74 JOHN STREET,^ I BOOK PAPER OF ALL GRADES. I I RUSSELL'S CELEBRATED BLOTTING. Special attention invited to our NEWS PAPER FOR WEB PRINTING-PRESSES. We furnish the entire supply of the NEW YORKWORLD,and many other of the leading Newspapers of the United States. PHILA. NEW YORK. BOSTON. AND ALEXANDER BROWN & SONS, I BALTIMORE, ON GREAT BRITAIN AND IRE[-AND, FRANCE, GERMANY, BEL- GI U M, HOLLAND, SWITZERLAND, NORWAY, DENMARK, I SWEDEN, AUSTRALIA and BRITISH WEST IN DIES. I I Issue Commercial and Travellers' Credits I I IW STERLING, I A~ailablein :my part of the world, in FRAHC~for osc, in Na~tinirluci and Ganditlol~pe, and in DOLLARSfor me in this and acljncent countries. Make Telegraphic Transfevs of' Money Between this Country, Europe and British West Bndies. MAKE COLLECTUOR88 OF DRAFTS I 1)rawii abroad on a11 poi~ltsIn United States and Cani~da,arlcl of drafts drawn in the United Btalcs on filrciqo co~~ntriea; and t11c;i.1 ~JON~ONI-IOLSE, 1 Messrs. BROWN, SWIPLEY & GO., I RECEIVE ACCOUNTS OF AMERICAN BANKS, FIRHB RIND INDIVIDUALS, UPON FAVORABLE TERlVIS. - BURR PRINTING tiOLISE /NATIONAL PARK BANK I OF NEW YORK, i I 214 AND 216 BROADWAY. f 1 A general Banking, Collection and Ex- I, change business transacted, and Accounts 1 of Banks and Bankers, Merchants, Corpo- I rations and Manufacturers received on the I most liberal terms. An extensive correspondence, th~ough- 1 out the United States and Canadas, affords I I unusual facilities for making Collections I promptly and cheaply on all accessible I points; and the orders and business of 1 customers receive particular care and atten- 1 1 tion, without charge. is provided for the special convenience *of depositors and others desiring absolute security for papers and valuables ; with entrance only from within the Bank, and guarded by day and night with every known appliance and means of safety. FACTS CONCERNING "THE WORLD." 1 -- Circulation of THE SUNDAYWORLD, I Circlllatioll of TEE SUNDAY\VORT,D, first 7 Sundays in 1883 : first 7 Sundays in 1886 : Sunday, Jan. 7 ................... ..16,370 Sunday, Jan. 3 .....................200,595 Sunday, Jan. 14 ......................16,300 Sunday. Jan. LO (S~~ou~storn~)....... 195,403 Sunday, Jan. 21 .16,200 1 Sunday. Jan. 17 ................... 202,324 ..................... I i Sunday, Jan. 28. ......................16,370 ' Sunday, Jan. 24. ................. ..205,560 , Sunday, Feb. 4 ....................16,640 / Sunday, Jan. 31 .......................208,535 1 Sunday, Feb. 11.. .....................16,670 1 Sunday, Feb. 7......................213,040 ; Sunday, Feb. 18.. ......................16,920 1 Sunday, Feb. 14 .....................220,023 1 Number of Separate Advertise- Nurnber of Separate Advertise- 1 ments printed in THEWORLDin rnents printed in THE WORLDin 1 December, 1883.. ......... 13,003 December, 1885.. .......... 32,187 1 -. - Total Number of Colunlns of Ad- Total Number of Columns of Ad- vertisements printed doring the vertisernent~printed during the i year 1883. .................4,643 year, 1885.. ................ 12,092 %tat Nurrz6er of Copies of '' The World '' printed dzcrin,g the year 1886: 5 1,241,367 COPIES. 