DIRECTORY.] CORNWALL. CREED. 1077 register of baptisms dates from the year 1563; marriages, picturesque and interesting; it is the property of Francis 1679 ; burials, I559· The living is a vicarage, average Granville Gregor esq .lord of the manor and chief landowner. tithe rent-charge £I~ 10s., net yearly value £36, including The soil is shelf; subsoil, shelf. The chief crops are wheat, 10 acres of glebe, m the gift of the vicar of Probus, and held barley, oats and turnips. The area is 1,297 acres; rateable since 1868 by the Rev. Lewis Morgan Peter M.A. of Exeter value, £1,235; the population in 1891 was 84. College, Oxford, who is also rector of Ruan Lanihorne, and Sexton, John Corkhill. resides at Treviles. 'l'rewarthenick House, a plain stone Letters from Gramponnd Road via Tregony arrive at 9.30 building (now unoccupied), is a commodious mansion, on a.m. The nearest money order & telegraph office is at the western side of the river Fal, in grounds of about 50 Tregony acres in extent ; the various plantations and lawns and the This place is included in Tregony United School Board windings of the ri\·er combine to make the scenery highly district, formed Sept. 28, 1875 Alien Hy. gamekpr. to F. G. Gregor esq I Evans John, Gregor Arms P.H Pascoe William. gardener to F. G · Bennetto Thomas, farmer, Penpoll Hotten John, farmer Gregor esq. Trewarthenick Elliott John, farmer, Killiow, Penvose Pascoe Stephen, farmer, Grogarth SleemanThomas,farmer,Trewarthenick & Trelaska Y elland J ames, farmer, Mellingoose CRANTOCK (or ST. CRA~TOCK) is a parish and village on propriator, and held since 1878 by the Rev. Henry John the north· coast of Cornwall, at the mouth of the river EllioLt Smith M.A. of Worcester College, Oxford. At the Gannel~ 2 miles south-west from Newquay station, on a dissolution of monastic houses there were here a dean, nine branch (Cornwall Minerals line) of the Great Western rail- prebendaries and four vicars choral, and revenues amount­ way, 10 west-south-west from St. Columb Major, in the ing to £8g 15s. 8d. ; out of which Christopher Sanders, the Mid division of the county, hundred and petty sessional last dean, received a pension. There is a Wesleyan chapel. division of Pydar, St. Columb Major union and county The Well of St. Carantocus is in the centre of the village, court district, rural deanery of Pydar, archdeaconry of and over it is a rude covering of stone about 5 feet high and Cornwall and diocese of Truro. The collegiate church of 4 wide. The principal landowners are Christopher Henry St. Carantocus was founded by William Bruere, Bishop of Thomas Hawkins esq. l.P., D.L. of Trewithan, Probus ; Exeter (1224-45), in the time of Henry Ill. for a dean and Viscount Falmouth and Messrs. William Martyn, of ten prebendaries and is a building of local sandstone, Pempoll ; William Martyn, of Saltash, and William Francis chiefly in the Perpendicular style, whh some portions of Johns. The soil is loam and sand; subsoil, killas. The Early English date, consisting of chancel, nave of two bays, chief crops are wheat, barley and roots. The area is 2,552 aisles, south porch and a western tower containing 6 bells: acres (of which 95 are water); rate!!.ble value, £2,562; the the chancel retains a Decorated piscina and a niche with population in 1891 was 301. stone shelf : there are some remains of the screen, and the Sexton, Harold .Morcom. rood stairs are used as an approach to the pulpit through PosT OFFICE.-Charles Henry Jenkin, sub-postmaster. one of the piers : the silver chalice of the communion Letters through Grampound Road arrive about 9.45 a. m. service is dated 1576: the font, of native elvan, is dated & are dispatched at 2.55 p.m. Newquay is the nearest 1474 : in the church is preserved a piece of sculpture in money order & telegraph office alabaster, the intention of which is not known ; fragments of stone coffins may still be found scattered about: there A School Board of 5 members was formed July 20, I874; are 200 sittings. The register of baptisms dates from 1615; Charles Henry Jenkins, clerk to the board marriages and burials, I559· The living i~ a vicarage, net Board School, built in 1876, at a cost of £4oo, for 6o yearly value £71, including 30 acres of glebe, with resi- children; average attendance, 41; Miss Annie Widden, dence, in the gift of Lord Churston, who is also the lay im- mistress King Capt. Arthur W. Tregunnel house House Henry, farmer & steam thrash- Martyn William, yeoman, Penpoll Martyn Edward Lawer ing & reaping machine proprietor Plummer Joseph, farmer, Leseliston Smith Rev.Hy.Jn.Elliott M. A. Vicarage House Henry Arthur,farmer ,Trevemper Richards Thomas, farmer, West Pentire House