3226 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 11 September 2018 3.15 Division 4—Licensing of Monumental Masons Change “4” to “3”. 3.16 After sub-clause 7.17, insert new Clause to read— 7.18 Display of Trade Names on Memorials Not Allowed A person shall not display any trade names or marks on a memorial. 3.17 Re-number existing clauses 7.18, 7.19, 7.20 and 7.21 accordingly. 3.18 7.18 Expiry Date, Non-Transferability Delete “30th day of” and replace with “30”. 3.19 Insert new Clause to read— 7.23 Application for Single Monumental Work Permit (1) The Board may on receipt of an application by a person in the form prescribed and on payment of a set fee, issue to an applicant a single monumental work permit authorizing the holder to place a monument within a cemetery subject to such conditions as the Board specifies on the permit. (2) An application for a single monumental work permit under sub- clause (1) shall include an application for a monument work in the form prescribed. PART 8—GENERAL 3.20 Clause 8.6 Unauthorised Advertising or Conduct of Business In the first line, after the words “trade or profession” insert the words “within a cemetery”. ———— Dated: 30 August 2018. The Common Seal of the Shire of Bridgetown-Greenbushes was affixed by authority of a resolution of the Council in the presence of— ANTONINO PRATICO, Shire President. TIMOTHY CLYNCH, Chief Executive Officer. CONSERVATION CO301 WILDLIFE CONSERVATION ACT 1950 WILDLIFE CONSERVATION (RARE FLORA) NOTICE 2018 Made by the Minister for Environment under section 23F(2) of the Act. 1. Citation This notice may be cited as the Wildlife Conservation (Rare Flora) Notice 2018. 2. Interpretation In this notice— “extant” means known to be living in a wild state; “protected flora” means any flora belonging to the classes of flora declared by the Minister under section 6 of the Act to be protected flora by notice published in the Gazette 9 October 1987, at p. 3855; “taxon” includes any taxon that is described by a genus name and any other name or description. Note: The plural form of “taxon” is “taxa”. 3. Declaration of rare flora Subject to clause 4, protected flora— (a) specified in Schedule 1, being taxa that are extant and considered likely to become extinct or rare, as critically endangered flora, and therefore in need of special protection; (b) specified in Schedule 2, being taxa that are extant and considered likely to become extinct or rare, as endangered flora, and therefore in need of special protection; 11 September 2018 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 3227 (c) specified in Schedule 3, being taxa that are extant and considered likely to become extinct or rare, as vulnerable flora, and therefore in need of special protection; and (d) specified in Schedule 4, being taxa that are presumed to be extinct in the wild and therefore in need of special protection, are declared to be rare flora for the purposes of section 23F of the Act throughout the State. 4. Application Clause 3 does not apply to those plants of a taxon of protected flora specified in Schedule 1, 2, 3 or 4 that have been planted for any purpose other than such plants that have been planted for the purpose of conservation of that taxon and in accordance with approval given by the Director General. 5. Revocation The Wildlife Conservation (Rare Flora) Notice 2017 is revoked. Schedule 1—Flora that are considered likely to become extinct or rare, as critically endangered flora [cl. 3(a)] Division 1—Spermatophyta (flowering plants, conifers and cycads) 1. Acacia aprica 35. Caladenia huegelii 2. Acacia awestoniana 36. Caladenia lodgeana 3. Acacia cochlocarpa 37. Caladenia luteola subsp. cochlocarpa 38. Caladenia melanema 4. Acacia cochlocarpa 39. Caladenia procera subsp. velutinosa 40. Caladenia viridescens 5. Acacia imitans 41. Caladenia williamsiae 6. Acacia insolita subsp. recurva 42. Calectasia cyanea 7. Acacia leptoneura 43. Calochilus pruinosus 8. Acacia pharangites 44. Calytrix breviseta subsp. breviseta 9. Acacia rhamphophylla 45. Chorizema humile 10. Acacia sciophanes 11. Acacia splendens 46. Commersonia apella 12. Acacia subflexuosa 47. Commersonia erythrogyna subsp. capillata 48. Conospermum galeatum 13. Acacia unguicula 49. Conostylis setigera 14. Acacia vassalii subsp. dasys 15. Acacia volubilis 50. Cyphanthera odgersii subsp. occidentalis 16. Adenanthos pungens subsp. effusus 51. Darwinia carnea 17. Andersonia annelsii 52. Darwinia collina 18. Andersonia axilliflora 53. Darwinia masonii 19. Androcalva adenothalia 54. Darwinia whicherensis 20. Androcalva bivillosa 55. Dasymalla axillaris 21. Austrostipa jacobsiana 56. Daviesia bursarioides 22. Banksia anatona 57. Daviesia cunderdin 23. Banksia brownii 58. Daviesia euphorbioides 24. Banksia fuscobractea 59. Daviesia glossosema 25. Banksia ionthocarpa subsp. 