4 ft**? '*"!' «#<, *-r**i,T'' *•»> * > ..,... '" T'^ :'H • . '*£! Sj-L , V-.J" «•*• #4,? ,&S C?,# x •••••••' ;:-. '" *' \¥" "i^S>J? • : • 7,v#sBffi THE ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN THE TOWN OF ENFIELD, CONN. Fifty-Third Year—No. 24. THOMPSONVILjaErCONN., THURSDAY, SEPT. 29, 1932 Subscription $2.00 Per Year—Single Copy 5c. EAST HARTFORD Things to Remember Before Voting ENDORSED FOR Town Tickets As They Will Be DEMOCRATS TO CLUB GUEST OF At the Town Election Next Monday REGIONAL LOAN HOLD RALLY AT ROTARIANS HERE Voted At Election Next Monday The polls in all three of the voting districts will open at 6 A. M. BANK DIRECTOR THE HIGH SCHOOL and close at 4 P. M. DEMOCRATIC REPUBLICAN First Inter-City Meeting Avoid confusion by checking up in which district or precinct you Assessor are registered before balloting. Walter P. Schwabe Be­ Michael A. Mitchell Henry J. Bridge Local Candidates And Proves Unusually Suc­ _ Jn Thompsonville, if you live south of the Asnuntuck Brook, the ing Urged For Direc­ jrona or Freshwater Brook you are in Precinct 1, and you vote at the Board of Relief Out of Town Speakers cessful— Rev. Charles Town Court Room. torship of New Eng­ Michael J. Liberty Jeremiah H. Provencher Will Be Heard Tomor­ Noble of Hartford Ad­ If you live on the north side of the above named bodies of water Selectmen you are in Precinct 2, and your voting place is the Higgins School land Branch,of Federal Patrick T. Malley Orrin W. Beehler row Night—No Repub­ dresses Gathering. Auditorium. Francis T. Carey Robert J. Hawthorne The usual voting places will be used in the Hazardville and En­ Home Loan System. Auditor lican Rally Planned. field Districts. Eleanor N. Niemiec Emma B. Ganner If you think that you have forgotten the mechanics of the voting An inter-city meeting, at which the machine, get a sample ballot and study it, or better still take time to If .the unanimous vote of the repre Collector of Taxes local Rotary Club was the host to its Francis A. Burke W. Kenneth Leete About the only public activity spon­ East Hartford associates, was held visit one of the places where the machines are located for instruc­ sentatives of the forty-three building sored by the political organizations tions. and loan associations in the state is Constables at the Enfield Inn yesterday. The Vote early—there are over 5500 voters on the list, so take no Leo Slamon, Fred Boudreau, Ernest J. Bourque, Dana Miller, in connection with the campaign for meeting, which had been arranged by chances of last minute crowding. approved by the Federal Home Loan Michael J. Ryder Albert J. Fiedler, town offices will be a rally which is Harry Squires of the program com­ Bank commission, Walter P. Schwabe, Michael Leone Michael Mitsky mittee, was an exceedingly success­ Remember*—you Jiaiwe only from 6 in the morning to 4 in the to be held tomorrow evening under afternoon to cast your ballot. general manager of^lhe local utilities Registrar of Voters the auspices of the Democratic town ful Rotary gathering. Twenty-six concerns, will be onfe of the directors members of the East Hartford club And finally, remember that the positions of the party ballots are Grover C. Luke Albert F. McAuley committee in the Enfield High School the same as last year. The Top Lever is still the Democratic lever of the Regional Bank of the Federal Board of Education Auditorium. Several of the candi­ were present, and greeted the local and the bottom one is the Republican lever. Home Loan Bank, which is to be lo­ dates for town offices at the election -organization through Edward Ed- cated in Cambridge, Mass. Dr. John F. McHugh Charlotte H. Petersen Richard M. Smyth John S. Gordon next Monday will speak and the com­ mundson, their president. President . The action of the Connecticut or­ mittee has secured Atty. John Black- Harry W. Jarrett of the local club re­ ganizations wag taken at a meeting Library Directors all of Hartford as the principal speak­ sponded to the address of the East ATTENDING CONVENTIONS of the officers of all the associations Edith M. Gatto, Frederick C. Edward J. Locke, Mrs. Jane A. er for this rally. Hartford club official. in the state which was held at the Abbe, Jane A. Greaves Greaves, William C. Fuge Next Sunday morning at 10 o'clock The speaker, who was presented by CALENDAR FOR Hotel Bond in Hartford last Saturday Board of Finance Harry Squires, was Rev. Charles Local Delegates Took Active Part in the Italian-American Democratic club Congressional Session Yesterday. Vincent Giuliano Frank A. Stuart will hold a rally in Emmett Hall on Noble, pastor of the Methodist Epis­ Wilfred W. Keller Louis Burns Pearl street. Speakers from out of copal Church of Hartford, and a mem­ WOMAN'S CLUB At the Democratic Congressional