Friends of the International Center, at UC San Diego Newsletter Volume XLV, No. 2 October 2017 President’s Column: Special Membership Vote The academic year is off to a quick start with our volunteers and the In- ternational Center adding program offerings to accommodate the ever- increasing number of international scholars to our campus, projected to exceed last year’s numbers of 5,240 international undergraduates (28,127 total); 2,698 international graduates (5,071 total), and 2,853 international faculty and scholars for a total of 10,791 representing ninety-nine coun- RESERVE! tries. This number does not include family members. Conversations with our administrators make clear the toll current SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4 politics is exacting, and I regret that the University and others must re- GREAT HALL, peatedly take action to make basic tenets about nondiscrimination. That INTERNATIONAL HOUSE said, it is wonderful to be embedded with like-minded people who re- spect and value the importance of diversity and are willing to stand up JOIN US ON A TRIP TO for those that may not have a political platform. AFRICA WITH A DELICIOUS $VDFHUWLÀHG8&6DQ'LHJRFDPSXVVXSSRUWJURXSWKH)ULHQGVOLNH CATERED DINNER RWKHUVDUHEHLQJDVNHGWRDPHQGLWVE\ODZVWRUHÁHFWWKH8QLYHUVLW\·V FOLLOWED BY revised Policy on Nondiscrimination, which states: AN ILLUSTRATED TALK BY PROF. CHRISTOPHER WILLS University Policy on Nondiscrimination: The University of California, in accordance with applicable federal and state laws DESCRIBING SOME OF HIS AND and university policies, does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national HIS WIFE’S AMAZING origin, religion, sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy ADVENTURES IN NAMIBIA, (including pregnancy, childbirth, and medical conditions related to pregnancy or RWANDA, TANZANIA, AND childbirth), physical or mental disability, medical condition, genetic information, OTHER OUT-OF-THE-WAY PLACES ancestry, marital status, age, sexual orientation, citizenship, or service in the uniformed services (including membership, application for membership, A FUNDRAISER FOR performance of service, application for service, or obligation for service in the FRIENDS SCHOLARSHIPS uniformed services). The university also prohibits harassment based on these protected categories, including sexual harassment, as well as sexual assault, TO MAKE RESERVATIONS: domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. The nondiscrimination policy http:// covers admission, access, and treatment in university programs and activities. FICAfrica2017.eventbrite.com This column serves as notice of a Special Meeting for Members, RESERVATION DEADLINE, to be conducted by mail, on November 13, 2017, for the sole purpose WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 2017 (continued on p. 2) Page 2 Special Membership Vote (continued from p.1) 7RJHWKHUZLWKDUHODWHGFHUWLÀFDWHIRUWKHÀVFDO\HDU of approving the above language to replace the of 2017-2018, our Friends President received this existing Nondiscrimination Policy set forth in Article OHWWHUGDWHG-XQHIURPWKH2IÀFHRIWKH XVI in our bylaws. You may review our current Chancellor: E\ODZV DW KWWSLFHQWHUXFVG HGXBÀOHVIULHQGV ),&%\ODZVSGI Dear Ms. Newmark, There will be no physical meeting and we need your participation/vote via e-mail or mail on or prior I am pleased to acknowledge the Friends of the to November 13, 2017. International Center as an official support group of I ask that you complete and mail the Nondiscrimi- the University of California, San Diego. I would also nation Policy Bylaw Amendment on the back page of this like to take this opportunity to thank you and the Newsletter as directed, or, if you prefer to vote elec- Friends members for their significant support of tronically, that you copy and paste the same informa- the International Center, and student scholarships, tion in your e-mail. Please note that your participa- as well as their contributions to the international tion is critical. experiences of our students both here and abroad. On a lighter note, I am excited about the coming For 50 years, the Friends of the International Center year’s events and opportunities for our members, have provided an integral part of the university expe- beginning this month with the American Regional rience for our international students and helped to 6RXWKHUQ WKHPHG )ULHQGV 'LQQHU 6RFLDO RQ 2FWREHU share the diverse cultural landscape of San Diego. 