
ews Vol. 44 - No 23 Grosse POInte, Michigan, Thursday, June 9, 1983 30 cenls 42 Pages Board of education election is Monday ferred to PIerce under Brummel'~ Last month, a group of con- By Joanne Gouleche Tag your dog tentatl\,e recommendations Mrs cerned parents calling Itself the Monday's school board electwn Kennel said that move would be a Quality EducatIOn Coalition threw Will end one of the most c1osely- phySIcal 1mpo~~lbllIty after her ItS support to candIdates Peters Okay all you lB.\'.' breakers, W::lt('hpli campRien<; In rp('pnl rpr>pnf fotlr nf q,~ schoo! ~nd Swlhng\\crf en theIr st.:lnds listen up The Farms PolIce memory The remammg five candidates, on the school clOSing Issue QEC Department has announced it's The electIOn has stIrred conSId- spokesman Jane Nutter called gomg to start gettmg tough Vmcent LoCIcero, Thomas Peters, erable citizen mterest largely be- DaVId Russell, Frank Stellingwerf Peters and Stellmgwerf "the wIth all you dog owners out darkhorses m this race" but msis- cause of Supt Kenneth Brum- and Sharon Vasher concede de- there who haven't yet acquired mel's now delayed proposal to ted the group would "hIt the new hcenses for your four leg- cllnmg enrollment IS a problem to close four elementary schools next be dealt WIth m the Pomtes, but brIcks" just the same In gettmg ged friends the two contenders elected fall, an Issue that dommated the not nece.,sanly In the way Brum- campaIgn from the start mel has proposed The candIdates themselves have According to Ptl. John Far- been conducting qUIet campaigru., ley, the Farms WIll soon begin Whoever IS elected to the two The five contenders generally attending coffees and dIstributIng to issue tickets to those violat- board seats on Monday WIll ultI- cntIcize the superIntendent's plan, flyers door-to-door While one, ing the ordinance mately vote on the superInten- saymg It would threaten property VlOcent LoCicero, Intends to dent's plan in November, some- values, dIsrupt the neIghborhood spend In the neighborhood of We don't know about you, but thmg that WIll most likely tngger school concept and leave no provI- $3,000 to $4,000 to get elected, can- the sight of all those dogs walk- a larger than normal voter turn- sIOns for future uses of vacant dIdate Anthony Skomski said he ing around wIth theIr legs in out at the polls for a local school school bUlldmgs WIll spend a modest $25 to run his handcuffs IS just going to be too • board election campaign much to bear Citizen interest In the board The race has attracted race peaked early In the cam- Below IS a brIef look at the seven candIdates, some of whom paIgn, parllcularly at several pub- seven candidates vymg for the I have made no secret about where lic hearmgs held at schools tar- two four-year seats on Monday I they stand agaInst ~upt geted to close At one such hear- f Brummel's proposal One of the mg, parents demanded to know • Dorothy Kennel, 61, of MIddle- t, TVatBD • most vocal In hIS opPOsItion has how board preSident Dorothy sex Road, In the Park. Mrs. Ken- been candIdate Anthony Skomskl, Kennel mtended to vote on Supt nel, a former kindergarten l The Bronze Door played host who described the supennten- Brummel's recommendatIOn. (Continued on Page 2A) dent's recommendatIon as "Irres- I to a TV celebrity last Friday " i when "General Hospital's" ponSIble" and showmg an "ex- , Tristan Rogers stopped 10 for treme lack of admimstrative abil- a bIte According to a restaur- ity and sensItivity to the Grosse I ant spokesman, Rogers was a Pomte community" In a recent Park ntan is named real nice guy who ordered the News lOterview If elected, , Y I Skomskl has vowed to vote "no" 'Ij swordfIsh, talked briefly with I four lady fans and charmed the on Brummel's plan, calling for all North High principal socks off the female help at the schools to remain open in the restaurant. community RlOI> by Tan Greenwood "Administrators have a ten- On the other SIde of the Issue, By Susan McDonald Rogers, who plays an Austra- This is just one-third of the smiles being flashed around town mcumbent Dorothy Kennel endor- dency to say 'no' too often I think lian heart throb police commis- this week by members of the University Liggett School varsity ses the superintendent's proposal, John S Kastran, Mt Clemens it's Important to listen to people's sioner named, believe it or not, tennis team. The ULS Knights, including from left to right, but WIth some reservations WhIle HIgh School prinCIpal, w1l1 take Ideas and gl ve them a try" Scorpio, on "General Hospital", Steve Pack, Frank Crociata and coach Bob Wood, have pfenty acknowledgmg that some schools over the top Job at North High was in town to participate In School July 1, replac10g retmng Kastran saId he'd also like to to grin about: they