Monday, January 23, 1995 • Vol. XXVI No. 70 TilE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SERVING NOTRE DAME AND SAINT MARY'S Students hear Rita views of gang life hearing Editor's Note: The members of assumed to be members by postponed this panel declined to be identi­ other gangs. fied with their last names. "If you tell them you're not in By DAVE TYLER a gang, they're not going to be­ News Editor By CHRIS CORRENTE lieve you because their minds News Writer are corrupted," he said. "It's A preliminary hearing con­ everywhere. You can't run cerning the retrial of Notre Only gang members them­ from it." Dame law school graduate selves can prevent gang vio­ Darryl claimed that easy ac­ John Rita on a charge of leav­ lence from hurting the youth, cess to guns and a sense of re­ ing the scene of a fatal accident according to Darryl, a gang venge often lead to gang was postponed Friday until member from the Cabrini shootings. February 24. Green housing project in "If I hadn't been shot, I never St. Joseph's County Prosecu­ Chicago. would have picked up a gun," tor Michael Barnes said he Darryl was one of five young he said, having been shot four asked for the postponement so men who, along with Brother times when he was sixteen. that he might have time to Bill Tomes and Brother Jim "It's fun to shoot, but it's not question a witness that Rita's Fogerty of the Brothers and fun to get shot." defense attorney, Charles Sisters of Love, spoke to Notre Greg, of Cabrini Green, said Asher, planned to have testify Dame students on Saturday that joining a gang for him was at the hearing. about gangs. "like going to school" because Rita, 25, of Springfield, Vir­ "You only learn from your he felt he was among friends. ginia, was acquitted by a jury mistakes," Darryl said. He added that the key to sur­ in November of a charge of "Instead of grabbing our guns, vivalin gangs is to "take it day driving drunk and causing the we havn to bn the ones to stop by day." death of Mara Fox as she the violence for the kids." Tomes and Fogerty explained walked along Douglas Road in According to Fognrty, steps that as missionaries of the the early hours of November have been taken towards Brothers and Sisters of Love, 13, 1993. achieving peace among gangs. they walk throughout the hous­ Fox was an eighteen year-old Following the accidental shoot­ ing projects of Chicago trying to Notre Dame freshman at the ing of a second-grader several bring God's love into the lives time of the accident. Rita was a years ago, a peace treaty was of those affected by and third-year law student who formed between the Vicelords involved in gang violence. went on to graduate with hon­ and Disciples, two conflicting Tomes claimed that those he ors in May 1994. gangs in the Chicago area. comes in contact with are At his first trial Rita also The treaty only lasted several "often closer to God in a sense faced the charge of leaving the months in most areas, but it because they don't know if scene of a fatal accident. After has remained intact in Cabrini tomorrow they're going to be nearly nine hours of delibera­ Green, significantly decreasing here or not." tions the jury could not reach a the amount of gang violence. Despite their mission of verdict, and St. Joseph's County In other areas, however, peace, the Brothers and Sisters Superior Court Judge William gang violence is inescapable. are subject to the random The ObserverfTina Lemker Albright declared a mistrial. Jason, the only speaker not in a shootings that often break out. Collection of comedy Barnes announced January 4 gang, claimed that in Deerborn Tomes himself has dodged The Second City Comedy Group performed to a capacity that he intended to retry Rita Homes near Chicago, even twenty-eight near-hits while crowd at Saint Mary's O'Laughlin Theater on Saturday mght. those not involved in gangs are walking the streets. see RITA I page 4 Defense exhibit launches Week Vandiver: Battle also By MYRNA MALONEY Assistam Saim Mary's Editor Saint Mary's College Women's Week fought away from cities "Learning to Defend Yourself :)"Learning to Defend Yourself" By PIERRE MACGILLIS cultural awareness was Against Violent Attack," will be News Writer extended into energetic presented by nationally­ 6-9 p.m. activism, such as editorial writ­ renowned self-defense expert 0 lin Auditorium A crucial portion of the ing and schoolboard politics, Debbie Gardner tonight from 6- ng Up for the World of Work" emerging awareness of racial Vandiver said. 9 pm in O'Laughlin Auditorium. ?p.m. equality was accomplished on a Her childhood memories of Gardner is one of several eatre smaller scale, far a: way from racism and