! 7 I. ~tlMISH . I MASTERS• 2cna~2020. f I i\:\ Flanders. ! (~ \St.ate of ~_h_E! A_rt i L,.. /',· ; i- i, i r f .. I I !·, I '·· 'I. Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/21/2018 2:40:07 PM OVERVIEW :BRUEGEL PROGRAMMA 2019 01 02 FEBRUARY / BRUSSELS BOZAR / BERNARD VAN ORLEV: BR_USSE_LS & RE_NAISSANCE BOZAR / PRINTED IMAGES IN THE AGE OF BRUEGEL 03 04 - APRIL / PAJOTTENLAND & GENK GAASBEEK CASTLE/ FEAST OF FOOLS: BRUEGEL REDISCOVERED DILBEEK / BRUEGELS EVE: RECONSTRUCTING THE LANDSCAPE 05 BOKRIJK / THE WORLD OF BRUEGEL 06 JUNE / BRUSSELS & FLANDERS HALLE GATE / BACK TO BRUEGEL / EXPERIENCE THE 16TH CENTURY 07 OKV / FLEMISH MASTERS IN SITU 08 SEPTEMBER / LEUVEN 09 MUSEUM M / EXPERIENCE THE LAST SUPPER OF DIRK BOUTS IN THE ST. PETERS CHURCH 10 OCTOBER / BRUSSELS & ANTWERP ROYAL LIBRARY/ BRUEGEL IN BLACK AND WHITE 11 SNI_JOER_S & ROC_KOXHUI_S / IA_N BRUEGH_EL THE ELDER MAYER VAN DEN BERGH MUSEUM / MAD MAG 12 Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/21/2018 2:40:07 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/21/2018 2:40:07 PM PERMANENT OFFER BRUEGEL RMFAB: BRUEGEL UNSEEN MASTER­ PIECES I BRUEGEL BOX I BRUEGEL PAINTINGS IBRUEGl;L: UNSEE~ !BRUEGEL BOX.I riRUEGEL PAINTINGS] LMASTERPIECES1 Twelve of Bruegel's 'An intriguing art experience Following the immersive masterpieces. to be .found in lets visitors discover the secrets experience in the 'Box·. visitors some of the most prestigious to be found in Bruegel's most will then be able to admire the museums in the world. are . famous masterpieces. In one of original 'Fall of the Rebel Angels' presented in high-definition the museum's rooms. fascinating - and other works by Bruegel - as detail thanks to technology videos - each dedicated to a it can be seen on the first floor provided by the Google Cultural Bruegel painting - are projected of the Old Masters Department Institute. on three walls. floor to ceiling of the Royal Museums of Fine By delving deeper into the with the help of a sophisticated Arts of Belgium. artist's world. the viewer system of projectors and ultra­ will discover the unexpected high resolution images. elements in Bruegel's works that In the "Bruegel Box·, spectators constitute the pinnacle of the will be able to rub shoulder­ Flemish master's craft. So while to-shoulder with the villagers the artist and his paintings of Bruegel's "Proverbs"(1559l, may be instantly recognisable. come face-to-face with the palm every painting has a whole reader in the Sermon of Saint host of characteristics • some John the Baptist 11566) or familiar. others surprising - that experience The Fall of the Rebel are masterpieces worthy of Angels (1562> as if they were exploration in their own right. there. i RC>V:AL MUSEUMS.OF FIN.Ii ARTS QF ilELOIVM • CO!ilTACT I I Regentschapsstraat 3. l000Brussel ,a:mir Al-Haddad' '• i . sartlir:a,ehaddad@fiile-ar:ts-museiim be I.www.11netaru-m115eu1n:beteo . ··. I> . --------~"a~·101/ios.34.o~9 · · · _j jM. lJSEU~. MA)'.ER VAN .DEN BER. GH: D. ULL·E·=. .Jh,/r -M-US_E_U_M_.M_A_Y_ER~VAN-.. ~.~P~EN-.~l!E_R_G_H_.. --~7 G.RIET <MAD M~I AND 1l W:QODEN DINI~ . ' ,I PLATES, PAINTED BY BRUEGEL. I !. Lange G.ast.huisstri,iat .19: Antwerp • [_.'www~·-·_-rn._·~use~urn_. ~m~a_et._"rv~. ~a-nd_e~n_be_r_gh~b-="-~~--j Thanks to new research and a thorough i CONTACT -- .• restoration of the Dulle Griet. this painting will I • • • . -- • . • . - • . • - , 1 shine amongst other masterpieces of the collection .,. rt:i!,lseurn. tw.x1rxan!leti~...rgti~ ~a~rpen q~ ,T;'3:1(Ql3.33e81!l8, ., , .... , . of the Mayer van den Bergh Museum. 1 Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/21/2018 2:40:07 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/21/2018 2:40:07 PM BRUEGEL EVENTS 2019 IBOU'IUIN coLL,ABORATION WIT!-! ri:ffRov"" ''4USE;!JM OF FINE ARTS .BRUSS~~] ,BERNAR[) VAN ORI.EV - BRUSSELS & RENAISSA_ti~~ . · l~TH.FEBRUARY.19 -26MAY.'1~ Bernard van Orley was a central figure in the artistic life of Brussels and the Sout.h.ern Net.herlands during the first half of the sixteenth century. Court painter to Margaret of Austria first and Mary of Hungary afterwards, author of numerous projects for tapestries and stained-glass windows, and loaded with commissions. he headed. at a very young age. one of the largest workshops of his day. Surprisingly. given hi.s domina.nt position. Bernard van Orley has never been the subject of a monograph, nor is there any scholarly scientific catalogue of his oeuvre. This is the first time Van Orley's works have been brought together for public display. The exhibition will include a large number of works and ,;,ill be visually very varied. While much of the exhibition will be devoted to the paintings. ample attention will also be paid to the tapestries. to the drawings and to the archives relating to stained glass windows. positioning the artist as a major entrepreneur. at the head of a vast and very productive workshop. 