I T he C ( > urier-Gazette. Volume 47. ROCKLAND, MAINE, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 25 1892 Number 42 CITY CH A T. PERSONAL POINTS ELECTRIC SPARKS, THE NEWS FROM MEGUNTICOOK. Tlie Baptist aociety is to purchase a FORMER RESIDENTS. EDITORIAL BRIEFS. new piano. Mrs. Wm. Johnson of Fanctiil. Mass , The New Heating Apparatus Ready Great Building to Be Put In. Vinalhaven is Visited by Two Well Pencil Points. is visiting Mrs. C. F. Guptill. Orange Family Names Which Appear in the Town One of our New York exchanges recently Miss Margaret Miller is in Boston, Known Former Residents, located a certain event In Chicago, III. Boston, street. j The road is now giving its patrons Voting List. • visiting her sister---- James Swan is Mass., Chicago, III., and New York, N. Y. Day after day come the announcements i most excellent service. Two personages who recently visited Herbert Hayden left Tuesday for home from New York. arc old style. Places of that size and notoriety of new building contracts within the The Youngs Are Easy Winners With in Vinalhaven remind our local man of need no Btatc address. limits of our city, and our builders and Denver, Colo. His address will be 1362 the Pendletons Second—Mt. Battie tlie days when business was booming ------- --- their crews have no time for recreation. Il Lincoln Avo. The conductors nnd motormen look Mill and It’s Progress—Ihe Usual .Saturday week Horace Robbins, John there. W. E. Avery was one ol the The Iron Hall scandal will not down. 8u- very fine in their blue suits and brass Batch ot Building Bits. firnt (Paige & Avery) wtio worked the j preme Cashier Davis of tho order Is In Jail is almost impossible to keep track of the W. If. Winslow and family have W. Wadsworth and David Wnrdwell buttons. Rather a fine looking set ot went off to Webster Head gunning. East Boston quarry 'more limo thirty ',n<le r 000 bonds to answer to an indict- various structures in process of erection moved from Union nnd occupy house, Deputy Sheriff Currier nnd wife have n ‘ r ment for embezzlement and misappropriation and tlie difficulty is constantly increis- men! Jenn ss French, George Varney nnd years ago. For a number of years quite „ ,, .. u No. 74 Broad street. o o been visiting friends in Biddeford. J . of funds. The Iron Hall matter will thus bavo ing. The character of the buildings Thomas Mash went to the same place a crew of cutters and quarry men were ft thorough sifting. Maine has a deep Interest going up is also a mntter of congratula­ L. M. Staples, T. S. Bowden nnd The open car will be continued on tbe S. G Flanders hns closed bis dining The first party got 10 birds, the second employed there, and it was one of tbe in the outcome of the afliir. tion and pride. Beginning with the John F Bryant of Washington were in local rou'.e as long ns cold weather holds rooms and ice cream saloon and left two microscopic sea pigeons and a wet­ busiest spots in town. | --------------- magnificent Syndicate Block and pass­ attendance on Probate Court, Tuesday. oil', inasmuch as it is easier to get aboard town. ting. It is said that the unsuccessful Along in the seventies the quarry was Mllne "’ll* ■’ said «» keep longer ing along through the various kinds of and out of. party set their decoys in the lee of the abandoned and for n long lim e nothing >!>e Production of other sla-es. It Is as- Miss Winnie M. Shaw of this city is o o . , , , , I eertained on a chemical examination of con- buildings being erected and it will bo The Payson Tucker cigar is with us islnnd where birds would never come. was done there, hut of lute years a few den9ed milk made In Maine that It contains one of the instructors in gymnastics of found that the average in price nnd As we have stated, the cars of the A line picture of the great railroad man paving cutters have been getting out silica and lime, consequent to being produced the Jordan & Marslt class of girls, style is surprisingly high. Rockland Street Railway Co. will be heated by a appears on the box. blocks there, the stock being excellent 1 on granite soil, that lends It great keeping Boston. An examination of our voting list isn’t booming Rockland is growing new electrical device. The device comes shows some interesting facts about the for that business. | powers. If granite soil Is thus accountable II M. Bean is making improvements Vinalhaven tnllk should keen forever. steadily and honestly, \\ inter and Word has been received of the from Virginia nnd is said to be most prevalence of names in town. For ex­ Mr. Avery a number of