7thDQGQH[WPRQWK·V$IULFDQWKHPHG(WKQLF'LQQHU It is a pleasure to recognize you and the members DQG6FKRODUVKLS)XQGUDLVHURQ1RYHPEHUth. of your group for your continued efforts and com- Thank you for your anticipated endorsement of mitment. The Friends of the International Center diversity, are an invaluable resource of UC San Diego’s Katya international community. I wish you every success Katya Newmark3UHV),&#PDLOXFVGHGX with this and your future endeavors. With Kind regards, Pradeep K. Khosla Resale Chancellor Shop 7KH 5HVDOH 6KRS Donations team has enjoyed the extended sum- Friends Resale Shop 7KH)ULHQGVVFKRODUVKLSSURJUDPKDVVWDUWHGRIIWKHDFD- mer break. How- demic year 2017-18 with several gifts. We are especially ever, due to the demolition of the International Center appreciative both of the donation as well as the sentiment and associated parking lot construction, I had to empty expressed by Richard Fitzsimmons, brother of Jerry out the container in the beginning of August. The shelves Fitzsimmons, who wrote: “this donation is in honor and parts of the content were transported to a storage and memory of my mother, Nan Kehoe Fitzsimmons XQLWE\D8&6'PRYLQJWHDPDOWKRXJKTXLWHDIHZ (1909-2008), on the ninth anniversary of her death. All LWHPVZHUHEURXJKWWRWKH6KRS7KHFRQWDLQHULWVHOI WKHEHVWZLVKHVLQWKHLPSRUWDQWDQGVLJQLÀFDQWZRUN was also to be moved, but still remains where it has WKH)ULHQGVGRRQEHKDOIRILQWHUQDWLRQDOVWXGHQWVµ been all along. We hope to get the use of the container Our most recent contribution came from Nona back before opening day. Crampton, who, it seems, is making this an annual 7KH6KRSUHFHLYHGDORWRIJUHDWGRQDWLRQVRenate KDSSHQLQJ7KDQN\RX1RQDIRU\RXUÀUPEHOLHILQWKH Schmid-Schoenbein and Daniela Schmitt helped me importance of scholarships! organize some of these. We are teaming up to ready 6HYHUDO SHRSOH PDGH D GRQDWLRQ WR WKH 8& 6DQ WKH6KRSIRURXUUHRSHQLQJRQ6HSWHPEHU0RVWRI 'LHJR)RXQGDWLRQGHVLJQDWLQJWKHLUJLIWWRWKH)ULHQGV our team members will continue to volunteer—yay! scholarship account. We are most grateful to: Laurette I do have one or two volunteer openings on Tuesday VerbinskiDQGWR8&6'JUDGXDWHVNiki Zamora (2002) afternoon. If you are interested, please contact me at: & Trevor F. Henthorn (1990). VKRS),&#XFVGHGX Marion Spors October 2017 )ULHQGVRIWKH,QWHUQDWLRQDO&HQWHU8&6'Newsletter Page 3 Springtime in Africa —by Chris and Liz Wills with Photos by Chris :HÁHZRYHU9LFWRULD)DOOVLQ Throughout the trip we were a helicopter surrounded by rain- able to photograph unusual ani- bows. mal behaviors and some of the In the green and mountain- world’s most spectacular birds. ous central African country of The juxtaposition of ancient land- Rwanda we visited sites of the scapes and ancient hunter-gath- great genocide and trekked to see erer ways of life gave us a vivid the mountain gorillas. These gen- JOLPSVH RI KRZ RXU VSHFLHV ÀUVW tle primates, which are severely emerged in this richly-endowed Rwanda dance festival threatened, are now being pro- part of the world. tected and are starting to thrive in We invite you to join us at the Rwanda’s rainforests. Great Hall in I-House in retracing Along the way we saw an as- our trip. To fortify you along the tonishing variety of animals and ZD\\RXZLOOEHVHUYHGDPDJQLÀ- birds, all reveling in Africa’s mag- cent Africa-themed repast (details QLÀFHQW VSULQJ :H VDZ ]HEUDV follow). Proceeds from the eve- and wildebeest gamboling in Tan- QLQJZLOOJRWRWKH)ULHQGV6FKRO- zania’s Ngorongoro Crater at the DUVKLS)XQGDQG\RXZLOOKDYHD KHLJKW RI WKH ZLOGÁRZHU VHDVRQ chance to hear from some of the Namibia giraffe And we went hunting for wild scholarship recipients about their honey with the Hadza, another of adventures around the world. A few years ago, we went on Africa’s remarkable hunter-gath- For reservation information, an unusually extensive safari erer peoples. please see p.1. through southern and eastern Africa. We drove through the country of Namibia in Africa’s southwest. We saw ostriches striding across the world’s largest sand dunes, vast herds of fur seals on the 6NHOHWRQ &RDVW DQG SODQWV WKDW had survived the pitiless heat of WKH1DPLE'HVHUWIRUDWKRXVDQG years, along with the amazing wildlife of Namibia’s highlands and Etosha Park. ,Q%RWVZDQDMXVWWRWKHHDVW we explored the world’s largest inland estuary and went hunt- ing and gathering with the !Kung Egyptian ibis landing on a Tanzania hippo tribespeople. These people have VXUYLYHG LQ WKH .DODKDUL 'HVHUW Food In Africa Varies As Much As The People Do! for the better part of a hundred —by Liz Wills thousand years, since the time that their ancestors parted com- Eating locally sourced foods may be new for us, but in less developed pany with the ancestors of the rest parts of the world, it is what people have always done. No refrigerated of us. trucks, no airfreight, not even networks of paved roads. And Africa is October 2017 )ULHQGVRIWKH,QWHUQDWLRQDO&HQWHU8&6'Newsletter Page 4 so vast, there are few dishes that is rare in the desert. DUH 3DQ$IULFDQ 6RPHWLPHV UH- 7KH GLVKHV DW RXU 6DWXUGD\ gional dishes do spread. Jollof rice November 4 Ethnic Dinner will RULJLQDWHG LQ 6LHUUD /HRQH EXW LW EH PRUH
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