1;~g~Mc.fi~o~;f:E~i=.Zfui~YAL l;IBRARV OF BEl,(illJM) I20 FEBRUARV -· 26· MAY '19 j Today everyone k.nows the work of Bruegel because it can be reproduced endlessly. In the 16t.h century. printmaking was the only method to print and distribute images in multiples. Bruegel also used original print designs from the printing press to make his work and name known far beyond the borders. This exhibition aims t.o sketch a picture of print production in the Southern Netherlands in Bruegel's century. The rise and prosperity of printmaking in Bruegel's century is not only an artistic success story. Brilliant craftsmanship and bold entrepreneurship also played a major role. ., aoiAR··· CONTA<:T i' · fl~v~nst~instr~it 4f 10_00 ijrUssets; · [email protected] . , . j .r .±32 (m21so1 a:rp6. ----------~ --~~~~~- 1 Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/21/2018 2:40:07 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/21/2018 2:40:07 PM LGAASBEEK CASTLE:J;~T OF !'00~~.E!ttUEGEL REDISCOVERED] 16 APRIL ~9 - 28 JULY '19 16/415 Ol>ENING FOR PRESS, 7/4 FOB_PUBLICI] The exhibition inquires the way in which modem artists handled Bruegels artistic legacy in the period between and after the wars. Hence the focus on the following artists: James Ensor, Valerius De Saedeleer, Jules De Bruycker, Gu.stave van de woestyne, Jea.n Brusselmaris, Constant Permeke. Anto Carte, Otto Dix and George Grosz. At the same time, the exhibition pulls out various contemporary stops, with art, performance (by Rimini Protokolll and music. Ten contemporary artists have been invited to delve into the themes from Bruegel's work. Included artists are Pascale Marthine Tayou, Honore d'O, Emanuelle Quertain, Jan van lmschoot & Salam Atta Sabri, Dirk Braeckman/Franz West/Lisbeth Gruwez. Kasper Bosmans. Gilberto Zorio, Grazia Todori, Anetta Mor)a Chisa & LuciaTkacova. Christoph Fink, Daniel Buren, Jimmie Durham & Ricardo Brey and Bart Lodewijks. Good to know: The exhibition is being mounted in an ancient castle whose view over the landscape was shaped in the wake of the romantic period and whose collection contains many objects from Bruegel's time, located i.n a park of c. 50 hectares, With a museum garden which provides an overview of forgotten vegetables, fruit and pruning techniques. c-·------------------------------~ 'i GAASBEEK CASTLE · °C9NTACT i Kasteelstraat '10, l750 Ga11sbeek· Marie.ke·Dtbeuckelaere l. .. .marieJse;Debeuckelaere6<!Qjsmvlaanderen:be• T :t:32 2 !131 01 45 ........ " ...... · ... · ........................................................................................ _________ _ LP,~~~EK: !JRUEGEL:S EYE: REc;ONSTRUCTING THE LANDSCAPE] ;6 APRIL·.a'31 OCTOBER '19 16/4 IS OPENING f=OR PRESS, 7/4 FcflfPUB[fo1 Art Walk: "Bruegel's Eye· follows a trail with spatial and artistic interventions of what the painter would have seen when he painted his imposing pastoral landscapes. The tour starts and ends at two buildings that were painted by Bruegel: the Church of Saint Anna-Pede, featured in Bruegel's "The Parable of the Bl.i.nd" and the watermHI of Sa.int Gretrudis-Pede, which is depicted in "The Magpie on the Gallows·. The 7 km walking tour starts at the special visitors' pavilion. designed by Rotor, a Brussels cooperative that is interested in material flows. Visitors can obtain all necessary information in the pavilion. The practical pocket­ sized visitor's guide provides all the information you need to take the tour on your own <all artists and artworks per loc.ation with a brief explanation for every work, a.n exte.nsive map for h_ikers and cyclists. n.ice restau.rant tips and a number of vouchers to be used in participating retailers!. A confirmed group ofinternationally renowned photographers, artists, designers and writers contribute to the tour: Guillaume Bijl, Jesse De Pauw, Erik Dhont, Filip Dujardin, Futurefarmers (USI, Gijs Van Vaerenbergh, Landinzicht, OFFICE Kersten Geers David Van Severen, Bas Princen INLI, .Rotor, Georges Rousse (FRl, Bas Smets, Koe.n van den Broek a.nd Loi.s Weinberger (AUi. ICONTACT · . · . WWW.bMgels~;be !' Kathleen L~ys ; kathieen [email protected]'. b[lie{!el~dilbeet< be l_:,~:2 1012 45) 69. 31 . .. .. .. Received by NSD/F ARA Registration Unit 12/21/2018 2:40:07 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/21/2018 2:40:07 PM [sAPRI[ "" 20 OCTOBER '19 15:/4 OPENING FOR PRESS, 6/4 FOR THE PUBLIC) I Experience: The open-air museum of Bokrijk opened its doors in 1958, and the conservator at that time, was greatly inspired by Bruegel. The exhibition offers a contemporary and sensory experience of the middle of 16th century and guides visitors through the Open-Air Museum, passing through various locations, each of which have their own particular little world.
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