A Complete Bibliography of International Conferences on Very Large Data Bases Nelson H. F. Beebe University of Utah Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB 155 S 1400 E RM 233 Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090 USA Tel: +1 801 581 5254 FAX: +1 801 581 4148 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] (Internet) WWW URL: http://www.math.utah.edu/~beebe/ 06 November 2012 Version 2.10 Title word cross-reference [1911]. 2nd [1882]. 2PL [502]. 2Q [1012]. 3 [691, 1718]. 370 [46]. 3W [1443]. 0 [670]. 1 [1248]. 1: N [1290]. 2 [1126]. 20 548-559 [1805]. [1171]. 20=20 [1511]. 80 [1171]. 2 [1572]. Π [1092]. A [1488]. K [1402]. L [1476]. N p 7.0 [1387]. 7.3 [1198]. 7.5 [1386]. [1403, 1125]. [567]. '86 [1893, 556]. -Based [1037]. -Complete [670]. -D [1126]. -Dimensional [1125]. -Safe [1248]. -Tree '92 [1899]. '93 [1900]. '95 [1902]. 9th [1890]. [637, 1092, 1488]. -Trees [515]. = [1773]. 1.0 [1859]. 10-Year [1464]. 11th [1892]. 13th [1894]. 14th [1909, 1895]. 16th [1897]. A-TOPSS [1750]. Abduction [784]. 18th [1899]. 19th [1900]. abridged [1761]. Abstract [943, 1542, 189, 447, 125, 849, 154, 554, 810, 2002 [1910]. 2003 [1911]. 2020 [1511]. 20th 830, 797, 450, 198, 396, 1222, 418, 432, 191, [1901]. 21st [1902]. 26th [1908]. 29th 1 2 119, 576, 173, 118, 821, 421, 1223, 1282, 158, Aggregates [1188, 605, 506, 1710, 1322, 753, 393, 569, 1600, 1538, 1539]. Abstraction 1496, 712, 1366, 1189, 1456, 609]. [255, 1044, 9, 1028, 58]. Accelerating Aggregation [1348, 1711, 1824, 1833, 1708, [1623]. Acceleration [1614, 1732, 1867]. 1424, 1454, 1425, 1172, 843, 1075]. Agora Accelerator [1032]. Acceptable [743]. [1502]. Ahead [820, 717, 1326]. Aided Access [23, 1185, 1367, 1653, 1873, 469, 360, [631, 370]. AIM [404]. Alert [839]. Algebra 696, 1259, 101, 766, 830, 93, 267, 731, 662, 15, [462, 1443, 713, 1647, 732]. Algebraic 998, 914, 49, 1720, 368, 92, 686, 51, 926, 1482, [811, 1015, 1815, 572, 588, 384, 184, 1010, 326, 755, 1690, 1030, 1834, 1320, 1495, 615, 463, 595, 911]. Algebras [422]. Algorithm 98, 1135, 669, 779, 1217, 58, 457, 1582, 1825, [1251, 310, 1444, 1667, 947, 1290, 927, 695, 1149, 1682, 1580]. Accesses [541, 1793]. 625, 789, 1012, 236, 1665, 1708, 694, 829, Accessibility [1682]. Accessible [1564]. 1319, 1485, 1082, 452, 548, 746, 451]. Accessing [347, 401, 1111, 1101, 995]. Algorithmic [204]. Algorithms Accommodating [491]. Accounts [499]. [611, 674, 758, 1016, 275, 442, 639, 498, 836, Accurate [1697, 1593, 1835]. Accurately 742, 1576, 1301, 749, 121, 1178, 1650, 978, [1251]. Achievement [110]. Achieving 1255, 1248, 671, 645, 1315, 867, 1129, 1424, [704]. Acquired [1648]. Across 511, 747, 549, 1314, 689, 860, 1373, 1328, 995, [1493, 1244, 1735, 1211]. ACS [419]. Active 1234, 1018, 379, 561, 1230, 302, 660]. ALIAS [1374, 1436, 1745, 826, 1420, 1026, 810, 825, [1749]. alignment [1835]. Allocation 882, 946, 838, 948, 329, 390, 1287, 729, 1749, [938, 816, 52, 939, 1700, 1466, 1634, 412]. 839, 881, 1103, 1855]. ACTIVIEW [1621]. Almost [1701, 1588, 1823]. Almost-Serial Activities [802, 640]. Activity [1701]. alone [1276]. Along [1291]. Alpha [29, 768, 1278, 896, 1062, 1603]. Actual [436]. Alternating [959]. Alternative [1648]. Acyclic [303, 302, 451]. Ada [566]. [1614, 740, 165, 890]. Ambient [1538]. ADABAS [1347]. ADAPT [218, 1199]. Ambiguity [238]. America [1339]. Among ADAPT/X [1199]. Adaptable [1807, 582, 195]. Amsterdam [1896]. [1299, 1646, 750, 618, 1267]. Adaptation Analogical [570]. Analogue [932]. [1808]. Adaptive Analysis [1819, 531, 938, 947, 1794, 795, 772, 808, [943, 192, 287, 1015, 484, 667, 1500, 1669, 33, 1790, 1067, 1621, 891, 960, 1806, 1562, 1469, 1186, 428, 632, 254, 1125, 1752, 1301, 4, 124, 1249, 1677, 1375, 1468, 746]. ADD [187]. 