1 Number of Separate Advertise- Number of Separate Idvertise- I lnents printed in TEE WORLD, lnents printed in THE WORLD, 1 Sunday, February 18th, 1883.. .. 164 Sunday, February 14th, 1886. .3,401 1 i Circulation of THE WORLDfor the month of December, 1883.. ...... 1,386,270 1 Circulation of THE WORLDfor the month of December, 1884.. ..... 8,086,403 / Circulation of THE WORLDfor the month of December, 1885.. ...... 5,183,308 / Number of Separate Advertisements printed in THE WORLD during January, 1883. ................................................ 6,146 Number of Separate Advertisements pri~tedin THE WORI~Dduring I January, 1886. ....:................. b. ...................36,032 1 20,204 T~ettersReceived at THE Wo~~p~ficein ONE DAY (Monday, February 1st) in Response to " Want " ddvertisernents in THE WORLD. THE P$CURES FOR 4 JANUARIES: Total C~rcnlationof TEE WORLDfor the month of January, 1883.. .. 774,300 Total Circulation of TFIE WORLDfor the month of January, 1884.. .. 1,486,050 'I'otal Circulation of THE WORI,~for the month of January, 1585.. .. 8,064,85!! 'I'otal (:ircillation of THEWonr,~for tlie n~onthof January, 1886.. .. 5,838,281 Actual Bona Ficle Ptegular Circnlatioan of "The WorlcZ " the Weelr Emclim~yFebruary P3th, 1~23~~7%. I 1 i GENERAL INDEX. General Index- Continued. P*es / New-York City. Uornillerc'l dfGE1 Spirits Internal Revenue from.. 40 Stnm ;, Internal Revenue from. qo ~tan&ds Gold arid Silver.. .... change.. ..... State and i'erritonai Governm'ts 2; I ,, ,, ,. Custom ~ouse'~' Statistics ... Receipts.. ... ~iites.'bateadi.~dmission of.. 2 ! .,...... ,, Drv Goods 1m.141 / Statutes of Limitations.. .......,155 ports.. ......rqr Steamship Passengers number..^^^ ,, ,, ,, Election Re- / Stock Exchange ~ranAactions... ,141 -. turns., .....,113 I Stocks, Sales of in 1885. ........,150 R. R.140 Statistics Concerning. ..,151 ,. ., ,, urain bxports.142 ~udiageLaws of each State.. ... 2, ,. ,, ,, Governn~ent I38 139 TAG~FFD~,"~?~~~G~S.K~~.T.ATES.I~~ ,, ,, ,, Xarriage stat&- Tennessee, EleAtion Returns ...,124 tics.. ........,140 ,, Statistics of, 30, 31 40, ...... Xortalitv Re- / s2,63 6 turns.. ......,140 Texas, Election Returns.. ......;A 1 ,, ,, .. police .......... ,, Statistics of, 30, 31,40, 52, 63! ........... Produce EX-IqOi change.:; ....:I~I ,, ,, ,, Stock xch nge 141 Vital Statist1cs.140 N&.Y&~ dburt of Appeals. ., .rgz ,, ,, Democratic Commit- tees...............148 / .... State. Countv Clerks and Sheriffs. .....,132 ,, ,, StateEiectionRet'rns107 ,, ,, ,. Governmedt.. .,133 ,, ,, ,, Legislature, Com- mittees. ...... 1 ,, , ,, ,, Legislature. en?^ bers of. 134 136 I ,, ,, ,, ~tatiaticsoi, 31 40 52 63 6; ""2 I North Carolina, ~lectionget'ksh11 I North Carolina, Statistics of 30 31 BiFg2, PY,"$o%2EB!?::::;27 40 ;63, 6; ,, Statistics of, 30, 31. 451, 12. I Occn~a~~o~sOFIN~BITL~T;~ ox 63 65 Voting Po ulation of the U. S. .' 30 Voting. 6uaiiflcations f~r,in each State..................... 27 WARSOF TD UNITEDSTATES. .,144 Washingtonturns. .......................... Terr., Election Re- Washington Terr., Statistics of, 7: 31, 40, 52, 63, 65 Weather Wisdom.. ............,160 Weights and Measures. Metric System of. ..................... 