College of the Holy Cross CrossWorks The Octofoil Special Collections 5-1-1949 The Octofoil, May 1949 Ninth Infantry Division Association Follow this and additional works at: https://crossworks.holycross.edu/octofoil Part of the Military and Veterans Studies Commons, Military History Commons, Social History Commons, and the United States History Commons Recommended Citation Ninth Infantry Division Association, "The Octofoil, May 1949" (1949). The Octofoil. 27. https://crossworks.holycross.edu/octofoil/27 This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Collections at CrossWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Octofoil by an authorized administrator of CrossWorks. uuuu&uuuu SI0Nl"I'31'IANOS~~~r... a03!100 SIONI111 a 0 .LINn S..L3A H3sn010·r NHor . - - ' On. Year. 80 cent. VOLUME 4 NUMBER 5 THE NINTH INFANTRY DIVISION ASSOCIATION SIDCI. COpy, 10 c_t. WASHINGTON (13), D. C. (P. O. Box 1704) MAY, 1949 ALL ROAD SIGNS POINT TO PITTSBURGH -------------------------------------* MEMBERS Mf)lJRN BOBBY'S DEATH JIM KENNEDY1S PITTSBURGH LADS AND LASSIES IIGOING TO TOWNII WITH ARRANGEMENTS Received too late for process­ belongings. But The Octofoil did MOTHER .ASKS ing for the last issue of The Octo­ not know at the time how tragic BUDDIES WRITE FOR NEXT CONVENTION foil was the picture of little Bobby the incident really had been. La­ The mother of ,Pfc. James E. Hawkins, 16-month-old son of for­ t~r it was divulged that this swell Kennedy, 60th Inf., wants some TOM GRAY ANNOUNCES THE PERMANENT PERSONNEL mer Sgt. Glenn and Helen Haw­ couple had suffered an ordeal be­ of Jimmie's friends to send her a OF COMMITTEES FOR THE RECORD-BR,EAKING CON.. kins. The sarge served with the cause of the fire that nothing, ab­ bit of information relative to the VENTION TO BE HELD IN PITTSBURGH. 9th Medics. They now live at solutely nothing, can ever erase circumstances surrounding his Brinkhaven, Ohio. from their memory. Little "Bobby" death. Quoting from the letter: Someone down in Brooklyn may have grown a little old perished in the fire. In the February issue of The "I would like to hear from some tree-b~lt they.sho as heck "ain't" letting no grass grow Ull­ Octofoil an article was published Sym})athy from the bottoms of of J ame's friends, and learn just ~er theIr feet In Pittsburgh. They don't even stop to mark telling of the fire loss suffered by the hearts of every former Ninth anything they have to tell about tIme. Cadence has been set up and both the Infantry and Glenn and Helen when they lost' Infantry Division man goes out to the war while with James, or n their home and all their peTsonal Glenn and Helen. bit of information about his ex­ Artillery are "going to town." General Chairman Tom Gray, periences in the hospital after he 720 Ohio River Blvd., Pittsburgh, Steve Lelack. The assistants will was wounded. I would like to Pa., submits a roster of commit- see that the various outfits hav(~ know where his body was struck teemen whose responsibility it will an opportunity to renew old COll­ and near what place in Germany." be to see that the Pittsburgh Con- tacts in their own quarters. James' mother's address is Mrs. vention goes over in a big way. HERE'S T,HE BREAK-DOWN­ James P. Kennedy, Rt. 1, Marion, And boys, here they are: SUBJECYTO MINOR CHANGES La. Okay, fellows, get out the old pen and help take a load off Publicity: John Kowalski, chair- Wednesday-29 June: man; Associates: Ora Brogan, 8 :00 P. M.: Policy and Charter the mind of this good mother. -PITTSBURGH IN '49- Arthur Schmidt, Margaret Gray. Meeting. Included also is a splendid "ex- Thursday-30 June: '" Seeley Praises officio" member, who was not a 1 :-00 P. M. Registration. the Division Book part of the 9th Division. He is an 7 :00 P. M. Reception and Get Alfred F. Seeley, former Co. C, ex serviceman. The Joe is called Together. 60th, writes from 55-17 98th Dean Gilmour. He had a brother 8 :00 P. M. 9th Div. Movies. Lane, Corona, Long Island, N. Y. whQ helped make fame for the 8 :00 P. M. Board of Gov. Al says his copy of "8 Stars to 9th Div. Dean is always available ernors Meeting. VictoryH.., was. greatly enjoyed by wit;h his camera and contacts ••. Friday~l July: himself Qnd \is .now ~1Png the which .h~ve en~hled the Pittsburgh - 9 :00 A. M. ~egistration. rounds, being 10an~d to former g;r?up to obtain necessary pub- 9 :00 A. M. Meeting of all .G. J.'s. from other divisions. The heity. - .Chapter presidents and represent~ ex-G. I.sfl'om the other divisions Registration:- Ray Pifer is the atives. .aJ·e enj,oying the b04.1k as well as chairman, assisted· by William.. 