advertisement NOVEMBER 14, 1998 Music Volume 15, Issue 46 £3.95 DM11 FFR35 BRAND NEW SINGLE US$7 DFL11.50 `Kicking My Heart Around' Media®we taller to radio M&M chart toppers this week Court suspends Radio 105 shares t 100 Singles Luxembourg -based media Tribunal on October 24. Mm exclusive groupSBS. Itprevents SBS (Scandinavian Broad- OSMITH Alberto Hazan, the majority casting Systems), which owns t To Miss A Thing by Mark Dezzani shareholder and president of TV and radio interests through- o .a) Finelco (Radio 105/99 Pub- out Europe, signed a contract to MILAN - Dealing in shares of Italianblicita's privately -owned holding acquire 60 percent of Finelco in CHR network Radio 105 and its adver-company) from selling or transfer- November 1996, paying $7.5 million, tising sales house 99 Pubblicita hasring any shares in the company whilst withanoptiontopurchasethe been suspended by a Milan court. Finelco'slegalownershipisbeing remaining shares in the company over The ruling, by the Milan Tribunalresolved in a court case between Haz- an unspecified time period. court, follows a court case brought by an and SBS, which began at the Milan continued on page 25 European Radio To GEORGE MIC Outside Final UniGram (Epic) offer is open Inside M&M this week MONTREAL - In a month's time, Poly - Gram will cease to exist as a stand- XXL: SHARP AND IN STYLE alone company and itsintegration Commercial competition and new intoUniversalwillbegin,writes opportunitieshaveledtonew, Emmanuel Legrand. Hannover -based CM station Radio young, cutting edge formats at Ger- The move will end a six month saga ffn is aiming to win back its posi- man public radio. M&M reports on which began when Dutch conglomerate tion as Lower Saxony's most popu- the latest arrival to make its mark, Philips agreed to sell the world's largest lar commercial station (which it Frankfurt's HR-XXL. Page 10 record company to Canadian spirits and Keiner br nqt die Suphits lost two years ago to CHR rival Hit Radio), with a new poster campaign entertainment group The Seagram Co. der 80er & 90er and das Beste BLUE FOR WHO? The final stage of the $10.4 billion emphasising its commitment to the Javier Vargas continued on page 24 von heute soL701/i/(// wie wir. biggest hits of the '80s and '90s. (pictured with Carlos Santana), the Spanish blues EU to launch piracy inquiryAlanis: Europe guitarist who will play live for Euro- by Emmanuel Legrand and institutions of the EU. peanandU.S. The consultation exercise is expected infatuated? broadcasters at BRUSSELS - The European to be completed by March 1999, by Christian Lorenz & Tom Ferguson NAB in Madrid Commission islaunching a following a March 2/3 session later this month, is developing his broad multi -industry inquiry with allinterested parties in LONDON - Europe's own strain of Latin rock on his lat- which will attempt to quantify Munich, organised by the Euro- Infatuation with Alanis est album, Feedback. Page 11 the economic impact of piracy pean Commission underthe Morissette (pictured) and counterfeiting in the EU, German presidency of the Coun- looks set to continue- TWIN TRACKS TO EUROPE and set the framework for Europe's cil of Ministers. although the continent's In a M&M profile, editor -in -chief policy on these matters. European Commissioner Mario Mon- radio jury still has to Emmanuel Legrandspeaksto On October22,the Commission ti, whose DG XV department deals with deliver its final verdict. Warner Music Europe president adopted a Green Paper on "CombatingSingle Market affairs, declares: "There IntheU.S.,early Manfred Zumkeller about the com- Counterfeiting and Piracy in the Singlemust be a determined fight against salesfigureslook like pany's development strategy over Market." This document will serve as a counterfeiting and piracy,since they racking up yet another the past decade. Page 9 basis for discussion with all the indus-jeopardise the proper functioning of the record for the Canadian tries involved, plus the member states continued on page 25 continued on page 25 selling sing ein Top 10 in U.K. Top 20 in Germany AmericanRadioHistory.Com NEWS Music U.K. report raises digital concerns by Mike McGeever social, economic andnot be available until at least 2007, if politicalquestions." at all. Media. LONDON - Britain's commer- U.K. trade body the The IPPR study, which suggests the Call M&M on: cial radio industry is calling Commercial Radio life of a commercial radio licence tel (+44) 171 323 6686 on the government to allow a Companies should be extended from the current 8 fax (+44) 171 323 2314/16 quicker and more extensive Association, whichyears to between 12-15, also recom- itorld I development of digital radio commissioned themends a "sliding scale of ownership Editor in chief: Emmanuel Legrand Managing editor: Tom Ferguson at the local level than previ- report from the IPPRlimits, which is more permissive for News editor: Jonathan Heasman ously envisaged. togetherwiththe companies who are only active in one Features/specials: Terry Heath Music business/talent editor: Christian Lorenz The move comes in the Radio