2048 SURREY. (POST OFFICE ACTING MAGISTRATES FOR THE COUNTY. LORD LIEUTENANT AND CUSTOS ROTULORUM, THE EARL OF LOVELACE, East Horsley Towers, Woking Station; & Ashley Combe, Porlol!k, Somersetsliire. SHERIFF, ROBERT BARCLAY, Esq. Bury bill, Dorking. Abinger Lord, 30 Queen's Gate terrace .~.w Dyer Captain Swinerton Halliday, Westcroft, Chobham, Alexander Henry Browne, The Laurels, Barnes, s.w Bagshot R.S.O Antrobus Sir Edmund, hart. M.P. 11, Grosvenor crescent, Eastwood John Fisher, Esher Lodge, Esher s.w. ; & Amesl.mry Abbey, Salisbury, Wilts Eccles Charles, Lavender Sweep, Wand:.worth s.w Arbuthnot George, Elderslie, Dorking Edridge Thomas Richard, The Elms, High street, Croydon Baggallay The ,Rig·ht Hon. Sir Richard, knt. 55 Queen's Edwards Henry, l\LP. 53 Berkeley square ro gate, South Kensington, s.w Edwards Samuel, Wood lodge, Balham road, Streatham .uv RaringEnwd.Charles,Coombe wood,Kingston-upon-Thames Egerton Rear-Admiral The Hon.Francis, M.P. St. George's Barnard Herbert, 23 Portland place w hill, B)·fleet, Weybridge; & 78 Piccadill.v w Bateman John Frederic, Moor pari,, WaverleY, Farr1ham; Egmont Earl of, Norke house, Danstead, Epsom • & 16 Great George street. Westminster s.w • Enfield Viscount, The Whim, Weybridge Station Bnynes Sir 'Villiam Jol1n Waiter, bart. Forest Jorlge, West 1 E~tlyn William John, Wotton house, Dorking hill, Putney lleath s .1L' Farmer Capt. William Robert Gamul, Nonsuch pa!k, Cud- Beresford Col. Marcus,M.P. Hollanden, Melbury road, Ken- ding-ton, Sutton ;;inJ!ton w Farquhar Sir W alter Rockliffe, hart. 18 King street, St. Resley F1·ederick John, Pembroke lwuse, Red hill J ames's s.w; & Polesden pk. Gt. Bookl1am, Leatherhe::ul Be\·ing-ton James Buckingham, l\Ierle wood, Sevenonks FiP-lcl Joshua, 108 Westminster Bridge road s.e; & Latch- Bicknell HPnr:v Sanford, Cavendish house, Clapham com.s.w mere l10use, Ham common Black burn Joshua, BrockwP.ll hall, near Dulwich s.e Fitzroy William Simon Haughton Brahy .Tames, Maybank~-1, Rudgwick, Sussex Fl~ming Sir Valentine, knight, Holbrook, Redhill Brand .lames, Bedford Hill house, Balharn s.w Fletcher Sir Henry, bart. Ham manor, Arundel, Sussex Bray Reginald, Fir hill, Shere. near Guildford Fletcher Geo. Hamilton, Barrow Hedg·es. Carshalton Brocklehurst Edward, Kinuersley manor, Sidlow, Reigate Foley Lord, Ruxley lodge, Claygate, Esher; & 26 Gros- Brooks Rohert, Wood cote park, Epsom Ye nor square w J1rooksbank Thorra!':, Peng·e lane, Penge s.e Freeman Charles, Gnaton hall, Yealmpton, South Devon Broomhall John, Bun•ott. Surbiton Freshfield Charles Kaye, M.P. Upper G::ttton park,Reigate; Brown Williarn Seton, 6 Sussex square, H:yde park w & 21 Halfmoon s1reet w Bruce Lewis BrucP Knight, Roehampton s.w Gabriel Alderman Sir Thomas, hart. Edgecombe lwll, Huller Col. James Horn by, Down hall, Epsom I Wimbledon s.w Bulpett George Gadesden Au!-!ustus William, Ewell castle, Ewell, Epwm Burdett Lient.-Col. Charles Sedley (Coldstream Guards), Gassiot John Peter, The Culvers, Carshalton Shrubhurst, Oxterl, Hedhill Gatty Charles Henry, Felbridge park, East Grinstead Burdett Lieut.-Col. Fras. Am•astfl' ho. Richmond hl. Surrey God man J oseph, Burgate, Hascomhe, Godalming Burnett Jolm Robert Fnssett, 2 College Villas road, South Godwin-Austen Robert Alfred Cloyne, Shalford lwuse, Hamrstend n.w Guildford BurrellJ as. Fi tehett,Manor ho.Frimiey,Farnborough Station Gordon l\lichael Francis, Blackheath .~ .e Byron Ednmnd, Coulsdon court, Coulsdon S.O . Goulbourn Col. Edwnrd, Betchworth ho. Betchworth R.S.O Cah ert Lt.