DOCUMENT RESUME ED 343 501 HE 025 367 TITLE Hearing on the Reauthorization of the Higher Education Act of 196b: Titles I, VI, and XI, Hearing before the Subcommittee on Postsecondary Education of the Committee on Education and Labor. House of Representatives, One Hundred Second Congress, First Session. INSTITUTION Congress of the U.S., Washington, DC. House Subcommittee on Postsecondary Education. REPORT NO ISBN-0-16-036930-4 PUB DATE 24 Jul 91 NOTE 247p.; Not available in paper copy due to small/light print. AVAILABLE FROM U.S. Government erinting Office, Superintendent of Documents, Congressional Sales Office, Washington, DC 20402. PUB TYPE Legal/Legislative/Regulatory Materials (090) EDRS PRICE MF01/PC10 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Access to Education; Economic Development; *Federal Legis_Lation; Fellowships; Hearings; Higher Education; *International Education; *Nontraditional Students; Part Time Students; Resource Centers; *Second Language Learning; *Student Financial Aid; Urban Education; *Urban Programs; Urban Universities IDENTIFIERS Congress 102nd; *Higher Education Act 1965; Higher Education Act Title I; Higher Education Act Title VI; Higher Education Act Title XI ABSTRACT This hearing report, one of a series on the reauthorization of the Higher Education Act of 1965,contains testimony concerning Titles I, VI, and XI ofthat Act. Title authorizes a series of programs designed to aid thenontraditional student. Title VI provides funds for fellowships,the establishment of national resource centers, languageresource centers and business and international education programs. Title XIaddresses partnerships for economic development and urban communityservice. This hearing consisted of two panels which included studentsand individuals from universities, national higher education associations,congressional representatives, and community colleges. The witnessesaddressed the following issues: the needs of part-cime andadult students, the internationalization of higher education, foreignlanguage learning, study abroad, cooperative educationprograms, the needs of urban areas and the role that urban universities can play there,and educating the workforce. The prepared statementsof the witnesses as well as supporting documents and supplemental materialsare included. (JB) *********************************************************************** Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best thatcan be made from the original document. **********************************$*********************************** HEARING ON THEREAUTHORIZATION OFTHE HIGHER EDUCATIONACT OF 1965: TITLESI, VI, AND XI HEARING BEFORE THE SUBCOMMITTEE ONPOSTSECONDARY EDUCATION OF THE COMMITTEE ONEDUCATION ANDLABOR HOUSE OFREPRESENTATIVES ONE HUNDRED SECONDCONGRESS FIRST SESSION HEARING HELD IN V'ASHINGTON,DC, JULY 24, 1991 Serial No. 102-55 Printed for the use of the Committee on Education andLabor U.S. 01PARTMENT OfEDUCATION (Awe of Educational Researchand Improvement EDUCATIONAL RESOURCESINFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) This document hes beenreproduced as received Irom the person ororganization originAting it tl Minor changes have beenmad. to improve reproduction quality Points ol view or opinions slatedin this docu- ment do not necessarily representofficial OERI Position Or policy BEST COPY AVAii ABLE U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 47-530 v WASHINGTON : 1991 For sale by the U.S. GovernmentPt inting Office Superintendent of Documents, Congressional Sales Office, Washington, DC20402 ISBN 0-16-036930-4 0 COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION AND LABOR WILLIAM D. FORD, Michigan, Chairman JOSEPH M. GAYLV)S, Pennsylvania WILLIAM F. GOODLING, Pennsylvania WILLIAM (BILL) CLAY, Missouri E. THOMAS COLEMAN, Missouri GEORGE MILLER, California THOMAS E. PETRI, Wisconsin AUSTIN J. MURPHY, Pennsylvania MARGE ROUKEMA, New Jersey DALE E. KILDEE, Michigan STEVE GUNDERSON, Wisconsin PAT WLLIAMS, Montana RICHARD K. ARMEY, Texas MATTHEW G. MARTINEZ, California HARRIS W. FAWELL, Illinois MAJOR R. OWENS, New York PAUL B. HENRY, Michigan CHARLES A. HAYES, Illinois CASS BALLENGER, North Carolina CA RL C. PERKINS, Kentucky SUSAN MOLINARI, New York THOMAS C. SAWYER, Ohio BILL BARRETT, Nebraska DONALD M. PAYNE, New Jersey JOHN A. BOEHNER, Ohio NITA M. LOWEY, New Yu. it SCOIT L. KLUG, Wisconsin JOLENE UNSOELD, Washington MICKEY EDWARDS, Oklahoma CRAIG A. WASHINGTON, Texas JOSE E. SERRANO, New York PATSY T. MINK, Hawaii ROBERT A. ANDREWS, New Jersey WILLIAM J. JEFFERSON, Louisiana JOHN F. REED, Rhode Island TIM ROEMER, Indiana JOHN W. OLVER, Massachusetts RON DE LUGO, Virgin Islands JAIME B. FUSTER, Puerto Rico PATRICIA F. RIR:UM, Staff Director ANDREW F. HARTMAN, Minority Staff Director SUBCOMMI'rrES ON POSTSECCIDARY EDUCATION WILLIAM D. FORD, Michigan, Chairman PAT WILLIAMS, Montana E. THOMAS COLEMAN, Missouri CHARLES