4676 THE LONDON GAZETTE, 30 SEPTEMBER, 1949 Now, 'therefore, His Majesty, by and with the as No. 2 to No. 18 Westmont Road and continuing advice of His said Council, is pleased hereby to thence generally eastwards along the last-mentioned ratify the said Scheme, and to order and direct that wall or fence to the point where the said wall or the same and every part thereof shall be effectual in fence meets the southern end of the wall or fence laiw immediately upon the publication of this Order which divides the house and property known as in the London Gazette pursuant to the said Acts. No. 18 Westmont Road from the house or property known as No. 20 Westmont Road and continuing And His Majesty, by and with the like advice, is thence eastwards in a straight line to the point where pleased hereby to direct that this Order be forthwith the wall or fence which divides the house or property registered by the Registrar of the said diocese of known as No. 22 Westmont Road from the house or Peterborough. property known as No. 24, Westmont Road meets the* E. C. E. Leadbitter. wall or fence which divides the house and property known as No. 24 Westmont Road from the house and property known as No. 15, Montgomery Avenue and continuing thence north-eastwards along the last- At the Court at Buckingham Palace, the 29th day mentioned wall or fence to its junction with the wall of September, 1949. or fence which divides the house and property known PRESENT as No. 24, Westmont Road from the house and pro- perty known as No. 17, Montgomery Avenue and The KING'S Most Excellent Majesty in Council. continuing thence generally north-eastwards along the last-mentioned wall or fence to its north-eastern end WHEREAS the Church Commissioners have duly and continuing thence in the same straight line to a prepared and laid before His Majesty in Council a point in the middle of Westmont Road and continuing Scheme bearing date the 31st day of August, 1949, thence south-eastwards along the middle of Westmont in the words and figures following, that is to say: Road to a point in the middle of Montgomery "We, the Church Commissioners, acting in pur- Avenue opposite to the south-eastern end of the suance of the New Parishes 'Measure, 1943, have middle of Westmont Road and continuing thence prepared and humbly lay before Your Majesty in northwards along the middle of .Montgomery Avenue Council the following Scheme for constituting a new to a point opposite to the western end of the lane or parish to -be taken out of the parish of All Saints, footpath leading to the footbridge over the up-line Weston, in the diocese of Guildford. of the New Guildford Branch Line of the British " Scheme. Railways (Southern Region) and continuing thence " Whereas, we, the Church Commissioners, are eastwards along the middle of the said lane or foot- satisfied that the spiritual interests of the area defined path to a point in the middle of the said railway line in the subjoined Schedule and delineated on the map and continuing thence generally northwards along the hereto annexed would be best served by constituting middle of the said railway line to a point in the it a new parish: middle of the bridge which carries the main line of "And whereas we are satisfied that a suitable the British Railways (Southern Region) over the said endowment therefor will be provided: up-line and continuing thence north-eastwards along "And whereas we have not approved any conse- the middle of the said main line to its junction with crated church within the area as suitable to be the the boundary which divides the said parish of Thames parish church of the new parish: Ditton from the said parish of All Saints, Weston." "Now, therefore, with the consent of the Right And whereas the provisions of the New Parishes Reverend John, Bishop of Guildford (in testimony Measure, 1943, relating to the preparation and sub- whereof he has set his hand and affixed his episcopal mission of this Scheme have been duly complied seal to this Scheme), we, the said Church Commis- with: sioners, do humbly recommend and propose as And whereas the said Scheme has been approved follows, that is to say: — by His Majesty in Council: Now, therefore, His Majesty, by and with -the " 1. Constitution: advice of His said Council, is pleased hereby to " (a) As from the date of the licence thereto of a ratify the said Scheme, and to order and direct that minister the area defined in the subjoined the same and every part thereof shall be effectual in Schedule and delineated on the map hereto law immediately upon the publication of this Order annexed shall be a separate district for spiritual in the London Gazette pursuant to the said Measure. purposes. And His Majesty, by and with the like advice, is " (6) As from the date of the consecration of a pleased hereby to direct that this Order be forthwith church within the area approved by us, the said registered by the Registrar of 4he said diocese of Church Commissioners, as suitable to be a parish Guildford. church, or if the church is consecrated before E. C. E. Leadbitter. such approval, the date of the approval, the said area shall become a new parish. " (c) The name of the district (or parish as the case may be) shall be 'The District (or Parish) At the Court at Buckingham Palace, the 29th day of Saint Christopher, Hinchley Wood.' of September, 1949. "2. Archdeaconry and Rural Deanery: PRESENT, "The parish shall be in the Archdeaconry of Dorking and in the rural deanery of Emly. The KING'S Most Excellent Majesty in Council. "The Schedule WHEREAS the Church Commissioners have duly "The area comprising: — prepared and laid before His Majesty in Council a All that portion of the parish of All Saints, Weston, Scheme bearing date the 9th day of September, 1949, which is bounded upon part of the north-west by the in the words and figures following, that is to say:— parish of Thames Ditton, upon the east by the parish "We, the Church Commissioners, acting in of Long Ditton, upon the south by the parish of pursuance of the New Parishes Measure, 1943, have Holy Trinity, Claygate, and upon the remaining sides prepared and now humbly lay before Your Majesty by an imaginary line commencing at a point on the in Council the following Scheme for altering the boundary which divides the said parish of Holy boundaries of the parishes of The Ascension, Trinity, Claygate, from the said parish of All Saints, Bitterne Park ; and The Holy Saviour, Bitterne ; both Weston, in the middle of the river or stream known in the diocese of Winchester. as 'The Rythe' and continuing thence north- " Whereas we are satisfied that it is desirable that eastwards along the middle of The Rythe to a point the boundaries of the said parishes should be altered in the middle of the bridge or culvert which carries in the manner hereinafter mentioned: the Kingston-By-Pass Road over The Rythe and con- " And whereas the Right Reverend Mervyn, Bishop tinuing thence first south-eastwards along the middle of Winchester consents to the proposed arrange- of the Kingston-By-Pass Road to a point opposite to ments (in testimony whereof he has signed this the middle of the western end of Westmont Road Scheme): and thence north-eastwards along the middle of " Now, therefore, we the said Church Commis- Westmont Road to a point opposite to the north- sioners, humbly recommend and propose that from western end of the wall or fence which divides the and after the day of the date of publication in the house and property known as No. 2 Westmont Road London Gazette of any Order of Your Majesty in from the rear of the houses and properties on the Council ratifying this Scheme the boundaries of the north-east side of Southmont Road and continuing said parishes of The Ascension, Bitterne Park; and thence south-eastwards first to and then along the The Holy Saviour, Bitterne; shall be altered in the said wall or fence to its junction with the wall or manner described in the Schedule and delineated on fence at the rear of the houses and properties known the map annexed to this Scheme..
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