VOL 67 NO 1193 OCTOBER 2002 http://wwwobservergoarchorg E-mail: observer@goarchorg New Archdiocesan Council Begins Two-Year Term NEW YORK The Archdiocesan Council discussed several reports of the Churchs departments and ministries at its Sept 27 fall meeting and welcomed some new members Archbishop Demetrios opened the meeting with a summary of his activities on behalf of the Church since the Clergy-Laity Congress, including attending the Orthodox Church in Americans Clergy-Laity Congress, the Supreme Convention of AHEPA, a meet- ing of the European Community in Bucha- rest, Romania, which discussed the impact of Sept 11 on the religious life of the world, and the Synaxis of Orthodox Hierarchs at the Ecumenical Patriarchate Recalling the theme of the Congress, Offering our Faith to Contemporary America, His Eminence said the concept takes on a universal dimension, because of developments throughout the world, in referring to Sept 11 and the current situa- tion in the Middle East Perhaps we have planted seeds in fertile ground for devel- opments we cannot even imagine, he said He also said that recent develop- ments in Turkey seemed to facilitate the life of religious minorities Following his address to the Council, Archbishop Demetrios read a letter of greeting from Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, who acknowledged the de- liberations and work on the proposed THE 2002-2004 Archdiocesan Council members present at the first regular meeting. D PANAGOS Charter by the Congress It read, in part: It is especially noteworthy the fact that progressive step for the Holy Archdiocese, during all the deliberations of the Con- and provides her with opportunities to Georgia Skeadas New Philoptochos President gress an atmosphere of cooperation and develop further her potential in all fields NEW YORK Archbishop has named unity prevailed so that the work of the towards an Orthodox witness of faith and Georgia Skeadas of Broomall, Pa , as Na- Congress was completed in peace and Christian life in the Western Hemisphere tional President of the Greek Orthodox harmony, as it is fitting to Christians His Eminence also introduced the Ex- Ladies Philoptochos Society Furthermore, we ask you to assure the ecutive Board of the Archdiocesan Coun- The Society, with more than 475 faithful of the U S A that all the proposals cil that includes: the Eparchial Synod, chapters in the United States, is the offi- made by them during the Clergy-Laity Con- Michael Jaharis, vice-chairman; Nicholas cial philanthropic organization of the gress regarding the Charter of the Holy G Bouras, treasurer; Catherine Bouffides- Church in America Archdiocese of America will be considered Walsh, secretary; and George Behrakis, It was established in 1931 by Arch- and studied with love and full understand- John Collis, Peter Dion, John Pappajohn, bishop Athenagoras ing, so that the final text of the Charter, John Payiavlas and Anthony Stefanis Appointed for a two-year term, Mrs which will be granted to you, constitutes a page 2 u Skeadas will coordinate with the Philo- ptochos Executive Committee the work of the National Board in administrating the many philanthropic activities of the Society Celebrating These include assistance programs to Archdiocesan institutions such as St ogether with his All Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew Basil Academy and Hellenic College/ we celebrate the 11th Anniversary since his election (October 22, Holy Cross School of Theology, as well T 1991) as Ecumenical Patriarch and his enthronement (November 2, as programs on national and interna- D PANAGOS 1991) as spiritual leader of world-wide Orthodoxy and we extend our humble tional levels including the philanthropic GEORGIA SKEADAS prayers, deep respect and warm congratulations& work of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, Born and raised in Hartford, Conn , On October 26, our Holy Orthodox Church celebrates the Feast of St Demetrios UNICEF, a Childrens Medical Fund, and Mrs Skeadas is a graduate of St Joseph the Great Martyr, Patron Saint of His Eminence, Archbishop Demetrios of America many other social service projects that College in West Hartford She was a The Orthodox Observer wishes to convey to our spiritual father the best wishes of address homelessness, substance abuse, member of the National Philoptochos all the Orthodox faithful in America and express our prayers that our Lord God may and health issues u page 26 grant Him health so that He may lead us for many years EIS POLLA ETI DESPOTA! Also celebrating his Name day on October 23rd, the feast of St Iakovos, is the Archbishops Encyclical u 11 Holy Scripture Readings u 23 former Archbishop of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of N and S America, our Archdiocese News u 2-3, 6 IOCC News u 21 beloved and respected, Archbishop Iakovos To His Eminence we extend our most Around the USA u 23 Letters u 10 cordial salutations and our prayers for continuous and abundant health and many years In addition, to our current and former Archbishops we wish a happy name Challenge u 29 