MONDAY, JULY 17, IM l PAGl FOtIRTEfeN A)^crasre Dally Net Eh-ess Ron The Weather For the Wools Ended Jane 8, 1961 Feroeaet of U. 8. Weetker BeaeM Thimderahowera thia ovealng. Vo^sr ScsBion Two Items Listed 13,3.S0 About Town Craftsmen Plan McKeon Gets Zoners Hear Fair, not aa warm tonight. Low hi Bozio-Mozzer For PTC Hearing Member of the Audit 60«. Wedneeday aeooonably warm, There will be a voter-making Bureau o f OUenlatlon Fair in Guilford session Wednesday from 5 to 8 Manchester— A City of Village Charm chance of ahowen. High in 80e, VM. Army 8p«c. 4 Carl I* Merit Award Bids Tonight Proposed establishment of a 20- Manual, aon of Mr. and Mrs. Carl p.m. at the town clerk’s office In the Municipal Building. foot building line on the north aide 8. Maastal, 82 Goodwin St, haa Twenty members of the Society of Hillside Bt.,. running some 100 arrlvad at F t Buckner In Okina­ of Connecticut Craftsmen will From State The Zoning Board of Appeals Naturalized citizens must VOL. L X X X , NO. 244 (FOURTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, JULY 18, 1961 (ClaseUled Adtiertlainf on Page 12) present naturalization certifi­ feet from a point on the east aide PRICE FIVE CENTS wa. Aaalsned to the combat sup­ have display booths at the fourth (ZBA) tonight will review 13 ap­ of Buckingham St., 'will be one of port company of the 603d division, Guilford Handcraft Fair to be held cates. Documentary evidence A Manchester man was one of plications concerning town zoning must be presented in cases of two Items to be heard before the he entered the Army in December on the Guilford Green July 20 to two receiving $100 awarda from regulations and hear an appeal of derirttlve citizenship. Town Planning Commission (TPC) 195B. The 20-year-old soldier is a 22 from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. the Connecticut State Employes at a July 25 public hearing at the Not a Consumer's Tax 1058 graduate of Manchester Higrh Mrs.' Kay Adams, IB Seaman Merit Award Board for monoy- decision of the town building in­ Municipal Building at 8 p.m. State N ew s School and attended Florida State Circle, will have a booth to dis­ savlng ideas adopted by the state spector who has twice ordered ces­ The area Involves a re-subdlvl- University. play her enamels In silver and during the fiscal year ended June sation of earth removal operations Another application for which slon proposal of two parcels of land copper Jewelry, 80. being carried on by the TiMale De­ to be known as 'O d d is' Heights." Mrs. Mary McBride, R t 44A, there will &lso be a state hearing, Roundup DemonetraUons, to be presented Richard F. McKeon of 94 Wedge- velopment Co. of Glastonbury at The re-subldlvislon plan of hidlder Coventry, and formerly of Man­ daily every hour, will include ena­ is from F A D Auto Stores, Inc., West-3 Rejects Red Threat wood St., an employe in the ac­ 162 Union St. 828 Main S t This business firm is R. E. Miller met no opposition at a Utilities’ Rates chester, celebrated her 80th birth­ meling on silver and copper, jew­ counting smd business manage­ The 8 o'clock public hearing will asking for permission to have a TPC hearing Tuesday. day yesterday at the home of Mr. elry, handweaving, block-printing, ment division of the State Welfare be hrid In the Municipal Building The second Item on the agenda and Mm. Harold S. Ljrman, 114 textile printing, . metalsmlthing, repairer’s license and certificate Of Troop Carriers Department, received his $100 hearing room. approval for same. will be a re-approval of a subdivi­ Maple St, Manchester, She re­ charsu;ter dolls, antique American cash award for recommending According to Building Inspector Earl White will ask permission sion plan known as "Lookout ceived gifts from piembers of her decoration, cut and pierced lamp procedural changes in the de­ Thomas G. Monahan, the Tisdale Mountain.” The TPC approved the At Bradley Field family and friends. shades, fused glass ceramics, for a zoning exception to convert Boost Opposed partment’s aid 'to dependent chil­ firm has been carrying on an earth subdivision for 65 homes on Spring wooden toys and notepaper. dren program resulting in savings removal operation' on residential a single-family home into a two- family home at' 29 Buckland St. St. earlier this year but final plans Get New Leader Mr. and Mrs. Helge Pearson of as well as effective ..utilisation of zone land and such use of this land were not filed ■within a 90-day pe­ To T ake Over W est Berlin Rivemide, Calif., and formerly of available funds,. is not allowed under the town zon­ Eight other appllcats request­ riod under the' general statute re­ Hartfot-d, July 18 (JP)— public utilities and wriil r*-'! Manchester, are visiting relatives ing variances and three applica­ . 