.I'I'ORIALS Dr. Fisher CG Resignation Wolfpack Club Vol. XXXII, No. 13 State College Station, Raleigh, N. 0., Jan. 25, 1952 137-139 1911 Building ASK FOR MOP-UP PROFITS The Wolfpack Club has Reveal Plan For Student Petition Poll—and Vote Show not yet released to The As Chancellor, Students Confer Technician any statement Eight students conferred with Chancellor Harrelson yes- on last' Thursday’s. closed terday noon on the recent Campus Government white paper door session although re- Split Over Tickets and on the possibility of petitioning the Board of Trustees to quested to' do 'so by Chan- allocate all net profits of the Student Supply Stores to student At the January 17 student meet- games last and got the worst seats cellor Harrelson. Campus activities. ing Campus Government President in the specific student section? Government President George Pruden presented the re- Yes No Before attending the session, : suits of a poll conducted during 59% 41% George Pruden and Techni- George Pruden said that discussion registration. The poll indicates 4. Do you think that a student cian editor Paul Foght were Design Dean To Attend of the white paper, which has not that over threefourths of the stu- should be allowed to let his date > refused entrance to the UNESCO Conferences yet been presented to the Faculty dent body is dissatisfied with seat- (or wife) use his or a friend’s Council, would center on an elabora- ing arrangements for basketball athletic book in getting into ath- meeting last week because Dean Talley Invited tion of the projects the paper out- games. letic events? “it did not concern .. stu- lined. which Yes No The U. S. Department of State The results of the poll, dents.” has named Dean Henry L. Kamp- The projected petition, the eight was tabulated just prior to the 80% 20% stated, would ask the trustees to re- caucus in Pullen Hall last Thurs- 5. Do you think that a student The Chancellor reported hoefner of the School of Design as a delegate to the third national lease all of the Store’s profits to day, are as follows: should be allowed to let any non- that during the conference student use. At the September student use his athletic book in conference of the United Nations 1. Are you satisfied with seat. he asked H. C. Kennett, the Economic, Scientific, and Cultural meeting of the Board, 15 per cent ing arrangements in: getting into the athletic events? of the profits were released for stu- Yes . No Yes No . club’s top executive, to pre- Organization. The UNESCO conference will dent use and Chancellor Harrelson Football 48% 52% 41% 59% pare a statement for release has ordered plans drawn for a Basketball? 24% 76% 6. Would your answers to ques- begin Sunday at Hunter College in to Pruden and Foght. Ath- New York City. Theme of the dis- recreational area to be constructed .sar.-.‘a; 2. Where do you think the stu- tions four and five be the same if the situation became one in which letic Director Roy Clogston cussions will be “The Citizen and with this year’s 15 per cent of the dents should be allowed to sit in: Struggle revenue. there were so many outsiders (both stated after the meeting the United Nations—the Football games? dates and others) getting to the for Peace, Freedom,and Advance- Pruden said that the petition Basketball games? that Dr. H. A. Fisher would ment. would also ask that a large portion The answers all indicated a games early and getting the best seats that you had to take what have the statement. Fisher Among those attending the of the new money be directed to preference for center section the Physical Education department was left. said only that Kennett could gathering will be American paint- seats. Yes No ers, sculptors, graphic artists, to develop a larger student sperts 3. If tickets for these events . 74% 26% not attend the student body architects, and representatives of program. A petition asking for an were done away with and the stu- Another expression of student meeting that night. education, science, and the other increase in fees to accomplish this dents used only their athletic books opinion was discussed at the last professions. purpose was sent to the trustees in A to admit them to a specific stu- meeting of Campus Government. This week William Bran- Banks Talley, Assistant Dean 1950, but no effective action has , dent section, would you be satis- (Continued on Page 2) nin, secretary of the club, of Students, has also been invited been taken on it. fied with a “first-‘come-first-serve" reported from his office in to attend the conference, but he The plans presented to the Chan- basis even when you