ber of the Hartford Rotary Club. In Zoning Commission town and some of the local candidates convention which was held in Hart­ Joseph Wag James Liucci will address the meeting. The offi­ his address^ which was entitled cers of the club state that the organ­ "Reading Between the Lines," he ad­ IS ANNOUNCED ford yesterday, members of the local Park and Playground Commission John A. Ryan John A. Ryan ization is taking keen interest in lo­ monished his hearers to look below delegation took an important part in cal politics, and have a membership the surface of things and extract the proceedings. Representative J. of over 200. Through their efforts some of the joy of living from the Schedule For Meetings Francis Browne was a member of the I two of their members have been plac­ things that cannot be observed at OLD MEMBERS HONORED ed on the Democratic ticket. They first glance. Committee on Resolutions, and for­ And Social Activities mer Representative M. J. Connor are Vincent Giuliano for the Finance He applied this philosophy also to Exercises Held by Local M. W. of A. LAST CIVIL WAR Board, and Michael, Leone for con­ the present day conditions and stat­ placed the successful candidate, Her­ of Local Organization man Koppleman of Hartford, before 0 " 1 Camp in Odd Fellows' Hall. stable. The committee in charge of ed that some of the real enjoyments iJf; 4 At a meeting of Carpet City Camp, this meeting announce that it is open of life could be found in the sacrifices For the Season Made the convention. The delegates from Enfield attending the convention were T&Z.# • Modern Woodmen of America, in Odd VETERAN GETS A to all Italian speaking citizens. V J"- r : which we are called upon to make. * '• " Rep. Browne, Mrs. Louise Murray, Fellows' hall last evening, the em­ So far as can be learned the Re­ He gave many pointed and striking Known This Week. blem of the order was presented to publican organization is not planning examples of every day living condi­ Mrs. Gertrude Moran, Tax Collector Francis A. Burke, Cornelius J. Sul­ 'IIPP all members who have been affiliated PURPLE HEART any public meeting, but the party tions to illustrate his remarks. He with the local camp for 25 years or leaders are making an intensive ef­ urged, too, that his hearers indulge According to its annual custom the livan, Vincent Giuliano and Andrew Woman's Club of Enfield announced Pierz. more. Approximately 50 members of fort to get out the full vote of the in a daily self-analysis and ascertain the camp were entitled £o this dis­ Andrew Gordon of Haz­ organization. The candidates on the whether or not they were merely this week its calendar of meetings The Democratic convention of the itpliljj for the fall and winter season. The Seventh Senatorial District will be tinction. The presentation was made ticket are particularly active and are skijnming the surface of things or by State Deputy Joseph R. Hughes ardville Receives Dec­ said to be meeting with considerable digging deep enough under the sur­ first event on the program will be the held in Hartford tomorrow with the Jagta observance of Federation Day which following delegates from here attend­ of 'Hartford. Among those present at success in securing support at the face of life to get the things out of M vfedSj the exercises was Charles H. Furey oration for Wounds Re­ polls. it that they should. will take place next Wednesday aft- ing: Atty. Ralph Jandreau, Andrew ternoon in the chapel of First Pres­ Korona, Blaine E. D'Arcy, Mrs. John of Providence, R. I., who is the dis­ The polls will open Monday at 6 A. Rev. Mr. Noble was not only elo­ trict deputy of the order in the State ceived In Action Dur­ M. and close at 4 P. M. in all the vot­ quent in the presentation of his mas­ byterian Church. The speaker will be P. Manning, David A. McKelligott, Mrs._ Robert F. Gadd of Hartford, Mrs." William G. Thompson and M. WALTER P. SCHWABE of Rhode Island. Mr. Furey is a na­ ing districts of the town. The result, terly address, but proved himself a tive of this town and was a well- ing the Civil War. due to the machine system of voting, wit also by telling several amusing president of the State Federation of W. Hullivan. Women's Clubs. The meeting will be known resident and former business­ should be known within an hour aft­ anecdotes. In addition to the local afternoon. The endorsement of Mr. man here for many years. er the voting period ends. preceded by a luncheon which will be Schwabe for the place was a spon­ An announcement was received and East Hartford members there 1 were several visiting Rotarians pres­ in charge of the hospitality commit- taneous action of the meeting which from the Adjutant General's office of ent at this gathering.
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