PP' CIRCULATION LARGER THAN ALL OTHER RADIO MAGAZINES COMBINED 20 Cents June 1921 Over 100 Illustrations Edited by H. GERNSBACK "THE 100% WIRELESS MAGAZ!Nir ; www.americanradiohistory.com CUNNINGHAM po wER TUBES Type C -302 Demand 5 watt output Cunningham Tubes Price $8.00 The Name is etched on the Tube C W TELEGRAPHY AND TELEPHONY WITH CUNNINGHAM TRANS- MITTER TUBES OFFERS THE ADVANTAGES OF COMPACTNESS - RELIABILITY - LONG RANGE - LOW POWER - SHARP TUNING TH A NSMITTFR TI JBE SPECIFICATIONS Output Filament Plate Conservative Delivery Model Rating Amps.p Volts Voltage Price Date C 302 5 watts 2.35 7.5 350 -400 $8.00 immediate C 303 5o watts 6.5 io. r000 30.00 Mar. 10th C 304 250 watts 15. 12. 4000 Max. II o.00 Mar. 10th Price of C 303 -C 304 fob. New York or San Francisco C 302 is mounted on the standard four prong receiving tube base. The larger tubes have special bases. TNNIlvr'" A POWER TUBES are the latest product of the great Research Laboratory of the General Electric Co. The trade mark GE is the guarantee of their quality. Each tube is built to most rigid specifications. The output ratings are extremely conservative and in actual test deliver greatly in ex cess of their rated outputs. I GENERAL ELECTRIC QUALITY PLUS CUNNINGHAM SERVICE Address All Communications to TRADING AS AUDIOTRON MFG. COMPANY i 35 MONTGOMERY STREET SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. www.americanradiohistory.com Radio News for June, 1921 849 No. 766 Eveready Wireless Station Battery. No. 763 Eveready Airplane Standardized for use in U. S. Navy Wireless Battery. Standardized for use in U. S. Signal Corps Aviation Section Four points of superiority in Eveready B No. 766 Wireless Receiving Battery Long Life have always wanted a -due to high quality of materials and refinement of VOU process better dry battery with lasting Perfect Insulation power; silent as a desert; stable as due to each cell being coated with paraffin and to over those four separation of cells with a rock. Read waterproof cardboard points that make Eveready B No. Noiseless Operation -due to efficient depolari- 766 the ideal Battery for your zation, thorough connection, and prevention of corrosive puncture and leaks receiving set. High Voltage Maintenance get an -due to right proportion- Then go to your dealer, ing of high grade ingre- dients and to insulation Eveready, hitch it up, and enjoy the marked increase in the effect- iveness of your equipment. AMERICAN EVEREADY WORKS of National Carbon Company, Inc. 226 Thompson Avenue, Long Island City, New York Chicago Atlanta San Francisco VACUUM TUBE BATTERIES Every Wireless Operator Has Use for an Eveready Flashlight FLASHLIGHTS AND BATTERIES A-21-TE www.americanradiohistory.com CONTENTS VOL. 2 FOR JUNE PAGE Money from Radio.... By H. Gernsback 853 The Radio Compass, Vacation Time Radio, By Lt. Com. Frank Luckel 866 By Arthur H. Lynch Who's Who in Radio. Professor Edouard Branly Awards of $loo Portable Radio Prize 867 Contest 855 Atmosferic Conditions in the Tropics, By Charles A. Reberger 867 A New Use for Radio 856 The Arc and Radiotelefone Transmis- The California Theatre Radio Station 857 sion By John F. Bront 868 Give Yourself a Radio Vacation, The Efficient Design of Vacuum Tube BY Armstrong Perry 858 Telegraf and Telefone Sets, The Radio Compass on Airplanes, By Jesse Marsten 87o By S. R. Winters An Efficient Loading Coil and No Dead End Switch By Allen E. Latham 872 The Washington Air Mail Radio Station, By S. R. Winters 86o The Construction of Intervalve and Tele- f one Transformers.. By Joseph G. Reed 872 Church Uses Radiofone 86o A Universal Receiving Cabinet, A Portable 200 to 90o Meter Regenerative. By Hilbert R. Moore 873 Receiver By F. J. Fox 861 Results Accomplisht with One Bulb, Construction of Ball and Cup Variome- By Albert R. Champlin 873 ters By Edmund S. Smith 862 Radio Digest 874 Audio Frequency Transformer Built from $10o Radio Accessory Prize Contest 875 Auto Spark Coil Secondary, Newspaper Uses Amateur Radio Reporters 875 By G. H. Stackpole, Jr. 862 The Thirteenth Tap, A. C. for Heating V. -T. Filament, By Bernard S. Greensfelder 876 By Professor M. Moye 863 Married via Radio..By Erald A. Schivo 8i7 A Tube Transmitter Using A. C. on the With the Amateurs 878 Plate By D. S. Basim 863 Junior Section 88o A Mental Telegraf, Junior Constructor 881 plllil IUfl11111iUilUIIIIIU By Maurice Buchbinder 864 Correspondence from Readers 882 Washington's Birthday Relay Results, Club Gossip 883 By H. W. Kirwan 864 I- Want -To -Know 884 The Vacuum Tube in Radiotelefony, A "Scoop" for RADIO NEWS 886 By John Scott -Taggart 865 Judge Mayer Sustains Armstrong Patent 886 - 9./U/.!l/ RADIO NEW S is publisht on the 25th of each month at included. ALL accepted contributions are paid for on publication. A 233 Street. New York. There 12 Aton are numbers per year. Subscrip- special rate is paid for novel expe¢im,ihts ; good photographs accompanying tion price is $2.00 a year in U. S. and possessions. Canada and foreign them are highly desirable. countries, $2.50 a year. U. S. coin as well as U. S. Stamps accepted (no foreign coins or stamps). Single copies, 20 cents each. A sample copy will RADIO NEW S. Monthly. Entered as second -class matter June be sent gratis on request. Checks and money orders should be drawn to Sth, 1919, at the Post Office at New York, N. Y., under the Act of order of ELYPERIMENTEIì PUBLISHING CO., INC. If you should March 3. 