o i: c c o in u; 11 i I \ mc eacott Female students charged in 'abduction' hoax By Cynthia Salinas brary at WPC around 6:30 p.m. with other members of the de- NEWS CONTRIBUTOR They alleged that "they had partment.' been driven around in a car for Stengel said campus police WPC campus police have about about five hours and at worked very hard on the inves­ charged two female students various times kicked and tigation and that the charges with false swearing (lying un­ punched" by the abductors, ac­ must be filed against the stu­ der oath) and false reports to cording to police. dents. police. Because the alleged inci­ "We worked on the case False swearing is an in­ dent began on campus, the 35 hours straight and there dictable fourth degree crime, students, whose names have were too many inconsistencies and false reports to police is a not been released, were re­ in their story," Stengel said. misdemeanor. ferred to WPC police. "For instance, they said they On the night of Wednes­ According to the campus were abducted at 6:30 in the day Feb.16, the students crime report, "Chief Peter Ry- evening, a heavily trafficked walked into the North Haledon erson and Detective Russ Sten­ time on campus. Police Station and told the offi­ gel responded to telephone "They stuck by their story Sarah Byrd Askew Library cer on duty they had been calls to their houses and to the bitter end until we finally they missed a mandatory to the meeting. So then the sis­ "forcefully abducted" from be­ worked throughout the night confronted them. They said class," Stengel said. ters said they better report it to hind the Sarah Byrd Askew Li­ and the following day along they made up the story because "We worked very hard on the police. I guess they didn't this case," Stengel said. "We think it would get this big." put in a lot of time and effort Campus police are investi­ Rooms in Hunziker and going to various places and gating the case to find out if people's houses to see if any­ there is a sorority involved and one had witnessed anything." if they knew the story was con­ Shahn declared unsafe A source, who asked to re­ cocted and forced the girls into By Teresa Dawson main anonymous, says the girls making a false report. COPY EDITOR built, sprinklers were not re­ Sherman have been pointing quired. "Today, they need out the poor working condi­ are pledges to a sorority and Greek Advisor Don Phelps made up the story as an excuse The basement studios of sprinklers," Urinyi said, adding tions to inspectors for years. said he was unaware of the sit­ for missing a pledge ceremony uation. Ben Shahn and the production the codes for the amount of So far, rumors from stu­ they did not want to attend. areas of the theater department outside air to be brought into a dents are Zierden's only indica­ According to the police re­ "They disappeared for the in Hunziker Hall have been building changed in 1992. tion that the area has been de­ port, one of the students weekend because they didn't called "totally unsafe" by Di­ Hunziker Hall and Ben clared unsafe. charged is a 17-year-old. feel like being paddled," said rector of Facilities John Urinyi Shahn must be brought up to She said she has tried for The juvenile will have the the source. "They told the sis­ because they lack sprinklers code, Urinyi said, adding that years to get moved to the first case heard in the Passaic Coun­ ters they had been abducted and proper ventilation. students have to be aware of floor of Hunziker because she ty Superior Court and the adult and that's why they couldn't go in Wayne Municipal Court. The areas in Hunziker in­ the hazards. "If they are aware, SEE HAZARDS PAGE 3 clude the basement costume they will be fine." shop and furniture storage and "I'm sure they [the stu­ the scene shop on the first dents] know about what's go­ Hearing board verdict floor. ing on," McCloud said. Dean McCloud, who has However, David K. Sher­ been talking with Urinyi and man, shop foreperson for the delivered in sex case "the whole department" about theater department, said he By Pamela Johnson improvements to the [con­ knew nothing about the decla­ disciplinary action may be tak­ cannot reject the board's deci­ STAFF WRITER demned] areas, said it shouldn't ration by Urinyi. en against students for unwant­ sion of "responsible or "not re­ be viewed as a crisis that the "Nobody tells me any­ A WPC student charged by ed sexual interactions, includ­ sponsible." facilities are not up to code. thing," said theater costumier the school