Horsley Drive Business Park Stage 2 – Building 1 State Significant Development Application SSD 10404 Part of Western Sydney Parklands (Cnr. Cowpasture Road and Trivet Street, Wetherill Park (Lots 17-22 on DP 13961 & Lot 2 on DP 1212087)) Submitted to Department of Planning, Industry and Environment On behalf of Charter Hall February 2020 | 2190880 CONTACT Gordon Kirkby Director [email protected] (02) 9409 4912 Reproduction of this document or any part thereof is not permitted without prior written permission of Ethos Urban Pty Ltd. This document has been prepared by: This document has been reviewed by: Angus Halligan 28 February 2020 Gordon Kirkby 28 February 2020 Reproduction of this document or any part thereof is not permitted without written permission of Ethos Urban Pty Ltd. Ethos Urban operates under a Quality Management System. This report has been prepared and reviewed in accordance with that system. If the report is not signed, it is a preliminary draft. VERSION NO. DATE OF ISSUE REVISION BY APPROVED BY V2 28 February 2020 A Halligan G Kirkby Ethos Urban Pty Ltd ABN 13 615 087 931. www.ethosurban.com 1/356 St Pauls Terrace, Fortitude Valley QLD 4006 t 61 7 3852 1822 Contents 1.0 Executive Summary 5 2.0 Introduction 6 2.1 Project Background 6 2.2 SSD 7664 8 2.3 Objectives 9 2.4 Secretary’s Environmental Assessment Requirements 9 3.0 Site Analysis 13 3.1 Site Location and Context 13 3.2 Site Description 14 3.3 Surrounding Development 15 4.0 Description of Proposed Development 18 4.1 Key Features of the Stage 2 (Building 1) DA 18 4.2 Demolition / Site Preparation / Bulk Earthworks / Remediation 20 4.3 Built Form, External Materials and Finishes 20 4.4 Landscaping and Public Domain 20 4.5 Signage 21 4.6 Infrastructure and Services 22 4.7 Staging 22 4.8 Relationship to SSD 7664 22 4.9 Consistency with Concept Approval (SSD 7664) Schedule 2 Part B Conditions to be met in Future Development Applications 23 4.10 SSD 7664 Modification 1 27 5.0 Consultation 28 6.0 Environmental Assessment 30 6.1 Relevant EPIs, Policies and Guidelines 30 6.2 Environmental Planning and Assessment Act & Regulation 2000 30 6.3 State Environmental Planning Policy 33 (Hazardous and Offensive Development) 31 6.4 State Environmental Planning Policy 55 (Remediation of Land) 31 6.5 State Environmental Planning Policy 64 (Advertising and Signage) 32 6.6 State Environmental Planning Policy (Infrastructure) 2007 34 6.7 State Environmental Planning Policy (State and Regional Development) 2011 34 6.8 State Environmental Planning Policy (Western Sydney Parklands) 2009 35 6.9 Fairfield Local Environmental Plan 2013 35 6.10 Fairfield City Wide Development Control Plan 2013 35 6.11 Western Sydney Parklands Plan of Management 2030 35 7.0 Secretary’s Environmental Assessment Requirements 37 7.1 Traffic and Access 37 7.2 Noise and Vibration 38 Ethos Urban Contents 7.3 Urban Design 40 7.4 Soil and Water 41 7.5 Hazards and Risks 43 7.6 Biodiversity 44 7.7 Heritage 44 7.8 Waste Management 46 7.9 Air Quality 46 7.10 Social and Economic Impacts 47 7.11 Ecologically Sustainable Development and Energy Efficiency 48 7.12 Bushfire Risk 49 7.13 Capital Investment Value 50 8.0 Environmental Risk Assessment 51 9.0 Mitigation Measures 54 10.0 Justification of the Proposal 58 10.1 Social and Economic 58 10.2 Biophysical 58 10.3 Ecologically Sustainable Development 59 11.0 Conclusion 60 Figures Figure 1: Horsley Park Precinct Plan 7 Figure 2: Approved Horsley Drive Business Park Stage 2 – Indicative Masterplan WS-HW- MP-005 8 Figure 3: Site location 13 Figure 4: Subject Estate 14 Figure 5: View to agricultural land to the north, looking north-west along Trivet Street 16 Figure 6: View to Horsley Drive Business Park Stage 1 development, looking south-west from Cowpasture Road/ Burilda Close intersection 16 Figure 7: Street view of industrial estate to the east (looking east at Cowpasture Road/Sleigh Place intersection) 17 Figure 8: Looking east at Upper Canal System that forms the western boundary of the site (from Ferrers Road) 17 Figure 9: Site context plan 19 Figure 10: Overall Site Plan 19 Figure 11: Landscape Plan 21 Figure 12: Signage – Main Office – Elevation East 21 Figure 13: Signage – Main Office – Elevation North 22 Figure 14: Horsley Park Precinct Plan 36 Figure 15: Risk Assessment Matrix 51 Tables Table 1: Planning Secretary’s Environmental Assessment Requirements, SSD 10404 9 Table 2: Key site characteristics 15 Table 3: SSD 7664 – Conditions to be met in future development applications 23 Table 4: Non applicable legislation 31 Table 5: Assessment Criteria under Schedule 1 of SEPP 64 32 Table 6: Surrounding Sensitive Receivers 39 Table 7: Rating Background Noise Level 39 Table 8: Project Risk Matrix 52 Table 9: Mitigation Measures 54 Ethos Urban Contents Appendices Appendix A Secretary’s Environmental Assessment Requirements Appendix B Architectural Plans of Development Appendix C – Landscape Plans Appendix D - Operational Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment Appendix E - Dangerous