Mayor Doug Shumway Mayor Pro Tem Mike Barnes, District 1 Councilor Jim Smith, District 2 City Manager Robert McBride Councilor Maria Rogers, District 3 CITY COUNCIL Councilor Tim Davis, District 4 NOTICE OF MEETING Councilor Jane Bosley, District 5 Councilor Kim Roberts, District 6 Regular Meeting Agenda City Hall, City Council Chambers 302 S. 4th Street Item description -2 test firefox, tester MSUI GOTHIC REUGLAR New font check asdfa a dsfadsfasd 12:00 AM Gulimche regular Jan 17th pre release testing agenda impact 01/25/2020 aasdfasd fas fa dfasd fmicrosfot taile test firefox, tester asdf adf edwardin script jaskdjf;lkadsjf jfa sdifu osdaujfasjdf;lkasdjfjlsdf asdf sdafdfsdfas font family YU Gothic serif What is Lorem Ipsum? 1. Aharoni Bold Item two 2. Aldhabi Regular Item two 3. Andalus Regular Item two 4. Angsana New Item two 5. AngsanaUPC Item two 6. Aparajita Item two 7. Arabic Typesetting Regular Item two 8. Arial Item two 9. Batang Regular Item two 10. BatangChe Regular Item two 11. Browallia New Item two 12. BowalliaUPC Item two 13. Calibri Item two 14. Cambria Item two 15. Cambria Math Regular Item two 16. CandaraItem two 17. Comic Sans MSItem two 18. Consolas Item two 19. ConstantiaItem two 20. Corbel Item two 21. Cordia New Item two 22. CordiaUPC Item two 23. Courier New Item two 24. Courier Item two 25. DaunPenh Item two 26. Dotum Item two 27. DotumChe Item two 28. Ebrima Item two 29. Edwardian Script ITC Item two 30. Estrangelo Edessa Item two 31. EcrosiaUPC Item two 32. Euphemia Item two 33. FangSong Item two 34. Fixedsys Regular Item two 35. Franklin Gothic Item two 36. FrankRuehl Item two 37. FreesiaUPCItem two 38. Gabriola Item two 39. Gadugi Item two 40. Gautami Item two 41. Georgia Item two 42. Gill Sans MT Item two 43. Gisha Item two 44. GulimItem two 45. GulimChe Item two 46. Gungsuh Item two 47. GungsuhChe Item two 48. Impact Item two 49. IrisUPC Item two 50. Iskoola Pota Item two 51. Kartika Item two 52. KhmerUI Item two 53. KodichiangUPC Item two 54. Kokila Item two 55. LaoUI Item two 56. Latha Item two 57. Lato Item two 58. Lato Hairline Item two 59. Leelawadee Item two 60. Leelawadee UI Item two 61. Levenim MT Item two 62. LilyUPC Item two 63. Lucida Calligraphy Italic Item two 64. Lucida Console Regular Item two 65. Lucida Handwriting Italic Item two 66. Lucida Sans Unicode Regular Item two 67. Malgun Gothic Item two 68. Mangal Item two 69. Meriyo Item two 70. Meriyo UI Item two 71. Micro soft Himalaya Item two 72. MIcrosoft JhengHei Item two 73. Microsoft New Tai Lue Item two 74. Microsoft PhagsPa Item two 75. Microsoft YaHei UI Item two 76. Microsoft Yi Baiti Regular Item two 77. MingLiU Item two 78. MingLiU_HKSCS Item two 79. MingLiU_HKSCS-ExtB Item two 80. MingLiU-ExtB RegularItem two 81. Miriam Fixed Item two 82. Miriam Item two 83. MOdern Item two 84. Mongolian Baiti Item two 85. MoolBoran Item two 86. Ms Gothic Regular Item two 87. MS Mincho Regular Item two 88. MS PGothic Regular Item two 89. MS PMincho Regular Item two 90. MS Sans Serif regular Item two 91. MS Serif Item two 92. MS UI Gothic Regular Item two 93. MV Boli Item two 94. Myanmar TExt Item two 95. Narkisim Item two 96. Nirmala UI Item two 97. NSimSun Item two 98. Nyala Item two 99. Palatino Linotype Item two 100. Plantagenet Cherokee Regular Item two 101. PmingLiU Item two 102. PmingLiU-ExtB Item two 103. Raavi Item two 104. Rod Item two 105. Roman Item two 106. Sakkal Majalla Item two 107. Script Item two 108. Segoe Print Item two 109. Segoe Script Item two 110. Segoe UI Item two 111. Segoe UI Emoji Item two 112. Segoe UI Symbol Item two 113. Shonar Bangla Item two 114. Shruti Item two 115. SimHei Item two 116. Simplified Arabic Item two 117. Simplified Arabic Fixed Regular Item two 118. SimSun Item two 119. SimSun-ExtB Item two 120. Sitka Banner Item two 121. Sitka Display Item two 122. Sitka heading V 123. Sitka text Item two 124. Small Fonts Item two 125. Sylfaen Item two 126. 127. Symphony in ABC Italic Item two 128. System Bold Item two 129. Tahoma Item two 130. Terminal V 131. Times New Roman Item two 132. Traditional Arabic Item two 133. Trebuchet MS Item two 134. Tunga Item two 135. Urdu Typesetting Item two 136. Utsaah Item two 137. Vani Item two 138. Verdana Item two 139. Vijaya Item two 140. Vrinda Item two 141. 142. 143. Yu Gothic Item two 144. Yu Mincho Item two PLEASE NOTE: If you are an individual with a disability who is in need of a reader, qualified sign language interpreter, or any other form of auxiliary aid or service to attend or participate in the hearing or meeting, please contact the Office of the City Clerk at (123) 456-7890 at least one week prior to the meeting. POSTED: City Clerk’s Office, Motor Vehicle Division, Public Health Office, Post Office, Library. Filed in the office of the City Clerk on the _____________________________________ Kate Morgan, City Clerk.
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