10 :30 A. M. Bqsiness' m e e t· -ailton and Paul Leschak. rrhese ,iJjg~ -_..•. ~."..;.-T"".p-.. ~.~- .... '."., " -,-,,- Al did. > -Pitt$burgh In "49-- fellas will' be on the job with as-I '1 :30 P. M. Committee meet- 'Tent-ion, Ladies! sistants at all times to see that ing.· - visitors have an apportunity to 8 :00 P. M. Dance and Floo,l' Mrs. Mae M. Spencer, 239 Mos­ holv Parkway, Bronxi>" 67, . N. Y., register, and to see a list of the I Show. other Joes who are registered. Saturday-2 July: the Gold Star Mother of Lt. Spen­ ., Finance and Entertainment: 9 :00 A. M. Parade. cer, issues an urgent appeal to the Waltel' MillstonE', chairman (the 9 :45 A. M. Memorial S e r v~ ladies of Greater New York, ask­ Big ~gg and Butter Man), having ice. ing them to become active in the as hIS rear eschelon such ex-G. I.s 1 :30 P. M. Business M e e t~ New York Auxiliary of the Ninth as Mike Puzak, C. O. Ellenberger, ing. Infantry Division Association. Bob Brogan, LeRoy Thompson, 1 :30 P. M. Ladies' Auxiliary Mrs. Spencer advises the ladies Bill (Marconi) Hennemuth. This Meeting. meet the same night as the men, group is sweating out the money 7 :00 P. M. Banquet. but adds, as soon as the ladies are angle, and that is a problem at ~ -Pittsburgh in '49- more firmly organized they will this time. It's a Future WAC arrange to meet when it is most Banquet and Hotel Arrange- "BOBBY" HAWKINS convenient for the ladies. ments: Bert MUl'phy, chairman. eagl~ ey~ .At Sgt. Andy Book's Keep an on The Oc­ Supported by Bob Buck, Sam Bar- Former B Co., 60th Soldier Linda Darlene Comes fire. Helen suffered severe burns tofoil for news relative to the la­ b~nel1, Al Berkman. They have Andy Book, now Sgt. A. G. Boo~, ~ To Brighten Home of -and was treated for nin~ months. dies plans relative to future activ­ done a pretty swell job of arrang- 202 S. 16th Ave., Hopewell, Va., The greatest tragedy was that 16-' ities for the betterment of the As­ ing for accomodations for guests advises The Octofoil that on Feb. Glenn, Helen Hawkins month-old Bobby perished in the sociation and the mutual enjoy­ expected to atte'nd, such as ban- 24, 1949, Mrs. Book presented fire. ment of themselves.. quet rooms, -and confidentially, him with a baby girl. A BABY GIRL ON MARCH 19th -Pittsburgh in '49- Under date of March 23, Mrs. I know. this baby is like a ray that Gray lad could be talked Andy only recently heard 01 the Clyde Cripe, 7 Dixie Dr., Ander­ of sunshine on a rainy day to The Dirty So-and-So into setting up a temporary bar Association and never seen but son, Ind., writes The Octofoil -a them. Let's all former Ninth men in one nook and then another. one copy of The Octofoil; neither and their wives send them the note, which reads in part: Memorial C Service: Alex For- has he received his copy of "8 Dear Mr. Plunkett: We have very best wishes, and I know it est, chairman. Alex will have the Stars to Victory." Says he'll be - received word from Glenn and will make them happy. able assistance -of C. O. Ellen- an Association member within a Helen.Hawkins that they are the In behalf of my husband and my­ berger. This committee is' most few days now. What about some proud parents of a baby girl born self, allow me to thank the staff of important of them all. And lis- of the old gang sending Andy a March 19. Her name is Linda The Octofoil for such an interest­ ten, you f.ellas, knowing Alex the few lines? - . Darlene and sh~ weighed in at 8 ing paper. I hope it continues. It way The Octofoil does, you can Book says th~s modern Army is lbs. 6 ozs. means a lot to my husband and I, depend on the arrangements he not what the boys knew a few You know that Glenn's and and I know it must mean a lot to makes to be all that could be de- years ago. He'd prefer the old Helen's home was destroyed by all other former 9th men. sired in a way of payin'g the prop- days. The new set-up has him in er respect and loyalty to those a quandary whether he wants to buddies who will never be able to be a 30-year man or not, after his attend a Convention, but whose close to 15 years.
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