won the Class CoD state tennis championship must be closed, Mrs. Kennel saId talk to South High PrInCipal the Renault, Facom Cup SUJr in Kalamazoo last weekend. The victory was ULS' 12th consecu- she has some doubts about the prinCIpal G Bruce Feighner port Race in DetrOIt He didn't Joseph Spagnoli about developing tive title - setting a national record. It has also made Wood, Brummel plan, parllcularly when Kastran's appomtment was ap- do too well, having crashed his more cooperatIon between the two co-captains Pack and Crociata, and the rest of the Knights very, she VISIted PIerce sclJ.ool Students proved June 6 by the Board of schools. "A JOint ad visory counCil car during Saturday's qualifi- from Defer school would be trans- cations __y~r'y popU1~-, A story is on Page Ie. EducatIOn on the recommendatIOn With kids, parents, teachers and of Supt Ken Brummel' -He' was admft1tstta'tors -from bOttr s'chools Hmmm, wonder if we could one of more than 100 applicants would help brmg conformity to get Police Chief Robert for the post . our poliCIes and bring the two Ferber to change his name to I Emergency Kastran and his WIfe ConnIe, rival schools together," he said "Aquarius"? art coordmator for Mt Clemens "There are many poSSIbilitIes for Commumty Schools, live on Bish- group actIvIties" How would the Pointes cope with a disaster? op Road In the Park but are rel~ Kastran saId he has been in- catmg to the Woods, he said Mon- formed by Supt Brummel about By Mike Andrzejczyk day m an mtervlew The 52-year- proposals to close schools In the The six-communIty commIttee funds to cover the purchase of the old career educator holds four de- Bits and pieces The aftermath of last month's district because of sharp dechnes IS now studying placement of tor- sirens when locatIOns are deter- grees from Wayne State Univer- m enrollment and the new prm- tornado In St ClaIr Shores is still nado warDIng sIrens for the area, mIned, LeFevre Said Sity, mcludmg a Ph D In leader- cIpal saId such closmgs are "In- For those of you mterested in bemg felt 10 the POIntes and Har- offiCIals said. Harper Woods has contacting MADD (Mothers shIp m curriculum He has taught eVitable." per Woods. Police, fIre and publ1c the most extensIve warDIng sys- Park FIre ChIef PhIllIp Costa math and science, and worked as Against Drunk DrIvers) dI- safety department representatives tem with three SIrens, whIle the saId It may take as many as mne He also saId the recent National rectly, the phone number for the a counselor and prmclpal m De- are meetmg to decide ways to bet- Woods had one The Shores IS m- sirens for the regIOnal warmng troIt and Warren public school CommiSSIOn on EducatIOn report local branch organization is ter coordinate relief efforts should system "We're all thinkmg about vestIgatmg the purchase of an dIstricts. He has been In Mt Cle- citIng grave defICienCIes In U.S 882-0700 The person to ask for sIrens," he said "The warning a dIsaster strike the area oscillatmg warDIng Siren, but is mens for 10 years public educatIOn "WIll definitely is C10dy Boeneman. The phone waitmg for the commIttee to system IS needed " have an impact on schools - es- number was inadvertantly left The departments hope to com- Kastran Said Monday he IS ex- determlOe the most strategic Although last month's tornado pecially at the high school level .. out of the May 26 front page pIle a "master dIsaster plan" that CIted about the "marvelous chal- placement, Public Safety DIrector didn't determine what the citIes AdminIstrators WIll be forced to story on the organization. will complement current depart- lenge" before him In the $52,000 a Joseph Vitale saId are now doing, it dId add a sense thoroughly revIew currICulum In ment operatmg procedures, offI- year North HIgh posItion "It's an Some 15 young people from While there IS no timetable for of urgency, Costa said "When a light of the commISSion's fmdmgs, cials saId Part of the program In- outstandmg facIlIty, WIth out- he added the Ebenezer BaptIst Church, cludes a comprehenSIve list of completion of the work and the tornado hIts close by, people tend 21001 Moross Road, DetrOit, are standmg students and faculty I personnel and heavy equipment placement of the sIren system, to get hyped up about It, but look at It as a great chance to lis- Kastran and his Wife are the planmng on go 109 on a 24-hour afterwards, thIngs cool down," he that may be needed for clean-up which could be tnggered from any ten to the Ideas of teachers and parents of five grown chl1dren "Planned Famine" starting at and rescue as well as a regIOnal one of the fIve departments and SalJ They are members of the As- 6 p m tomorrow night student~~nd expenment WIth cur- warnmg system.
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