438, 509, 173, 298, 1362, 17, 329, 744, 190, 102, Adding [923]. Additional [1535]. 829, 925, 1742, 1796, 1841, 1176, 1208, 1298]. Addressable [510, 482]. Addressing [268]. Analytic [413, 292, 14]. Analytical Adjustment [1254]. Administration [620, 1600, 1425, 312]. Analyzing [654, 54, 230]. ADMS [567]. ADSM [1096]. [1548, 1580, 29]. Anatomy [657]. Angeles Advanced [1738, 755, 634, 1862, 1417, 714, [1895]. AniPQO [1823]. Anomalies [603]. 1543, 446, 1718]. Advantage [1339]. Anonymity [1281]. ANSI [279, 117, 150]. Aerospace [1730]. Affinity [555]. After ANSI/SPARC [117, 150]. Answer [1214]. [940, 1084]. Against [365]. Agencies [968]. Answering Agent [1739, 1622]. Agent-based [1622]. [1457, 181, 1130, 1563, 589, 1485, 1172]. AgFlow [1622]. Aggregate Answers [1490, 257, 1122, 1612, 543, 1547, 1076, 1809, [1439, 1001, 1593, 1377, 1179, 706, 792]. Any 711, 860, 1709, 679, 1364, 1813]. [1101]. Anymore [1533]. Anyone [581]. Aggregate-Query [1076, 1813]. Anyway [1430]. Application 3 [1327, 1517, 192, 31, 197, 296, 336, 626, 185, Assignments [750]. Assistant [1498, 1632]. 1116, 260, 768, 326, 295, 1732, 24, 655, 1226, Assisted [368]. Associated [1754]. 74, 335, 664, 1754, 546, 242, 1862, 1417, 388, Association [1016, 1143, 1081, 1140, 1314, 1183, 1866, 1467, 430, 62, 282, 557, 1821]. 1313, 1699, 1082, 1080, 1376, 1142, 569]. Applications [575, 1598, 904, 1276, 857, Associative [24, 87]. Assumption [1265]. 1509, 1684, 1420, 1660, 1421, 1464, 1880, 630, Astronomical [1126]. Asynchronous 547, 374, 502, 685, 629, 1747, 1795, 83, 1690, [1690, 1319]. Athens [1905]. ATLAS [1868]. 1722, 1847, 1867, 604, 1520, 1641, 516, 738, Atmospheric [1155]. Atomic [879]. 204, 1137, 902, 912, 264, 87, 446, 709]. Atomicity [1281]. Attachment [785]. Applied [243, 112]. Applying Attribute [1712, 1072, 903, 736, 38, 1265]. [1096, 951, 1169]. Approach Attribute-Oriented [903]. Attributes [486, 751, 1203, 218, 1015, 1559, 449, 405, [541]. Auditing [123]. Augmented [752]. 387, 475, 492, 279, 493, 345, 572, 1449, 354, August [1900, 1896, 1895, 1910, 1891, 1906, 605, 889, 824, 1104, 1758, 113, 383, 1308, 619, 1905, 1897, 1892, 1899]. Australia [1897]. 957, 903, 103, 759, 948, 977, 1780, 739, 432, Authentic [1604]. Author [1534]. 1706, 1335, 1810, 413, 316, 896, 1067, 1086, Authority [1791]. Authorization 425, 1102, 952, 1625, 1029, 61, 284, 994, [914, 346, 235]. Authorizations [1185]. 1492, 416, 933, 842, 944, 905, 863, 239, 595, Automata [1780]. Automata-based [1780]. 1764, 1318, 1796, 804, 259, 409, 1257, 1543, Automated [1733, 1486, 981, 524, 457]. 446, 1235, 324, 613, 1048, 70]. Approaches Automatic [1386, 1815, 1550, 1789, 323, 16, [1693, 897, 1477]. Approximate 459, 248, 13, 483]. Automating [12, 832]. [1439, 1451, 1493, 1457, 1638, 1263, 1547, Automation [1521, 1756]. Automotive 1588, 1130, 1833, 1750, 1671, 1304]. [1741]. Autonomic [1715]. Autonomous Approximating [1490]. Approximation [1089, 879, 841]. Autonomously [579]. [1824, 1377, 1488, 1329]. Approximations Autonomy [654, 993]. Auxiliary [26]. [1299]. Aqua [1439]. AQuery [1788]. Availability [352, 1198, 1085, 940]. Arbitrary [1476, 1797]. Architectural Available [1380, 1584, 1515, 807]. [85, 77, 476]. Architecture Avoidance [891, 1319]. Avoidance-Based [1346, 1345, 1380, 586, 1367, 494, 1387, 1441, [1319]. Avoiding [1070, 121, 1828]. Award 702, 36, 73, 954, 1587, 173, 1089, 1616, 1874, [1464]. Away [1066]. Axiomatic [196]. 