Goods Assessment Appendix F – Traffic Impact Assessment Appendix G - Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment Appendix H – Civil Engineering Report Appendix I - Civil Engineering Drawings Appendix J - Preliminary Hazard Assessment Appendix K – Biodiversity Waiver Appendix L - Aboriginal Heritage Advice Appendix M - Historical Heritage Advice Appendix N - Waste Management Plan Appendix O - Air Quality Assessment Appendix P - Economic and Social Infrastructure Needs Assessment Appendix Q - Environmentally Sustainable Development report Appendix R - Bushfire Assessment Appendix S - Capital Investment Value letter Ethos Urban Contents Statement of Validity Development Application Details Applicant name Charter Hall Applicant address Level 20, No. 1 Martin Place, Sydney Land to be developed 5, 15 and 25 Trivet Street, Wetherill Park 130, 132-142, 144-154 and 156 Cowpasture Road, Wetherill Park, NSW 2164. Lots 17-22 in DP13961 and Lot 2 in 1212087. Proposed development Horsley Drive Business Park Stage 2 (Building 1) as described in Section 4.0 of this Environmental Impact Statement Prepared by Name Angus Halligan Qualifications BPlan Address 173 Sussex Street, Sydney NSW 2000 In respect of State Significant Development - Development Application Certification I certify that I have prepared the content of this EIS and to the best of my knowledge: ▪ it is in accordance with Schedule 2 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000; ▪ all available information that is relevant to the environmental assessment of the development to which the statement relates; and ▪ the information contained in the statement is neither false nor misleading. ▪ Signature Name Angus Halligan Date 28/02/2020 Ethos Urban Horsley Drive Business Park Stage 2 | 28 February 2020 1.0 Executive Summary Purpose of this Report This submission to the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (the Department) comprises an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for a Development Application (DA) under Part 4 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (EP& A Act). It relates to the proposed development of a light industrial warehouse facility to operate as a customer fulfilment centre in Horsley Drive Business Hub. The Horsley Drive Business Park Stages 1 and 2 were approved by SSD 5169 and SSD 7664 on 8 January 2013 and 9 November 2019 respectively. The Western Sydney Parklands are identified as a State Significant Site in Schedule 2 of State Environmental Planning Policy (State and Regional Development) 2011. This DA is subsequent to State Significant Development (SSD) Concept Approval 7664. The Development Consent for SSD 7664 issued by the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment does not delegate the assessment and determination of future detailed DAs to another consent authority. Therefore, the proposed development is SSD pursuant to section 4.37 of the EP&A Act. A request for the issue of Secretary’s Environmental Assessment Requirements (SEARs) was sought on 19 November 2019. Accordingly, the SEARs were issued on 18 December 2019. This submission is in accordance with the Department’s guidelines for SSD applications lodged under Part 4 of the EP&A Act, and addresses the issues raised in the SEARs. Overview of the Project The Development Application (DA) seeks approval for the detailed development and construction of a light industrial warehouse facility to operate as a customer fulfilment centre (Building 1) at the Horsley Drive Business Hub Stage 2. It includes a warehouse facility, ancillary office, staff parking space, and loading areas. The Site The Horsley Drive Business Park Stage 2 has frontages to Cowpasture Road to the east and Trivet Street to the north-east. It is immediately bound by the Wetherill Park Industrial Precinct to the east, the Upper Canal system to the west, the Horsley Drive Business Park Stage 1 to the south and Prospect Reservoir and Prospect Nature Reserve to the north. Planning Context Section 6 of the EIS considers all applicable legislation in detail. The State Environmental Planning Policy (Western Sydney Parklands) 2009 (WSP SEPP) sets out what development is permissible and the matters for consideration for development located within the Parklands. The proposal is consistent with the SEPP provisions and the approved Concept Plan (SSD 7664) as modified which establishes the uses and built form of the site Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures This EIS provides an assessment of the environmental impacts of the project in accordance with the SEARs and sets out the undertakings made by Charter Hall to manage and minimise potential impacts arising from the development. The key issues related to appropriate environmental management practices during the physical construction and operation of the facility have been assessed and addressed through the preliminary Environmentally Sustainability Development located at Appendix Q.
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