ISSUE NOT PUBLISHED ; s Si".*■ . f r t% ~ :^^''W :i? -'-W " '^ ^ r •' i £ \ n ? ; r ....................... v ■•* Im-U ^gR ESH A Ll THE PRESS, THE PEOPLES RIGHTS MAINTAIN; UNAWED^BY INFLUENCE AND UNBRIBED BY GAIN.1* voluwn XIX. MOCKSVTLLE. NORTH CAROLINA. W EDNESDA^ JANUARY 9. 1918. NUMBER 26 WasteAt The Catapa; health* of our soldier boys that maans Tiie.WayWeFann. From time to dm e.com plainats to provide for this saving Can'That Stuff. Let His Dinner Go. It Is The Average Man. have reached this office relative to should at once be brought into use. A Mr. Foy, who is rated as a “ mar Willis Thompson, who serves as ket expert,” has been giving New The other day, as I started A writer in the Wiimingtoa tbe rnanDer ia which good food I t would require 1,000 ordinary press ageot^pr the Democratic Yorkers some points about buying home at noon time, I sat with a Star, who bears the ear marks of farms to produce the pork that state CentrajJiCommittee. is on* ffas being wasted at the- different turkevs. He sagely advises them gentleman who said be had had George Cochran, states in the fol­ armf encam pm ents, butiowing ta could be made from the wastes of with an article in which he de our not to buy turkeys from Virginia or but little breakfast and that he lowing facts, and circumstances the fact that no ,anthetitic . inform army camps, and it would en­ dares that id '; the elections next was ready for bis dinner. I was coii; North .Carolina, because/‘they eat tbat are very familiar: mation was on hind, the m atter courage na, who are working over- tobacco leaves and the jnice of the year the democratic party will pro­ in the same fix. “I saw a list of contributors time ceed to makevloyalty the issue— vaa passed over. T haf were i r >"a trying to “do our bit" in the plant does not add to-the sweetness “ What are you going to eatl” made in a small town the other prod large and apparently needless was­ production of needful meals and of the jneat.” The Greensboro Rec­ prescribing ali those who oppost- he aBked, and I thought maybe it day for the army Y. JI. C. A. fats i te taking place at the camps there to know- that those having ord relates that Mr. MartinDougIas, that party te /disloyal. It might was blue legged collards and corn funds, and knowing the people char, be well lor tba sta te . machine to jeems to be uo further ^Subt. We charge ot the. camps are aloO ‘ doing of th at city, was reading a paper in bread. named, scanned, the list with in­ their a hotel when he came across that il take cognizance of what happened la v e always been forced to'/believe bit.’' Feeding 3,000 pigs “Don’t know what Iwill have,” terest. I saw tbat persons h- d Iuminating bit of information and to the maciiine in Fort Wayni- iflcsp roii see smoke there, | is al might be good bhsihess for the he said. “My little boy caught given liberally ,who are notorious­ farm trainedi boys who have in my passed the word along that it is that tried tofplay that game in tbt- TCys some fire; The? fifsY report something- that looks suspicious)} a rabbit in a box and brought it ly slow abont paying their bills; of the huge amount of.waste were opinion been unwisely placed, con­ recent election. - It deliberated home a few days ago. This morn­ I saw that well-to-do persons who doubtful. He owns a farm and de­ set to work to make a bad cause jiot given no more than > passing sidering the; needs of- the world, clares that he has never known any ing the wife wauted it killed be­ could havejgiven $25, $50. or $100 ^ood by investing it, with the balo consideration and were'put down as when confined in soldier training of his turkeys to “either chew to­ fore I went to the office. So I and never missed it. gave a dollar; i of patriotism' and boldly challen­ • i f “hearsay,” however, one Jady' of camps.