2 Focus FOCUS On Resea rch and Creative Productions at Morehead State Un iversity FOCUS is published with state funds under KRS 57.375 though an off-campus printing contract and is printed on recycled paper. Contents: Comments or questions to: Volume 12 [email protected] 4 Distinguished Researcher : Ronald Morrison About The Focus Edition 5 Distinguished Creative Productions: Frank Oddis FOCUS-a point to which something converges or from which something diverges-illustrates 6 An Examination of Congruency of Literacy Instruction from the ideals of Morehead Stole University for bringing the best research together and Middle Schools to High Schools in the Commonwealth encouraging new efforts in distinctly different of Kentucky: Mary Anne Pollock, Beverl y M. Klecker, areas. The goal of FOCUS is to recognize Mattie Decker, Dreama Price faculty and professional staff involvement in sponsored research and creative projects and to illustrate diversity in the University's 7 A Phonological Atlas of Kentucky English: Terry Irons mission of teaching, research, and service to the people of East Kentucky. Through the 7 A Study of Electroluminescence and Stability of CdTe Solar combination of teaching with research, scho l­ Cells: Kent Price arship, and creative activities, an environ­ ment in which knowledge may be discovered, integrated, and disseminated to educate 8 Appalachian Mathematics and Science Partnership: students is created. FOCUS is intended to illus­ Gerald DeMoss trate the breadth of research within the Universi­ ty and thus describes only a few of the on-going 9 Computer Science and Mathematics Scholarship Program: projects under way in a variety of areas. Rodger Hammons, Lloyd Jaisingh, Russell May, Doug Chatham. Morehead Stole University is commiHed to Kathryn Lewis, Kenya Arrington. Carol Becker. Mike Hopper providing equal educational opportunities to all persons regardless of race, color, notional 9 Perceptions and Adoption of E-Business and E-Commerce origin, age, religion, sex, or disability in its educational programs, services, activities, em­ Information Technology in Appalachian Eastern Kentucky ployment policies, and admission of students Small and Medium Enterprises: Scott A. Wymer. Eli zabeth A. to any program of study. In this regard the Regan University conforms to a ll the lows, statues, and regulations concerning equal employ­ ment opportunities and a ffirmative action. This Volume 13 includes: Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amend­ 10 Distinguished Researcher: Jack Weir ments of 1972, Executive Orders 11246 and 11375, Equal Pay Act of 1963, Vietnam Era 10 Distinguished Creative Pt·oductions: Travis Lockhart Veterans Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974, Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, Sections 503 and 504 of the Rehabilita­ 11 Market Mechanism for Environmental Improvement in an tio n Act of 1973, Americans with Disabilities Inefficient Economy: Thomas Creahan Act of 19990, and Kentucky Revised Statues 207.130 to 207.240. Vocational educational 12 Molecular Mechanisms of Estrogen-Regulated Bone programs a t Morehead Stole University supported by federal funds included industrial Resorption: Dan·in DeMoss, David Peyton education, vocational agriculture, business education, ho me economics education and the associate degree program in nursing. On the cover: Lauro Ashley-Senior Biology Major and On the bock cover: Rodger Hammons, Ll oyd Joisingh, Sourik Ganguly-Graduate Student Dept. of Biology Russell May, Doug Chatham, Kathryn Lewis lumes 12 & 13 Focus 3 FOCUS Volumes 12 & 13 Publisher Jeffrey R. Li les Editorial and Produdion StaH Tim Holbrook, Photography Felton Martin, Graphic Designer 13 A Spectroscopic Technique for Determining the Leaf Nitrogen Concentration of Crop Plants: Zachary Bortolot, FOCUS is published by the C. Brent Rogers Morehead State University Office of University Marketing 13 Acquisition of a Scanning Electron Microscope for Multi­ in conjunction with the Office of Disciplinary Research and Education: Eric Jerde, Ann Research, Grants and Contracts Macintosh, Charles Mason. Sean O'Keefe, William Grise and the Research and Creative 14 The Perception of Focus: Kathryn Carlson Productions Committee. 14 MIS Faculty Perceptions Regarding the Organizational & Morehead State University Web End-User Information Systems (OEIS) Model Curriculum Address: for Information Technology Education: C. Steven Hunt www.moreheodstote.edu 16 Wild Mountain Thyme: Roma Prindle Morehead State University Board of Regents 17 J azz Quartet CD: Steven Snyder, Gordon Towell James H. Booth, Choir 18 Determination of the Role of umuD in the Response to DNA Helen C. Pennington, Vice Choir Damage: Janelle Hare L. Gene Caudill Jean Dorton 19 Effects of Bull Fertility Parameters After Administration of Sylvia L. Lovely Transdermal Ivermectin Anthelminic: Philip Prater, Troy Joson W. Marion Wi stuba. Les Anderson John C. Merchant Dr. Charles H. Morgan, Jr. 19 Sequencing the Lateral Root Primor·dium (L.R. P.) Gene from Dr. John D. O ' Cu ll Japanese Knotweed (Polygonum cuspidatum): Carol Wymer Jill Hall Rose Jerry Umberger 4 Focus "Research rema in ~. in my opinion. the from my active research agenda. While my contemporary writers such as Rosario single strongc!.t asse t to effective teaching" research intere ts do not always directly and Kim ewman. maintains Dr. Ronald Morriso n, pro fes~or inllucncc my teaching on a daily basis. For ~cve ra l year!