Going low: CR, Lecanto boys claim district titles /B1 TUESDAY TODAY CITRUS COUNTY & next morning HIGH 83 Mostly sunny. LOW PAGE A4 58 www.chronicleonline.com OCTOBER 16, 2012 Florida’s Best Community Newspaper Serving Florida’s Best Community 50¢ VOLUME 118 ISSUE 70 Check facts during presidential debate Associated Press watching for problematic the ledger. And, at times, rebuild America,” as he put claims that have popped up PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE TONIGHT the debaters tweak a state- it in the last debate. There WASHINGTON — There repeatedly in the cam- ■ Topic: Town meeting format including foreign and ment to make it closer to is no such pile of cash. The they go again. Or do they? paign, as well as brand new domestic policy. right. You just never know. wars were financed mostly Will Mitt Romney mis- ones. To assist in armchair with borrowing. So treating ■ Time: count the number of unem- You can play fact-check 9 to 10:30 p.m. fact-checking, here’s a the end of wars as a finan- ployed, as he has before? Whac-a-Mole on debate ■ Location: Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York. guide to 10 of the leading cial bonanza just means Will President Barack night, too. You might have ■ Sponsor: misleading statements of continuing to go deeper in Obama’s dubious claim of a your hands full: The for- Commission on Presidential Debates. the campaign: debt to fix roads, bridges peace dividend, bopped mat, driven by questions ■ Moderator: Candy Crowley (CNN Chief Political OBAMA: and the like. The potential down in the last debate, from the audience, could Correspondent). ■ From the State of the benefit is that borrowing is rise again? When Obama shake things even looser Union on, the president put to more use at home. and his Republican chal- than usual. it’s night. Shades of mis- an accurate as-far-as-it- has told the nation he But it’s still borrowing. lenger debate Tuesday To be sure, you’re not truth are more common goes assertion that ignores wants to take “some of the ■ The president talks night, the media’s fact- likely to catch one of them than whoppers. Often, the something really impor- money that we’re saving as checking corps will be saying it’s daytime when offense is one of omission: tant, like the other side of we wind down two wars to See FACTS/ Page A2 NEWS BRIEFS Chronicle Building better bodies forum on Thursday The Citrus County Chronicle’s candi- date forum is 7 p.m. Thursday at the Col- lege of Central Florida in Lecanto. Doors open at 6 p.m. The forum will fea- tures speeches from candidates for Con- gress, state represen- tative, clerk of courts, sheriff and superinten- dent of schools. The format includes ques- tions from a panel of Chronicle editorial board members. Candidates are also invited to re- serve tables for their campaign items. WYKE-TV Channel 49 and chronicle online.com will broad- cast the forum at dates to be announced. For more informa- tion, call political re- porter Mike Wright at 352-563-3228. Inverness man killed in ultralight Gary Lawrence, DAVE SIGLER/Chronicle 61, of Inverness was Just four and a half years ago, friends Rob Weiand, left, and Dave Oliver were feeling pudgy and flabby and decided it was time to get in shape. one of two people Now Weiand recently broke a state power-lifting record and Oliver holds three bodybuilding titles. who died after an ul- tralight plane crash Sunday morning in Lifting weights leads Inverness friends to a healthier lifestyle Winter Haven. Susanne Broadbelt, NANCY KENNEDY pion in bodybuilding and Weiand, back at the gym and Weiand sug- that was cool,” he said. 60, of Zephyrhills, the Staff Writer 52, recently broke a state power- gested they work out together. Two years ago, Oliver got inter- passenger in the ex- lifting record for his age and They began meeting at Dynabody ested in bodybuilding and fo- perimental aircraft, INVERNESS — Four and a weight class. Fitness Club in Inverness every cused on getting ready for his was pronounced dead half years ago, friends Dave Not bad for two self-admitted day at noon. first competition. at the scene while Oliver and Rob Weiand sat at a middle-age former slugs. “Neither one of us knew what “Rob kept on training with me Lawrence later died at local eatery stuffing their faces “I was almost 20 pounds over- we were doing,” Oliver said. and helping me,” Oliver said. Lakeland Regional with French fries and patting weight,” Weiand said. “I went to They eventually learned from “He’d been getting stronger and Medical Center, ac- their protruding guts. the doctor’s for a physical and trainers and other gym members, stronger, and about two months It was time to do something, cording to the Winter had borderline high blood pres- and began working out every day ago I said, ‘You ought to do one of they decided. Round was no Haven Police sure and cholesterol; the doctor like clockwork. these (power-lifting) contests.’ It longer the shape they wanted to wanted to put me on meds, but I After three months, Weiand re- took him two months to prepare.” Department. be. said no, I’ll try the gym and diet turned to the doctor and all his That included having to lose 12 According to Jamie Fast forward to 2012. Oliver, 57, thing.” blood tests came back normal. pounds to make his weight limit Brown of Winter is a three-time National Physique As they ate French fries, Oliver “The doctor thought I’d filled Haven Police, at ap- Committee (NPC) Masters Cham- told Weiand he had just started the prescriptions, but I hadn’t, so See HEALTH/ Page A5 proximately 11:20 a.m., the Airborne Windsport experimen- tal aircraft was per- forming touch-and-go maneuvers when the aircraft hit the ground, Family mourns man killed Inverness council flipped and slid ap- proximately 168 feet. in motorcycle wreck There was a re- to talk trash ported wind gust in morning “My heart goes out to the the 30 to 35 mph cil meeting, City Manager of Oct. 9 family. It was devastating to range, which possi- Daughter Frank DiGiovanni pointed “upset and hear what happened. I hope Meeting bly played a factor in out problems that exist, crying.” the way the kids and the the crash, according such as businesses that critically Douglas community are responding to investigators. tonight at pay for five cans of trash said it’s to this tragedy will give the —From staff reports pickup but put out seven been a family some comfort,” Dou- injured cans’ worth of trash or rough week glas added. 5:30 p.m. A.B. SIDIBE random bags of trash set INDEX at the Last Thursday, residents NANCY KENNEDY Thomas out in front of businesses Staff Writer school, but held a candlelight vigil in Lee Staff Writer without being in desig- Comics . .C10 students Jazmine’s father’s memory Community . .C8 nated cans. INVERNESS — Purple have been rallying to the and prayed for Jazmine, Trash, garbage, refuse. Crossword . .C9 “It’s a problem … be- rules at Inverness Middle side of the Lee family by who remains in intensive Whatever you call it, it Editorial . .A10 cause we don’t know School as students, staff and donning purple — care at Tampa General needs to be collected and Entertainment . .B4 where all the containers the community keep vigil Jazmine’s favorite color — Hospital. someone needs to pay for Horoscope . .B4 are coming from,” he said. for one of their own — all week, last week. “It’s just a horrible thing it. Lottery Numbers . .B3 “Do we pick it up? You 12-year-old Jazmine Lee, “Friday was Wear Purple that happened,” said Maria Among the agenda Lottery Payouts . .B4 betcha — we don’t want who was critically injured Day and everybody came in Robinett, whose son, Elijah items for Tuesday’s regu- Movies . .C10 garbage laying around the in a motorcycle crash Oct. 8. with purple hair, purple Lindall, 12, is friends with lar meeting of the Inver- Obituaries . .A6 city. On the other hand, we Her father, Thomas Bruce clothes, anything purple; Jazmine. Robinett and Eli- ness City Council, council Classifieds . .C11 don’t know what account it TV Listings . .C9 Lee, 38, was killed in the we didn’t care,” said Dou- jah were at the candlelight members will be voting to belongs to.” crash. glas, who roams the halls vigil last week, which be- adopt a new rate structure DiGiovanni said people Principal Trish Douglas and school grounds with a cause of crowd levels had to for commercial accounts are getting more service said Monday several stu- purple ribbon attached to in the downtown area. dents came to school the her walkie-talkie. See WRECK/ Page A5 At a previous city coun- See TRASH/ Page A5 A2 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2012 LOCAL CITRUS COUNTY (FL) CHRONICLE Volunteers rake lyngbya from springs Special to the Chronicle cleaned up, getting it ready tion removed from King’s for the hundreds of visiting Bay. The cleaner the water, CRYSTAL RIVER — For manatees expected to start the less algae can grow. a third time, volunteers showing up in November. Because of the hard work working with the Kings Bay The cleanup is part of the done by community volun- Rotary Club hand-raked “One Rake at a Time” five- teers working alongside three tons of algae out of year service project started U.S.
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