--_--.-, ---.,.. ----- ~--------------------- ( , All the News of All the Pointes Every Thursday Morning rosse Pointe ~ws Complete News Coverage of All the Pointes Home 01 the News --------------------_._----------- -..----- ~-_. ----- .. _------_. --------------~----~~---.-._~--- ---- .__ ._---------- _V_O_L_,_3_9_-_N__O,_.24 PUbli;~::o:f1::<:~dD~:::I~.~~~el~.",,' the G ROS~~_PO_I_~TE, M IC~.I.G~N_,_T__H__U_R_S_D_A_Y_,~~N E_L5~~ ~~~ .. ,2_.0_00_p_P_'.'_Cy_~_~_, _ 30 Pages-Two Sections-Section , One ------------------------------ • Firemen Battle St, Paul Blaze for Five Hours 'Three- Alarm HEADLINES Gandelot Wins or C1e Blaze Rips WEEK ~School Board Churcll Roof As Q)mpUed by the Faulty Wiring Blamed Grosse Pointe News As Cause; Caring ., Seat Handily Community Re- Thursday, June 8 sponds to CALIFORNIA Governor Aid Parish Edmund G. (Jerry) Brown, Challenger Takes All Ten Voting Districts to Cop in the wake of the recently 3,446 to 1,426 Margin; Supporters of Winner passed Proposition 13, pro- Bv David Kramer posed a state job freeze to Also Feel Result Is 'Message to The Board' A "three-alarm fire at the 81-year-old Saint take immediate effect, while By Susan McDonald Paul Church, 157 Lake- three public employe unions Jon Gandelot's campaign against excessive ad- filed suit in opposition to the shore road, did s 0 m e ministrative spending, large class sizes and "sledge fiscal austerity necessitated $300,000 to $500,000 worth hammer" tactics against teachers won him an over- by the measure. The proposi- of damage to the roof and whelming victory over incumbent Board of Educa- tion will cut property taxes sent three firefighters to tion President John Bruce Jr, in the annual school by about 57 percent and re- the hospital on Friday quires a two-thirds vote by election Monday, June 12. the legislature for any in- afternoon. June 9. The final tally showed Mr. Farms Fire Chief Warren crease in state taxes. Many Gandelot winning in each of Schultz was taken to Cottage school districts have already the 10 voting districts with GPP Boosts Hospital following the fire. started teacher layoff pro. slightly over 70 percent of He was treated for exhaus. cedures. the vote. Of the 4,878 persons tion and sent home on Mon- • • • casting ballots, 3,446 voted Probation day, June 12. Firefighter Friday, June 9 for the winner, 1,426 for Mr. Bob Sharpe was taken to i, PRESIDENT JIMMY Car- Bruce. I Program Bon Secours for observation, 1\ ter, in a move designed to Mr. Gandelot and his sup. while firefighter Gary Lu- curtail skyrocketing beef porters claimed voters had zier suffered a sprained prices, announced he will made a clear demand for a Council Approves City's hand while fighting the blaze, allow a 15 percent increase change in School Board pol. Contribution to Oper- According to Farms Fire in imports this year. The' icies with the lopsided vote, ating Budget of Lt_ Samuel Candela, some move will save consumers Vigorous Campaign seven pieces of equipment an estimated $500 million "The Board has been talk- $25,000 and approximately 40 fire. this year. The President Photo by DaVid Kramer Firefighters battle the blaze at Saint Paul of the church is visible at the left. Approximately ing a lot about accountabil. men helped to put out the claimed his action would By Roger A. Waha Church, 157 Lakeshore road, as remnants of 40 firefighters took almost five hours to com- ity recently," said former blaze, which took almost five not hurt American cattle- Defer School principal and hours to completely extin- smoke enve"lope the structure in the late after- pletely extinguish the fire. The Park C 0 u n c i I, men, although their lobbyists Gandelot supporter, Jesse guish. denounced the move. Most noon sun of Friday, June 9. Damage to the roof based upon the recom- Lowther. "What we see here mendation of City Man- Pull Out Valuables of the beef imports are to The fire originated in the I is the people holding the ager John Crawford and be used for hamburger, CI School Board accountable." space between the roof and GP W d I M · F t. I the hard work of Munic- which will cost about five 00 S ;,ummer USIC es lva Offers Plan The new Board member, the false ceiling of the cents less than it would \ who will assume his new re- ipal Judge Beverly C. church_ According to Msgr_ sponsibility on Saturday, July G rob bel, unanimously Francis Canfield, pastor of \\ithO;:t~~!a:;::ne 10 Eyes Empty Opens with Detroit To Develop I, 'said he felt voters had re- voted to pay its share of Saint Paul, the fire had been