A. HAYES, Illinois SUSAN MOLINARI, New York JOSEPH M. GAYDOS, Pennsylvania SCOTT L. KLUG, Wisconsin GEORGE MILLER, California WILLIAM F. GOODLING, Pennsylvania NITA M. LOWEY, New York THOMAS E. PETRI, Wisconsin THOMAS C. SAWYER, Ohio MARGE ROUKEMA, New Jersey DONALD M. PAYNE, Ncw Jersey STEVE GUNDERSON, Wisconsin JOLENE UNSOELD, Washington PAUL B. HENRY, Michigan CRAIG A. WASHINGTON, Texas RICHARD K. ARMEY, Texas JOSE E. SERRANO, New Yurk BILL BARRETT, Nebraska PATSY T. MINK, Hawaii ROBERT A. ANDREWS, New Jersey WILLIAM J. JEFFERSON, Louisiana JOHN F. REED, Rhode Island TIM ROEMER, Indiana DALE KILDEE, Michigan CONTENTS Page Hearing held in Washington, DC,July 24, 1991 Statement of: 1 Greenwood, Davydd, Director,Mario Einaudi Center forInternational Studies; accompanied by GilbertMerkx, Director, Latin American Studies Center, University ofNew Mexico; and Ann Olsen Schodde, Vice President for Development, Des Moines As-ea CommunityCollege; G. Richard Tucker, President,Center for Applied Linguistics; Richard Brecht, Director, National Council of Organizations of LessCommonly Taught Languages; Barbara Burn,Associate Provost, International grams, University of Massachusetts-Amherst Pro- 8 Richardson, Evelyn, Student BodyPresident, Bronx Community Kenneth Ryder, Chancellor, College, Northeastern University; WilliamMuse, President, University of Akron,accompanied by David Sweet,Dean, College of Urban Affairs, ClevelandState University; Ronald Temple, President, Community Collegeof Philadelphia; Francis T.borkowski, President, University of SouthFIria; and Calvin Stockman, Dean Continuing Education of 84 Prepared statements, letters,supplemental materials, et Borkowski, Francis T., President, cetera: statement of University of South Florida, prepared Brecht, Richard, Director, 134 National Council of Organizationsof Less Com- monly Taught Languages, preparedstatement of Burn, Barbara, Associate Provost, 46 International Programs, Universityof Massachusetts-Amherst, preparedstatement of Goodling, Hon. William F., 57 a Representative in Convess from theState of Pennsylvania, preparedstatement of Greenmod, Davydd, Director,Mario Einaudi Center for 4 Studies, prepared statementof International Interassociation Task Force,report of 11 Merkx, Gilbert, Director, 163 Latin American Studies Center,University of New Mexico, preparedst.itemeat of Muse, William, 1°resident, 21 University of Akron, preparedstatement of 105 Payne, Hon. Donald M.,a Representative in Congress from theState of New Jersey, preparedstatement of 7 Richardson, Evelyn, StudentBody President, Bronx Community prepared statement of College, Ryder, Kenneth, Chancellor, 87 ment of Northeastern University, preparedstate- 95 Sarantos, Sandra Todd, VicePresident, Educational and opment Services, Valencia Community Economic Devel- Schodde, Ann Olsen, Vice College, prepared statement oi 211 President for Development, DesMoines Area Community College, preparedstatement of. Henry A., Vice President and 25 and Educational Credentials, Director, Center for Adult Learning statement of American Council on Education,prepared Stockman, Calvin, Dean of 206 Continuing Education, preparedstatement of 145 Sweet, David, Dean, College ofUrban Affairs, Cleveland State prepared state. -lent of University, Temple, Ronald President, 114 statement of Community College of Philadelphia,prepared Tucker, G. Richard, President, 125 statement of Center for Applied Linguistics,prepared 37 HEARING ON THE REAUTHORIZATIONOF THE HIGHER EDUCATION ACTOF 1965 WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, 1D91 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, S. -COMMITTEE ON POSTSECONDARYEDUCATION, COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION AND LABOR, Washington, DC. The subcommittee met, pursuantto call, at 9:37 a.m., Room 2175, Rayburn House Office Building, Hon.William D. Ford [Chairman] presiding. Members present: Representatives Ford,Hayes, Sawyer, Serrano, Andrews, Reed, Molinari, Klug,Good ling, Roukema, Gunderson, and Olver. Staff present: Thomas Wolanin,staff director; Diane Stark, legis- lative associate; Jack Jennings,counsel; Gloria Gray-Watson, ad- ministrative assistant; Brent Lampkin,staff assistant; Jo Marie St. Martin, education counsel forthe minority staff; and Rose DiNa- poli, minority professionalstaff member. Chairman FORD. Today,we convene the Postsecondary Education Subcommittee's 39th of 44 hearingson the Reauthorization of the Highvr Education Act. Today'shearing will focus on Titles I, VI, and XI of that Act. Since we are drawing closeto the end of the hearingswe have observed thatwe have only two field hearings left. On Friday of this week, there will bea hearing in South Bend, Indiana. On Sat- urday, there will bea hearing in New Orleans. The hearing in New Orleans will be the follow-uphearing on historically black colleges
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