November 2019 – No. 284 (8'HIRUHVWDWLRQ 86VHWVGXWLHVRQ(8DJULIRRGp.59 GHEDWH 7KH 86 LQWURGXFHG DGGLWLRQDO SXQLWLYH GXWLHV RI (8$JULFXOWXUH0LQLVWHUV RQFHUWDLQ(8DJULIRRGSURGXFWVLQPLG2FWREHUDIWHU EDFNHG WKH LGHD RI D WKH :72 DXWKRULVHG WRWDO SHQDOWLHV RI ELOOLRQ LQ QHZ (8 )RUHVWU\ WKH\HDU$LUEXV%RHLQJVXEVLG\EDWWOH 6WUDWHJ\ DFFHSWLQJ WKDW FXUUHQW (8 SROLFLHV KDG &20$*5,DSSURYHV:RMFLHFKRZVNLp.20 EHHQ LQVXIILFLHQW WR FRPEDW GHIRUHVWDWLRQ DW 3ROLVK $JULFXOWXUH &RPPLVVLRQHUGHVLJQDWH -DQXV] D JOREDO OHYHO 7KH QHZ :RMFLHFKRZVNLILQDOO\UHFHLYHGWKHXQDQLPRXVEDFNLQJ VWUDWHJ\ VKRXOG EH RI JURXS FRRUGLQDWRUV LQ WKH (3¶V &20$*5, KDYLQJ FDUHIXOO\ FRRUGLQDWHG KDGWRDWWHQGDVHFRQGKHDULQJDQGDQVZHUDVHULHVRI ZLWK RWKHU &RPPXQLW\ ZULWWHQTXHVWLRQV SROLFLHV WKH(8¶VDLPV RQ FOLPDWH FKDQJH DQG 8.HOHFWLRQVHWIRU'HFHPEHUp.47 WKH HQYLURQPHQW (8 )DUP &RPPLVVLRQHU 8. 3ULPH 0LQLVWHU %RULV -RKQVRQ FDOOHG D JHQHUDO 3KLO+RJDQVDLGWKHQHZ HOHFWLRQ IRU 'HFHPEHU 2Q WKH VDPH GD\ WKH (8 &RPPLVVLRQ¶V SULRULWLHV DJUHHGWRH[WHQGWKH$UWLFOHSURFHVVWR-DQXDU\ WKH (XURSHDQ *UHHQ 'HDORIIHUHG³DWLPHO\ PRVW UHOHYDQW (3IRUZDUGV&$3ILOHVWR3OHQDU\p.19 RSSRUWXQLW\ WR UHIOHFW KRZ D QHZ VWUDWHJLF (33UHVLGHQWVDJUHHGWRIRUZDUGWKHWKUHH&$3UHIRUP DSSURDFK WR IRUHVWV GRVVLHUVWRSOHQDU\ 6SULQJ 7KHQHZ(3ZLOOVWLOO WKH IRUHVWEDVHG VHFWRU KDYH WKH FKDQFH WR WDEOH DPHQGPHQWV ZLWKRXW WKH FDQHIIHFWLYHO\PD[LPL]H ZKROHOHJLVODWLYHSURFHVVKDYLQJWREHUHVWDUWHG IRUHVWV¶FRQWULEXWLRQ´ 3KLO+RJDQLPSUHVVHV(37UDGH&WWHHp.26 [See p.6] 0(3V RQ WKH ,17$ &RPPLWWHH DJUHHG WR WKH DSSRLQWPHQW RI ,UHODQG¶V 3KLO +RJDQ WR WKH SRVW RI 7UDGH &RPPLVVLRQHU LQ WKH QHZ &ROOHJH DIWHU D SROLVKHGSHUIRUPDQFHDWKLVFRQILUPDWLRQKHDULQJ ¼PWRSURPRWH(8DJULIRRGp.17 6RPH ¼P ZLOO EH VSHQW RQ (8 DJULIRRG SURPRWLRQFDPSDLJQVDWKRPH DEURDGRYHUWKHQH[W WKUHH \HDUV 7KHUH ZLOO EH D VSHFLDO IRFXV RQ *,V RUJDQLF SURGXFWV 8QGHU WKH EDQQHU µ(QMR\ LW¶V IURP (XURSH¶ WKH EXGJHW DOORFDWLRQ ZLOO FRILQDQFH SURJUDPPHVRQWKHLQWHUQDO H[WHUQDOPDUNHWV MEMBER STATE REPRESENTATION AT THE EU FARM COUNCIL Country Minister Political Party EP political affiliation Belgium Mr Denis Ducarme MR Renew Europe Bulgaria Ms Desislava Taneva GERB EPP Czech Republic Mr Miroslav Toman Communist GUE/NGL Denmark Mr Mogens Jensen Social Democrats S&D Germany Ms Julia Klöckner CDU EPP Estonia Mr Mart Järvik Pee Pa I&D Ireland Mr Michael Creed Fine Gael EPP Greece Mr Makis Voridis New Democracy EPP Spain Mr Luis Planas Puchades Sciai We Pa S&D France Mr Didier Guillaume Socialist Party S&D Croatia Maija Včić Democratic Union EPP Italy Teresa Bellanova Democratic Party S&D Cyprus Mr Costas Kadis Independent - Latvia Mr Kaspars Gerhards For Fatherland & ECR Freedom/LNNK Lithuania Mr Andrius Palionis Social Democratic Party S&D Luxembourg Mr Romain Schneider Socialist Workers Party S&D Hungary Dr István Nagy Fidesz EPP Malta Mr Clint Camilleri Labour S&D Netherlands Ms Carola Schouten Christian Union EPP Austria Ms Maria Patek - - Poland Mr Jan Krzysztof Law and Justice ECR Ardanowski Portugal Ms Maria do Céu Socialist S&D Albuquerque Romania Adrian Nechita Oros National Liberal Party EPP Slovenia Dr. Aleksandra Pivec DeSus - Slovakia M Gabiea Maečá SNS - Finland Mr Jari Leppä Centre Renew Europe Sweden Ms Jennie Nilsson Social Democrats S&D UK Mr George Eustice Conservative ECR 2019 Agra-Europe AGRA FOCUS November 2019 