/ 5746 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. JUNE ~· 5, I . SENATE. l assistant surgeons, United States Army; which was referred to ~ the Committee on Appropriations. TUESDAY, Jttne 5, 1894. He also presented a memorial of the 'l'rade and Labor Council The Senate met at 10 o'clock a.m. of R eading, Pa., remonstrating against the enactment of Jegis­ Prayer by Rev. GEORGE EDWARDS, of Lewistown, Mont. lation nullifying the provisions of the so-called Geary Chinese The VICE-PRESIDENT resumed the chair. law; which was ordered to lie on the table. The Journal of yesterday's procaedizigs was r ead and approved He also presented a memorial of the Synod of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of Pennsylvania, remonstr-ating against EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATION. the admission of Utah into the Union as a State; which was The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ ordered to lie on the table. tion from the Secretary of the Treasury, recommending that H e also presented the memorial of Edward Relneberg and 42 certain changes be made in House bill No. 7097 , making appro­ other citizens of York, Pa., remonstrating against the passage priations for the legislative, executive, and judicial expenses of of the proposed income-tax provision of the pending tariff bill; the Government for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1895, and for which was ordered to lie on the table. other purposes, affecting the force therein provided on pages He also presented petitions of John Marston and 75 other citi­ 22, 24, and 25, for the office of the Secretary of the Treasury, zens or Philadelphia; of F. G. Craig-head and 41 other citizens and on page 29 for the t emporary employment of clerks; which, of Allegheny County; of W. H. Keech and 114 other citizens of with the a.ccompanying paper, was referr~d to the Committee Allegheny County; of F. H. Banker and 19 other citizens of on Appropriations, and ordered tcr be p rinted. Luzerne County; or W. H. Lambert and 325 other citizens of Philadelphia County; of Isaac Post and 123 other citizens of , PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. Lackawanna County; of James Kuntz, jr., and 19 other citizens Mr. DAVIS presented a petition of the Chamber of Commerce of Washington County; of M. L. Montgomery and 34 other citi­ of St. Paul, Minn., praying for a continuance of the existing zens of Berks County; of C. C. Heller and 21 other citizens of reciprocity treaties; which was ordered to lie on the table. Hazleton; of Howard W. Lippincott and 95 other citizens of He also presented the petition' of George W. Granger and 42 Philadelphia; of W . .J. Beaver and 10 other citizens of Manor; other citizens of Rochester, Minn., and a petition of sundry citi­ of James Martin and 33 other citizens of Allegheny County: of zens of Polk County, Minn., praying that mutual life insurance C. H. Ruhland 43 pther citizens of Berks County; of A. M. High companies and associations be exempted from the proposed in- and 55 other citizens of Berks County; of W. S. Kirk and 22 ~ come-tax prorision of the pending tariff bill; which were ordered other citizens of Chester, and of Charles Platt, jr., and 15 other to lie on the table. citizens of PhiladelJ_>hia, all in the State 'of Pennsylvania, pray­ Mr. PERKINS presented a memorial of the Humboldt Cham­ ing that mutual life msurance companies and associations be ex­ ber of Commerce, of Eureka, Cal., remonstrating against the empted from the proposed income-tax provision of the pending abolishment of 'the custom-house at that city; which was referred tariff bill; which were ordered to lie on the table. to the Committee on Commerce. Mr. CA~iERON presented a petition of the Congregational Mr. SHl~RMAN -presented petitions of A. T. Abbott· and 32 Messenger, of Braddock, Pa., praying for the enactment of legis- other citizens of Cuyahoga; of Walter B. Johnson and 21 other 1ation to su-ppress the lottery traffic; which was ordered to lie citizens of Knox County; of B. F. Boyd and 4J other citizens of on the table. Youngstown, and of George W. Hill and 18 other citizens of He also presented a petition of the Boaro. of Trade, of Phila­ Bowling Green, all in the Shte of Ohio, praying that mutual delphia, Pa., praying for a continuance of the appropriation for life insurance companies and associations be exempted. from the the "making up" of the crop reports by the Department of proposed income-tax provision of the pending tariff bill; which Agriculture, and furnishing- them to the various trade centers were ordered to lie on the table. of the country; which was referred to the Committee on Appro­ H e also presented a petition of the East India Manufacturing