Opinions u 10 day to Metropolitan Iakovos of Krinis (Presiding Hierarch of the Diocese of Chi- Classifieds u 28 Parish Profile u 25 cago), Metropolitan Iakovos of Laodikia (Ecumenical Patriarchate), Metropolitan Clergy Update u 24 People u 25 Demetrios of Sevastia, Director of the Patriarchal office of His All Holiness Ecumeni- Diocese News u30-31 Reflections u 8 cal Patriarch Bartholomew, and to His Grace Bishop Dimitrios of Xanthos, Director Ecumenical Patriarchate u 4-5 Relating to the Faith u 9 of the Ecumenical Office of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America Greek Section u 15- 19 SCOBA u 7 ÅÉÓ ÐÏËËÁ ÅÔÇ! HC/HC Report u 9, 12-13 Voice of Philoptochos u 27 PAGE 2 ORTHODOX OBSERVER OCTOBER 2002 ARCHDIOCESE NEWS Archdiocesan Council Continues Diligent Work u page 1 nonical committees; and the legal committee of the Mr Jaharis, in his comments to the council Council, noted several areas of progress Reports and updates the Church has made over the past year, were given by Fr Nicholas including major projects in the Depart- Triantafilou, president of ment of Family and Marriage, the Depart- Hellenic College-Holy ment of Youth and Young Adult Ministries, Cross; Fr Mark Leondis, di- the newly created Department of Philan- rector of Youth and Young thropy and the reorganization of the Com- Adult Ministries, Fr Nekta- munications Department and other areas rios Morrow, director of The Archdiocese must serve the par- Communications, Maria ishes so they can be true witnesses of Gos- Makedon, Archdiocesan Dis- pel, he said He added that the Leader- trict Coordinator of Greek ship 100 Endowment Fund has helped to Education, Fr Frank Maran- nurture new programs at Hellenic College- gos, director of Religious Holy Cross and other ministries Education, and Fr Charles Archbishop Demetrios also gave a Joanides, Department of brief report on the two-day deliberations Family and Marriage of the Eparchial Synod, which had con- The finance report cluded its meetings at the Archdiocese He was given by John Barba- said among the important issues discussed gallo, director of the Fi- were ways to save energy, avoiding unnec- nance Department He essary duplication and increasing produc- emphasized the need for tivity by having the synodal committees parishes to fulfill their D Panagos The Archdiocesan Council in Session during their first fall meeting in New York. working jointly with the archdiocesan stewardship commitments committees, with the exception of the so that the resources are available at the Synods liturgical, monasticism, and ca- Archdiocesan and Diocesan level for the proper function of our ministries He also announced that the financial statements Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew Praises of the Archdiocese for 2000-2001 are available on-line (www goarch org/ en/archdiocese/departments/finance/ Congress and Reassures Archdiocesan Council reports asp) During the Sept 27 session of the gathering of the Hierarchs of the Ecu- Fr Triantafilou reported that HC/ Archdiocesan Council, Archbishop Deme- menical Throne& HCs accreditation recently was approved trios read Ecumenical Patriarch Bartho- Upon the receipt and study of the for another 10-year-period He also noted lomews letter sent on the occasion of the detailed elements of all that transpired planned improvements to the physical meeting during the plenary sessions of the plant of the School, including repairs to The letter praised the manner in Clergy-Laity, we express to you and to the rear entranceway of the Administra- which the 36th Biennial Clergy Laity Con- all who participated in the Congress the tion Building, work on the chapel roof, gress was conducted and thanked the par- warmest congratulations of the Holy and recent improvements to athletic ticipants for the respect and love shown Mother Church of our Lord and Savior fields toward the Patriarchate Further, His All Jesus Christ and of me personally for He said there is a need for more mar- Holiness acknowledged the receipt of the the spirit of dignity, decorum, mutual ried student housing, and that currently proposals of the Congress regarding the respect and responsibility shown dur- there are 38 married couples with 46 chil- Charter, and he affirmed that they would ing the deliberations of the Congress& dren living on campus be considered and studied so that the fi- Furthermore, we express our deep He also acknowledged a $1 million nal text of the Charter constitutes a pro- satisfaction and pleasure of me person- gift from Mr and Mrs George Kostas of gressive step for the Holy Archdiocese, ally as well as of those who constitute Houston toward the cost of a proposed providing her with opportunities to fur- the Holy and Sacred Synod for the ex- student union building, and that Dr John ther develop her potential pressed respect and deep love shown ARCHBISHOP Demetrios reads D Panagos Collis of Cleveland is organizing a fund- by all who participated in the Congress raiser among Cleveland-area churches Patriarch Bartholomew’s letter.
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