The Journal of Chinese Linguistics vol.48, no.2 (June 2020): 438–455 © 2020 by the Journal of Chinese Linguistics. ISSN 0091-3723/ The origin and development of the verbal measure word mao. (In Chinese) By Wang et al. All rights reserved. ls ࣘ䟿䇽Āটā৺ަⓀ⍱ ia ⊚ॆӁ 㥶ӊ⧢ ᆉ・ᯠ er at ⊏㣿ᐸ㤳བྷᆖˈ ⎉⊏ᐕъབྷᆖˈ 䲅㾯ഭ䱵୶䍨ᆖ䲒ˈM ᗀᐎ ᶝᐎ 㾯ᆹ d te gh ri ᪈㾱 py Āটā⭡㺘ᰦ䗠Ⲵ䇽╄ਈѪࣘ䟿䇽Ⲵᰦ䰤ˈ᮷⥞ѝᒦᰐ᰾⺞৽᱐DŽ䘉o C њࣘ䟿䇽ᆈ൘Ҿєњ䐍⭊䘌Ⲵᯩ䀰४ඇ˖൘ᶝᐎᯩ䀰ѝᑨ⭘ˈ䘈㲊ॆs: Ѫᰦ䰤䇽ਾ㔰ˈᒦᢙᮓࡠҶे䜘䈝˗൘∇䛫⋣ইⲴѝᇈ䈍ǃᱻ䈝es Pr ѝᆈ൘䶒䖳བྷˈն֯⭘ਇ䲀DŽ㚄㌫єൠᯩ䀰Ⲵᰦ⇥ᱟєᆻѻӔˈણ⵰g 䈕䇽㠣䘏ӗ⭏ҾेᆻᰦᵏⲴই㌫ᇈ䈍oˈᱟ⭡ᔰሱㅹൠ〫≁൘ইᆻࡍᑖࡠn ᶝᐎⲴDŽ᮷⥞઼ᯩ䀰⭘ֻࡉ৽᱐ࠪަ╄ਈⲴ䖘䘩DŽK 䘉њ⢩ᖱ䇽ঠ䇱Ҷ g ⒈ǃ㖇ᶠ⪎ޣҾĀই㌫ᇈ䈍ā⍱ਈⲴḀӋⴻ⌅DŽon H ޣ䭞䇽 of ࣘ䟿䇽Āটā ӗ⭏ⲴᶑԦy ൠฏ࠶ᐳ Ⓚ⍱ sit e r 㠤䉒ᵜ᮷Ѫഭᇦ⽮、ส䠁а㡜亩ⴞiv Āᯩ䀰᧕䀖㿶ฏѝⲴᶝᐎ䈍䈝⌅⹄ウā(16BYY037)ǃ ഭᇦ⽮、ส䠁䟽བྷ亩ⴞĀn ᒤᶕ䎓䈝оᇈ䈍ӂࣘⲴশᰦ䘭䑚ǃ⧠⣦䈳ḕоᮠᦞᓃᔪ 䇮ā(18ZDA297)U Ⲵ䱦⇥ᙗᡀ᷌DŽѫ㾱ਁ丣ਸӪᡆᯩ䀰䈳ḕ㘵üüᶝᐎ˖ဌ␁⧽ঊ༛ e ᗀѝঊ༛˗։ᶝ˖䉒ߠ⺅༛˗ᆱ⌒˖ፄኡ֣ᮉᦸ˗䲅es˖ޤ䘰ՁᐕӪ䎥䱯⋹˗㓽઼ 㾯˖ᆉ・ᯠǃ唁㔤ᕪᮉᦸ˗ኡ㾯˖㥶ӊ⧢ঊ༛˗⋣े˖⦻Ѫ≁ǃ㔗ㄐᮉᦸDŽਖˈ䛒n ੁьǃᮆሿᒣǃᶘ਼⭘ǃᕐӁ⿻ǃᕐⲫዀǃઘаߌǃ䫡ѳ㦓ǃᶘᔪᘐǃᔪ⭏ǃਢ⿰hi 㧺ǃઘ᭯ǃ䎥ਈӢǃ䗋≨㣜ǃᕐ䛡᷇ǃ㪻ᇇ䇨ǃ㜑ᶮ᷿ǃ䛒⅓ǃᶘᔪᘐǃ⦻ৼᡀǃ⦻ C ǃᆸ㤲ǃбጷ᰾ǃẁᆷ㓒ǃᶘ䍔⦹ǃᇇᆸӁǃࡈ৻᷇ǃᴩ䚃ṩǃ⸣⊍ᶠǃ⦹ޠǃᖝڕ e h ᕐᆹ⭏ㅹᮉᦸˈ䍩Ӂǃߟ䮯嗉ǃਦ⾆䍥ǃ䗋ӊᆱǃᕐ䖹ǃ䱸ǃᵾᆖߋㅹݸ⭏ˈᵜ 呯⍢ǃ㘏ঐഭǃᵾٙǃ⦻ႥǃᵾՊ㣣ǃᗀ㔗ǃ⦻ភ၏ǃڵT ᮷ㅜа㘵ᶕⲴ⹄ウ⭏ ᯩ䀰Ⲵ䍴ᯉDŽ-&/ Ⲵ९ᇑはӪᤷࠪҶᵜ᮷ޣᖝ㮷ǃ᷇ઘ㔤၌ㅹˈݸਾᨀᡆṨᇎҶᴹ 䰞仈䘋㹼Ҷ㙀ᗳⲴᤷሬDŽሩ㔉ᵜ᮷ޣѝⲴ┿⍎ˈᨀࠪҶѝ㛟Ⲵ؞᭩㿱˗㕆䗁䜘ቡᴹ ߉ᨀᑞࣙⲴӪ༛ˈ㘵䉘㠤ԕ䈊᥊Ⲵ䉒ʽ 㥶ӊ⧢ (Yaling Jing; 䙊䇟㘵) [[email protected]]; ѝഭ⎉⊏ⴱᶝᐎᐲ᮷а㾯䐟 㾯ⓚ㶦ഝ 9-4-1102 ਧ (9-4-1102 Xixidieyuan, Wenyi west road, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, 310030 China); https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2191-0428 438 ࣘ䟿䇽Āটā৺ަⓀ⍱ 455 THE ORIGIN AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE VERBAL MEASURE WORD MAO Huayun Wang1 Yaling Jing2 Lixin Sun3 1Jiangsu Normal University, Xuzhou 2Zhejiang University of technology, Hangzhou 3Shanxi Institute of international trade and commerce, Xi’an ls ia er ABSTRACT at It is not reflected expressly in the literature when “ট” evolved from a noun M expressing time into a verbal measure word. It exists in two districts fard away te from each other: first, it is commonly used in the Hangzhou dialect,gh where it has grammaticalized into a suffix of time noun and diffused to rNortherni Wu; second, it is more widely distributed in dialects of Central Plainspy Mandarin and Jin in the vicinity of Henan, but with a limited range of functo ions. The period C connecting these two groups of dialects lies in the transitionas: l period between es the Northern Song dynasty and Southern Song dynasty,Pr implying that the word emerged in Southern Mandarin during the Northerng Song dynasty at the latest, and transferred by migrants from Kaifeng oton Hangzhou in the early Southern Song dynasty. Its grammaticalization pathwayK is also reflected in texts and g dialects. The character word “ট” ocorroboratesn the views of Shuxiang Lü and Jerry Norman on the evolution of Southern Mandarin. f H o KEYWORDS y sit Verbal measure worder “ট” Occurrence condition Regional distribution Origin and developmentv ni U se ne hi C e Th.
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