28 West V~rginia,Election Returns.128 .... Statistics of. zo. 21. Wheat Production of th4~$0'2"d2 Prices of 28 Years.. ....,152 consin in, Cen&s of 1885.. ..... 36 , Election Returns.. .,129 ,, Statistics of. 30, 31, 40, 52, 61, 65 W'oman Suffrage.. ........I.. .... 27 w'orld. Princinal Countries. Sta- tisticv of.. ................:..58, 59 Wyoming, Election Returns.. ...130 ,, Statistics of, 30, 31, 49, / INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS. P.I?E P*OE George P. Rowell & Co., Advertising.. ............ ix United States Express 00......................... x H. Mr.Johns Manufacturing Co., Asbestos.. ...... i Hoffman House.. .....................opposite page ,@ Natio~inlPark Bank.. ...........faciog inside title age J. B. & J. 11. Cornell Iron Columns.. ............ vl~i Gvorge William Baliou & Co. Bankers.. .colored Elset Chicago Herald. ....................................,!! Brown Brothers & Co Bank&.. ....facing frontcover New-Pork World.. ................................ 111 Drexei. Morgan & DO.: , ................. xii Vacuum Oil Co., Oils. ............................ ix Kldaer,Eugene I<eilyPeabody & Co.bo,, ;; .................. xiii Bulkie Dunton & Co. Paper.. ............front cover ................ i? F re& & Co. ~rinte;'s Blankets ................ ix Kountre Brothers ,, .................xiv ~iederickH. ceve & Co., Printing Ink. ..back cover W. S. Lawson & bo Geor e H Morrill Co. Robert M Qilmour sailer 'boverihgs:.'.'.'.~~'.'.','.'.', v$! ~an&rhurgh,WFI~S.~:CL., prin(ter3s aateriai(s .... "ix Ely ~rotders,Catairh Cure ....................... vii R. Hoe & Co., Printing Presses.. ...........back cover Vita Company ......................vii N. Y Belting & Packing Co. Rubber Qoods..col. inset Steckler & ~te$l$ couAbellors-at-~aw........... viii .lone;, of Bin hamton. ~cale(s..................... vi James McCreery &'co. Dry Goods.. ..opposite page 81 Lindsay ~ype%oundry,~ype. .................... iv John Best & Son, ~nghesand Boilers.. ......... v / No. 5 Wall Street, New York. I No. 72 Devnshire Street, - Boston. 1' 1I TRANSACT A GEIVERAL BAIKIIVG BUSI#ESS. / Deposits Weeeivet aqd 'Interest Allowed OQ Balaflees. BUY AND SELL GOVERNMENT, MUNICIPAL, AND RAILROAD SECURITIES, THE WORLD ALMANAC FOR 1886. Bpe Fear 1886. TUE 111th vear of American Independent? begins July 4. The year answers to the 6599th of the Julian Period, the 2639th from the foundatlon of Rome, the 2662d of the Olympiads, and the yaar 7394-95 of the Byzantine era. Bpe ponr Seasons. dtandnrd Time-75th Xeridian. D. R. M. D. a. r. Winter begins 188 December 21 lo 17 morning, and lasts 89 I 10 Spring begins 1st March 20 11 24 morlling, and iarts 92 20 9 Sutu~~ierbegins 1886. June 21 7 33 n~ornlng.and lasts Autumnheaill.r 1886 September 22 9 56 evenl~~g,and lasts 8; :$:8 Winter begins 1886: Deca~uber 21 4 12 evening. Trap. year365 5 58 Eclipses in tpe Year 1886. There will be two Eclipses in 1886, both of the Sun, as follows: 1. An Annular Eclipse of t,he Sun Varci, .r,; invisible in th~United States east of a line from Rochester N Y.,to Baitlmor?, and, 4he Sun wiii' iet mori! or less eoiipsed aa far west as Denver and Santa Fb. ~hg Anl~ularPhase w11l be .is~t)lein ;\leslco. 2. A Total Eclipse of
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