INDEX EU NEWS EU NEWS FARM COUNCIL: Airbus dispute 2 World Food Day – healthy diets 40 US duties on EU agri-food 2 New Austrian government 41 Malmström reaction to tariffs 4 Costa wins Portuguese election 41 Private Storage Aid of olive oil 4 Polands PiS wins election 42 Brown stink bug, Italy 5 Romanian government collapses 42 CAP progress report 5 EU GIs, more international recognition 42 Coalition seeks stable farm budget 6 New Romanian, Bulgarian GIs 43 Deforestation discussions 6-9 ECJ finding against Halloumi group 43 Slovenian knowledge transfer ideas 10 Support for Polish biotech 43 French declaration on wolf management 10 Wine retailer takeover authorised 44 Farmers & bio-economy benefits 10 PERSONNEL NEWS: ASF & wild boar control 11 New PT & RO AG ministers 44 V4 plus 4 on ASF battle 12 New faces in AGRI & TRADE 45 Andriukaitis 5-year legacy 12 Maeve Whyte leaves NFU Brussels 45 Faster food safety communication 13 Organic leaders chair Civil Dialogues 45 FUTURE CAP: College continues to Dec 13 OFlaherty swaps agri-trade for high tech 46 FR & HU nominations to new College 14 Oettinger rails against MFF misinformation14 NATIONAL NEWS MS want MFF negotiating box by Dec 15 UK election on December 12 47 Time to decide on EU budget 16 EU OK to Art. 50 extension 48 Malmström regrets decision on US duties 16 UK seeks extension amid deadlock 48 PL, DE & FR call for strong CAP 17 EU OK for new Withdrawal Agreement 50 200m for agri-food promotion 17 Reactions to new Withdrawal Agreement 51 ECA sees 2.4% error rate for CAP spend 18 Hint of UK flexibility on Irish border 53 EP NEWS: CAP files set for plenary 19 Talks stalled, UK plays blame game 54 Sustainability focus, COMAGRI report 19 NFU anger at UK tariff plans 54 COMAGRI hearings - Wojciechowski 20-26 Johnsons protocol for Irish border 55 New AGRI cabinet 22 UK Environment Bill 56 COMINTA endorses Hogan for Trade 26 NFU seeks national food strategy 56 Kyriakides impresses COMENVI 28 Soil Association Brexit helpline 56 Timmermans pushes green message 29 AG protests block German, Dutch cities 56 Copa-Cogeca on Timmermanns 30 Sinkeviius makes climate pledge 31 BEYOND THE EU Hahn wants MFF done by year-end 32 WTO DSB on fertiliser, Airbus cases 58 Risk of budget delays 32 EU-Norway interim appeal arbitration 58 EP rejects glyphosate-resistant GMOs 33 US punitive tariffs on EU exports 59 EP agrees 2020 budget resolution 33 US-China preliminary trade deal 59 EP tough on bee protection 34 US farmers let down on biofuels 60 2020 EU funding for UK in no deal 35 Argentine & Uruguay elections 60 SANTE UPDATE: No to Thiacloprid 36 Priority pest list published 36 MARKETS Coreper seeks NBT study by end-2020 37 EU agri-food exports update/FTAs 61 abinet takes shape 37 Kyriakides C China ASF boosts EU pigmeat trade 62 Split vote on GM maize stack 38 IGC cuts world grain crop forecast 62 EFSA food safety research platform 38 Fruit & veg market observatory 63 IN BRIEF: ECJ hunting protected species 39 Benefits of Producer Organisations 63 ECA on exceptional dairy measures 39 Comm fertiliser position, Copa-Cogeca 64 Strengthen fruit & veg CMO, GIs 39 Food commodity prices steady 64 2nd poultry welfare reference centre 40 AVEC on Mercosur, Ukraine challenges 65 Fines for canned veg cartel 65 2019 Agra-Europe