environmental Protection Agency HTML | PDF Applicability Determination Index (ADI) Database System Recent Posting: Applicability Determinations, Alternative Monitoring Decisions, and Regulatory Interpretations Pertaining to Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources, National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants, and the Stratospheric Ozone Protection Program Announces availability of recent additions to the ADI database and lists the subject, header, and brief abstract of each letter or memorandum added to the ADI. The ADI contains EPA letters and memoranda pertaining to the applicability, monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements of NSPS, NESHAP, and ODS regulations. Additional information is available through the ADI database website. FED082115-3 Air 08/19/2015 80 FR 50199 Final Rule U.S. Environmental Protection Agency GHGs HTML | PDF Prevention of Significant Deterioration and Title V Permitting for Greenhouse Gases: Removal of Certain Vacated Elements [40 CFR Parts 51, 52, 70, and 71] Finalizes removal of vacated regulations related to the Tailoring Rule Step 2 PSD provisions. Effective 08/19/2015. FED082115-4 Air 08/21/2015 80 FR 51051 Final Rule U.S. Environmental Protection Agency HTML | PDF NAAQS Data Requirements Rule for the 2010 1-Hour Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) Primary National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) [40 CFR Part 51] Finalizes requirement for air agencies to provide current air quality data for areas with large SO2-emitting sources to identify maximum 1-hour SO2 concentrations. Also establishes criteria for identifying emission sources and requirements for data submission. Effective 09/21/2015. [RIN 2060- AR19] FED082115-5 Air 08/12/2015 80 FR 48255 Final Rule U.S. Environmental Protection Agency SIP HTML | PDF Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans; Alabama, Mississippi and South Carolina; Certain Visibility Requirements for the 2008 Ozone Standards [40 CFR Part 52] Direct final rule approves portions of infrastructure SIP submissions related to visibility requirements for the 2008 8-hour Ozone NAAQS. Effective 10/13/2015. Comments due 09/11/2015. FED082115-6 Building 08/14/2015 80 FR 48861 Notice General Services Administration Standards HTML | PDF Office of Federal High-Performance Green Buildings; Development of Model Commercial Leasing Provisions Solicits comments on draft model commercial leasing provisions. Effective 09/14/2015. Comments due 09/14/2015. FED082115-7 Emergency 08/10/2015 80 FR 47886 Proposed Federal Communication Commission Preparedness HTML | PDF Rule Amendment of the Commission's Rules Regarding the Emergency Alert System [47 CFR Part 11] Proposes to incorporate the following event codes: . Extreme Wind Warning . Storm Surge Watch . Storm Surge Warning Also proposes to revise two geographic location codes. Comments due 09/09/2015. PAGE 4 OF 15 NASA RRAC PC REGULATORY TRACKING SUMMARY 21 AUGUST 2015 Tracking Date Type Subject Citation Description Number Published Action FED082115-8 Hazardous 08/13/2015 80 FR 48522 Notice U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Waste HTML | PDF Waste Management System; Testing and Monitoring Activities; Notice of Availability of Final Update V of SW-846 Announces availability of the updated "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods" document, which includes new and revised
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