got to the stated Tuesday that he has not yet cellor called for the presentation Frosh Class Eledions the Coliseum that he could been able to accept. of the petitions to the student body release no statement. at the next mass meeting which is planned for the Coliseum on Feb- ‘ alma Changed lo Jan. 31 lhree Sworn lnlo CG ruary 14 or 21. The Board of Trus- tees will hold its next meeting on The deadline for freshmen to Campus Government Secretary February 29. The students stated register as candidates for election Vince Outland announced Tuesday that the petitions would not be pre- mater to class offices has been moved back that only one of the four members sented to the trustees if a majority ‘ to 5 p.m., Wednesday, January 30. who had been asked to resign had of the student body did not sign The first down has been made The Dean of Students’ office re- appealed, George Benning. The them. for you, the students, by the lead- ported that only one man had reg- council has accepted the resigna- tion of the other three members as The eight who met with the ers who met with Chancellor Har- istered to run for the class presi- Out- relson yesterday and presented dency as elections drew near. final. Chancellor were Pruden, Vince their idea of a student petition. The elections will be held Thurs- Three new members were then land, Dick Pitts and John Dinan This wasn’t just done on the part day, January 31, in Pullen Hall at sworn in—Don Cheek from Recre- for Campus Government; Dick of the few who met in that office, noon. Candidates for election ation, Bill Grifiin from Agricul- Baugh for the IDC; Monroe Brett- but it was done on your part in the should register in room 12, Holla- ture and John Adams from De- ler for the IFC; Jack McCormick, hopes of equalizing and bettering day Hall. sign. president of the College Union; and the present inequitable setup. R. C. Davis, a Textile School Paul Foght, editor of The Techni- No phase of a college or educa- instructor, wrote a letter which tional institution should be in the Syme Men Resist (Continued on Page 2) cian. profit making business, especially at the expense of its own students. Eviction Threats Having no other information to go on due to uncooperative atti- Proclaiming “We paid for the Student Directory Aid tudes, the students and this news- room and will defend it unto the paper must assume that the Mop- death,” the occupants of Syme’s up and Book Store are grossly basement floor took a decisive Stirs C G Controversey profitable in their operations. stand against moving during the outlays .for ballots and faculty With your cooperation in attend- past week. Syme, long condemned, A major portion of C. G.’s Tues- is finally being evacuated in order day meeting was taken up by a evaluation sheets. A stipulation ing the next mass meeting and was then made that the adminis- signing the petition which will be that reconstruction and remodeling discussion of and the ensuing pro- work can begin. posals concerned with the printing, tration would publish the next circulated, the above named enter; issue at its own expense. prises will enter fields, philan- Armed with baseball bats, 2-inch by the “Y” of a new Student Di- thropic. Such a change will indeed salutes, torpedoes, pop bottles and rectory. The budget-wise councilmen then be interesting to watch. toothpicks the valiant group are This publication, formerly fi- tabled the motion, plus the amend- ment for consideration. They did Soap boxes are beginning to forming tactical defense plans. nanced and handled by the admin- There was talk of erecting a barri- EnlightenmentI istration, ceased circulation two pass a motion however, which appear on the campus scene as the stipulated that the “Y” would re- date of the first class election ap- cade at one corridor terminus in During the Christmas holidays, years ago. Lack of funds was given a maneuver which showed the same as the reason. ceive financial aid from C.G. funds. proaches. This is the first year that the first portion of a complete new Said C. G. Veep, John Dinan, “This all candidates will be required to type of courage and determination lighting system was installed on The “Y" has planned to rein- as that shown by the men who state the publication as a student is a good opportunity to show the register their candidacy before Dunn Avenue by the college main- hand in order to avoid any torch- retreated to “impregnable” Corre- service. It is hoped to provide students that we are doing some- light era campus political coup at gidor during the last war.
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