1861 Fife : 419 Cults Surname Forenames Age Place of birth Bk Pge Sch [...male] n k 19 Breakish 2 13 75 Aitken Elisabeth 52 FIF Collessie 1 13 180 Alison Robert 15 FIF Kettle 2 7 36 Anderson Agnes 6 FIF Monimail 2 8 41 Anderson Agnes 63 IRL Tyrone P(amsey) 1 3 118 Anderson Alexander 12 FIF St Andrews 2 3 17 Anderson Alexander 15 FIF Kettle 2 8 41 Anderson Alexander 45 FIF St Andrews 2 3 17 Anderson Alexander 46 FIF Cults 2 7 41 Anderson Christina 48 PER Kenmore 1 4 126 Anderson David 11 FIF Kettle 2 8 41 Anderson David 58 Glasgow 1 3 118 Anderson Elspet 49 FIF Forgan 2 3 17 Anderson Helen 9 FIF Kilmany 2 8 41 Anderson Helen 48 FIF Ceres 2 8 41 Anderson Henreitta 10 FIF Cults 2 8 46 Anderson James 56 PER Methven 2 8 46 Anderson Jane 3 FIF Markinch 2 3 13 Anderson Julia M S 8 FIF Cults 2 8 46 Anderson Margaret 11 FIF Kettle 2 8 41 Anderson (Hogg) Margaret 32 FIF Dysart 2 3 13 Anderson Mary 47 FIF St Andrews 2 8 46 Anderson Robert 1 FIF Monimail 2 3 13 Anderson Samuel 26 FIF Monimail 2 3 13 Anderson William 7 FIF Kilmany 2 3 17 Archibald Ann 66 PEE Peebles 1 3 117 Archibald Margaret 45 FIF Cults 1 19 220 Archibald Robert 71 FIF Denino 1 3 117 Arnott (Basillie) Isabella 47 FIF Cupar 2 10 56 Arnott Robert 49 FIF Strathmiglo 2 10 56 Arnott William 10 FIF Cupar 2 10 56 Auchterl(o)nie Jane 44 FIF Strathmiglo 1 5 134 Auchterl(o)nie May 16 FIF Cults 1 5 134 Baldie Elisabeth 82 FIF Ceres 2 12 66 Ballangall Helen 17 PER Errol 2 12 67 Barclay John 59 FIF Scoonie 2 9 50 Barnard Eliza 11 FIF Cults 1 21 229 Barnard Euphemia 60 FIF Cupar 1 3 119 Barnard Isabella 5 FIF Cults 1 21 229 Barnard Thomas 45 FIF Cults 1 21 229 Barret Michal 60 IRL Co. Sligo 2 5 24 Bartliman Janet 13 FIF Cults 1 2 112 Basillie Isabella 47 FIF Cupar 2 10 56 Bayne John 20 PER Rhind 2 1 5 Bayne Robert 23 PER Rhind 2 13 72 Bell Allan 58 FIF Cupar 1 1 105 Bell Catherine 61 FIF Cupar 1 1 105 Bell Margaret 66 FIF Cupar 1 18 215 Berwick Ann 85 FIF Scoonie 1 6 139 Berwick Margaret 28 FIF Hilton of Forth(us) 2 12 69 Bett Christian 76 FIF Leuchars 2 9 50 Birrel Elisabeth 19 FIF Cupar 2 7 35 1861 Fife : 419 Cults 1861 Fife : 419 Cults Surname Forenames Age Place of birth Bk Pge Sch Birrell Ann 63 FIF Cameron 1 17 205 Birrell David 64 FIF Monimail 1 17 205 Black Alexander 14 FIF Pitlessie 1 13 180 Black Alexander 48 FIF Ceres 1 5 129 Black Andrew 6 FIF Cults 1 5 129 Black (Pratt) Ann 41 FIF Cults 1 13 178 Black Christina 2 FIF Pitlessie 1 13 180 Black David 3 mo FIF Cults 1 13 178 Black David 11 FIF Pitlessie 1 13 180 Black David 42 FIF Ceres 1 12 178 Black James 10 FIF Cults 1 5 129 Black James 15 FIF Cults 2 5 21 Black James 18 FIF Pitlessie 1 13 180 Black James 46 FIF Ceres 1 13 180 Black Jane 41 FIF Monimail 1 5 129 Black (Scott) Janet 41 FIF Pitlessie 1 13 180 Black John 16 FIF Pitlessie 1 13 180 Black Margaret 10 FIF Cults 1 13 178 Black Mary 4 FIF Cults 1 13 178 Black Peter 8 FIF Pitlessie 1 13 180 Black Robert 5 FIF Pitlessie 1 13 180 Black William 8 FIF Cults 1 13 178 Black William 20 FIF Cults 1 7 149 Blyth Euphemia 51 FIF Kettle 1 20 226 Blythe Isabella 84 FIF Pitlessie 1 2 110 Braid Mary 58 FIF Falkland 2 12 67 Briggs Janet 72 Leven, Scoonie 2 1 4 Brown Agnes 6 mo FIF Pitlessie 2 2 7 Brown Agnes 21 FIF