7 ^ - *_ ' - seeaa.l«M4 what T I<a Acan aa .1A do„Jo Aaa tfrallraa** follow a.raliw your Windsor Locks, July 18 (JP) The second winner was Stanley ing regulations. quirements. Therefore, the TPC Senate chairman of the legis­ in Manchester. They are staying at Public Records B. Wlrsul, senior, correction of­ The development firm will be tions concerning extension of per­ suggestion.” — Col. Campbell Y . Jackson must re-approve the application lature’s finance committee the home of Mrs. Henry G. Ander­ ficer at the Wethersfield State represented by the law firm of But­ mission requests will also be heard before It Is filed ■with the town Actually, beyond using the per­ today assumed command of son, 155 Eldridge St. Pearson is before the ZBA. has urged Gov. John N. suasive power of his office, the Prison, who suggested savings re­ ler, Volpe, Garrlty and Sacco. clerk’s office. the 337th Trooper Carrier the brother of G. Albert Pearson Warrantee Deeds sulting from reconditioning of Dempsey to fight rate in­ Governor is limited in what he can and Harry Pearson, and the late Squadron at Bradley Field. Otto and Grete Elgenbrod to cftate cars at the prison', prior to creases asked by several utili­ do about the rate increases. The Notes Label Nikita’s Hugo Pearson. Daniel G. and Mary T. Landerfin, auction resale. PUC is a quasi-judicial board with' The.announcement Issued by the property at 64 Russell St. ty companies. the power to set rate schedules. public Information office here Methodists from all parts of Reginald V. and Altha B. Hatch S m Cash m d StaMps on The requests for increases are The Governor’s office said today said Jackson, commander of the New England will attend the sec­ to Ronald G. and Betty-Ann Whltt- (Governor Plans "nothing short of impudence,” Sen. Dempsey plans to meet with Ver­ 614th Troop Carrier Wing, Mc­ ond annu^ pilgrimage at the mann of Coventry, property at 66 William J. Verrlker said in a let­ riker soon to plan possible action Guire Air Force Base, has re­ Claims Peace Peril Cathedral of the Pines in Rindge. Devon Dr. ter to Dempsey released yesterday. by the executive department. lieved Lt. Col. Stanley J. Wojno. Nike .Site Tour The utilities have asked the Pub­ N. H., Sunday at 3:30 p.m. Quitclaim Deeds The Waterbury Democrat said Further details on the move Wiliiam Chapel Nichols of Ipasl lic Utilities Commission to approve were not Immediately available. By JOHN M. HIGHTOWF.B Governor John Dempsey Tues the rate increases on the grounds that if the companies persist in M. Sgt. Arthur A. Buckler, 81 Hartford to Constsmee Shoonmak- day will visit the Headquarters Uieir rate increase demands they Jackson said: Washington, July 18 </P)— The United States, Britain and Hilltop Dr. has received a 10-year er of South Windsor, property off that they are needed to pay for "This action grew out of a rou­ and Headquarters Battery of the higher taxes imposed by the 1961 should be asked to explain in de­ P’rance told Russia today It is jeopardizing world peace and medal for sendee as an enlisted Chrislme Dr. tail all of their financial opera­ tine administrative Inspection by Connecticut Army National Guard General Assembly. headquarters, Ciontlnental Mr endangering the lives of millions by its threats against West man in the Army National Guard, Constance Schoonmaker of Soutli guided missile battalion at sum- tions. Windsor to William Chapel and The utility tax increase, Verriker Command (CONAC). It is an in­ Bdrlin. the medal was presented byMaj. vfitr field training on the Active said, was "intended" by the le'gis- “ I have always been under the Gen Frederick G. Reincke, state Jeannette D. Nichols, property off impression," Verriker said, "that terim mea.sure, pending other ac­ The western powers completely rejected Russia’s claim Army’s Manchester site on lajure as a tax on the corporate tion by, CONAC, the parent or­ adjutant general, during a forma­ Chri.stlne Dr. Keeney St. the utilities have ways of hiding that it can wipe out their Berlin rights simply by signing a Trade Name earnings of the utilitlies, "based on ganization.” tion Saturday on the post parade The official party is scheduled their ability to pay.” a good share of their profits. One separate peace treaty with Communist East Germany. A t. ground at Camp Dempsey in I Robert U. Marchand of Winsled. i to arrive on site by 11:15 a.m. thing they wish to avoid 1s my in A Coloinel Sweeney, Infornnation Asam K m o I u I I I a a "It was not intended to be a officer for CONAC, Maoon, Ga., the same time they offered to try to work out a “ negotiated Ni antic.
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