sponded strongly to his bus. a $25,000 operating budg- smoldering some five to six de~ltORt~~n~e;H~~c~i~~~~t Dtvellings Symphony on Jnne 18 Hill Area inesslike 'approach and his et for the Grosse Pointe hours before it was noticed stands on fiscal issues. at about 4:15 p.m. saying he had received a di- C Volunteer Probation Pro- "When a popular incum. The fire was blamed on rect revelation from God, Council. Approves Law wenty-Firsf Annual Event Features Four on- gram for fiscal year 1978- T landscape Architect bent president like John faulty wiring. Damage was 'announced the church would. Cer,hi. 79. f Governing' Va~-ant"--. Units, War. Memorial's Grounds to Be Ope;, Gives Slide Presenta- mostly limited to the roof Bruce gets beaten as badly as With this action taken at end its 148.year policy 0 for Picnicking Prior to Eac~ performance and false ceiling, although discrimination by allowing Need for Permit, De- _ tion, Hopes for Ac- he did, it has to be a mes- the regular meeting Mon. sage to the entire Board," the pipe organ and the floor blacks to become priests for molition U~der Cer- By Irene Moran tion from Citizens, day, June 12, the municipal- Mr. Gandelot claimed_ "1 ity will pay, probably in two suHered some water damage. the first time. The move is tain Conditions The War Memorial opens its 21st annual Grosse Council have listened to many, many The alarm was called in the most important policy Pointe Summer Music Festival, a series of four installments, a total of $6,' people in the last three 632.50 of the budget which at 4:16 p.m. when two men, change for the church since B..' Roger A. Waha concerts, on Sunday, June 18, at 7:30 p.m. The open- By David Kramer months and I intend to keep one a passing motorist on it banned polygamy in the .1 h W M ' 1 k 'd D S h 'h h is based on a population cri- 1890's. In other news, the An ordl'nance amend- er, staged on tear emorial s a eSl e terrace, ave c erVlS as a on listening and relying less teria, Lakeshore road, and the Ford Motor Co. recalled some ing the city code by add- 32 Lakeshore road, will feature the Detroit Sym- plan_ And it's really on the S(hool administra- other painting a picture on tion to tell me how to vote," Based upon the 1970 cen. the front lawn of the Grosse 1.5 million Pintos and Bob- ing a chapter governing phony Orchestra, conducted by the orchestra's guest some plan. It's a plan sus, the population criteria cats to install a plastic shield vacant dwelling units- conductor and associate to the music director, Wer- that seems so far out that Mr. Gandelot conducted a Pointe Academy, saw smoke vigorous, well.organized cam- became a reality in May coming from the church. in front of the gas tanks in requiring a vacancy per- ner Torkanowsky. many might think it bor- paign centered around sever- when the judges felt it The church was empty at order to reduce the chances mit and demolition of The program will consist a Banquet of 18th-Century ders on the impossible. al basic issues_ would be more desirable to the time the fire broke out. of the tanks being punctured such units under certain of the Overture to "La Gazza Orchestral Music by Detroit But it's exciting, and for He challenge a Mr. Bruce, local officials than the prevo Maintenance men and priests iously proposed state equal- in a rear-end collision. Ford conditions _ was un ani- Ladra" by Rossini, Symphony Symphony Orchestra I1Jem- Mr. Schervish, it's very and the entire School Board, quickly pulled out the had bitterly contested find- NO.4, A Major, Opus 90 bers, with Frederic DeHaven reaL ized valuation criteria. mously approved by the d ' on its recent decision to is. valuables from the church ings of the National Highway (Italian), by Mendelssohn, con uctmg. What is this plan that he sue bonds to finance a build- Might Spur Others as it burned. Traffic Safety Administra- Woods Council at its reg- "Der Rosenkavalier" Suite, Mr_ DeHaven holds the is so excited about? It's ing addition to South High Mutual aid was requested tion, which found the cars to ular meeting Monday, Opus 59, by R. Strauss and post of organist and choir- what you might call a mas- After reviewing a report School without first taking a prepared by Judge Grobbel by The Farms, and firemen be unusually susceptible to June 5, "Estancia" Dances by Gina- master at Christ Church, ter plan to completely re- vote of the people. and equipment were brought fires in rear.end collisions. An objective of the new stera. Grosse Pointe.
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