Cults 1 17 207 Brown Agnes 27 FIF Cupar 1 7 144 Brown (Stewart) Ann 29 FIF Cupar 2 1 7 Brown James 15 FIF Ceres 2 10 55 Brown Jane 24 FIF Crail 2 7 35 Brown Jane 56 ARL Campbleton 2 10 54 Brown Margaret 25 FIF Kingsbarns 1 13 181 Brown Mary 62 FIF Pitlessie 1 7 144 Brown Sophia 44 FIF Kingsbarns 1 9 157 Brown William 23 FIF Cupar 2 1 7 Bruce Catherine 17 FIF Cults 1 2 112 Buchan Jane 37 FIF Cults 1 1 108 Buchan Thomas 7 mo FIF Cults 1 1 108 Buchan William 2 FIF Cults 1 1 108 Buchan William 50 FIF Cults 1 1 108 Bulsillie Christian 52 FIF Cupar 2 9 50 Cairns Henry John 3 FIF Cults 2 5 23 Cairns Jane Macnab 35 FIF Scoonie 2 5 23 Cairns John 42 FIF Ceres 2 5 23 Cairns William 5 FIF Cults 2 5 23 Carstorphine Agnes 2 FIF Cults 2 6 33 Carstorphine Catherine 35 FIF Kilconquhar 2 6 33 Carstorphine George 36 FIF Forgan 2 6 33 Carstorphine John 8 FIF Newburgh 2 6 33 1861 Fife : 419 Cults 1861 Fife : 419 Cults Surname Forenames Age Place of birth Bk Pge Sch Charles David 50 FIF Ceres 1 1 104 Clark James 10 Edinburgh 1 9 157 Colville Ann 9 FIF Cults 1 20 225 Colville David 3 FIF Cults 1 20 225 Colville Elisabeth 6 FIF Cults 1 20 225 Colville James 39 FIF Leuchars 1 20 225 Colville Jane 11 FIF Cults 1 20 225 Colville (Steele) Jane 38 FIF Elie 1 20 225 Colville John 8 FIF Cults 1 20 225 Colville Mary 13 FIF Cults 1 20 225 Colville Robert 11 mo FIF Cults 1 20 225 Coupar William 19 ANS Dundee 2 11 65 Crawfurd Ann 45 FIF Cults 1 2 112 Crawfurd Catherine 42 FIF Cults 1 5 131 Crawfurd Elisabeth 37 FIF Collessie 1 1 102 Crawfurd Johnston [male] 66 FIF Collessie 1 1 103 Crawfurd Robert 13 FIF Kettle 2 3 12 Crosthwaite Andrew 4 FIF Cults 1 4 128 Crosthwaite Mary 1 FIF Cults 1 5 128 Crosthwaite Mary 28 FIF Ceres 1 4 128 Crosthwaite Thomas 7 FIF Cults 1 4 128 Crosthwaite Thomas 30 ENG Cumberland Lest... 1 4 128 Cunningham Alison 14 FIF Dairsie 2 1 6 Cunningham Alison 35 FIF Leuchars 2 1 6 Cunningham David 7 FIF Dairsie 2 1 6 Cunningham Janet 9 FIF Balmerino 2 1 6 Cunningham Lilison [female] 12 FIF Cupar 2 1 6 Cunningham Mary 7 mo FIF Priestfield 2 1 6 Cunningham Robert 3 FIF Cults 2 1 6 Cunningham Robert 33 FIF Leuchars 2 1 6 Cunningham Thomas 5 FIF Dairsie 2 1 6 Cupar Isabella 72 ANS Errol 1 4 127 Dall Jane 3 FIF Cults 2 12 66 Dall Jane 22 FIF Cults 2 11 66 Dall Thomas 2 FIF Cults 2 12 66 Dall Thomas 28 FIF Cupar 2 11 66 Dalrymple Alexander Watson 1 FIF Kinglassie 2 5 22 Dalrymple David 5 FIF Auchterderran 2 5 22 Dalrymple David 29 FIF Kingsbarns 2 5 22 Dalrymple Janet 27 FIF Anstruther 2 5 22 Danskin Agnes 7 FIF Collessie 1 8 151 Danskin Agnes 37 FIF Moonzie 1 8 151 Danskin Arthur 36 FIF Markinch 1 8 151 Danskin Christian 4 FIF Pitlessie 1 8 151 Danskin Mary Ann 11 FIF Markinch 1 8 151 Danskin William 1 FIF Pitlessie 1 8 151 Deas Margaret 60 FIF Cults 1 17 208 Denmilne Helen 20 FIF Cults 1 11 168 Dewar Boyd [male] 48 FIF Kilmany 2 3 16 Dickson Euphemia 29 FIF Falkland 2 12 70 Dingwall May 41 FIF Cults 1 12 171 Distant Catherine 69 FIF Cults 1 10 161 1861 Fife : 419 Cults 1861 Fife : 419 Cults Surname Forenames Age Place of birth Bk Pge Sch Doig Catherine 16 FIF Pitlessie 1 4 126 Doig (Anderson) Christina 48 PER Kenmore 1 4 126 Doig James 14 FIF Pitlessie 1 4 126 Doig John 22 PER Fortingal 