WEST RIVER Informing Catholics in Western South Dakota since May 1973 Diocese of Rapid City CAugustatholic 2017 South Dakota Volume 46 Number 4 www.rapidcitydiocese.org Great Attendance The National Tekakwitha Conference was held in Rapid City, July 19-22. Dedicated to St. Kateri Tekakwitha, it is the largest gathering of Native Catholics in the U.S. and Canada. This year more than 750 people attented the event in Rapid City. (Pictured) Dancer Dallas Chief Eagle and his daughter, Dallasina, performed at the powwow demonstrating tradi- tional hoop dancing. (WRC photos by Laurie Hallstrom) National Tekakwitha Conference brings tribes together witha Conferences, and while he wherein native people could sup- By Laurie Hallstrom cannot recite every state by heart, port one another in faith. He said “Loving One Another he does recall the religious and so- by the mid-1980s the national Through the Spirit of Kateri,” was cial experiences they brought to conferences had become predom- the theme of the 78th Annual Na- him. inantly a gathering of elders. The tional Tekakwitha Conference “The National Tekakwitha Tekakwitha Conferences he has held in Rapid City, July 19-22. It Conferences were a positive faith attended brought together all brought together people of many experiences for the entire family. I generations. “Include the youth in Mailing Label Mailing Tekakwitha Conference tribes, religious and clergy. remember grandmothers and planning conferences. We have to Committee leaders, Alice Fr. Peter Klink, SJ, vice presi- grandfathers, mothers and fathers, be fun and substantive to them,” Pourier, vice committee chair, dent for Mission and Identity at children and grandchildren all cel- he said. from Pine Ridge, and Beverly Red Cloud Indian School, Pine ebrating, all having a good time, He noted the conferences were Running Bear, committee chair, Ridge, gave the opening keynote all sharing faith,” he said. larger before the October 2012 from Rapid City, carried the address on July 20. He has at- Father Klink recalled the St. canonization of St. Kateri. traveling Tekakawitha icon in tended many National Tekak- Mary and St. Joseph Societies Tekakwitha, Continued on page 3 the Grand Entry, July 20. 2 WRC August 2017 Knights bring Christ alive in wonderfulNo Greater Love ways I recently attended the Knights of one family. The rebuilding work will begin deeply affected. Columbus 135th Supreme Convention in immediately. For more information about To my brother St. Louis, a gathering of over two thousand this initiative or to donate to it, please Knights in the Diocese from throughout North and Central Amer- visit www.christiansatrisk.org. of Rapid City, I con- ica, the Caribbean, Africa, Asia and Europe These are just a few examples of the clude with the encour- – bishops, clergy, Knights and their families great charitable work of the Knights of agement that our – to celebrate what the Knights of Colum- Columbus, continuing its efforts to build a Supreme Knight shared Bishop bus accomplished over the past year and to culture of life and a civilization of love. at the annual conven- Robert Gruss give encouragement to the members as they I am deeply grateful for the great work tion. “This year let us be carry out the mission of the Knights of the Knights of Columbus have done in in even greater ways Diocese of Columbus in their local church. The theme parishes throughout our diocese, for their who we are called to be of this year’s convention was “Convinced of support of me and our priests, and for their as brother Knights. Let Rapid City God’s Love and Power.” witness and dedication through the ways in us strive to be that radi- Throughout their history, since 1882, the which they serve as the Lord’s hands. ant and attractive witness of fraternal com- Knights of Columbus have been a force in I would encourage all Catholic men to munion that our church and our world so responding to the challenges of the times, become members of the Knights of Colum- desperately need. Let us strive to be au- those challenges presented by the culture, bus. It is a wonderful way for men to sup- thentic witnesses of how to care for one an- and the challenges faced in society around port one another in their faith, to deepen other, and how to encourage and the world. The Knights’ dedication and their faith through prayer and action, and accompany one another. We can and we commitment to the mission of Jesus Christ to answer the Lord’s call to intentional dis- will do these things as the spiritual sons of is expressed through the ways in which they cipleship. When Catholic men come off the Father Michael McGivney. We can and we serve as the Lord’s hands. As we all know, sidelines and get into the work of Christian will do these things because we are con- the heart of Christianity is not a series of St. Louis Archbishop Robert J. Carlson charity, unity and