priations. Company, of Piqua, Ohio, p raying for the retention of the pres­ - He also presented sundry petitions of citizens of .Philadel­ ent rates of duty on imported cocoa' mats and matting; which phia, Shippensburg, Harrisburg, and Allegheny, and of sundry was ordered to lie on the table. citizens of Lycoming, Blair, Dauphin, Berks, Luzerne, and Al­ Mr. VEST presented the petition of T. B. Minor and sundry legheny Counties, all in the State of Pennsylvania, praying that other citizensof Jackson County, Mo., and the petition of W. F. mutual life insurance companies and associations be exempted Hammon and sundry other citizens of Randolph County, Mo., from the proposed income-tax provision of the pending tariff praying that the funds of mutual life insurance companies and bill; which were ordered to lie on the table. associations be exempted from the proposed income-tax provi­ Mr. PALMER presented a petition of sundry citizens of Paris, sion of the pending tariff bill; which were ordered to lie on the Ill., praying that fraternal society and college journals be a-d­ table. · mitted to the mails as second-cl~ss matter; "\Vhich was referred Mr. MARTIN presented the petition of T. W . Brewer and to the Committee on Post-Offices and Post-Roads. sundry other citizens of Minneapolis, Kans., praying that fra· He also pl'esented sundry petitions of citizens of Tazewell, terna.l society and college journals be admitted to the mails as Marshal, Kankakee, and Iroquois Counties, all in the State of second-class matter; which was referred to the Committee on Illinois, praying that mutual life insurance companies and a.s­ Post-Offices and Post-Roads. sociations be exempted fram the proposed income-bx provision He also presented petitions of 0. E. Maxwellandsundryother of the pending tariff bill; which were ordered to lie on the table. citizens of Crawford County; of B. J. Dawson and sundry other Mr. KYLE presented a petition of the Seneca Nation of New citizens of Republic County; of I. H. Prince and sundry other York Indians, praying for the passage of Senate bill No. 1934, citizens of Sheridan County; of A. P. H;:tvens and s undry other defi ning the rights and privileges of mixed-blood Indians under citizens of Ottawa County: of the Fraternal Aid Association of the treaties and statutes of the United States; which was re­ Lawrence County· of Ed win Knowles and sundry other citizens ferred to the Committee on Indian Affairs. of Shawnee County; of H. N. Boyd and sundry other citizens of !\1r. DANIEL presented a petition of the Business ·Men's As­ Republic County~ and of B. P. Waggener and sundry other citi­ sociation of Norfolk, Va., praying that an appropriation be zens of Atchinson County, all in the State of Kansas, praying made for a national exhibit at the Cotton States and Interna· that in the pa-ssage of any law providing for the t a..·mtion of in­ tional Exposition, to be held at Atlanta, Ga., in the fall of 1 ~ 95; comes, the funds of mutual life insurance companies and associa­ which was referr ed to the Committee on Appropriations. tions ba exempted from hxation; which were ordered to lie on He also presented petitions of Lew E. Lookabill and sundry the t able. other citizens of Roanoke, Va., and of George C. Morgan and Mr. CULLOMpresenteda petitionof sundry citizens of Wood­ sundry other citizens of Richmond, Va., praying for the passage stock, Ill., praying that fratemal society and college journals of House bill No. 5246, restricting immigration; which were re­ be admitted to the mails as second-class matter; which was re­ ferred to the Committee on Immigration. ferred to the Committee on Post-Offices and Post-Roads. He also presented the petition of Baverly T. Crump and sundry He also pr~s ented a petition of sundry citizens of Lee County, other citizens of Richmond, Va., praying that fraternal benefi­ ill., holders of life-insurance policies. praying that in the passage ciary societies, orders, or associations be exempted from the of any law providing for the taxation of incomes the funds of proposed income-tax provision of the pending tariff bill; w!Iich mutual life-insurance companies and associations be exempted was ordered to lie on the table. from taxation~ which was ordered to lie on the table. He also presented a petition of sundry citizens of ~bingdon, .Mr. QUAY presented a petition of T ypographical Union No. Va. praying that national building and loan assoClations be 187, of Wilkesbarre, Pa., praying for the Governmental con.trol exe~pted from the proposed income-tax provision of the pend­ of the telegraph service; which was referred to the Committee ing t ariff bill; which was ordered to lie on the table. on Post-Oflices and Post-Roads.
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