60. Daviesia microcarpa chrysophoenix 61. Daviesia ovata 26. Banksia ionthocarpa subsp. ionthocarpa 62. Daviesia pseudaphylla 27. Banksia montana 63. Drakaea confluens 28. Banksia serratuloides subsp. 64. Drakaea elastica perissa 65. Drakaea isolata 29. Banksia verticillata 66. Eremophila glabra subsp. 30. Brachyscias verecundus Scaddan (C. Turley s.n. 10/11/2005) 31. Caladenia busselliana 67. Eremophila koobabbiensis 32. Caladenia caesarea subsp. maritima 68. Eremophila lactea 33. Caladenia drakeoides 69. Eremophila nivea 34. Caladenia elegans 70. Eremophila pinnatifida 3228 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 11 September 2018 71. Eremophila rostrata subsp. 118. Lambertia echinata rostrata subsp. echinata 72. Eremophila rostrata subsp. 119. Lambertia echinata trifida subsp. occidentalis 73. Eremophila scaberula 120. Lambertia fairallii 74. Eremophila subangustifolia 121. Lambertia orbifolia 75. Eremophila subteretifolia subsp. orbifolia ms 76. Eremophila verticillata 122. Lasiopetalum moullean 77. Eucalyptus absita 123. Lasiopetalum pterocarpum 78. Eucalyptus dolorosa 124. Latrobea colophona 79. Eucalyptus impensa 125. Leucopogon gnaphalioides 80. Eucalyptus x balanites 126. Leucopogon spectabilis 81. Eucalyptus x phylacis 127. Leucopogon sp. Flynn (F. 82. Gastrolobium argyrotrichum Hort, J. Hort & A. Lowrie 859) 83. Gastrolobium diabolophyllum 128. Lysiosepalum abollatum 84. Gastrolobium glaucum 129. Marianthus aquilonaris 85. Gastrolobium hamulosum 130. Persoonia micranthera 86. Gastrolobium luteifolium 131. Petrophile latericola 87. Gastrolobium papilio 132. Philotheca basistyla 88. Gastrolobium vestitum 133. Pityrodia scabra subsp. 89. Grevillea althoferorum subsp. scabra althoferorum 134. Pterostylis sinuata 90. Grevillea althoferorum subsp. 135. Ptilotus pyramidatus fragilis 136. Rhizanthella gardneri 91. Grevillea batrachioides 137. Rhizanthella johnstonii 92. Grevillea brachystylis subsp. grandis 138. Scaevola macrophylla 93. Grevillea bracteosa subsp. 139. Seringia exastia howatharra 140. Stylidium amabile 94. Grevillea calliantha 141. Stylidium applanatum 95. Grevillea curviloba 142. Stylidium semaphorum subsp. curviloba 143. Styphelia longissima 96. Grevillea dryandroides subsp. dryandroides 144. Symonanthus bancroftii 97. Grevillea humifusa 145. Synaphea stenoloba 98. Grevillea maccutcheonii 146. Synaphea sp. Fairbridge 99. Grevillea maxwellii Farm (D. Papenfus 696) 100. Grevillea phanerophlebia 147. Synaphea sp. Pinjarra (R.Davis 6578) 101. Grevillea pythara 102. Grevillea scapigera 148. Synaphea sp. Serpentine (G.R. Brand 103) 103. Grevillea thelemanniana 149. Tetratheca deltoidea 104. Grevillea sp. Gillingarra (R.J. Cranfield 4087) 150. Tetratheca paynterae subsp. paynterae 105. Guichenotia seorsiflora 151. Thelymitra dedmaniarum 106. Gyrostemon reticulatus 107. Haloragis platycarpa 152. Thomasia sp. Green Hill (S.Paust 1322) 108. Hemiandra gardneri 153. Trithuria occidentalis 109. Hemiandra rutilans 154. Verticordia albida 110. Hemigenia ramosissima 155. Verticordia apecta 111. Hibbertia abyssus 156. Verticordia plumosa 112. Hibbertia sp. Toolbrunup var. ananeotes (J.R. Wheeler 2504) 157. Verticordia spicata 113. Hybanthus cymulosus subsp. squamosa 114. Isopogon robustus 158. Verticordia staminosa 115. Isopogon uncinatus subsp. cylindracea var. erecta 116. Jacksonia pungens 159. Verticordia staminosa 117. Kunzea similis subsp. similis subsp. staminosa Division 2—Bryophyta (mosses and liverworts) 160. Rhacocarpus rehmannianus var. webbianus 11 September 2018 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 3229 Schedule 2—Flora that are considered likely to become extinct or rare, as endangered flora [cl. 3(b)] Division 1—Spermatophyta (flowering plants, conifers and cycads) 1. Acacia aristulata 46. Darwinia foetida 2. Acacia ataxiphylla 47. Darwinia nubigena subsp. magna 48. Darwinia oxylepis 3. Acacia chapmanii 49. Darwinia polychroma subsp. australis 50. Darwinia wittwerorum 4. Acacia depressa 51. Daviesia dielsii 5. Acacia lobulata 52. Daviesia megacalyx 6. Acacia pygmaea 53. Daviesia obovata 7. Acacia wilsonii 54. Daviesia speciosa 8. Acacia woodmaniorum 55. Diplolaena andrewsii 9. Adenanthos eyrei 56. Diuris purdiei 10. Adenanthos pungens subsp. pungens 57. Drakaea concolor 11. Adenanthos velutinus 58. Drakaea micrantha 12. Aluta quadrata 59. Duma horrida subsp. abdita 13. Androcalva perlaria 60. Eremophila ciliata 14. Apium prostratum subsp. 61. Eremophila denticulata Porongurup Range (G.J. subsp. trisulcata Keighery 8631) 62. Eremophila glabra subsp. 15. Austrostipa bronwenae chlorella 16. Banksia cuneata 63. Eremophila resinosa 17. Banksia nivea subsp. 64. Eremophila virens uliginosa 65. Eremophila viscida 18. Banksia oligantha 66. Eucalyptus articulata 19. Banksia pseudoplumosa 67. Eucalyptus beardiana 20. Banksia rufa subsp. pumila
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