fraternity the mission of vinced of God’s love and power.” Vivat principles or ideas. It is the person of Jesus celebrates the opening Mass for the Jesus Christ comes alive and many lives are Jesus! Christ who extends his deep love for us and 135th annual Knights of Columbus then propels us into action, sacrificing our Supreme Convention Aug. 1 at America's own lives for others. This is the work of the Center in St. Louis. (CNS photo/Teak Understanding Christian Persecution Knights of Columbus. Phillips, St. Louis Review) VATICAN CITY (CNS) — To understand Those who are “convinced of God’s love the current situation in Iraq — the evolving and power” find this as the source of the tians since 2014 in the form of food, cloth- and complex conflicts there, and the fear Christian life and mission. This underlies ing, shelter, education and medical care. and resilience of its Christians — one has the work of Christian charity and fraternal Supreme Knight Anderson shared, “Chris- to understand its past, which is often charity which is the hallmark of the tians who endure suffering and death for ignored or unknown in the West, said a Knights of Columbus and their councils their faith in places like Iraq, Syria and former papal representative to the country. throughout the world. Egypt, show us how to confront terrible evil “History is itself a victory over igno- Supreme Knight Carl Anderson, in his with the weapons of love and truth. They rance, marginalization and intolerance; it annual report given at the convention, are a brilliant witness to God’s love and is a call for respect and to not repeat the mistakes of the past,” said Cardinal Fer- shared the major accomplishments of the power.” nando Filoni in his book, “The Church in Knights of Columbus over the past year. He Two new initiatives were announced to Iraq.” spoke of new records in charitable giving, assist Christians at Risk. First, on Novem- The book is also “a testimonial” to the with more than $177,500,673 given last ber 26, the Knights of Columbus and the victims of “the Islamic terrorism of ISIS,” year. Over the past decade, the Knights of United States Conference of Catholic Bish- he told the Christians and non-Christians Columbus have donated $1,622,606,995. ops will sponsor a day of prayer for perse- he met when Pope Francis sent him as his Over 75 million hours of volunteer service cuted Christians followed by a Week of personal representative to encounter and by its members around the world reflect Awareness and Education. Secondly, a new pray with those shaken communities that countless individual acts of kindness and effort was announced to help save Christi- fled the Islamic State. That brief visit in 2014 was a home- love, changing the lives of many people. anity in Iraq by raising $2 million to save coming of sorts. Other accomplishments include increased the Christian town of Karamedes in Iraq. The Italian cardinal, now 71, lived in membership and the sixteenth consecutive Until recently Karamedes was controlled by Iraq during a time of great tension and tur- year of growth in insurance sales. ISIS. The terrorists desecrated churches and moil. St. John Paul II made him the apos- The Knights of Columbus led the way graves and looted and destroyed homes. tolic nuncio — the pope’s diplomatic This is the cover of “The Church in Iraq” by worldwide in assisting Christians facing The Knights of Columbus are urging representative — to Iraq and Jordan in Jan- Cardinal Fernando Filoni. “History is itself a persecution, especially those facing geno- local councils, parishes, or other church uary 2001. Several months later, after victory over ignorance, marginalization and cide in the Middle East. They have provided groups, and individuals to help by donating 9/11, the United States administration intolerance; it is a call for respect and to not more than $13 million to persecuted Chris- $2,000 — the approximate cost of resettling started building pressure against Iraq, repeat the mistakes of the past,” said pushing for military action. Cardinal Filoni in his book. (CNS) August 2017 WRC 3 Tekakwitha, Continued from page 1 _______ cese of Philadelphia, celebrated the opening ents thought that would be best for us. speaking and listening and answering ques- Mass. He reminded the people he was or- “Now I make sure that our young people tions in Lakota. This is part of the answer. “The challenge and invitation of St. Ka- dained a bishop 29 years ago in Rapid City. know who they are. We have a Lakota lan- This is part of how we make things better.” teri, and of a loving God, is basically ‘now In his homily, he said many of the people guage immersion nest and to see the young Auxiliary Bishop Edward Clark, Los what’? How is the spirit inviting us and he spoke with since his arrival at the con- people there is mind-boggling.
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