1 4 126 Doig Martha M H 12 FIF Pitlessie 1 4 126 Doig Peter 47 ANS Broughty ferry 1 4 126 Doig Thomas 7 FIF Pitlessie 1 4 126 Doig William 18 FIF Pitlessie 1 4 126 Donaldson David 9 mo FIF Cults 1 2 115 Donaldson Euphemia 4 FIF Cults 1 2 115 Donaldson Janet 30 FIF Ceres 1 2 115 Donaldson Jessie 24 FIF Cults 1 19 219 Donaldson John 31 FIF Cults 1 2 115 Donaldson Robert 2 FIF Cults 1 2 115 Donaldson Robert 19 FIF Cults 1 1 105 Dowie John 6 mo FIF Cults 1 8 153 Dowie John 43 FIF Cults 1 12 172 Dowie Robert 5 FIF Cults 1 8 153 Dowie William 2 FIF Cults 1 8 153 Dryburgh John 6 FIF Markinch 1 18 215 Dryburgh William 1 FIF Markinch 1 18 215 Duncan Jane 2 FIF Monimail 2 7 38 Duncan Jane 23 FIF Luchars 2 7 38 Duncan Margaret W 10 mo FIF Cults 2 7 38 Duncan Marshell [male] 22 FIF Leslie 2 7 38 Edie Helen 31 FIF Prestonhall 2 13 74 Elder Alexander 7 FIF Cults 1 19 222 Elder Barbary 7 FIF Kilmany 1 14 183 Elder Isabella 5 FIF Cults 1 19 222 Elder John 30 FIF Cults 1 19 222 Elder William 9 FIF Collessie 1 19 222 Erskine Elisabeth 15 FIF Strathmiglo 2 12 68 Erskine Janet 18 FIF Strathmiglo 2 12 68 Erskine Peter 44 Edinburgh 2 12 68 Ferguson Christian 59 FIF Cupar 1 10 166 Fernie Thomas 60 FIF Largo 1 11 166 Findlater Esther 10 LKS Carluke 1 22 234 Forbes Agnes 28 Edinburgh 1 20 227 Forrest Elisabeth 23 FIF Cults 1 15 191 Forrest Henry 30 FIF Cults 1 15 191 Forrest James 32 FIF Cults 1 15 191 Forrest John 56 FIF Cults 1 15 191 Forrest (Ramsay) Lenora 57 FIF Cults 1 15 191 Forrester (Swan) Agnes 34 FIF Kettle 1 5 133 Forrester Andrew 31 FIF Cults 1 3 122 Forrester Christina L 5 mo FIF Cults 1 5 133 Forrester Elisabeth 68 FIF Ceres 1 2 114 Forrester Isabella 74 FIF Scoonie 1 3 122 Forrester John 41 FIF Cults 1 5 133 Forrester William 39 FIF Cults 1 3 122 Forrester William 73 FIF Kettle 1 3 122 Forsyth (Forbes) Agnes 28 Edinburgh 1 20 227 1861 Fife : 419 Cults 1861 Fife : 419 Cults Surname Forenames Age Place of birth Bk Pge Sch Forsyth Christina 5 Edinburgh 1 20 227 Forsyth Eliza 10 Edinburgh 1 21 227 Forsyth Helen 18 FIF Cults 1 14 187 Forsyth Henry 8 FIF Cults 1 15 187 Forsyth James 1 mo FIF Cults 1 20 227 Forsyth James 45 FIF Cults 1 14 187 Forsyth Janet 2 FIF Cults 1 20 227 Forsyth John 13 FIF Cults 1 14 187 Forsyth Margaret 46 FIF Cults 1 14 187 Forsyth Mark 12 Glasgow 1 21 227 Forsyth Robert 32 Haddington 1 20 227 Fotheringham Henry 27 ARL Oban 1 2 110 Fotheringham John 56 FIF Auchtermchty 1 2 110 Fotheringham Margaret 42 FIF Auchtermchty 1 2 110 Fraser Ellen 20 Breakish 2 13 75 Fyell James 38 FIF Cupar 2 11 63 Fyell (Methven) Janet 39 FIF Cameron 2 11 63 Galloway Alexander 7 FIF Kilmany 2 4 20 Galloway David 9 FIF Carnbee 2 4 20 Galloway David 45 FIF Kemback 2 4 20 Galloway Isabella 14 FIF Cameron 2 4 20 Galloway Janet 27 PER Dron 2 4 20 Galloway Mary Ann 3 FIF Balmerino 2 4 20 Galloway Robert 18 FIF n k 2 6 29 Galloway William 5 FIF Monimail 2 4 20 Gardiner Margaret 29 Cupar Angus 2 10 60 Garland Agnes 3 FIF Pitconochie 2 12 69 Garland Ann 36 STI Campsie 1 10 162 Garland Arthur 14 FIF Cults 1 2 111 Garland David 1 FIF Cults 2 12 69 Garland David 16 FIF Cults 1 2 111 Garland Elisabeth 39 FIF Cults 1 17 204 Garland
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