racial division in­ women who will be featured metropolitan America, said cluded her attendance at a January 23-28 in the first an­ Beverly Vandiver, a staff psy­ "colored" grade school, which nual Saint Mary's Women's chologist in the University combined eight grades into one Week, according to Melissa Pe­ Counseling Center, last Friday. classroom. ters, vice-president for Student At a luncheon sponsored by She also remembered that Affairs. the Center for Social Concerns, the great majority of blacks "There is a special activity Vandiver spoke about worked for whites and that planned for each day this week "Growing up in a Family there were certain situations which will focus on current Committed to the Civil Rights and places that her parents women's issues," Peters said. Movement," sharing her child­ would avoid for fear of harsh Also tonight Saint Mary's hood memories of growing up treatment. alumna Janet Hauter will pre­ in rural Kentucky, away from Her sister was one of the sent a lecture entitled .. .. Bag Lu the more famous battle lines of first African-Americans to "Psyching Up for the World of "Women and a the civil rights movement. enter a former all-white com­ Work," beginning at 7 pm in Thursday 12-1 p. Vandiver credits her mother munity high school after the the Little Theater. A reception Haggar Parlor and father for giving her the Supreme Court mandated will follow. drive to escape the restraints desegregation in the case Later in the week, the Sisters :)"Thelma and Louise" imposed upon her way of life. "Brown vs. Board of of the Iloly Cross, the Center for Friday and Saturday 7 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. Her parents, despite only Education." However, eight Spirituality, and the Center for Carroll Auditorium having only eighth-grade years passed after the ruling Academic Innovation are spon­ educations, strongly encour­ until the local high school was, soring a discussion on women :)"Play of the Mind Conference" aged their children to pursue in fact, desegregated. seekers Tuesday in Stapleton Friday through Sunday higher education, and were The economic structure in place also stifled the frank and Lounge from 7 pm to 8:15 pm attend a benefit for the YWCA also unusually interested in studies, from noon to 1 pm in uncompromising activism that Women Scholars from the Lilly Women's Shelter on January 25 current events. Haggar Parlor. "Mary, the her parents exhibited, accord­ Fellows Program will be lead­ (Wednesday) in the Angela "They were newsfreaks, and Cross and Women's Bodies: ing to Vandiver. ing the discussion, according to Athletic Facility at 8 pm," Pe­ at times subscribed to three Feminist Theory and Theology" "The fearless questioning of Peters. will be Kaminski's lecture topic. ters said. newspapers and two news­ magazines at the same time," authority, when justifiable, Is a Wednesday, students are in­ Students should bring their "Healthy Hearts for Healthy she said. necessary component of vited to attend a Brown Bag own lunch. This zeal for political and progress," she said. Lunch with Phyllis Kaminski, "Students are encouraged to assistant professor of religious see WEEK I page 4 page 2 The Observer • INSIDE Monday, January 23, 1994 • INSIDE CoLUMN • Wom.o AT A GLANCE MTV... "Forrest Gump," "Pulp Fiction" score big at Golden Globes BEVERLY HILLS "It's tragic how much I'm The quirky Tom Hanks box- Golden Globe Winners enjoying getting this. Virtually office smash "Forrest Gump" uncool," joked Grant, the elu- A Waste of topped Quentin Tarantino's "Pulp sive bachelor of "Four Fiction" in the 52nd Golden Globe Weddings and a Funeral." Awards, often a bellwether for the Movie Winners "You're supposed to think a Great Idea Oscars. awards are invidious, but this is "Gump," the saga of a (very) heaven." simple country boy, won best dra- D F G Curtis, the would-be spy of MTV used to be a great matic picture; Hanks won best rama: orrest ump "True Lies," tnanked director idea. When the channel dramatic actor and Robert Actress Drama: Jessica Lange "Blue Sky" James Cameron for "letting me began in 1981, it was an Zemeckis was best director. Actor Drama: Tom Hanks "Forrest Gump" hang from a helicopter on my attempt to bring visual "Pulp Fiction," a dark gangster Supporting Actor: Martin Landeau 35th birthday." music to a frenzied mass film that some have criticized as "Ed Wood" Dianne Wiest, who plays the ofcable-owners,greedy too violent, picked up an award Supporting Actress: Dianne Wiest flamboyant stage star in Woody for a deluge of entertain­ for best screenplay, by writer- Allen's "Bullets Over ment possibilities.
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