years ago at his shipyard property, grading about Summer, year after year, and there's no approaching marriage of Fred Fisk of successful and satisfactory in operation ample, we Hud tbat there are 19 Youngs went to Detroit, Micb, and engaged in The apparatus iooks suthin like a grate his cottage house and doing other work. the stone business, and was very suc­ At the Secretary of Stale’s office they expect other place in the I’ine Tree State t int Bangor, a smart Knox County boy, son who are voters, 15 Richardses, 14 Pen­ to make ibis week the first shipments of is making such a marked and sure ad­ of Amos Fisk, llead-of tbe-Bay. and is said to be a great success. Our dletons, 13 Bryant9 and 12 Wadsworths; cessful. Of late he has given his at­ Australian ballots for the November election, vance along the various industrial and road, which is infinitely proper, will be Rev. F, M. Preble at the Baptist 8 each of Deerows, Goulds, Thomases; tention to buildin electric street rail- , covering York, Cumberland, Franklin,Andros- social lines as our oily. This is the com­ John E. Leach went to Boston Thurs­ tbe first one in New England to be thus Church preached a very timely and able 7 each of tho name of Bowers, Clark, ways in his adopted state and is largely | coggln, Knox, Lincoln and Aroostook counties, mon and accepted saying among all who day, where his wife preceded him, and equipped. The apparatus bas been sermon Sunday of last week on the "Dis­ Knowlton, Miller, Payson, Upham; 6 of interested. excepting those for the cities. The clerk who they proceeded to Haverhill and thence received and is ready to be put in.There covery of Columbus.” Is supervising iho work says that they have I1 know of our city and what she is doing. the name of Alden, Currier, Dyer, Hall, prettily thoroughly arranged now and rather to Providence, R I , for a visit to Mr. will be one of these contrivances in each Hosmer, Mills, Nutt, Ogier, Paul, Hanson Coombs’ presence recalled the lively times during tho early seventies ■ Link they could give Massachusetts some Leach’s brother, F. E. Leach. of the four corners of the cars. Camden Mill is running its full force Prince, Sherman; 5 of the name of points l oth in economy aud dispatch in hand­ Rockland next month will inaugurate and getting ready to make men’s wear Adams, Anderson, Bean, Curtis, Heal when there was a very large force of ling these ballots. a new industry and make another addi­ Miss Lena Voltz, the accomplished j OUR SAVINGS BANK. granite workers employed at Vinalhaven. goods in connection with ladies’ wear. Simonton, Tibbetts; 4 of tlie name of tion to the small but important manu­ vocal teacher, who passed the Summer J __________ It was in the day9 of the big govern­ Editor Holman F. Day has withdrawn frdm A new office is nearing completion at Baird, Boardman, Herrick, Moody factures that add so materially to onr in Thomaston , has returned to her i The Fine Showing of an Ably Managep ment jobs, when everybody was Hush, the firm of Day & Bunker, publishers of ihe this mill. Robbins, Rollins, Sanford, Tyler and studies in Boston. Miss Voltz leaves Rockland Institution. and tho town was having a big boom in Dexter Gazette, and is succeeded in the business business life. John R. Cousins, the Wilson. boiler repairer, who bas been doing a large circle of friends hereabouts who M. B. /Arey and L. M. Chandler went building. Hans and his brother curried by Mr. E. E. Warren, formerly ot the Water­ The Savings Rank Examiner has ville Sentinel. Mr. Day will aesutne the man­ business in a small building near the hope she may again visit Knox County to Boston last week to see some of the ROCKPORT INDUSTRY on business in tbe store now occupied published the report of his examination agement ol the Lewiston Journal's news bureau dead of Tillson's wharf, is to move into next year. baseball championship games. It is not by Mr. Taylor. Tho building lias been In Portland, and the great family newspaper Is of the affairs of tile Rockland Savings true that Mr. Arey is to play with the the larger building near by, which was One of our musical men commmts on A Company Which Employs a G considerably enlarged since then. The fortunate In securing his services. Lamont H. formerly occupied by Day & Morse. He Bank. The examination was made Clevelands. Many Men. brothers carried a line of candies, soft Appleby, formerly of Palmyra, becomes editor the fact that three cornet players have September 19 and from the report we of the Gazette.
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