AGRA FOCUS November 2019 REVIEW NEW COMMISSION COLLEGE TAKES SHAPE Ia P Ha MEP a C a a a of a no deal Brexit during a confirmation hearing for the post of Trade Commissioner at the European Parliament on September 30. During the three-hour grilling session, he faced a series of questions on trade relations with the United States & China, the recent pact with the Latin American Mercosur bloc & the impact of climate change. Hogan insisted that trade tensions with Washington needed to be remedied, while he stands ready to engage with the US administration in the months ahead. The Fine Gael politician pledged to use existing & future a a aa EU a & sustainable development goals. In response to around 25 questions from MEPs on the International Trade Committee, he said signing trade deals with countries across the globe offered the EU leverage in making sure countries respected environmental protection. Furthermore, the newly-appointed Chief Trade Enforcement Officer - yet to be confirmed - would ensure all international accords met the EU a a ents when it came to the fight against climate change. The Greens, Socialist & Democrats and the leftist GUE-NGL a a Ha , Ea P Pa ( a EP) said the trade b a a a a. Meanwhile, the Commissioner-designate for Agriculture Janusz Wojciechowski, who looks set to take over the reins from Ha, a baa distribution of direct support, as reflected in the r CAP a, & intends to a a a a a a a a b b a E a a U aa . The Polish nominee went before the EPs Committee on Agriculture & Rural Development on two occasions, as the first outing on October 1 was deemed too vague & lacklustre. His second attempt on October 8 - before the general election in Poland on October 13 - was a more confident effort. T CAP a a, a MEP (2004-2016) a a EP aa aa a a a a . T La & J (PS) an - national- conservative and right-wing populist party - agreed that the one-size-fits-a aa a ab a U 27, a a b Mb Sa design their interventions according to their needs a . R European Green Deal the flagship project of the new Commission College (2019-2024) the P P S A O a a strategy for European farming for deca , a a b a ab, a a ba . EU leaders have agreed to postpone Brexit for up to three months until January 31, 2020, with a pre-Christmas UK election set for December 12. The remaining Member States would allow an earlier date if the UK ratifies a Withdrawal Agreement before then. Commenting this month, President of the European Council Donald Tusk said the EU-27 a a a a UK a B Jaa 31, 2020. In a T, UK P B J a a a a a a a damaging to British democracy & to the EU-UK relationship. As the month drew to a close, Johnson was in full election mode. In other news, the US is poised to introduce new tariffs on a range of goods from the EU including butter, cheese, liqueurs & pork products, in the latest chapter in the long-running dispute over aircraft subsidies (Boeing/Airbus dispute). Washington got clearance from the World Trade Organisation on October 2 to impose annual retaliatory tariffs up to a value of almost $7.5 billion on a range of European imports including wine, whiskey, olives, dairy products, cashmere sweaters, luxury goods & aircraft parts after it decided that the EU failed to end subsidies for Airbus.
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