1897, Title registered U. S. Patent Office. Copyright, 1921, by change your address notify us promptly, in order that copies be not mis- E. P. Co., Inc.. New York The Experimenter Publishing Co., 233 Fulton carried or lost. No copies sent after expiration. Street, N. Y., N. Y. The Contents of this magazine are copyrighted and All communications and contributions to this journal should be ad- must not be reproduced without giving full credit to the publication. drest to : Editor, RADIO NEWS, 233 Fulton Street, New York. RADIO NEWS is for Unaccepted contributions been sale at all newsstands in the United States cannot be returned unless full postage has and Canada; also at Brentano's, 37 Avenue de l'Opera, Paris. Publisht by EXPERIMENTER PUBLISHING CO., INC. 233 Fulton Street, New York City H. GERNSBACB, President S. GERNSBACX, Treasurer L R. W. DE MOTT, Secretary www.americanradiohistory.com Radio News for June, 1921 851 JUNE ATLANTIC RADIO" ULL TIN Have YOU Received A new idea in Radio Tele- phone Transmitting and Re- particulars of the ceiving Apparatus. Panels new are all g inches high, vary- ing widths. Designed for placing side by side with binding posts in line for con- DE FOREST venience in wiring. Adapt- able to any operating re- "INTERPANEL" quirement, - short or long wave reception, - telephone EQUIPMENT? transmission, - one or two stage amplification, -etc., etc. Panels supplied with Special bulletin on request. or without cabinets. A New Amplifying Transformer -G. R. 231A Are you getting the most out of your tube A complete amplifier is m o r e than a mere assembly of parts. It consists first of the selection of units of correct electrical character- istics. An amplifying transformer must be more than a coil of wire and a core. It must have incorpor- ated in it the results De Forest of engineering skill. Type 231A amplify- ing transformer is Hand designed specifically for the new Radiotron tubes. The design is right, the appearance Microphone is right and the price is right. Price completely mounted, $5.00 Furnished with cord Shipping weight 1 lb. and terminals for connection to binding posts. Transmitting Tube Rheostat Westinghouse Radio Price $6.00 Equipment The new five watt Radio- Ship. wt. 5 lbs. tron tubes require a. fila- ment current of 2.35 am- Westinghouse Radio Equipment embodies peres. Type 214A is a the latest ideas in receiving equipment, 2 -ohm transmitting tube providing a most efficient set for telegraphs rheostat which will carry and telephone reception over the amateur This 2.5 amperes. re- and normal ship wave - length ranges. Dubilier Universal sistance is sufficient to The regulate the new tubes on Type R. A. Short Wave tuner, Stylo as high as a 12 volt sup- 307159, responds to a. wave-length of 180 Condenser ply source. This rheostat to 700 meters and is especially selective. May be used in audio and Radio fre- does not run hot scot may accordingly be mounted Type D. A. detector -amplifier, stylo quency circuits, for receiving equipment, a vacuum tube detector self- rectifying circuits, direct current inside of enclosed trans- 307190, combines transmiters and other tube transmitters mitting cabinets where with a two -stage amplifier. Both units up to 100 watts. space is often very limit- are mounted on JIicarta. panels attached ed. Like the G. R. re- mahogany cabinet. Simple mfd. to a polished No. 301 1000 Volts 0005 ceiving tube rheostats in design -easy to operate -single- tuning No. 303 1000 Volts 001 mfd. and grid biasing potentiometers, it is made in two styles. 214A No. 305 1000 Volts 002 mfd. for back of panel mounting and 2141.1 for surface mounting. circuit. Highly efficient. mfd. No. 307 1000 Volts 005 Type R. A. Tuner $65.00 Price $2.50 Typo D. A. Detector Amplifier 65.00 $2.00 Shipping weight 1 lb. Type R. C. (Combination of above in single cabinet) 125.00 Shipping wt. 1 lb. mounted Radio Corporation Intervalve Transformer Model U. V. 712 Designed especially for use with the Radiotron U.
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