1518, 21, 1243, 567, 96, 11, 839, 106, 187, Axioms [590]. Axis [1803]. 1375, 1440, 1605]. Architectures [667, 1689, 313, 740, 908, 907, 690, 1160, B 1755, 1211, 1608]. Archival [92, 81]. [886, 885, 735, 1114, 325, 764, 515, 710, 995]. Archives [1241]. Archiving [1498]. Area B-Tree [885, 764]. B-Trees [969, 1278]. Argument [699]. ARIEL [512]. [735, 1114, 325, 995]. B2B [1518]. Back ARIES [764, 1363, 717]. ARIES/KVL [299]. Back-End [299]. Backed [1558]. [764]. ARIES/NT [717]. Array Backend [551]. Backout [214]. Backup [24, 301, 1135]. Arrays [941]. Bad [1473]. Baes [830]. Bag [811]. [743, 1221, 1053, 744, 1137]. Art Balanced [88]. Balances [1804]. [1537, 821, 1041]. ASE [1542]. Asera [1518]. Balancing Aspects [128, 1145, 144, 1392, 180]. [1182, 1792, 829, 1183, 925, 1079, 1376]. Assembly [368]. Assertions [257]. Bandwidth [1687]. Bank [1339, 1338]. Assessment [348, 342]. Assignment [239]. BANKS [1744]. Barcelona [1898]. Base 4 [186, 143, 299, 192, 339, 426, 130, 321, 163, Biodiversity [1523, 1525, 1532, 1524]. 69, 101, 45, 296, 313, 144, 122, 227, 184, 254, Bioinformatics [1526, 1642, 1527]. 66, 972, 174, 501, 126, 22, 29, 314, 2, 99, 55, Biological [1059, 1553, 1150, 1835]. 185, 4, 111, 183, 331, 260, 556, 160, 168, 95, Biotech [1609]. Bisimulation [1773]. Bit 74, 59, 208, 232, 335, 10, 156, 109, 16, 17, 534, [452, 526]. Bit-Sliced [452]. Bitemporal 61, 108, 81, 213, 165, 388, 230, 77, 328, 330, [1311]. Bitmap [1391]. Bitmaps [1471]. 96, 366, 11, 779, 312, 39, 132, 342, 278, 13, Black [969, 1432]. Blackboard [954]. 264, 62, 320, 131, 133, 82, 162, 327, 112, 249, Block [668, 1053, 190, 541]. blocking 288, 319, 135, 136, 50, 324, 134, 41, 1886]. [1667]. Bo [132]. Bombay [1904]. Based Bonananzas [1212]. Boolean [238, 859]. [1064, 1330, 675, 375, 1875, 1853, 275, 1395, Bottleneck [1367]. Bottlenecks [1212]. 1311, 493, 1620, 760, 1024, 1444, 498, 1470, Bottom [762, 1810, 761, 1799]. Bottom-Up 46, 1657, 1308, 1037, 1297, 1072, 258, 1377, [762, 1810, 761, 1799]. Bound [1074, 504]. 877, 789, 196, 668, 38, 1315, 1383, 1241, 875, Bounding [1452]. Boyce [272, 361]. 747, 1805, 1506, 1661, 1558, 1450, 1854, 952, Boyce-Codd [272, 361]. Brain [1742]. 1200, 628, 1029, 1862, 1303, 170, 1319, 1492, Braking [1295]. Branched [1482]. Brazil 1247, 1829, 466, 717, 899, 1818, 1796, 1841, [1885, 230]. Breadth [1256]. Breadth-First 282, 1767, 955, 391, 532, 585, 1468, 472, 555, [1256]. Breaking [1411]. Brick [1612]. 709, 775, 1606, 1702, 1667, 1758, 1178, 1780, Bridges [1132]. Bridging [1354]. Brighton 1625, 1572, 1635, 529, 974, 1098, 1816, 1622]. [1894]. Brisbane [1897]. Broadcast Bases [1175, 1596, 1372, 1249]. Broadening [1909, 225, 120, 1910, 252, 849, 1901, 159, 31, [1514, 1513]. Broker [1052]. Brokering 1898, 28, 44, 971, 200, 1902, 334, 1908, 35, 311, [1781]. Browser [1156, 349]. Browsing 1911, 217, 245, 138, 124, 577, 1905, 820, 755, [1744, 1498, 647]. Brussels [1882].
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