Advertisingmedia sector and becomes progressive- Programming editor: Mike McGeever wake of a report published on Bureau and transmis-ly tighter for companies active in sev- Charts 8c research November 3 by the Institute sionprovider NTL, eral [media] markets." Charts editor: Raul Cairo for Public Policy Research contends in a state- Meanwhile, leading radio group Charts researchers: Menno Visser, (IPPR) on the future of U.K ment: "Delaying any GWR has commissioned accountancy Siri Stavenes commercial radio. The report, experiment of small firm KPMG to study various scenarios Production entitled future.radio.uk, rec- area digital local of future control of radio ownership Production manager: Jonathan Crouch Designer: Dominic Salmon ommends government intervention to broadcasting until 2007islikely which might be acceptable to both the Correspondents: enable the commercial sector's digitalto...stifle innovation and ultimately industry and the government. The find- Austria: Susan L. Schuhmayer - (43) 1 334 9608 radio services to complete on a leveljeopardise the laudable effort to move ings of the report are expected in a Belgium: Marc Macs - (32) 3 568 8082 playing field with those from public the industry into digital." week's time. Classical/jazz: Terry Berne - (34) 9 3458 3791 executiveRalph Czech Republic: Michele Legge - broadcaster the BBC. Currently there is only enough dig- GWR chief (42) 2 248 75000 The IPPR is an independent, non-ital radio spectrum available for local Bernard comments: "Current regula- Dance Grooves: Gary Smith - (34) 9 3488 2180 tions are hindering the ability of com- Denmark: Charles Ferro - (45) 3391 9156 profit making body formed 10 yearscommercial radio services to cover France: Rdmi Bouton (radio and music ago by figures from the academic, busi- around 55percentof the U.K. mercial radio in the U.K to be diverse business) - (33) 1 4586 8466; Cecile Tesseyre ness and trade union communities toAdditional room on the spectrum for and competitive, which why we have to (artist profiles) - (33) 1 4909 0896 Germany: Ed Meza (radio) - (4930) 4239782 "contribute to public understanding ofmore local digital radio services will argue a case for change." Greece: Cosmas Develegas - (30) 935 65641 Italy: Mark Dezzani - (39) 0184 292 824 The Netherlands: Robbert Tilli - (31) 20-672 2566 Norway: Kai Lofthus - (47) 918 21 208 Spain: Howell Llewellyn - (34) 9 1593 2429; Spanish awards season kicks off Sweden: Keith Foster - (46) 8 366 228 SolescindMcarketing Luis Merino, head of music pro- Director of advertising sales: Christine Chinetti gramming at Groupo Prisa's radio International sales director: MADRID - Nominations and winners division SER, says: "The Ondas are a Ron Betist (UK, USA) - (31) 299 420274; mobile: (31) 653 194133 have been revealed for two major reflection of the maturity that music Sales executives: Christine Chinetti (G/S/A) - award ceremonies which take place in has gained in the media, where there (44) 171 323 6686; Igor Rooselaar (Benelux; Scandinavia) - (31) 299 420274 Spain this month. is now a greater diversity of styles in Francois Millet (France) - (33) 145 49 29 33 The 45th Premios Ondas, organ- radio and TV programming." Beth Dell'Isola (US Radio) - (1) 770 908 8373; Lidia Bonguardo (Italy, Spain, Greece, ised annually by the Grupo Prisa There are three nominations for Portugal) - (39) 031570056. media groupthroughitsRadio each of the 16 Premios Amigo awards, Sales & marketing co-ordinator: intoSpanish, Claudia Engel Barcelona station,traditionally which aredivided International circulation director: announces its winners in advance of International, and Latino Tim Freeman sections. Molotov, Fran- European circulation promotion the Barcelona award ceremony, which manager: Paul Brigden this year takes place on November 12. Group is female duo Ella cisco Cespedes, the Financial controller: Kate Leech Meanwhile, the second Premios Amigo BailaSola(Hispavox). Lighthouse Family and Accounts assistant: Christopher Barrett Office manager: Linda Nash awards-organised by record labels'Scheduled to appear live Gloria Estefan have all association AFYVE-will be staged in at the Ondas ceremony secured more than three Music & Media 23 Ridgmount St, London WC1E Madrid on November 26. were Sabina, Francisco nominations each. In the UNITED KINGDOM The Ondas started life as purely Cespedes, Mike Oldfield, Spanish section, there are Phone numbers : (44) 171 323 6686, (44) 01858 435326 (subscriptions) radio industry awards, but over the Nina Pastori and Rosana. two nominations each for Fax numbers : (44) 171 323 2314 (editorial) years have grown to incorporate cine- Among theOndas Manolo Garcia, Jarabe de (44) 171 631 0428 (sales), (44) 01858 432164 ma, TV and music. Of the 12 musicradioawards, Joaquin Palo, Joan Manuel Serrat, Subscription rates : awardsthisyear,BarcelonaactLuqui, who has spent 30 Nina Pastori, Maki, and United Kingdom UK£160 ; Germany DM399; Jarabe de Palo won the Best Album of his 50 years behind a La Oreja de Van Gogh.
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