-> now. Dr. Morrison· of English. when possible I have made an effort to teach long-term re!.earch has focused on the I' A n M SU faculty member since 1988. the literary worh that I have written about. erar) influence of the Victorian H Dr. Mon·ison has strong feelings about the and my re earch activities have greatly Movement. a multi-faceted social and pol relationship between teaching and research. influenced my knowledge of the primary lit­ ical movement that is intimately conn and his curricu lum' itae re fl ects the fact that crary texts. the critical material th at illumi­ to Victorian altitudes. about science . !>Oc ia he has worked diligently to develop both ar­ nates them. and the theoretical models that cl as~. and imperi alism. Dr. Morrison. ea of his professional life. As a graduate shape my discipline. .. grew up on a farm in Kansas and \\'ho student at the Univer ity of Kansas. he won Trained as a spec ialist in British Victo­ j oy~ work ing '' ith the donkey and mule tha several awards for teaching and scholarship. rian literature. Dr. Morrison has published live on hi!> "baby farm'' in Rowan Coun and in 2003 he won an Outstanding Teacher widely in his fie ld and is a frcqucm present­ report!> he is happy to have found a resea Award from the South Atlantic A ssociation er at state, regional. and national meetings project th at connects the various part s of h of Departments of English. and conferences in literary studies. In addi­ life. Dr. Morrison rcpot1S that winning the tion, he frcq ucmly reviews scholarly books Dr. M orrison notes that his work is often regional teaching award and the M SU Dis­ for Choice. a j ournal published by the Asso­ cited in other scholarly publications. added tingui shed Researcher Award within a six­ ciation of College and Research L ibraries. a evidence th at his es~ays are being read and month period was an exhilarat ing but ex­ division of the American Library Associa­ used in contemporary literar) research. He tremely humbling experience. M oreover. it tion. He has also been awarded five MSU is particular!) proud that several works was a chance to refl ect further on the rela­ Summer Research Fellowships and an MSU primaril) designed for student application tionship between teaching and research. sabbat ical leave. refer to hi-, publications. further illustrating '·My own experiences, as an undergrad­ While Dr. M orrison has broad research the link between teaching and research. uate and graduate Sllldent," said Dr. Morri­ interests in literary studies. his scholarly Dr. M orrison allended M ar) mount Col­ son. '·con vinced me that my best profe ors productions rc\ cal several themes to his lege of Kan<,a-,.then earned his M.A. ( 1984). were teacher- cholars who actively engaged work . Several of Dr. Morrison ·s publica­ M . Ph il. ( 1986), and Ph .D. ( 1988) from the in resea rch in their re pecti ve fi elds. While tions focu!. on gender roles in nineteenth­ University of Kansas. A t M SU. he has been sound methodology and enthusiasm are century literature and address such major involved in a range of faculty governance certainly important for successful teaching. fi gures as Thomas Hardy and Christina Ros­ act i vi ti e~ and ha!. served as Chair of MSU's an instructor's thorough cngagcmcm with setti. Dr. M orri on is also very interested in Faculty Senate. a disc ipline through research is the single the nalllrc of literary influence, and th us he strongest asset to effective teaching.'' has also published work exploring the in­ " I believe my students have benefited fluence of Victorian novelists and poets on olumes 12 & 13 Focus 5 istinguished Creative Productions Award rank Oddis. a sociate professor of famed Beijing Concert Hall. ·Though music. has served as coordinator professional percuss ion ensembles ex ist,"' of the M SU Percuss ion Program says Professor Oddis, " the medium is since 1977 and is the recipient of fostered primarily in universities through­ Distinguished Creative Produ ction ou t the world. The percussion ensemble has been my main focus for creative endeavors Professor Oddis performs w ith the in music scoring and conducting throughout lty Jazz Qua1tet at MSU. including their my career. Production of performances in y released compact disc recording this medium in its three forms, marching, lue Duck Suit. He has worked as a free­ indoor marching. and concert, in volves the percuss ionist and drummer for many coordination of many elements including 1-known celebrities and j azz artists.
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