—Btatesville Sentinel. bacco or smoke cigarettes.” Butthe went out and caught him out of I saw that some who have little to ging the loyalty of those who dared tbe city, whose word could c o tb e advice of the '‘market expert will be the pen. I got him by the hind give and need all. they can get, opposeit. -We all remember very doubted, stated that she made an . Unprepared. taken seriously by many people in legs ready to break his neck, and gave fair sums—sums that meant distinctly h6w the voters answered investigation while at one of the When he came back to the country, the north. Theyhave always thou­ he set up a terrible crying. He sacrifice; I saw that men who this impudent assumption and i camps and she reports; th a t. Bhe1 Ambassador Gerard was, by his own ght something was wrong with the opened his little mouth and cried make a good living, good, average Southern brand of turkeys and now is not to be doubted that the state found planty of waste. Large pie­ admission, "shocked to find that in just like a little baby.. citizens, measured up to what wa 9 the years that had elapsed since the they , know it. The flesh of these will reply in rkind if this demagog­ ces of bread, iu many oases very, “In fact, he cried so pitifully expected of them and gave accor­ outbreak of the world . conflagration fowls is polluted with' tobacco juice ic ruse is again attempted. The near whole loaves of bread, iarge that I decided that maybe that' he ding to their means, not at a sac­ nothing had been done to prepare the and' they-will have no more of it. people are not altogether stupid pieces of elegant meat autf choice On the contrary, they M l ask for a loves his life as well as I love mine, rifice but liberal just the same.- nation for a reasonable national de­ and they haye not forgotten that 60 after looking at his little mouth doubtless the same situation pre­ pieces of beef, potatoes pnd other fense.” turkey from .Vermont or Maine and in congress at the last session the will be given a genuine Vermont" or and listening to his crying, I just vails everywhere. Ihe man who things were burned; Tlie fact- is Well might he have been shocked, liepublican members stood between recognized chat great care must W for what, more astounding thing is Maineturkey that was . born raised turned him loose and he went hop. owes others is not generally bad and killed.in North Carolina or Vir President ^tjilson and an awful hu­ ping away through the garden ” at heart—just careless-like and taken in order to insure healthful there in our history, or in human his miliation at/the hands of his own ness bat we fail to see where clean toryr than that a nation, whose citi­ ginia, for. after a turkey gets into You would be surprised to know thriftless?, and while he has no bus­ the hands of the market man up party. They did this not because food properly cared for, could pro zens were being murdered month af­ the identity of that man. He-is a iness giving liberally, still he could north he is naturalized to suit any they loved ^he president, for they dnce any serious effects. The ter month, a nation whose ships were prominent business man of Char­ do worse. Tbe ones who can Sive call that .might be made. But it is most certaijiily ;did not, but simply lotte, a man controlling half a and do give are credited with work, of coarse, is being carried on being sunk and whose right to sail upon the ocean was denied, should a fact that the tobacco patch is the because it fwas the patriotic thing thousand men and one In whom plain duty done; those who’ give Innder the directions of specialists^ take no steps to prepare to defend its natural pasture for the southern bred to do. It .waa the only thing loyal some might not look for 'sentiment till it hurts get tbeir names on the but specialists often j>ecome theor turkey. ;' He does not chew the leav­ rights. men could .do - under the circum­ of this sort.—Charlotte Observer. books of the recording angel; but ist and IosefaIl theirpraotibal Bense es, as tlie expert from New York For nearly two years now, or ever stances. The President escaped the despicable, close listed houud With the nation facing a serious claims, butiie .doesfeast upon tobac­ since the Lusitania went down, it has a tragic repudiation solely by the Must Not Hoard Food. who has plenty and gives a hnn. food shortage, it'ia nothing less to many observers, seemed inevitable co worms. The worm is the most grace and. magnanimity of the op­ troublesome' enemy the tobacco When the word goes out that dred cents—well, he is the only tban a sin and a shame to be horn­ that we should be drawn into tbe position hebas always despitefully farther has to encounter. •‘Worm­ sugar, Hour or other articles of reason why a fellow would like to ing food of tbe naturethatis being maelstrom of ; this .mighty struggle.
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