with unwanted sexu­ ing both verbal and physical According to Krell, the board "We are really working to­ Doris Zierden. al interaction was found "not acts or threats. Any offenses heard the testimonies of the ac­ gether, getting good ideas," Zierden, who works in the responsible" by the College that are likely to result in a sus­ cused student and the alleged McCloud said. basement costume shop in Hearing Board Feb. 14. pension or dismissal must be victim. No evidence was pre­ When the buildings were Hunziker Hall, said she and When asked if the case in heard by the College Hearing sented and no witnesses testi­ question was the sexual assault Board. fied, said Krell, who added that reported in the Feb. 14 issue of The board hears the testi­ the board's decision was unani­ The Beacon, Dean of Students monies of both parties and any mous. Henry Krell said he "cannot witnesses, and both parties The board is made up of five confirm or deny that there was have the right to present evi­ voting members and one non­ a hearing for Darrell Lee." dence. voting member. Those who However, this board hearing The board finds a student served on the board are Priscil- was the only hearing held this "responsible" or "not responsi­ la Orr of the academic support year for a charge of unwanted ble" for alleged misconduct center; Mitch Fahrer, director sexual interaction, according to and makes recommendations to of campus activities; Joe Caf- Krell. the dean of students for disci­ farelli, residence life; Dorothy Darrell S. Lee .as arrested plinary action. Dugan, student; Paulette Brow- Jan. 29 by Campus Police for The dean can accept or reject er-Garrett, advisement center; sexual assault. the board's recommendations and the non-voting member, The Student Handbook states for disciplinary actions, but SEE ACCUSED PAGE 3 COPYRIGHT 1994, VOL. 61, NO. 12 OF! Campus Events interview WPSC sociology Women's Center— Wed. 3/3- 3:30-5p.m. SCBallroom. Christie interviews a north Jer­ Professor Clyde Magarelli. Mar. 2nd 12:30-2pm SC214, Tribute to Toni Morrison. sey high school sports star. Monday North Jersey's best talk every SWAP- Students who are par­ Career Services— Thurs. Mar. Monday at 10pm. Women's Center & Career ents- support group 3rd, 5-6p.m. SC324-5, work­ Future Services— Mon. 4:30-6 p.m. Career Services— Wed. Mar. shop: Nat'l Teacher Exam Daily SC213. Balancing work & 2nd 6-7:30pm Wing 233. Ques & Proc. ** Specifically AMOEBA— Coming soon an Passaic County Women's family: personal and political Workshop: Researching Em­ for Prospective Teacher. organization that really cares Center— Support groups are strategies for dealing with the ployers for the Job Hunt Career Services— Mar. 3rd, about making a difference at being formed for victims of impossible. Workshop led by (Specifically for Prospective 12:30-2p.m. SC324-5, work­ WPC. Meryle Kaplan. For more info, sexual assault. Contact Teachers) shop: "Careers in Sociology" WPC MEN'S GROUP— Carmeta Parkes or Lola Patter­ call 595-2946. Career Services— Mar. 2nd Weekly meetings returning son at 201-881-0725 HitRadio 88.7 WPSC-FM— 10-11:30a.m. SC324-5, work­ Sunday soon. Keep an eye out for de­ Wired Radio Ch 20 WCRN— Week of Feb. 28th to March shop: "Career in History" tails and a new location. 4th, look for our tables around 88,7 WPSC-FM— Sunday's at 88.7 WPSC-FM— Mon, Mar. On the air every Mon. through campus and enter your name in Thursday 7p.m. "High School Sport- 7th, 10p.m. "NightTalk". Sunday, from 9a.m.- midnight. WPSC-FM's" Subway" Richard Ross and Keving Serio Request line 595-3335. Women's Center— Thurs. light". Each week, Ken lunchtime give-a-way! Win subs, soda, cd's and more. Lis­ ten for more details! For more info. 595-2738 Career Services— Mon. Feb. 28th 4:30-6p.m. SC 213. Work­ shop: "Balancing Work and Family Issues". For more info call 595-3020 Career Services— Mon. 28th Feb. 2-3:30 p.m. SC213, work­ shop: Resume Writing. Tuesday APcepted at Christian Fellowship— Tues­ day 5:30 PA Lounge. Large Group Meeting "New Age" for further info call Cliff 595-2481 Career Services— Tues. Mar. more 1st 9:30-11a.m. SC213, work­ shop: Interview Techinques SAPB Daytime Committee— 5p.m. SC303 Tues., come out and help us program daytime events. Call Ray 595-3261 T/R 11-12 for more info. RA's— everything you wanted to know about RA's and secur- tity policies, but were afraid to ask. 8 p.m. Tues. Mar. 1 Tow­ ers Pavilion. Call Res. Life of­ fice 595-2381 for more info.
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