John, farmer, Winsor Rowe Alfred Augustus, farmer, Trerew COMMERCIAL. House Nicholas, farmer, Cairn Rowe Peter, farmer, Trethellan Jenkin Charles Henry, shopkeeper & Rowe Richard, farmer, West Pentire Blewett Thos, Jarvis, farmer, Trevowah overseer, Post office Salmon Jonathan, miller (water) & Chegwidden Alfred, mason Jenkin William, farmer, Trevowah farmer, Trevemper Chegwidden Waiter, shoe maker Johns Edward Lawer, grocer & draper Sleeman Minnie (Miss), dress maker Crowle Francis James, carpenter Johns William Francis, farmer & land- Sleeman Salathiel, farmer, Trewothiel Ueorge Jane (Mrs. ),shopkpr. & aprtmts owner, Treringy Step hens Jas. miller (water), Treagoe ml George 1\'lary Brewer (Miss), dress ma Jory Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments :r'rebilcock Joseph, blacksmith Hawke Clara & Carrie (Misses), apart- Kneebone Joseph, farmer, Trevella Wearne Edward, farmer, Treagoe ments, St. Ambro's villa · Martyn Richard Johns,farmer,Trewolla CREED, with GRAMPOUND chapelry, is a parish and including 30 acres of glebe, with house, in the gift of C. H. township, 3 miles south from Grampound Road station on T. Hawkins esq. and held since r888 by the Rev. Charles the Great Western railway, 6 south-west from St. Austell Henry Gerald Vivian B.A. of Pembroke College, Oxford. and 8 east from 'fruro, in the Mid division of the county, Garlenick House,the property of John Gwennap-DenysMoore west division of Powder hundred, petty sessional division of esq. J.P. and now occupied by Mrs. Pilkington-Jackson, was Powder South, St. Austell union and county court district, re-built early in the present century, and is pleasantly rural deanery of Powder, archdeaconry of Cornwall and situated in a wooded valley. Christopher Henry Thomas diocese of Truro. In this parish is the major part of the Hawkins esq. D.L., J.P. of Trewithan, Probus, is lord of the disfranchised borough of Gramponnd. The river Fal, which manor. The principal landowners are the Earl of Mount separates this parish from Probus, is crossed at Grampound Edgcumbe P.c., D.C.L., r •. L. Viscount Falmouth, Lord by a substantial stone bridge of two arches. The church of Robartes, George R. G. Carlyon D.L., J.P. John Tremayne St. Crida is a building of stone, in the Perpendicu1ar style, esq. B.A., D.L., J.P. of Heligan, St. Austell, John Charles consisting of chancel, nave of five bays, south aisle, north Williams esq. M.P. of Caerhays Castle, St. Michael Caer­ transept, south porch and an embattled western tower, hayes, Michael Henry Williams esq. n. L. ,;r. P. of Pencalenick, built in 1733, with four pinnacles and containing 3 bells, of the trustees of the late Rev. John Daubuz B.A. and John which the treble is undated; the second hag an inscription Gwennap-Denys Moore esq. J.P. of Trewithen, Grampound to St. Thomas, in Old English lotters; the tenor was cast in Road. The soil is a rich loam; subsoil, mar] and clay. 1633: in the transept is a stoup, with a Norman shaft and The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats and roots. This is Decorated hood moulding: the rood loft stairs and part of purely an agricultural district. The area is 2,666 acres ; the screen remain: there are memorials to Thomas Denys rateable value, £3,043; and the population (exclusive of gent. 1589, and Marion, his wife, 1570, and Henry Denys Grampound) in 1891 was 244. B.C.L. their son, 1602, with others of a. later date : the Parish Clerk, William Andrew. church has 200 sittings. The register,incorporating Gram- Letters through Grampound Road arrive at 8 a. m. Gram- pound, dates from the year 16 53· The livmg is a rectory, pound is the nearest money order & telegraph office average tithe rent-charge £342, gross yearly value £392, The school for this parish is in Grampound Dundee Col. Robert H. Quarry park Daddow Josiah, fanner, Trewinnow Nettle Richard, farmer, Trekain Pilkington-Jackson Mrs. Garlenick ho DungeyFrances(~Irs. ),frmr.Ventonwan Reynolds Samuel, farmer, Treswallan VivianRev.Chas.Hy.GeraldB.A.Rectory EmmettThos.miller(water),Baileys mill Roberts Samuel, farmer, Tregidgio Filkins Jane (Mrs.), farmer, Pengilly Smith Hy. Daniel,butcher,Hewas water COMMERCIAL. Grigg Joseph, farmer, Nantellan Stephens Edwin, farmer, Garlenick Arthur Margt. (Mrs. ),farmer, Trevillack Hawken Joseph&John,farmers,Nancor Stephens John, farmer, Polglaze BroadWilliamHy.farmer, Trewarmenna Lane John, farmer, Corwinnick Tank Samuel Edward, farmer, Tre Clark Richard, farmer, Trencreek Ma,g:or John, farmer, Pennanse villack ; & miller at Grampound Croggan Thomas, farmer, Tregonjohn Michell Richard, farmer, Pencoyse Tretheway Samuel, farmer • .
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