-Coi.Archibald Motteux, R.A.Ockley ct.Dorking Gurney Samuel, 20 Hanover terrace n.u: Carden Alderman Sir Robert -Waiter, knt. .Mole lodge, I-lalsey Henry William Hichard We~tgarth, 23 Elvaston West Molesey, King~ton; & 64 Wimpole street w vlacc, Queen's gate s.to Carpenter Alfred, M.D. Duppas house, Croydon flankey John Barnard, Fetcham park, Leatherhead Ca ttley .John Garratt, Shabden, Chipstead, Red hill £I arbcrton Viscount, Lyston court, Russ, Herefordshire Cave Thomns, M.P. Queensberry house, Richmond Hardman William, Norbiton hall, Kin~ston-upon-Thamrs ; Cazalet William Clement, Greenhurst, Capel, Dorldng & 81 St. George's road, South Belgra\·ia s.w Chambtrs Col. John Hickinbotham, Putney ho.Putnt'y s.w Harrison James Fortescue, M.P. Crawley Down park, Chandler Allen, :.--troud, Haslemere ~us~ex; & 88 Cornwall g·ar·dens, Queen's gate w Churcl1ill Charles, Weybridge park, vVeybridge Station Harrihon William Frederick, Bartropps, Weybridg-e Clark Gordon Wyatt, Mickleham hall, Dorking Hartopp Sir John William Cradock, bart. Kingswood Cl easby Sir Anthony, knight (Baron of the Court of Ex- Warren, Epsom chequer), Pennoyre, Brecon, S. Wales; & 20 Queen Head Sir Francis Somerville, bart. 9 Seymour street, Cum- Anne's gate ,'?.W berland gate; & Arthur's club, St. James's street a.w Cock burn Wm.Yates,Lincoln ho.6TheAvenu.Elmers,Surbitn Heath Douglas Denon, Kitlands, Capel, Dorking CoiPbrooke SirThonlfl!' Edward, bart. ~I.P. Ottershaw pa1k, Heath Rear-Admiral Sir Leopold, K.C.B. An~tee grange, Chertscy; & 37 South street w Holmwood, Dorking Collnmbell Charles, 148 Lambeth road, Lambeth s.e Hepburn Thomas, Clapham common .~.u· Combe Char.es, Cobham park, Cobham Hetley Fredc. M.D. Norbury lodge, Fox la. Up. Norwood s.c Combe Richd. Henry, Pierrt>pont ho. Frensham, Fal"llham Home Thomas Rolls,Marlowlwuse,Kingstou-upon-Thames Corkran Capt. Chns, Long Ditton, Kingston-upon-Thames Ilo.n:.:son Jarnes Stewart, L) the hill, H1u;lernere Cottenham 'fhe Earl of, Tandridg-e court, Tandritlge,Redhill Holland Sir Henry Thurstan, bart. M .1'., K.c.M.G, Pine- Cox William Hinkes, 73 Cromwell road s.w wood, Godalming; & 65 Rutlantl gates.w Croll Col. Alexander Angus, Granard lodge, Putney Parl\ Hornidge Marmaduke, Milbourne ho.The Green,Barnes a.w lane, Putney s.w.; & Beechwood, Reigate Howard The Hon. Robert Mowbray, 22 Halfmoonstreet w Cubitt George, M.P. Denbies, Ramnore, Dorking; & 17 Hudson Robert, Clapham common s.w Prince's gate s.w Hutton Charle~ \V m. Cookworthy, Belair ho. Dulwich .<r.c Cunliffe Roger,Fetcham, Leatherhead; & 10 Queen'!! gate s.w Hyltou Lord, 16 Stratton street, Piccadilly w; & Mers- Currie Bertram Wodehouse, Coombe Wart·en, Norbiton tham house, Redhill Currie John . l'AnsonEdward,7A,Lawrence Pountneyhill e.c; & Fren- Curzon The Hon. Sidney Campbell Henry Roper, Norb1ton sham, Farnham place, London road, Kingston Ingram William James, M.P. Mount Felix, \Valton R.S.O Dermer Edward Conduitt,3 Cambrian villas, Quem's road, Kemmis Arthur Henry Nicholas, Jjoodle's club, ot. Richmond .lames's street s.w Pe Salis Rev. Henry J. A. Fane, Portnall parh, Y.rgiwa Krrrich Edward,Arnohls, Bearfl :!reen, Capel, Dorking Water, Egham Kmg The Hon. Peter J ol.H LocktJ,lhook !aud~:~, Weyl!rio1ge; Dingwall Charles, Portley, Caterham S.O & 38 Dover street, Piccadilly w pu Euisson J ames, W a1 1d~worth common d.W Knight Charles Raleigh, Tekells, Frim lt:y, Faruboro' ;-;tat j.) .
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